Research Paper on "HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task"

Research Paper 7 pages (2488 words) Sources: 12

[EXCERPT] . . . .

HIV Prevention Program

Tacoma Park HIV Task Force

Healthy People 2010 is a government effort designed to address key issues in the healthy of our nation. It represents the concerted efforts of the scientific community and policy makers in order to increase the overall health of the nation. One of the key objectives that will be addressed is responsible Sexual Behavior, the prevalence of HIV / AIDS being the primary reason for this objective (Healthy People 2010, 2004). In cooperation with the Centers for Disease Control, the government has established several offices and initiatives that will help in the campaign to control HIV / AIDS. These are the CDC National AIDS Hotline, CDC National Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STD) Hotline, CDC National Prevention Information Hotline, and the Office of Population Affairs (Healthy People 2010, 2004). This research will address prevalence and need for programs that specifically address the problem of HIV / AIDS in the Washington, D.C. Area.

On average, every 9 1/2 minutes someone in the United States becomes infected with HIV, the virus that causes AIDS. Of the one million people in the United States living with HIV, nearly 1 out of 5 do not know that they are infected (Office of Population Affairs, n.d.). This creates a problem that is two-fold. First, they do not seek treatment that can prevent the development of AIDS. Secondly, they can unknowlingly pass on the virus to others through the sharing of IV drug needles and unprotected sex. Although, with the exception of receiving blood from an infected person, the spread of HIV is preventable. Human activities and behaviors are largely responsible for the spread
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of HIV. Therefore, program efforts should be directed towards the identification of infected individuals through testing and education about how to prevent the spread of HIV.

The Washington DC area has been targeted as a key area for studies on the prevention of HIV / AIDS. According to a recent study, nearly 3% of all D.C. residents are now infected by the HIV virus (Vargus & Fears, 2009). The HIV / AIDS crisis in Washington, D.C. is now considered an epidemic and the worst rate of infection in the country. No information could be found that broke the rates of infection down by county. However, it was found that the suburbs had a higher rate of infection than the central city.

The black population has a disproportionately higher rate of infection than white populations. Therefore, the target area for a program to raise awareness of HIV / AIDS would have the highest impact when implemented in a county with a high population of these characteristics. For this reason, Montgomery County, Tacoma Park, Maryland will be the target area

Tacoma Park in Montgomery County is located adjacent to DC proper and is the most populated county. It contains a high population of high-risk persons for contracting HIV / AIDS.

Several different levels of stakeholders can be identified in this program. All of them share a similar interest in the ability to lower HIV / AIDS rates in the general population. The first level of stakeholders is the individual within the target area. For these persons, the threat of aids is real. They must be able to assess their risk and become active participants in screening and follow up treatment should it be necessary. Persons with aids and persons who are in danger of contracting aids are the first level of stakeholders and will receive the greatest direct benefit from the program.

The second level of stakeholders are located in the Tacoma Park area. They include churches, schools, colleges, public service organizations and hospitals. These participants will be the ones who are responsible for administering and launching the HIV / AIDS program in the area. They will be the ones who work directly with the public in administering the program. They will also be the ones to see the benefits of the program, even though the results may not be tangible to them on an individual level. They will receive many benefits included a sense of community awareness, lower insurance costs and costs to social welfare program who must fund treatment of HIV / AIDS patients. They will also receive the benefits of a more productive surrounding community and increased productivity from a healthy workforce. The third level of stakeholders is nation, as it gains knowledge into which programs are effective in reducing HIV / AIDS and which are not.

Several examples of successful HIV prevention programs currently exist, such as the San Francisco Aids Foundation (2010). Many of these studies were conducted in Africa, but they confirm that the key to a successful program is to focus on changing sexual behavior and the use of shared needles in IV drug use (Gray, Serwadda, & Kigozi et al., 2006). Parkhurst (2008) found that in order for a policy change and programs to change sexual behavior to be successful, one has to understand the reasons behind the behavioral change. Ciantia, Orach, & Pariyo et al. (2009) found that distributing condoms was not responsible, but rather changes that were a result of Catholic teachings. U.S. health policies have been unproven, including admonitions to avoid unprotected sex and encouragement to use contraception (Mcfarlane, 2006).

Research suggests that the spread do HIV / AIDS cannot be controlled through admonitions from sources that do not have a personal sense of appeal. The program to be suggested will be based on the idea that the most successful programs are those that personally appeal to those at risk. The program will enlist community organizations such as schools, churches, and other community resources in the Tacoma Park area to conduct programs that focus on changing sexual behavior in the immediate area. This program can be expanded later and serve as a model for the development of other programs in high-risk areas.

Section 2: Budget and Funding

The program will entail the use of churches and other community resources within the Tacoma Park area as the venue for conducting the programs. It is felt that one of the problems in preventing HIV / AIDS is getting the words to the correct population. This campaign will use popular media, such as local television advertisements, public service announcements via the radio, posters placed in high target population areas, such subway terminals and bus stops. In addition to these areas, posters will be distributed to doctor's offices, hospitals, schools, and other areas that contain high target population densities of at-risk persons. Aid will be given to churches and schools to help develop programs that promote healthy sexual behavior on a very personal level.

