Term Paper on "History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940"

Term Paper 8 pages (2077 words) Sources: 1+

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History Of Canadian Labor: The Decline and Movement of Canadian Labor Between 1920 and 1940

The objective of this work is to analyze the decline and subsequent rebuilding of the Canadian Labor movement between 1920 and 1940. Included in this analysis and discussion will be information relating to the Cape Breton coal miners, the origins of the Cooperative Commonwealth in Oshawa, Ontario, and the extent to which the CCF served the interests of the working people and the labor movement during this period.

David Schulze writes in the work entitled: "The Industrial Workers of the World and the Unemployed in Edmonton and Calgary in the Depression of 1913-1915 that the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) were "...remarkable among North American labor unions for two things:

The radicalism of their ideology; and 2) the daring of their tactics." (1990)

Schulze relates that the preamble to the IWW constitution that was adopted in 1905 at the IWW's founding convention states that there is "nothing in common" between the working and employing class and specifically that there is no possibility of peace "so long as hunger and want are found among millions of the work gin people and the few, who make up the employing class, have all the good things of life." (Schulz, 1990)

It is stated by Schulz (1990) as well that "until the workers of the world organize as a class, take possession of the earth and the machinery of production, and abolish the wage system..." that the struggle between these two classes of people "must go on..." (Schulz, nd) the work entitled: "The Strike as a Political Protest" relates that in Canada, p
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rior to 1920 strikes were used frequently for protest. For example, in 1910 and 1912 the garment workers in Montreal and Toronto went on strike "in solidarity with other garment workers and held large demonstrations against the legal harassment of strike supporters." (Leir, 2003) Freight handlers went on strike in Fort William and Port Arthur several times over wages and over what they referred to as "high-handed actions of managers." (Leir, 2003)

In 1918 miners in the Drumheller mines went on strike in protest of the "emplacement of a machine gun battery by police..." And in 1918 "hundreds of Vancouver workers, ranging from longshoremen, street railwaymen, metal trades and construction workers to service workers, walked out en masse...to protest the murder of union organizer Albert 'Ginger' Goodwin..." who had been shot for his refusal to be conscripted." (Leir, 2003) Several days later, Cumberland workers walked off the job to attend the funeral of Goodwin. In 1919, a general strike occurred for the purpose of protesting the 'autocracy' of the municipal government and in the spring of 1919 the dispute between Winnipeg Metal trade workers and their employers resulted in a general strike involving over 30,000 workers.


In 1919, there was more lost time due to strike activity than ever in the history of Canadian labor. Strike activity experienced a decline after about 1920 although in 1922 the Glace Bay miners went on strike to protest the arrest and sentencing of twelve workers who participated in a food riot when the company store was closed and the company would not accept the federal inquiry into working conditions recommendations. In 1923, Cape Breton miners went on strike to protest the Sydney strike and the use of military and police. In the years between 1929 and 1939, many workers in Canada were unemployed due to the 'Great Depression' with union membership and strike activity falling away. By 1925, the force of labor had collapsed and had experienced two critical changes:

1) Disintegration of the socialist-labourist unity; and 2) the labourist craftsman sought candidates from the middle classes. (Schulz, 1990)

Laborism is defined as "the political expression of skilled men and women who worked with their hands and thus made 'honest toil' the touchstone of their value system; it was also the politics of people who cherished the personal freedoms which the great struggles for popular democracy in the British political system had brought. In its narrowest, probably most common form, this meant the freedom to be left alone." (Schulz, 1990)

III. WORKERS' REVOLT (1917-1925)

Craig Heron writes, in the work entitled: "The Workers' Revolt in Canada 1917-1925" that the activities of the working-class from 1917 to 1925 "could legitimately be called a 'workers' revolt." (Heron,

The struggle between the classes in Canada was heightened during the war and the government passed the 'Anti-loafing Act', which resulted in forced employment of many workers. Farmers were angry due to "erosion of their income and way of life..." (Heron,

Heron states that it was during the war's third year that a shift occurred from "voluntarism to more authoritarian state interventions, the growing popular uneasiness about private enterprise, and the divisive political crisis over conscription, the take-off retail price inflation, the increasing demoralization and disaffection of a war-weary population..." And from this context the revolt of workers was shaped in Canada.

