Term Paper on "Hitler Was Able to Win Power"

Term Paper 11 pages (3030 words) Sources: 1+

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Hitler was able to win power and destroy German democracy not only because of Versailles, but because the German people did not see democracy, their Weimer constitution, as worth preserving.

WWI played a key role in history of modern Germany for the remainder of the twentieth century. Failure in war, which lea to deep economical crisis and abysmal casualties (2 millions dead and 4.5 million wounded) changed the whole political and social orientation of German society. The nation, once the most dynamically developing in Europe, was humiliated, depressed and impoverished. Taxes were abnormally high and salaries became miserly. Failure in war turned into prolonged social and physiological stagnation of the whole nation, which was disillusioned by horrors of war and absurdity of its aims. The attempt to reform Germany according to the principles of European democracy and parliamentarism failed, as Germans were not prepared for liberties and responsibilities of demilitarized democratic society. Crash of Weimar republic led to restoration of militarism and radical nationalism again.

By the end of the WWI it became obvious that the state was unable to control political and social tendencies in society with ruining economy. Militarist regime of production played the most dreadful role for German economy, which could not be aided or subsidized from abroad so that it did not recover until 1933. Absurdity of war was becoming clear by the end of 1916 and anti-war tendencies were quickly spreading among the most economically vulnerable classes. Imperial propaganda was becoming less convincing as even German commanders didn't believe in victory after the U.S.A. entered war. Fast social and
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economical changes of 1917-1918 led to inevitable processes inside the empire: strikes, inflation, stagnation. Inability to stand economical burden of the wartime led to chaos and resulted in November Revolution of 1918, close to Russian scenario. Revolution started in army and navy and quickly spread over the whole Kaiser Empire with demands of absolutism abolishment, establishment of democratic civil society in the form of republic.

Nevertheless, it became obvious several decades later that revolution and tendency towards democratic state had no ideological and political background and they were mainly dictated by economical hardships of wartime. Kaiser propaganda set a very firm basis for the idea of German superiority, chauvinism and radical nationalism. Same premises led to the victory of Bolsheviks in Russian empire as their political program was based on the principles of populism and had very little similar to real socialist ideas. Parties of socialist ideology (the Social Democratic Party of Germany and the Independent Social Democratic Party of Germany) played a very important role in November revolution and they also were the initiators of wide democratic liberties in future German monarchy-free state. Nevertheless, Russian scenario failed to work in Germany due to cultural and ideological dependence of workers from ruling elite formed by centuries of regulated labor relations. Divergence issues in programs of these two parties led to failure of cooperative struggle and failure of revolution in January of 1919. None of the political parties of either conservative ideology similar to German imperialism or new leftist parties of socialist orientation had influence and control over the whole country, as the society was involved in after war chaos. Social and political schism inside the state was also proved by elections of 1919 to Reichstag (parliament) when rightist parties, which represented the interests of upper and middle classes, received 54.5% of votes and the SDP, together with the ISDP, received 45.5% of the votes.

Such coalition of conservatives and liberals in the parliament created one of the most liberal constitutions in Europe of that time. New German constitution was adopted at the town of Weimar on July 31, 1919 (German government was later referred to as the "Weimar Republic.") Weimar constitution was a turning point in German politicos and German history, as it marked quick transformation from militarized semi-absolutism monarchic state to a civil democratic republic. Made for the good of German nation, constitution became the source of fatal premises, which sentenced it to failure. Unlike other states, which initiated control over political life and activity of political parties in order to prevent society from unpredicted social changes, German constitution guaranteed wide political freedoms and freedom of political activity for all political parties. In society involved in economical stagnation and after war crisis of disillusionment it was a fatal decision, which quickly led to growth of revengist political ideologies.

Excessive political freedoms did not correlate with difficult economical situation and social depression caused by the failure in war. Such unbalanced amount of freedoms only led to the deepening of social and economical contradictions. The most ruining role was played by the results of Versailles treaty, as country was adversely impacted by reparations, which had to be pay to the victors of WWI. That's how Peter Gay described German delegation on Paris conference: "Members of delegation were greatly humiliated. The anguish of defeat and the sense of guilt had created a kind of inferiority complex from which most members of the delegation suffered..." Versailles treaty put an end to previous German economical power as it was deprived of its possessions in Africa and in Pacific, it lost strategic ports along the Baltic coast (for example Danzig) and provinces which were annexed from France: Alsace-Lorraine and region of Saar: "The French under Poincare occupied the Ruhr, the government announced passive resistance, and among the German masses the feeling of danger was set."

So the Weimar republic lost 75% of iron mining capacity, 25% of coal mining capacity and 35% of steel production capacity of Keiser Germany. For a country that had been an industrial leader in Europe before 1914 it was a serious blow.

