Research Proposal on "Models as Related to a Given Organization"

Research Proposal 15 pages (4990 words) Sources: 4 Style: APA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Homeless Youth in Minnesota:

The Leadership Challenges

To effectively develop and implement leadership initiatives such that these drives may be utilized in efforts to confront issues of homelessness as experienced by youth in Minnesota, HMIS must capitalize on its internal resources.

Background of Homeless Youth in Minnesota

Every three years, Wilder Research Center conducts a one-day study, revealing the approximate number of people experiencing homelessness throughout Minnesota. This massive project constitutes the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind in the United States (U.S.). When the Center conducted its latest study, October 26, 2006, researchers concluded that on any given night, nearly 9,000 Minnesotans may be homeless, with almost 11,000 more estimated to be "precariously housed" - typically doubled up with friends or relatives. In addition to the 2,700 children experiencing homelessness with their parents, more than 600 youth, 17 years old or younger, are reportedly homeless and surviving on their own (Wilder Research, 2007). Young people on their own comprise some of the least visible, yet most vulnerable of the homeless population. They less likely stay in shelters than do adults. More often, homeless youth stay temporarily with friends or in places not intended for habitation.

Homelessness depicts a composite of a myriad conditions and events, such as poverty; changes in residence, schools, and services; loss of possessions; disruptions in social networks; and exposure to extreme hardship. From an early age, a number of youths experiencing homelessness regularly face serious and c
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hallenging situations. They frequently experience conflicts with parents, abusive relationships, unreliable housing, and mental health issues. Over one third of homeless youth (35%) reported their parents neglected to provide food, shelter, or medical care, and/or consistently ignored their physical or emotional needs. Over half of homeless youth (54%) have been physically and/or sexually abused. Nearly one third (32%) of these youth reported they have remained in an abusive situation because they had no other housing options (Wilder Research, 2007).

Youth Homelessness Factors/Issues

In the journal article, "Youth Homelessness: A Call for Partnerships between Research and Policy Homeless," Sean a. Kidd, and Larry Davidson (2006) assert that the gripping need exists for researchers and policy-makers to exert collaborative efforts to improve social policy; informed by research findings. Factors/issues contributing to youth experiencing homelessness include "…young people being thrown out of, or running away from, homes in which abuse and neglect are occurring. Also frequent are histories of domestic violence, parental criminality and substance abuse, and poverty" (Kidd & Davidson, ¶ 2). Although no accurate estimates regarding the extent of youth homelessness, statistics indicate their numbers are increasing and that a minimum of one million youths were perceived to be homeless in North America during 2006.

Significance of Youth Homelessness

Beyond the toll homelessness takes on the youth themselves, the cost to the community proves substantial. The financial liabilities include the costs associated with of out-of-home placements, juvenile corrections, child protection services, lost future workforce, along with a potential tax base lost to the community. Nevertheless, according to E. Hart-Shegos, E. (1999) in "Homelessness and its effects on children," the Family Housing Fund found that the cost of supportive housing for a chronically homeless family, which depicts a step toward alleviating the problem, totals less than half the cost of the aforementioned public services required if these youth remain homeless (Hart-Shegos). Although a myriad of myths surround homelessness, with some discounting its significance, this critical issue proves significant. The reality purports that unless those empowered to counter the contemporary crisis start acting today, the concerns and impact of the issues associated with homelessness will only intensify and become literally and figuratively more costly tomorrow.

Research Questions

Research questions this paper addresses include:

1. What leadership challenges exist for Minnesota HMIS?

2. What strategies might leaders implement to better confront the issue of homeless youth in Minnesota?

II. Aspects of leadership as specifically applied to HMIS goals, mission and vision with respect to confronting the issue of homeless youth in Minnesota

Leadership in Context. Shared Leadership and Power

The leader who focuses on building shared-power arrangements enhances the strength of the group and contributes to achieving external agency goals. Barbara C. Crosby and John M. Bryson (2005), two public affairs professors associated with the University of Minnesota proffer their concept of public leadership in their book, Leadership for the common good; tackling public problems in a shared-power world. As they detail how their approach may be implemented to develop coalitions that solve problems, Crosby and Bryson explain the dynamics of a shared-power, "no-one-in-charge" world. The shared leadership and power approach, they stress, may be utilized to help advance the efforts of those committed to resolving the crisis (Crosby & Bryson, chapter 3). Personal Leadership

Tom Rath and Barry Conchie (2007) stress that leaders possess their own unique style and each individual leader may develop leadership strengths. The greatest leaders recognize their natural talents. Even though they realize they are good at what they do, however, they still invest time to improve themselves in their areas of expertise. For leaders to be effective, they need to recognize that developing people and developing strategies are both vital. An effective leader will be successful in each of the four domains of leadership strength: Executing, influencing, relationship building, and strategic thinking. These components constitute critical components of the individual's personal leadership abilities.

