Literature Review on "Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate"

Literature Review 5 pages (1756 words) Sources: 10

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Hispanic Dropout Rate

Over the last several years, the issue of Hispanic high school dropouts has been consistently brought to the forefront. Part of the reason for this, is because of the overall increasing numbers that are being reported (as the total amount of high school dropouts has been consistently rising). Evidence of this can be seen by looking no further than a study that was conducted by the Urban Institute, where they found that the total number of Hispanics who will graduate from high school is just 53.2%. This is lower than: the 74.9% of whites and 76.8% of Asian-Americans. (Shireberg, 2007, pg. 76) What this shows is that various efforts to address this growing problem are not working. As a result, an examination must be conducted that will examine how high school dropouts (Hispanics in particular) describe their experiences in and out of the classroom. To achieve this objective, we will be conducting a literature review that will be focused on a number of different areas to include: other findings on the subject, the various themes that are uncovered from the literature, if the findings from the authors help to answer the research question, if there are existing flaws in the research that was conducted and what are the gaps that are not included in this study. Together, these different elements will provide the greatest insights as to what factors are affecting Hispanic high school dropout rates.

The article by Zenakov (2007), discusses how the overall high school dropout rate has remained at 50% nationwide. This is despite the fact, that there have been a number of initiatives during this time to bring down the total amount of dropouts (with no success). Part
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of the reason for this is because the government is taking a one size fits all approach when it comes to education. Where, various policy guidelines will be created that everyone must follow. This is problematic, because at each school there are a wide variety of students that are attending from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. When you are using the current approach, this does not take into these specific factors. At which point, many students will find the information that is being presented as boring (because they cannot connect with what is being taught). At the same time, various regulations and policies will limit the way the material is presented and what is discussed. When you put these different elements together, this information highlights how the system itself helps to keep the high school dropout rate high. The reason why, is because the one size fits all approach is alienating students from a number of different backgrounds. This source is useful, because it helps to establish one of the reasons why the high school dropout rate has remained high. As the findings, help to establish a basic challenge that is facing many school districts (inflexibility when applying curriculum and learning styles).

The information presented by Shireberg (2007) discusses how the No Child Left Behind Act is attempting to address these underlying challenges of high dropout rates. With the program utilizing standardized testing, to evaluate and determine how students are performing in eight different categories. The idea is that by testing select grades in the education system, you can understand what specific issues are facing various schools. At which point, the school can begin to improve its scores through increasing teacher accountability and the quality of teachers they are hiring. As those schools that are underperforming on these exams will have a certain amount of time to improve their standards or face the possibility of having their funding cut off. The results of this program were similar to others that have been implemented in the past. Where, they provide a way of measuring the problem, yet it does not address the underlying root causes. At which point, a new standardized test has been introduced, which is having little impact upon improving the overall quality of education that is being provided. The information from this source is useful, because it helps to confirm how the status quo is not addressing the underlying problem of high school dropouts.

The study that was conducted by Houston (2007) examines the three different categories that could be affecting high school dropout to include: low grade point averages, behavior problems (excessive suspensions) and cultural factors. The different cultural factors that would affect high school dropouts include: constantly moving around and having one or more parents that are not educated. This is important, because these cultural factors can play a role in determining the priority that an individual values in receiving an education. Where, those students who are from environments that do not support obtaining a higher education, will more than likely report low grade point averages and higher behavioral problems. As a result, this information is useful in helping to identify how the relationship of the individual, with their family will impact on how someone will view education. Where, their attitudes will reflect their social economic status and the stability of the family. In many ways, one could argue that these specific factors will determine how someone will view the importance of education in their lives. As the views and actions of family members will play a role in determining how they think.

The article by Patterson (2007), discusses how the high school dropout rate remains high among: the urban poor and racial minorities. Where, the author is seeking to look at specific family related issues that could be influencing this number vs. The larger sociological aspect. A good example of this can be seen with Latinos. Inside the family unit, the roles and responsibilities is different, with parents placing less of an emphasis on individual achievements. Instead, they are focused on supporting the family and their needs. This is problematic for many children who come from poor Hispanic families, as they are forced to choose between receiving a good education and family loyalty. At the same time, they have to wrestle with various cultural assimilation issues, which require more focus and concentrating when studying. The information from this source is useful, because it helps to identify specific factors that could be affecting why some Hispanics are dropping out of school. As their parents will view education and individual achievements differently (this will have an impact upon the student's ability to learn).

The article by Townsend (2008), discusses how bullying could be affecting students who are dropping out of school. To determine these effects, researchers would conduct an initial and follow up study by surveying 1,470 students. The results were that those students who were bullied during school would have increased chances of dropping out. As girls, were more likely to drop out, due to the negative effects from constant bullying. This is because of the lingering impact of what is occurring, would leave the individual with a reduced sense of: self-worth and difficulty adapting to social situations. At which point, the person would become more inclined to drop out of high school. This information is useful, because it highlights how specific internal factors at the school could affect the dropout rate. As bullying can cause many students to: become distant and uncomfortable with socializing in a school setting from the constant abuse. At which point, the odds increase dramatically that they will drop out of school.

The article by Bae (2007), discusses how Mexican-Americans are defining what are good and bad students. As researchers believe that the way a student views the benefits of education will determine how well they perform in school. To determine what thoughts were taking place, the study would interview 11 different Mexican-Americans about what they believed to be the good or bad student attributes. The results were that those individuals who thought of themselves as good students and would see the long-term benefits of education were high achievers in school. While those individuals who had negative perceptions about what was occurring, would have negative thoughts about education (leading to underachieving). This is significant because it shows how the way an individual views, the importance of the material being presented, will determine if someone will perform better academically. Where, their underlying beliefs will affect if the information being presented is useful.

The article by Brown (2009), talks about how cultural alienation is causing many Hispanic students to drop out of school. This is because these students will require more time of the educator and they can be difficult to teach. The reason why, is because various cultural factors create alienation among these students, with educators focused on the rest of class vs. A select individual. Once this begins to take place, it can mean that the dropout rate among Hispanics will increase. As they feel that they are not respected at school and have trouble understanding the material.

In the article by Rodriguez (2008), the author discusses why the Hispanic high school graduation rate remains in the low 50% range. The reason why this… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate" Assignment:

I need a literature review that is 5 pages long using APA style, 6h edition. I will submit 8 peer-reviewed articles that need to be used.

My research question is *****"How do high-school dropouts in the XYZ school district describe their experiences in and out of the classroom?

The literature review should address the following questions:

What have others found about this topic? Which themes emerge from my review of the literature?

Do the findings of these authors answer the question I am asking?

Are there flaws in the existing research that my study can help remedy?

What are some of the gaps that they do not include in their studies? *****

How to Reference "Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate" Literature Review in a Bibliography

Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate” 2010.
”Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Understanding the Hispanic Dropout Rate. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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