Research Paper on "Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels"

Research Paper 5 pages (1315 words) Sources: 3

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Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels

The planning requirements for homeland security differ from level to level. Each level has different planning and management capabilities and responsibilities, ultimately convening on the White House itself at the federal level. The state and local levels have planning responsibilities involving the specifics of each location, including the first response to any disaster or attack. In this way, the planning and responsibilities can be divided up to help ensure a structured yet cohesive unit within the homeland security apparatus. It is important to recognize that no one level or agency holds the key to successful emergency response and reaction and that each level or striation works together to enable one another.

Distributed Preparedness

Homeland security has always been at the heart of emergency preparedness even as far back as the end of World War Two. The Cold War taught America to become prepared for the possibility of nuclear attack. Through this concern were born many different agencies, both federal and state organized, which helped to prepare the citizens and organizations for such an attack. Eventually, these preparations began to pay off in times of natural disorder and disaster, so such preparedness was adopted toward these threats as well. This type of preparedness philosophy became known as distributed preparedness due to the multi-layer nature of the organization.

As authors Collier and Lakoff (2008) describe,

"Distributed preparedness was initially articulated in civil defense programs in the early stages of the Cold War, when U.S.
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government planners began to conceptualize the nation as a possible target of nuclear attack. These planners assumed that the enemy would focus its attacks on urban and industrial centers that were essential to U.S. war-fighting capability. Distributed preparedness provided techniques for mapping national space as a field of potential targets, and grafted this map of vulnerabilities onto the structure of territorial administration in the United States. It presented a new model of coordinated planning for catastrophic threats, one that sought to limit federal intervention in local life and to preserve the characteristic features of American federalism."

Interestingly, homeland security planning was based upon the foundation of a Cold War preparedness strategy of allowing each locality freedom to adapt or expand upon the basic federally guided and mandated principles and requirements.

Furthermore, the authors explain, "Over the course of the Cold War, distributed preparedness extended to new domains, and following 9/11 it has moved to the center of security discussions in the U.S." (Collier and Lakoff, 2008, 7). So in the post 9/11 world, the emergency planning has taken the shape of being able to adapt to nearly any emergency, whether man-made or natural in origin.

State and Local

At the most local level, homeland security responsibilities lie with the first responders within a city or area. These first responders are made up of state and local police and fire agencies as well as hospitals and tribal authorities. These first responders are the first contacts in the field for the Department of Homeland Security, so they must be prepared to adequately react and assess a situation. The DHS has built an extensive training program for these local groups and has disseminated it through the internet and computer-based training. More specifically,

"The Department of Homeland Security provides support to "first responders" in jurisdictions throughout the United States. These responders must plan for various threats and their response to various emergency scenarios. Under this task, LMI gathered requirements from a sample of the emergency management community at the local, state, and tribal levels. This Concept of Operations addresses the requirement for modeling and simulation to support various emergency management functions and the requirements for training, maintenance, and other support." (Duncan, Gribko, Kolschina, and Lee, 2009, 2).

The planning and training requirements at this level are assessed based upon the responsibilities and limitations of these first responders. However, the DHS looks at these groups as the most important link in the chain… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels" Assignment:

Students will write one research paper during this course. This assignment consists of conducting detailed research and analysis on the selected topic and writing an essay. The source material must result primarily from self-led external research of scholarly articles.

Students will select a homeland security topic that integrates and addresses strategic planning issues/concepts. The following are a few sample topics:

1. An analysis of the similarities and differences between federal, state, and local homeland security planning requirements.

Format: The research paper must contain a minimum of five double-spaced pages of narrative. Photographs, bulleted lists, and other inserts do not count toward the minimum page requirement. Students must include separate title and reference pages, which do not count toward the minimum page requirement. The paper will be in standard American Psychological Association (APA) research paper format.

Citations: Students must use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition format to cite their research. Students are required to research and cite a minimum of three online sources, three print sources, and at least one reference from the course texts (seven-source minimum). Students must give others credit for others*****' work by properly citing it. The university*****'s plagiarism policy applies to all written assignments for this course.

Research: Students must conduct academic research to substantiate their papers. The best source of this information resides in scholarly articles. These sources may be found in the course required readings, the UMUC Library, or any other scholarly sources that students identify. While Internet websites may be used as part of the research, students must be very cautious, as the content is often biased and represents someone*****'s personal opinion rather than academic research. Wikipedia is not a valid academic source and students must not use it. Papers with only Internet research will receive lower grades.

Note: Resources for writing an executive brief style document are available in the course content area.


How to Reference "Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels” 2011.
”Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Homeland Security Planning at Different Organizational Levels. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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