Research Paper on "Budgeting and Metrics"

Research Paper 10 pages (2815 words) Sources: 1+

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Hiring and Staffing Practices at Tawuniya Insurance Company

The high costs that are associated with recruiting qualified new hires are well documented and it is therefore vitally important that companies of all types and sizes perform these activities in an effective and efficient fashion. Many insurance companies competing in the Middle East, though, face a wide range of regulatory and cultural restrictions that must be complied with, making efficiency a particular challenge. One company that has managed to address the challenges effectively is Tawuniya Insurance Company of Saudi Arabia, which is the focus of this study. This paper provides a review of the relevant peer-reviewed, scholarly and organizational literature concerning Tawuniya Insurance Company to determine its hiring and staffing practices and how these procedures have contributed to the company's success over the years. A summary of the research and important findings are presented in the conclusion.

Review and Analysis

Organizational history

Today, Tawuniya is a Saudi public joint stock company with an emphasis on motor, marine, fire, medical, engineering, aviation, takaful, and casualty insurance (Tawuniya, 2010). As to the foregoing penultimate category, Ala Houmodi advises that, "Takaful is a rapidly growing segment of the Islamic financial market. Pursuant to takaful, a group of Muslims agrees to protect one another in the case of casualty or loss by pooling their resources through making regular payments in the form of premiums to be invested in commercial products deemed permissible under the rules of Islamic finance" (2007, p. 606). According to Karam (2010)
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, though, there are some significant religious and cultural constraints involved that affect the company's ability to remain competitive. For instance, Karam notes that, "The sector's potential is shackled mainly by the predominant view in the Islamic kingdom that buying an insurance policy would indicate a lack of faith and therefore contradicts Islamic law, or sharia, which forms the basis of laws in the country" (2010, para. 4).

Founded just over a quarter century ago, the Company for Cooperative Insurance (hereinafter alternatively "Tawuniya" or "the company") marked a new chapter in the history of the insurance industry in Saudi Arabia. For example, according to the company's promotional literature, "The establishment of Tawuniya in 1986 was not considered a normal occurrence in the Saudi insurance market; it was the steppingstone to create a viable insurance industry in Saudi Arabia" (Integrity, 2010, para. 1). This observation is congruent with media reports that indicate, "Tawuniya is considered the authority on insurance in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, most notably by the media and the government, and is regularly asked to comment on industry issues, and develop or vet government policies for the industry" (Tawuniya Insurance, 2010). According to the company's most recent annual report (2009), Tawuniya was "established in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by Royal Decree Number M/5 and incorporated on January 18, 1986" (p. 31).


The company currently employs 740 workers (Tawuniya technical analysis, 2010).


The company's success in delivering high quality insurance products can be easily discerned from its recent performance indicators as shown in Table 1 and illustrated graphically in Figure 1 below.

Table 1

Total Revenues for Tawuniya: 2005-2009 (in million Saudi Riyals):













Figure 1. Total Revenues for Tawuniya: 2005-2009 (in million Saudi Riyals):

As can be seen from Figure 1 above, the company's total revenues for 2009 increased a respectable 36% over 2008, attributable in large part to an increase in net premiums earned (Tawuniya Annual Report, 2009).

Reserves and Reserve policy

The company's technical reserves increased by more than half (52%) during 2009, amounting to SR 1,838 million vs. SR 1,208 million in 2008 (Tawuniya Annual Report, 2009).


The company has clearly benefited from careful management in recent years. For example, Tawuniya recently received an "A" rating and "stable" outlook from Standard and Poor's for the fifth year in a row (Tawuniya receives 'A' rating from S&P, 2010). The company's leadership recently reported that "Tawuniya does not plan to tap the debt market after Standard & Poor's Ratings Services revised its outlook on the firm to stable from negative" (Karam, 2010, para 1). A company spokesman also emphasized that, "Standard and Poor's says our capital adequacy is good, we told them that 'it is better than good'. There is an issue of interpretation of assets. it's not a black and white exercise" (quoted in Karam, 2010 at para. 2). Nevertheless, Standard & Poor's confirmed the company's 'A' rating with regards to its long-term counterparty credit and insurer financial strength ratings on Tawuniya (Karam, 2010). The company's most recent annual report also notes that Tawuniya was in full compliance with applicable governance regulations during 2009, except for the following:

1. CMA guidelines suggest practicing a cumulative voting mechanism in the election of Board members. However, the company follows the Ministry of Commerce regulations in this regard.

2. CMA guidelines suggest the formation of a separate Nominations & Remunerations Committee of the Board to perform tasks related to nomination of members to the Board and to provide recommendations related to the remuneration of Board members. However, at present these responsibilities are assigned to the Executive Committee of the Board (Tawuniya Annual Report, 2009, p. 19).

