Thesis on "High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning"

Thesis 4 pages (1410 words) Sources: 6 Style: APA

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High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning

Most teachers and administrators agree that it is important to measure student learning within schools. Performing tests, obtaining results, and analyzing these results can help schools make decisions about curriculum, faculty, and environment, among other variables. Obtaining test results can help schools better cater to their students, producing more capable learners. But what is the best way to obtain these results. The No Child Left Behind Act mandates high stakes testing as the assessment method through which students' learning is viewed. High stakes testing has even been called the "backbone" of No Child Left Behind (Nichols, n.d, para. 4). High stakes tests can be defined as assessments that are used to make influential decisions on students' lives, such as whether they will advance to the next grade or graduate. Beckette and Brown argue that most teachers do not support high-stakes testing (cited in "Pros and Cons," 2006, para. 3). In fact, there are many arguments against high-stakes testing, though some argue that carefully designed high-stakes testing can be beneficial in shaping "school curriculum and reform" ("Pros and Cons," 2006, para. 5). In this essay, the author will argue that high stakes testing has a negative effect on student learning. This will be accomplished through the following three arguments:

High stakes testing encourages teachers to teach to the test instead teaching the skills that students need to obtain competency in a field.

High stakes testing encourages students to view the test, rather than learning itself, as the ultimate goal of education.

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stakes testing disadvantages those with learning disabilities.

I. High stakes testing encourages teachers to teach to the test instead of teaching the skills that students need to learn to obtain competency in a field.

Because teachers are assessed based on the performance of their students on high-stakes tests, they have an incentive to teach material that they know will be on the tests, rather than teaching the students material that will most impact their academic, professional, and personal lives. Those who are in favor of high-stakes testing suggest that "teachers need high-stakes tests to know what is teach." Also, those in favor of the assessment practice suggest that teachers need the tests to "motivate them" (Amrein and Berliner 2002). Although some teachers fit this description, the vast majority do not. Teachers, especially seasoned ones, learn through trial and error, through previous teaching experiences, through working with students one-on-one, and through the practices of their peers. Every classroom is different, and the pace of a classroom and structure of assignments and students must be based, in part, on students. Teachers who are motivated to teach only what they know will be on the test will be a disservice to students, as they do not encourage students to practice critical thinking skills and reasoning necessary for their futures. Instead, these teachers simply encourage the memorization of what will be on tests so that both the students and teacher will perform satisfactorily.

II. High stakes testing encourages students to view the test, rather than learning itself, as the ultimate goal of education.

Just as teachers who are assessed through the performance of their students on high-stakes tests have a tendency to teach to the test, so to do students tend to view passing the test as the ultimate goal of education. Because high stakes test scores are seen as so important, they produce stress, and cause students to think of them as the primary goal of education. High stakes test scores are beginning to define more and more decisions. Some families even make the decision to move based on test scores because realtors "use school test scores to rate neighborhood quality and this affects property values" (Amrein and Berliner 2002). Thus, high-stakes testing is a very important event to students and their parents. In addition, students know that they will not be able to move ahead a grade or graduate on time if they do not pass these tests. Because of this, high stakes testing is likely to create a great deal of stress. When faced with this stressor, it becomes primary in students lives. Some suggest that students who face high stakes testing also face risks of dropping… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning" Assignment:

This paper should be a persuasive position paper. The topic is high stakes testing in schools. We should talk about our perspective on high stakes testing. We should talk about what we are going to talk about before we state the problem. In the beginning of the paper we need to site someone. The paper should have a problem. I would like the position to be against high stakes testing. In the summary there should be a suggestion for further study. The paper should be at least 1000 words.

How to Reference "High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning" Thesis in a Bibliography

High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning (2009). Retrieved from (2009). High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning” 2009.
”High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. High Stakes Testing as Detrimental to Learning. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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