The war is stated by Heron to have "brought economic prosperity and full employment to the Maritimes. Coal, steel, gypsum, and the construction trades expanded rapidly."

In 1920, it is stated by Heron that the tide began to turn against workers in Canada. Independent Labor Parties (ILPs) were "locally based and eventually loosely affiliated with one another within New Brunswick and Nova Scotia." (Heron,

By 1920 the party is stated to have evolved 'its own highly original interpretation of socialism" however, it is stated that the working-class movements most pronounced failure was "its inability to cement an alliance with primary producers." (Heron,

In 1920, the Maritime Provinces were hit full force by the recession with price collapse of primary products "reinforced by an economic downturn that brought construction and manufacturing to a virtual halt and created high levels of unemployment." (Heron,

St. Lawrence markets loss in the coalfields as well as competition along with a large merger resulted in the industry experiencing a crisis. Heron states: 'Communities outside the coal towns were also devastated by this economic crunch. In 1922-23 the shipyard at East River in Pictou, which had employed five hundred men, was dismantled.


In April 1921 amalgamation within the Canadian National Railway cost over six hundred men their jobs in the Moncton shops. Sydney Mines lost its steel mill in a similar rationalization of the Nova Scotia steel industry."

Resulting from the economic recession was the reduction of wages of workers and lengthening of their working hours. Striking had worked well during a time when labor was scarce however, worker strikes only hurried along the rate that factories and mines were being closed. Trade unionists declined greatly during this time. The result is that following 1920 striking among workers was much less common. An extremely difficult lesson was learned by workers in June 1921, when the street railway workers in Saint John went on strike over wages and one-man cars being introduced. By the time that the 230 employees had agreed to accept the decision of the conciliation board the New Brunswick Power Corporation retaliated by locking the employees out, replacing union men and refusing to negotiate further.


While the battle against the bourgeois hegemony had been all but lost everywhere else "the restoration of bourgeois hegemony in the coalfields proved, predictably, to be a much tougher assignment..." And when the coalminers were unable to be tamed in 1920 'the coal companies were forced to concede a contract - the Montreal Agreement that effectively preserved the pre-war gains of the coal workers. However, the stipulations in the contract included a loss in the workers right to strike for the duration of the agreement between the UMW and the coal companies and as well grievances would not be allowed if the workers went on strike.

The wages were believed by the negotiators to be enough to make up for loss of autonomy among workers however, while wages were left high there were no protections for "reductions in rates affecting a wide range of mining work" (Heron, which resulted in the company laying "...off 'surplus' miners at will." (Heron,


The poverty that the workers in Canada had sunk down into along with the faked government relief efforts is stated by Heron to have left workers with one of two choices:

1) Accept the present conditions with all their humiliation and poverty, and repudiate the sacred obligations to which every sire owes his son; or 2) Reject and fight with all the power within these workers in 'one bold attempt to hand down to our children something better than a slave's portion." (Heron,

The literature reviewed reveals that worker strikes were not only based upon issues of workers but were also related to a broader political context. The work of Turkstra (2008) entitled: "Constructing a Labour Gospel: Labour and Religion in Early 20th Century… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940" Assignment:

Prepare a 9 page research essay on the following topic. An***** the decline and subsequent rebuilding of the Canadian Labour movement between 1920 and 1940. Your essay should discuss Cape Breton coal miners, the origins of the Cooperative Commonwealth in Oshawa, Ontario. You may also want to discuss the extent to discuss the extent to which the CCF served the interests of the working people and the labour movement during this period.

Your Essay must integrate the info from the one article.

How to Reference "History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940" Term Paper in a Bibliography

History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2008, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/history-canadian-labor/12836. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940 (2008). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/history-canadian-labor/12836
A1-TermPaper.com. (2008). History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/history-canadian-labor/12836 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940” 2008. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/history-canadian-labor/12836.
”History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/history-canadian-labor/12836.
[1] ”History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2008. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/history-canadian-labor/12836. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940 [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/history-canadian-labor/12836
1. History of Canadian Labour the Decline and Movement of Canadian Labour Between 1920 and 1940. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/history-canadian-labor/12836. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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