Thesis on "Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration"

Thesis 11 pages (2908 words) Sources: 4 Style: Chicago

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History Of Illustration

Illustration and the Influence of Social Change and the Economy

Illustrators provide their audience with a glimpse into the workings of the society in which they live. Whether they choose satire or take a serious approach to the world around them, illustrators reflect the economic and social climate in which they live. The work of illustrators reaches the mass market through newspapers, magazines and illustrated book that are consumed by vast numbers of readers. Illustration is more than a picture, it gives voice to the ideals that underlie society and higher conscious thought. Throughout the years, the technology and mediums available to illustrators has changed, but their connection to societal and economic times has not. This research will explore the history of illustration and will track changes through major works from the 1850s through present day.

Early Works (1859-1900)

The U.S. Civil was a time great upheaval and change on many levels of society. The Civil War shook the very core of American society. It meant the end of many old ideals, such as slavery, and brought the introduction of new ones, such as equality and justice for all. The Civil War meant the end of the plantation and the rise of the industrial age. The need for illustrators increased as the public needed records of the events that took place. Illustrators provided and important part of the war record with their scenes of battles, defeats, victories, and political and military leaders (Reed and Reed 2008, 2). Photography was still a new technology and many illustrators still relied on engraving to record the events of this early era (
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Reed and Reed 2008, 2).

Illustrators such as Frederick Sackrider Remington gave America a view of the main cast of characters that made up the era. His subjects included soldiers, Indians, and cowboys in action poses. This famous picture of the Uprising of the Yaqui Indians -- Yaqui Warriors in Retreat is an excellent example of his work. However, this is atypical in that it is in black and white. Much of Remington's work was in realistic color. However, this picture still captures many of the other elements of his style.

Uprising of the Yaqui Indians- Yaqui Warriors in Retreat, Frederick Sackrider Remington, 1896.

Felix Octavius Carr Darley gave Americans a realistic view of the Civil War. He demonstrated the turmoil and hardships of the war. This rendition of Shermans' march to the seas was painted in 1883, almost 20 years after the event. It is not known if this represents a scene that was witnessed by the artist or if it is his rendition taken from historical accounts. It depicts the desire for realistic representations that marked illustrations of the era. On the March to the Sea. Felix Octavius

Carr Darley, 1883.

The Golden Age of Illustration (1900-1910)

The first decade of the 20th century signaled the rise of the American corporation and the Golden Age of Illustration. New technology was used to spread the winds of social change. Illustrators found their voice in population magazines such as Harper's, Scribner's, McCall's, and Collier's. These magazines told the masses what to wear, how to act, and what products to purchase. Magazines and their illustrators became instruments to facilitate societal change. Vogue, All-Story, and the Delineator were launched to attract niche markets. All of these new magazines meant and increase in work for artists who could draw anything, As competition in the magazine industry increased, illustrators with a unique style a fresh perspective were in high demand (Reed and Reed 2008, 6).

Jesse Wilcox Smith was a female illustrator who began work in the production department of The Ladies Home Journal ("Jesse Wilcox Smith," 2000). Her works Appeal to women. She was formally trained at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. Many of her works featured women and children performing every day domestic tasks. Her works became icons when she did ads for products such as Campbell's Soup, Cream of Wheat, and the Red Cross.

Have You A Red Cross Service Flag? Jessie Wilcox Smith, date unknown

Illustrators continued to picture their subjects in a realistic manner with great attention to detail, His style was slightly more cartoon-like than other illustrators of his time. The following is one of his first published pictures in Life magazine.

Silas, Winsor McCay, date unknown

Recruiting and Americanism (1910-1920)

The biggest event during this time was World War I. This event drew Americans into the global war. Illustrators were used to help fuel the war through their production of slogans and recruiting tools. Illustrators became an important part of the war effort, as they were used by the government to intentionally affect social change and to muster support for the war efforts.

Magazines added a personal element to their publication, including a 'Letters" section where their editors could interact with the public (Reed and Reed 2008, 7). Readers were quick to point out any inaccuracies. Descriptions in the text had to accurately match the illustration. The illustrator was solely responsible for any inaccuracies. Rather than working from a model, illustrators began to work from posed photographs (Reed and Reed 2008, 7). This gave their work a more realistic look.

It was during this time, that one of the most famous images in American History was produced. James Montgomery Flagg's U.S. Army recruiting poster is still used as an American iconic image today.

Army Recruiting Poster, James Montgomery Flagg, 1917

Here is another example of a work commissioned by the United States Treasury Department.