Effective leaders also make a point to leverage their natural talents. As they practice what they know to work best, they also and add knowledge and skills to their base of skill. They are not only naturally gifted in particular areas; they invest effort to hone their skills. Talent without effort proves about as useless as a great amount of effort with diminutive talent. One minus the other reflects a waste. To become a great leader and develop strong leadership, one needs both a great amount of effort and talent (Rath & Conchie, 2007).

For optimal organization, organizations require strong leadership, as well as strong management. In the journal publication, "Team leadership: Concepts, roles, strategies & attributes," P.C. Bansal (2008) points out that collaboration and cooperation drive leadership, while they simultaneously demonstrate a deep faith in the interdependence of individuals, as well as, their creative/innovative abilities. Time, perceived as a finite source and flexibility, serves as a vital ingredient of the recipe for success.

Bansal (2008) identifies the three general categories of skills that prove to be relevant to leaders. These include:

1. Conceptual skills

2. interpersonal skills, and

3. Technical skills.

Alongside having a memory for detail, other skills complementary to help leaders be successful in a variety of situations include their analytical ability and their speaking ability. Sill other pertinent competencies a leader may benefit from include the ability to learn and adapt to change, as well as, emotional and social intelligence. Obtaining information about a person's traits and skills helps identify training needs for the organization's current jobs or to help prepare leaders to serve in to higher level positions.

Team Leadership

Teams constitute a central focus in new systems of organization. For a team to be effective, it must consist of both membership and team leadership (Bansal, 2008). The team's capacity to create synergy constitutes its most critical characteristic. Leaders build their teams by making them responsible for different tasks, allocating resources they need, recognizing the significance of team work, and in turn implementing team rewards. Attaching high value to team in performance appraisal systems and instituting particular programs helps reduce conflicts and increases collaboration.

Conflict management -- moving beyond the common ground of compromise to higher ground of creativity and innovation is necessary to move a team forward and build cohesiveness (Gerzon, 2006). This mandates that the leader nurtures an environment conducive to team work and pulls people together when conflict strikes in the organization or community. Mark Gerzon, author of Leading Through Conflict…, regularly works with leaders of conflicted groups and fragmented organizations. Gerzon encourages leaders to utilize the following eight tools to convert conflicts or challenges into progress: Bridging, conscious communication, dialogue, innovation, integral vision, inquiry, presence, and system thinking. He explains that leaders may be perceived as:

1. Those implementing a fear-based leadership strategy, who establishe a win/lose mind set;

2. those who mean well but operate only within their department, not perceiving the big picture, but denoting issues as us/them;

3. those who think systemically and see the entire picture; who identify each of the significant elements relating to the conflict; who understand the relationship between these various elements.

Tools for Effective Team Building

Great leaders recognize not only their strengths but also note their deficiencies. They reportedly excel in only a relatively limited number of leadership areas, however they successfully identify other individuals who compensate for those particular deficiencies. Rather than mimicking others, they understand their strengths and develop their way of leading. To build their teams, leaders may draw from a number of effective team building tools, including StrengthFinder, Thomas-Kihlman Conflict Management, and MBTI (Rath & Conchie, 2008). StrengthFinder… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Models as Related to a Given Organization" Assignment:


I need assistance with the following:

1) An outline*****”1-2 pages due Oct 21

2) Paper*****”15 pages due Nov 15

The Instructions for the outline:

Goal of an Outline


This is what was initially requested from me.

Exercise: Developing Your Initial Leadership Case Statement

1-2 pages, double spaced.

Describe a situation or public problem in which you are currently involved or

interested and which calls for inspiring and mobilizing others to pursue the

common good. The situation or problem may involve an organization, network of

organizations, neighborhood, city, region, state, nation, or the world.

1. Write 2*****3 paragraphs explaining the situation or problem. What are its origins?

Whom does it affect? Why is it important? Include some factual material, not just

your opinions.

2. Write 2*****3 paragraphs outlining the leadership challenges connected to the case.

Be as specific as possible.

1. What is preventing beneficial change in the situation?

2. What are the opportunities for initiating beneficial change?

3. Who might take on leadership responsibilities in this case?

This is what I submitted in response to the above.

