Thesis on "History of English"

Thesis 4 pages (1181 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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History of the English Language

The English language is one of the most interesting aspects of human history because it offers us a look into ourselves and our culture. We are not a people happy staying still in any generation. Instead, we would rather move, grow, and change and nothing demonstrates this more than the English language. One common understanding is that the English is a conglomeration of many other languages including Greek, Latin, and Sanskrit. Language was what Charles Champneys describes as "inflectual" (Champneys 52) in that it "marked the relation of words to each other" (52). Oliver Emerson agrees, noting that the English language is far from an "isolated language in any sense" (Emerson 1) and it is best to consider it as Indo-European when considering its heritage. This perspective allows us to see the English language as a vessel of change that represents who we are as a people.

The English language has a varied history and growth chart. This growth, because of its various influence, is difficult to trace. However, most critics agree that the Teutonic language is one that is "nearer to our own tongue" (Champneys 65). Champneys points out that English and German grammar have much in common as well as proverbs and idioms. He claims that English, German and Latin "all belong to the same great family of languages, but that English and German are members of the same brand of it" (66). Oliver Emerson notes that American English has had several influences, which are from within in with out. Many American English words have retained meanings which are no longer used in Great Britain and the has also been a "retention of an older pronunciation" (Emerson 72) than
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we find in England. This only adds to the complexity of the nature of language, for it seems to grow outside its limits in one regard but yet it seems to linger in the past in another regard and there seems to be no logical pattern for this behavior.

However, we must never look at the English language as something that is stagnant because it is not. With a society that is based upon a continuity of many factors, language becomes a victim, if you will of many of the things that we encounter in our daily lives. Language is best seen as a tool that evolves with man and the emergence of the technological age is just one example of how this occurs. Albert Baugh notes that the English language is "subject to growth and decay which characterize all forms of life" (Baugh 2). While it may be true that classical Latin is a dead language that cannot be said of English because it is alive and how we know this is through a simple observation of humanity. Baugh notes that language is important because it is connected to humanity in such a way that they "can scarcely be thought of apart" (3). In fact, he observes that a language lives "only so long as there are people who speak it" (3). This brings us to the interesting topic of why certain languages are more alive than others and, according to Baugh, it is because of the language's cultural importance. As far as the English language is concerned, its importance stems from the fact that it is spoken is so many countries, including, America and the United Kingdom.

In addition, Jack Rosenthal notes that language evolves almost stealthily, under cover and without recognition. Many of the factors that affect language are… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "History of English" Assignment:

Please, write an essay about the history of the English language and some of the many factors that have influenced its evolution. Using course readings which I will send to you and outside research, if necessary, support a thesis on one of your observations on the nature of the English language and/or its development.

Notes : Provide readers with sufficient background information on the components of language in general and the English language in particular.

Develop a supportable thesis on the historical, social, and/or cultural events that have left their traces on the English language.

Use well chosen examples and facts to support thesis. Use a minimum of three sources to do this.

Writing for a general academic audience with little knowledge of the history of the English language.

Please, write an essay with essay structure (intro w/ strong thesis - 3or4 body paragraph - conclusion).

I will send you readings via email.

Thank you!!


How to Reference "History of English" Thesis in a Bibliography

History of English.”, 2009, Accessed 4 Jul 2024.

History of English (2009). Retrieved from (2009). History of English. [online] Available at: [Accessed 4 Jul, 2024].
”History of English” 2009.
”History of English”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”History of English”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 4-Jul-2024].
1. History of English [Internet]. 2009 [cited 4 July 2024]. Available from:
1. History of English. Published 2009. Accessed July 4, 2024.

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