Revenue/overall organizational budget

According to the company's most recent annual report, general, administrative, selling and marketing expenses for 2008 amounted to SR 185,415,000 (Tawuniya Annual Report, 2009).

Market share

The company is in direct competition with 25 other insurance companies listed on the Saudi stock market (Tawuniya Annual Report, 2009). By end of year 2008, the volume of the Saudi insurance industry reached SR 10.9 billion, of which the company accounted for approximately 4.9%; however, the company emphasizes that it has taken steps recently to increase its market share in the future (Tawuniya Annual Report, 2009).

Investment policy

The company notes that its main focus is on returning as much return on investment to its shareholders as possible. For instance, the company report that, "As its name implies, Tawuniya transacts insurance business in accordance with the 'Cooperative Insurance Concept' which is approved by the Saudi Council of Senior Ulema. Based on this principle, the surplus resulting from insurance operations is returned back to the policyholders along with the indemnities paid to customers exposed to damages due to risks covered" (Tawuniya Overview, 2010).

Legal structure

The company's most recent annual report indicates that Tawuniya is a "Saudi joint stock company established in Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by Royal Decree Number M/5 and incorporated on January 18, 1986 corresponding to 8 Jumad Awal 1406H under Commercial Registration No. 1010061695" (Annual report, 2008:42). The company is headquartered in Riyadh (Annual report, 2008).


Tawuniya owns shares in four different associates as shown in Table 1 and illustrated graphically in Figure 1 below.

Table 1

Shares in Associates Owned by Tawuniya


United Insurance Company

Cooperative Real Estate Investment Company

Waseel Application Service Provider

Najm Inusrance Services Company

Share of Tawuniya Ownership





Source: Tawuniya Annual Report, 2009, p. 16

Figure 1. Share of Tawuniya Ownership in Associates


In response to the dynamic marketplace in which it competes, Tawuniya has implemented a number of human resource related policies to ensure that is has the best and brightest talent available. For instance, the company reports that, "In a fast changing environment, developing human resources is vital to enhance the level of performance, promote employees' skills, and achieve customer satisfaction" (Trained staff, 2010, para 3). To help achieve the goal of recruiting and retaining the best talent available, Tawuniya has provided a wide range of training opportunities for its employees. According to the company's promotional literature, "This goal is realized by regularly organizing intensive in-house, as well as external, training courses, workshops and seminars that address various subjects of insurance, management, information technology, marketing and other relevant areas. Therefore, Tawuniya has created the Knowledge Development Center (KDC) which caters to these demands" (Trained staff, 2010, para 4). In addition, the company's most recent annual report points out that, "The company conducted specialized training courses to enhance the level of professionalism in managing its projects" (Tawuniya Annual Report, 2009, p. 14).


In the midst of recent economic developments, the insurance industry in Saudi Arabia has been caught between the need to provide comprehensive coverage for its policyholders while complying with the strict regulatory guidelines established by the Saudi government. In this regard, Chaudry reports that, "This unusual condition delinked processes that have, historically, been inextricably connected: in Saudi Arabia, growth in investments and consumption had little to do with domestic savings and productivity" (1997, p 263). These policies have also affected the ability of insurance companies competing in the Saudi marketplace. For instance, Chaudry also notes that, "Capital abundance stymied the development of important ancillary institutions, such as a formal insurance industry and a stock market. Moreover, it forestalled the emergence of effective regulatory mechanisms, resulting in the growth of informal and unregulated financial markets" (p. 263). Notwithstanding these constraints,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Budgeting and Metrics" Assignment:

It*****'s about (Tawuniya Company) in the areas of Hiring and staffing of human resources,

*****¢ Collect and analyze Tawuniya company data on core metrics in practice for the area of HR selected.

*****¢ Present the data, your analysis, and your recommendations.

*****¢ Write a paper, following APA manual, of 12 pages, without appendices.

*****¢ You are expected to write at a graduate school level.

*****¢ Be sure to read the University*****s policy on plagiarism and carefully follow requirements for citations.

This is the link for the company I choose to write about (Tawuniya insurance Company):

This is Tawuniya insurance Company annual report link

Take on consideration:

Requisition rate/workforce planning

Recruitment staff productivity

Cost per hire

Source analysis

Time to fill

Quality of hire

How to Reference "Budgeting and Metrics" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Budgeting and Metrics.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Budgeting and Metrics (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Budgeting and Metrics. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Budgeting and Metrics” 2010.
”Budgeting and Metrics”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Budgeting and Metrics”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Budgeting and Metrics [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Budgeting and Metrics. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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