Homeless Youth in Minnesota

Every three years, Wilder Research Center conducts a one-day study of the number of people experiencing homelessness throughout Minnesota. It is the largest and most comprehensive study of its kind in the nation. The Center conducted its latest study on October 26, 2006.2 It concluded that on any given night, nearly 9,000 Minnesotans are homeless, and almost 11,000 more are *****precariously housed**********”mostly doubled up with friends or relatives. In addition to the 2,700 children experiencing homelessness with their parents, more than 600 youth (17 or younger) are homeless and on their own. (Wilder Research, 2007). Young people on their own are some of the least visible and most vulnerable homeless individuals. They are less likely than adults to stay in shelters. More often, they stay temporarily with friends or in places not intended for habitation.

Homelessness is a composite of many conditions and events, such as poverty; changes in residence, schools, and services; loss of possessions; disruptions in social networks; and exposure to extreme hardship. Many youths experiencing homelessness have had to face serious and challenging situations from an early age. They are often troubled by conflicts with parents, abusive relationships, unreliable housing, and mental health issues. Over one third of homeless youth (35%) reported their parents neglected to provide food, shelter, or medical care, or consistently ignored their physical or emotional needs. Over half of homeless youth (54%) have been physically and/or sexually abused. Nearly one third (32%) of these youth reported having stayed in an abusive situation because they had no other housing options. (Wilder Research, 2007).

There are a lot of myths surrounding homelessness, but the reality is that*****“unless we start acting today*****“the concerns and impact of the issues associated with homelessness will only grow larger (and more costly). Beyond the toll homelessness takes on the youth themselves, the cost to the community is substantial. The financial liabilities alone include the costs associated with of out-of-home placements, juvenile corrections, child protection services, lost future work force, and a lost tax base to the community. And yet, the Family Housing Fund found that the cost of supportive housing for a chronically homeless family (a step toward alleviating the problem) is less than half the cost of the aforementioned public services required if these youth remain homeless. (Hart-Shegos, 1999).

Confronting the issue of homeless Youth in Minnesota: The Leadership Challenges

Long-term homelessness is especially harmful for individuals and communities, as well as costly in public services. Hence, solutions should include a strong focus on housing and human services, a combination consistently shown to help individuals and reduce social costs for communities. Beneficial change is on-going, but like so many public policy issues, obstacles are present. A comprehensive strategy must incorporate proactive initiatives at numerous intervention points in order to prevent homelessness. First, as a community, we need to educate ourselves and others. We can only end homelessness if we cast away the stigmas and prejudices associated with it and seek to understand its causes challenges and consequences. Businesses, clubs, places of worship*****”all have the opportunity to invite speakers and facilitate discussions. Educators can access materials and lesson plans in downloadable formats via the web. Second, as individuals and as community members, we need to actively engage in public policy discourse and become advocates for those currently not in a position to do for themselves. Third, leaders in the community need to secure resources. Beyond time and energy, financial capital is needed to begin program implementation strategies. People, businesses and groups should be encouraged to not only donate money to organizations but also household goods, services and foodstuffs to shelters and organizations serving those experiencing homelessness. Fourth, leaders need to mobilize volunteers. As individuals, we can volunteer and support efforts to alleviate the problem. Individuals and communities need to know that small acts have far-reaching effects. Serving meals at a shelter, assisting someone moving into transitional housing, reading books to children, and spending time with youth in safe environments are efforts that have shown to increase the self-esteem and sense of self in youth, especially those between the ages 11 and 16. (Wilder Research, 2007). Finally, Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS) require further development. HMIS are client-level data bases that combine information from different homeless service providers. Increased effort here will assist in the coordinating of services--internally among agency programs and externally with other providers, tracking client outcomes, identifying service gaps, and facilitating a forum for addressing community-wide issues. (Wilder Research, 2006).

It is by no means an understatement to remark that an entire generation faces truly unacceptable risks that may jeopardize their future potential. In the long run, the monetary costs of neglecting the needs of our youth are likely to substantially exceed the costs of combating poverty and homelessness. Our cities and our nation must develop an appropriate and effective response.


Hart-Shegos, E. (1999). Homelessness and its effects on children. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Family Housing Fund

Wilder Research (2006). Minnesota*****s HMIS: Managing information to help end homelessness. St. Paul, Minnesota:

Downloaded September 20, 2009 from

Wilder Research. (2007). Overview of homelessness in Minnesota 2006: Key facts from the statewide survey. (April

2007). St. Paul, Minnesota: Downloaded September 20, 2009 from



Homeless: Any adult whose primary nighttime residence is a supervised, publically-or privately-operated temporary living accommodation, including emergency shelters, transitional housing, and battered women*****s shelters, or whose nighttime residence is not meant for human habitation, such as under bridges or in cars. This is based on a definition by the U.S. Congress. By law, this definition is expanded for youth age 17 or younger to include those who stay temporarily in other people*****s homes, with or without their parents, because they have nowhere else to live.