Funding for the program will primarily come from grants. A number of grant funding programs are available that are specifically set aside for the reduction of HIV / AIDS. This program will clearly fall within the public service realm of many of these programs. The State of Maryland has been awarded over $17,301,577 in Federal Grant Money to fund HIV / AIDS prevention and treatment programs (CDC, 2009). The main grants to be targeted will be HIV / AIDS Surveillance and Prevention Projects that will be funded by the Maryland State Department of Health and Human Services. These programs recently had their fundage increased and are the most likely targets for grants. There are also several grant opportunities through John Hopkins University and the National Association of People with AIDS. These will be the key funding sources for the project.

Proforma Cash Flow (In Thousands)

Year 0

Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5


State and Local








Total Revenues




Advertising and Media








Capital Outlay






Building Rental


Utilities and Other














Total non-facility Exp


Net income


Facilities Expense

Net income







It is expected that the program will serve approximately 5 million people in the metro area, who will be exposed the messages on a daily basis. The purpose is to meet the needs of the general public in assessing their risk and making the necessary changes in their lifestyle. The first year will be the most capital intensive. Although revenue sources will vary significantly from year to year, it is not expected that these numbers will be fairly consistent after the start up year.

Advertising and media costs will include printing costs, television production costs, and any costs associated with development of the church and school program. Facilities were based on averages from similar structures over a 10-year period. However, it cannot be predicted whether utility rates will rise. If they do, additional funding sources will be sought to cover the additional costs. Asking for additional funding due to rising utility costs is not unreasonable,

Section 3: Objectives and Outcomes

The objective of the program is to reduce the number of new… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task" Assignment:

SECTION 1 ..... 3 Pages and Separate Reference page:

Please develop ideas for a public health program intervention in the small community of Washington DC where 1 out of 30 Adults have HIV/AIDS. You should find a corresponding Healthy People 2010 objective(s) Website. Please keep the information on the health problem and corresponding Healthy People 2010 objective(s) as focused as possible.

It is necessary for you to find information of the highest HIV/AIDS county In Washington DC because that is usually the unit for data collection.

page paper should address the following:

1. Select a problem (at least one Heathy People 2010 objective) **** HIV/AIDS

2. Assess the magnitude of the problem*****include data on incidence or prevalence of the problem

3. List the stakeholders or partners that you will involve in developing a program for this problem, for example, local churches, schools, colleges, organizations, hospitals etc.

4. Review the evidence for a program intervention*****this ideally will be quality evidence-based public health from the Community Guide for Preventive Services or peer-reviewed literature. Please find 5 sources of evidence including peer-reviewed please

5. Describe the applicability of the evidence you have located in Washington DC on HIV/AIDs please.

6. Develop a hypothetical program based on the above steps to address th problem this should include 3*****5 specific and measurable program objectives.

7. Don*****'t forget to include an APA bibiography .... references page.

For the literature search, find 5 peer-reviewed sources about similar program interventions. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from your research.

SECTION 2.....2 Pages and its own Section on the Reference page:

Please Develop a short budget with justification for the HIV/AIDS non-profit outreach program in the community of Washington DC. Consider how you would fund the program. You should look not only at state, federal and local funding streams, but also at grants you might apply for from outside organizations.

*Construct an annual operating budget for your hypothetical program. This budget should include personnel expenses and other operating (non-personnel) expenses. If equipment or facilities are needed, show these in a separate capital budget. The budget must contain revenue as well as costs.

*In addition to the budget itself, please develop a budget justification in two to three paragraphs. Please justify your major choices, addressing both revenue as well as costs. Make sure to indicate who you would be serving and how many people you estimate would utilize your services.

SECTION 3......2 Pages and its own Reference Section on the Reference Page:

explain how you would evaluate the HIV?AIDS program, addressing the following:

*List the 3*****5 measurable objectives you already have wrote about in the above Sections....Revise them if you can improve on them.

*Explain how you will measure the objectives to determine if you have reached your goals. Include a description of how you will get the data with which to evaluate your objectives. Remember the need to be realistic in your use of resources and, wherever possible, aim to use data that are being collected by others please.

*Discuss some of the obstacles you can foresee in this process and how you would try to overcome them.

* Indicate whether the evaluative measures are process (activities) or outcomes.

*Review the budget you created already please. Does your budget reflect the costs for evaluation? If so, do you think it is sufficient? If not, how would you amend to cover the costs of evaluation?

SECTION 4..... The Reference Page Should Include:

Reference in each section in APA format please.

Section 1 References:

Section 2 References:

Section 3 References:

Thank you so much and contact me anytime as I will be working on this as well.

How to Reference "HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task" Research Paper in a Bibliography

HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task (2010). Retrieved from (2010). HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task” 2010.
”HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. HIV Prevention Program Tacoma Park HIV Task. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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