Neither German society nor German economy was prepared for such changes. The policy of "iron and blood" proclaimed by German counselor Otto von Bismarck during the period of unification and which dominated the mindset even of the most progressive thinkers of the epoch had nothing similar to principles promoted by Weimar constitution and sudden cutting of heavy industry production on the hand with demilitarization. In many respects the principles set in Weimar constitution promoted further ruining of the country, which was unpardonable for German nation. These uncontrolled processes led to mass unemployment and rampant poverty. It's important to say that practices of investment into after war economies are integral components of development and restoration of any after war country, but in 1920's they were not applied to Germany at all from the side of either Allies or the United States. In any case, investment into German economy would have been vital for country's rehabilitation and would have been profitable for investors. But in the case of Weimar republic they did not take place.

No wonder, new government was unable to regulate economic and social processes. Germany lacked resources, fuel, goods and even foodstuffs, which it demanded to survive. Speculation was common everywhere and the exchange rate of Deutsch Mark was falling. Inflation caused by reparations to war victors turned into hyperinflation in some few years and government did nearly nothing to stop it:.".. What the salary was worth was difficult to estimate; its value changed from month to month. One month 100 million marks could be quite a substantial sum; a little while later 500 milliards would be small change."

An important role in preserving the state from stability was inability to create centralized system of government as lands (regions) preserved wide autonomies from central government. Such land as Prussia, due to its size and industrial potential remained a "state inside a state" and functioned independently. Inability to solve the issue of federalism in constitution led to economical disintegrity and only deepened chaos of early 1920's.

Understandably reparations cut Weimar republic's potential, by changes in territorial structure and losses in industry and economy sector. Germany was turned into depression; alcoholism and frustration became common practice: Peter Gay describes depression in Germany as following:

Stefan Zweig was one who projected his horror at later events onto his horror of Berlin in the time of inflation: "Berlin," he writes, "transformed itself into the Babel of the world. Bars, amusement parks, pubs shot up like mushrooms. What we had seen in Austria proved to be merely a mild and timid prelude to this witches' sabbath, for the Germans brought to perversion all their vehemence and love of system."

The crisis in Weimar republic was taking place at the same time when the rest of the western world was experiencing economic "prosperity" and after war growth. Such uneasy situation was the most terrible humiliation for German nation, which as a result created fertile soil for the development of revengeful attitudes and xenophobia among different social classes. Germany lost its sense of national dignity in just a few years, as there was nothing left from prior years of superiority and power of Keiser Empire.

Weimar constitution with its liberal ideas could not be applied for such state as Germany. Political freedoms guaranteed by constitution did not correlate with realities… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Hitler Was Able to Win Power" Assignment:

The essay has to finish in 10 pages. I used the extra one page so that when you use a lot of footnotes you can go and do the extra one page. It should be double spaced with 12 font Times New Roman.

This essay will not illustrate narrative of events, instead it will examine interpretations of the historical problem and come to some conclusion. There is no "right" answer. The topic statements are written to be arguable. You may argue for or against the statement; you may decide that part is true and other factors are also important, so that you write you own syntheis. Loo for sources that present more than one point of view.

There MUST be an opening pragraph. Do NOT go directly into the body. What is mentioned in the intro, MUST be discussed in the body of the paper. Background material leads off the body of the paper.

Specific book sources will be emailed. Please try to use them. You can also use additional book sources or substitute them if you want. You can also use journals and articles but NO Video sources and encyclopedias.

The body of the paper should be organizes around the themes which seem to you to be the criteria by which the issue should be judged. Be VERY careful of chronology. What is applicable in 1918 is not in 1919. Please ensure the DATE since this is a history paper. Discuss the arguments put forward by the sources, with the evidence presented to support the opinion.

When you use an author's opinion, paraphrase it in your own words. Save your quotations for the sources on which he/she based the opinion - a speech or a document. They are the evidence.

Now comes one of the most IMPORTANT part - Footnotes. It is absolutely NOT acceptable that the references in the essay should be used in brackets wihin the text body. Therefore, ONLY footnotes are required. NO IN TEXT BRACKETS. I do not mind which form of citation rule you follow (MLA or APA or any other), but this condition has to be followed.

Bibliography - The last page at the end of the paper. Full alphabetical citation is required.

This is all the conditions I need the ***** to follow. If you have any other inquiries then please contact me.



E. Eyck, The Weimar Republic

A.J. Nocholls, Weimar and the Rise of Hitler

A. Dorpalen, Hindenburg and the Weimar Republic

Once again here is the title of the essay - Hitler was able to win power and destroy German democracy not only because of Versailles, but because the German people did not see democracy, their Weimer constitution, as worth preserving.

If you need any further information, please contact me.

How to Reference "Hitler Was Able to Win Power" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Hitler Was Able to Win Power.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hitler-able-win/461037. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Hitler Was Able to Win Power (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hitler-able-win/461037
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Hitler Was Able to Win Power. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hitler-able-win/461037 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Hitler Was Able to Win Power” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hitler-able-win/461037.
”Hitler Was Able to Win Power” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hitler-able-win/461037.
[1] ”Hitler Was Able to Win Power”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hitler-able-win/461037. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Hitler Was Able to Win Power [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hitler-able-win/461037
1. Hitler Was Able to Win Power. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/hitler-able-win/461037. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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