Poster For U.S. Treasury Department. Charles Livingston Bull. Date unknown.

The Roaring Twenties (1920-1930)

The theme of the earlier part of this decade was let the good times roll. WWI had a positive effect on the economy. Magazines such as the New Yorker and the Saturday Evening Post highlighted the up-beat attitude of the times. It was an era where glamour ruled for those who could afford it. Illustrators were quick to flaunt America's riches for the entire world to see. However, in 1929, illustrators would portray a differ America, one that was not so happy go lucky. The beginning of the Great Depression sent America reeling on a journey that would span the next decade.

Illustrators became worldlier as the social climbers were attracted to images from other places. Chicago led the style in illustration, while other drew their inspiration from European painters (Reed and Reed 2008, 8). The American taste for things exotic was insatiable and illustrators gave it to them. The following story illustration from Cosmopolitan magazine demonstrates the preference for exquisite taste and finery of the period.

Couple In Parlor. Dean Cornwell, 1920.

Saul Tepper also captured the opulence of the era.

Title Unknown. Saul Tepper. 1926.

Starving Artists, Starving Everywhere (1930-1940)

The stock market of 1929 signaled the end of the good times for America. The Great Depression brought a time of want and despair that has not been equaled since. The market suffered and jobs disintegrated as winds swept away dreams across the Great Plains. The dust bowl was only one of America's problems. America's mood was one of desperation. Work for illustrators became scarce. Work for everyone became scarce. During this time, the WPA helped artists survive by hiring them for government projects. They used illustrators to try to lift the spirits of America. Meanwhile a growing menace was taking hold in Europe, one that would cause great cataclysm turn the tides of society forever.

A few stars of the decade past managed to survive. The works of Norman Rockwell, Maxfield Parrish, and John LaGatta did not feel the crunch, but the works of unknowns faded into the past (Reed and Reed 2008, 9).

Sweet Consolation. John Lagatta. 1930.

Gallery artists found that they had many lookers, but no takers as American pockets wore thin (Reed and Reed 2008, 9). Illustration attempted to lift the spirits of American through refusing to portray the woes of the masses.

Hollywood focused on escapism, adventure, and high society films as a way to relieve the tension (Reed and Reed 2008, 9).

Portrait of Madame M. Tamara de Lempika. 1933.

World War II and Relief (1940-1950)

It is difficult to think of war as a relief. However, for the American economy, that is exactly what World War II brought. While the war brought great tragedy, it also brought jobs and a feeling of unity for Americans. While the boys were away fighting against oppression, new economic opportunities opened up for social groups that were previously on the fringes of the economy. Women and those who were not fit to go to war worked at home to support the war efforts. Men in uniform were the most popular subjects of the time (Reed and Reed 2008, 10).

They now had money to spend. The demand for illustrators and artists surged, as companies fought for the biggest share of money (Crow 2006, 70). Advertising reached a new high and everyone wanted their piece of the American pie. When the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration" Assignment:

We will pay $300.00 for this order!!

Most important.You must have one picture per one illustrator. Also, paper should be based on the theme which is influence of social and economical changes to illustraion.


For body,

The scope of the paper will be a historical review of two illustrators from the decades leading up to the 20th Century (1850-1900);you must choose two from (Felix Octavius Carr Darley, Winslow Homer, Frederic Sackrider Remington, Howard Pyle and the Brandwine School, Edwin Austin Abbey, Charles Dana Gibson, A.B.Frost),talk about influence of civil war and social changes to illustration.

and two illustrators from each decade of the 20th century,(Choose two out of listed illustrator.)

(1900-1910;Joseph Clement Coll, Newell Convers Wyeth, Harvey Dunn, Maxfield Parrish, The Red Rose Girls, *****ie Wilcox Smith, ***** Oakley, Elizabeth Shippen Green, Frank E. Schoonover, Winsor McCay, the Golden Age of Illustration, magazine illustrations for: Harper*****s, Scribner*****s, McCall*****s, Collier*****s,)

(1910-1920;*****¢ Franklin Booth, Coles Phillips, The Eight (The Ashcan School), Henry Patrick Raleigh, James Montgomery Flagg*****s Uncle Sam, Howard Chandler Christy, Charles Livingston Bull, Arthur William Brown, Arthur Ignatius Keller, Rose O*****Neil, Walter Biggs, etc.)(James Montgomery Flagg*****s recruiting picture is strongly suggested.)

