Essay on "Honor Killing"

Essay 4 pages (1417 words) Sources: 1 Style: MLA

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Honor Killing

The legal case known as the Massie Affair is described and analyzed in the book Honor Killing Race, Rape and Clarence Darrow's Spectacular Last Case by David E. Stannard. The story of the killing of an accused rapist created a sensation in Hawaii where it occurred and across the country in 1932, and the merits of the case have been argued ever since. The case was a major issue even before it included Clarence Darrow as defense attorney. The case presents a nexus of race, social class, legal structures, and other forces and suggests some of the failures of the legal system, the prejudices of much of the populace, the place of the military among a civilian population, and more.

The case involved a pampered daughter of privilege named Thalia Fortexcue, who married Lieutenant Thomas Massie, a naval officer stationed at Pearl Harbor from 1930. She may have married the dashing lieutenant without realizing that he was limited to military pay, and the lack of money and the difference in social standing created tensions that divided the two. In addition, Thalia believed herself to be socially superior to the other wives at Pearl Harbor, so she was largely ignored by them because of her behavior. The couple soon became known for excessive drinking and public battles. The lieutenant in time was disenchanted with his wife and sought a divorce, but he first gave her a warning and said if she did not behave, he would go through with the divorce, which at that time was a stronger threat to her social standing than it might be today. One evening, the pair attended a Navy event at a nightclub in Waikiki, and Thalia did not behave that night and slapped an officer before storming
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out alone. Massie thought she had gone home. After a while, he started calling home to see if she was all right, and when she did answer, she seemed to be in a state of shock an claimed that oln her way home she had been raped by several Hawaiian men. She did not want to call the police, but her husband did so anyway. Thalia did not give any details at first and claimed that it was too dark and that she could not identify any of the men involved. Later, though, she gave the police a description and a license number. The police arrested a man named Horace Ida, and it would later be shown that much of the information Thalia gave that led to this arrest had been given to her by the police. Also arrested was Ida's friend, Joseph Kahahawai, and three others. Other witnesses emerged to cast doubts on her story. The trial fell apart and led to a mistrial.

That was the first trial associated with the Massie Affair. While awaiting a retrial, Thomas Massie and two Navy enlisted men kidnapped Kahahawai, apparently because he was the darkest skinned of the five defendants. The kidnapping was at the instigation of Thalia's mother, and she and the Navy men interrogated Kahahawai and tried to beat a confession out of him. One of the group eventually shot Kahahawai, and the group went to dump his body in a desolate area, but they were stopped by police before they reached their destination and were arrested. The second trial associated with the Massie Affair would also be the main event.

The situation from the first had strong racial overtones, with the young white wife supposedly raped by the "natives" on the island. Her charges were flimsy, which made many Hawaiians believe that she had made them up and that the first trial was a case of white justice seeking to blame the dark-skinned man for a crime that did not occur. Also, the case raised all manner of flags about supposed black lust for white women, about vindictive white women being able to find dark-skinned scapegoats for their own indiscretions, about the occupying military lording it over the native population, and so on. Many in the white population saw the issue differently and believed that the men were guilty and that they were only acquitted by a Hawaiian jury that hated white people. That sort of outcome was the mirror of… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Honor Killing" Assignment:

This is a Political Science course titled: Law, Politics & Society. In this course we read a book called: "Honor Killing Race, Rape and Clarence Darrow's Spectacular Last Case" by: ***** E. Stannard.

In this essay, think about the intersections of law, politics, and society as witnessed in Honor Killing by addressing the two trials that make up the Massie affair. How did the specific social, legal and political situation of Territorial Hawai*****i impact the trials? When viewing the trials in this context, do you see evidence of a legal system based in justice, or were the trials examples of the system failing? Construct an essay answering both questions and reflect briefly on what it has meant for you to read this book in our class.

Develop your arguments carefully, using specific examples as evidence from the book. You may use short citations to support your argument, but please avoid using long quotes. Instead, refer to specific incidents, arguments or passages by using page numbers and use your own words to summarize Stannard*****s arguments and in formulating your own.

How to Reference "Honor Killing" Essay in a Bibliography

Honor Killing.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Honor Killing (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Honor Killing. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Honor Killing” 2008.
”Honor Killing”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Honor Killing”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Honor Killing [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Honor Killing. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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