2 Since 1991, Wilder Research Center has conducted a statewide study every three years to ascertain the causes, circumstances, and effects of homelessness, and to promote efforts toward permanent safe housing for all Minnesotans. On a single night in October of 2006, more than 950 trained volunteers conducted face to face interviews with over 3,700 of the 6,292 people in emergency shelters and transitional housing programs that evening. The children experiencing homelessness with their parents that evening numbered 2,726. An additional 1,421 homeless people that were not staying in any formal shelter were identified and interviewed. Also interviewed were 151 of an estimated 600 unaccompanied youth (under 18), the youngest of which was 11 years old.


I need assistance with the following:

1) An outline*****”1-2 pages due Oct 21

2) Paper*****”15 pages due Nov 15

The Instructions for the outline:

Goal of an Outline


The purpose of this assignment is for you to demonstrate that you are thinking through the components of your Leadership Case. (This outline is not a commitment to stay with this format; rather, to press yourself to completing an essential step toward your final assignment.) Following the instructions in "Developing an Outline," your outline should reflect the essential components of the Leadership Case Analysis -- your final paper. Review sample outlines for guidance *****“ keep in mind these were shared by former students and may not comply with formatting rules perfectly.When in doubt, follow the Owl guidelines.

*****¢ Introduction: a sentence that states a specific issue or challenge (or set of issues/challenges) facing the individual or organization described in your leadership case.

*****¢ To be used in framing your analysis of the issue or challenge, name in separate headings each of the four aspects of leadership or leadership perspectives covered in the course (leadership in context, personal, team, organizational, visionary, political, integrative or ethical leadership) that you imagine using in your case. Mention citations for each. Examples: Gerzon, Bryson and Crosby, Parks....other citations from the course bibliography or bibliography to be used in memo assignments or case analysis.

Instructions for the paper:

Leadership Case Analysis -- Final Paper

Two of the purposes of Leadership for the Common Good are to understand theories, tools, strategies of leadership, and to apply them to actual cases. The Leadership Case Analysis demonstrates your ability to achieve these objectives. You will be graded on your understanding of leadership theories and on your ability to apply them to your case.

Be sure to do the following in the paper:

*****¢ select a specific issue or challenge (or set of issues/challenges) facing the individual or organization described in your leadership case. This should be something with which you are familiar, either from careful study and observation, or from reading. The more specific the issues, the easier it will be for you to write the paper.

*****¢ Analyze your case from the perspective of at least four of the aspects of leadership covered in the course (leadership in context, personal, team, organizational,visionary, political, integrative or ethical leadership).

*****¢ Begin with a brief description of the organization or individual and the challenges which you will be discussing in the paper. We say *****˜brief***** because you are not being asked to write a paper about these issues, but rather, a paper about leadership which draws examples from your case.

*****¢ Analyze your case from a leadership perspective, referring to theories in the articles and books you have read, as well as in the course text and the assigned readings. Note that at least three of these sources need to be different from the ones assigned in class. However, they can be the articles or books which you used for the Annotation assignments. This is the most important part of the paper, and it should be the bulk of what you write. Please define and explain the leadership concepts (such as visionary leadership, charisma, ethical leadership) that you use.

*****¢ In the last section, discuss your conclusions about how organizational (or ethical or personal etc.) leadership was or was not exhibited in the case. If you are writing about a case that is still developing, your conclusions should point to how leadership could be exhibited in the future.

*****¢ Cite specific examples wherever possible along the way to illustrate your points (eg.,examples of ways in which people in your case applied or did not apply, or might have applied leadership principles and theories).

*****¢ Before you begin, we suggest that you read examples of high quality papers from previous semesters *****“ on file outside the instructors***** offices or on the web site.

*****¢ Completed papers should be 20-25 double-spaced pages in length.

*****¢ References should be cited in the text in the form of (author, date, and, if

*****¢ appropriate, page number). The bibliography must be in an accepted format, preferably APA style. See *****Citing Your Sources***** under CourseLib link on website home page.

Regarding sources, please use

Leadership for the Common Good: Tackling Public Problems in a Shared-Power World, 2nd ed. by Barbara Crosby and John Bryson, Jossey-Bass, 2005.

Additionally, there are a few articles that I would like cited. I will forward that information ASAP once I know this project is underway.

Also, I can send sample outlines for a point of reference


How to Reference "Models as Related to a Given Organization" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Models as Related to a Given Organization.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Models as Related to a Given Organization (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Models as Related to a Given Organization. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Models as Related to a Given Organization” 2009.
”Models as Related to a Given Organization”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Models as Related to a Given Organization”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Models as Related to a Given Organization [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Models as Related to a Given Organization. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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