(1920-1930;*****¢ Joseph Christian Leyendecker, John Held Jr., Dean Cornwell, Saul Tepper, Neysa Mc Mein, James Allen St. John, College Humor, The New Yorker, The Saturday Evening Post, etc.*****¢ Post - WWI economy booms into the Roaring Twenties. Illustration reflects the up-beat attitude and elegance of the era. write about economical booms and illustration.

(1930-1940; Mead Schaeffer, George Petty (The Petty Girl), Norman Rockwell, Andrew Loomis, Haddon Sundblom, John LaGatta, McClelland Barclay, Peter Helck, Boris Artzybasheff, Tamara de Lempicka, write about The Great Depression ,the market suffers,WPA helps artists survive through government projects,and influence of these fact to illustration.

(1940-1950;John Gannam, Tom Lovell, Ben Stahl, Al Dorne, Robert Fawcett, Stevan Dohanos, Al Parker, Ben Shahn, John Whitcomb,*****¢ World War II ends the Depression. The post *****“ war boom puts illustrators in demand by publishers and advertisers.

(1950- 1960; The Seven Sisters (McCall*****s, Ladies Home Journal, Cosmopolitan, Redbook, Good Housekeeping, Seventeen, Woman*****s Day), Ed Vebell, Al Hirschfeld, James Bama, James Avati, Austin Briggs, Joe De Mers, Coby Whitmore, Robert McCall, ***** Stone *****, etc. social changes;(Starting as a decade of growth for advertising and editorial illustration, by 1960 television was pushing the field in unforeseen directions)

(1960-1970; *****¢ Space Program, ***** McCall Johnston, Robert Weaver, Harvey Schmidt, Bernie Fuchs, ***** Blossom, Lorraine Fox, Mort Kunstler, Ted Coconis, Paul Calle, Reynold Brown, Robert Shore, Robert McGinnis, Milton Glaser, Seymour Chwast, Frank McCarthy, Herb Tauss, James Spanfeller, Don Weller, Jack Davis, ***** Levine, Frank Frazetta, Harvey Dinnerstein, Max Ginsburg, etc Social Aspect should be base on the fact that Illustration for major national magazines starts to fade as paperbacks expand their market. The Vietnam War divides the country. Many illustrators move to western topics and gallery representation.

(1970-1980,Mark English, Bob Heindel, Fred Otnes, Bob Peak, Allen Cober, Ed Sorel, Jack Unruh, Barron Storey, Burt Silverman, Gene Szafran, Paul Davis, Dick Hess, Doug Johnson, Wilson McLean, Brad Holland, Arnold Roth, Bob Cunningham, John Collier, Skip Liepke,(Sci-fi and fantasy subjects gain wide popularity)

(1980-1990,*****¢ The Luminaires, ***** Grove, Robert Hunt, Kasu Sano, Marshall Arisman, Kinuko Craft, Braldt Bralds, Robert Giusti, Barbara Nessim, Francis Livingston, Bill Sienkiewicz, Frank Miller, Greg Spalenka, Vincent Di Fate, Roger Kastel, Guy Billout, Gene Hoffman,)(The Graphic Novel rises from comics to give a new, powerful voice to social concerns. Illustrators look back for influences.)

(1990-2000,*****¢ Children*****s Books take on a new sophistication as an outlet for illustrators with traditional to avant-garde approaches. The computer gains popularity as the new tool for illustration.

*Children*****s Book Illustration: Caldecott, Crane, Arthur Rackham, Maurice Sendak, Stephen Johnson, Leo and Diane Dillon, Jerry Pinkney, Charles Santore, ***** Wiesner.

*****¢ The Computer: Chris Spollen, Nancy Stahl, Danny Palavin, William Low.

*****¢ Anita Kunz, Chris Payne, Gary Kelly, Mark Summers, Peter de Seve, Brian Ajhar, Steve Brodner, Joe Ciardiello, Tim O*****Brien, Teresa Fascillano.

You must have total of 22 illustrators.

Other really important points;

*Piture should be in colour if it is not a black and white picture.

Make sure to use Italics for titles of things such as magazines.

Make sure to have 3 sources, and note all internet sources count as only 1 of your 3, have 2 other books.

Wikipedia is NOT a source.

Have 22 illustrators and at least 1 image per illustrator

Have captions under each image including title, artist, date, ect*****¦

Remember this is not a personal paper; do NOT include any personal remarks unless they are in the opening or closing paragraphs.

How to Reference "Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration" Thesis in a Bibliography

Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration” 2009.
”Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Influence of Economic and Social Changes to Illustration. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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