Term Paper on "High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal"

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High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal

High Blood Pressure

High Blood Pressure (BP) awareness:

Being crowned as the 2007 Miss Nigeria in America - MNIA, I plan to undertake a High Blood Pressure Awareness as being my platform. I have chosen this issue of creating high blood pressure awareness since I have seen the impacts of having high BP, which caused me to lose my grandmother and my aunt, and now mother is a victim to it. Being an issue very close to my heart, I feel that I should do something really worth to create awareness about high blood pressure and its risk factors. ("High Blood Pressure," n. d.) High blood pressure leads to incidence and mortality evolving from coronary heart disease, stroke, and all types of cardiovascular diseases and also other cardiac abnormalities and also causes mortality. (Stamler; Stamler; Neaton, 1993) it is particularly dangerous as it sometimes comes with no warning signs or symptoms. Anyone can develop high BP irrespective of race, age, or gender. According to estimates, one in every four American adults suffers from high BP. In case high blood pressure develops, it generally lasts for a lifetime. However, one can prevent and control high BP through taking action. ("High Blood Pressure," n. d.)

Hypertension is the medical term for high blood pressure. It is dangerous as it pressurizes the heart to work very hard and is responsible for atherosclerosis i.e. hardening of the arteries. It increases the odds of risk of heart disease and stroke that are first and third major cause of fatalities among the Americans. Besides, high BP can also lead to other ailments like congestive heart failure, dis
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eases of the kidney, and blindness. For those who do not encounter high BP at age 55, are almost certain of developing it during their lifetime. Therefore high blood pressure happens to be a condition which people have at some stage of their lives or other. ("What are high blood pressure and pre-hypertension?," n. d.) Many of those who have high blood pressure are not aware of it. This is a relatively silent disease.

Pre-disposition of African-Americans for developing High BP:

Since there are no symptoms known until it is too late, unfortunately my grandmother as well as my aunt had become victims of this silent killer. Since African-Americans have a great affinity for developing High BP, it is very important to have information on this front. Nearly 65 million American adults i.e. almost 1 in 3 are diagnosed with high blood pressure and it is very prevalent among the African-American, who might get it earlier in their lives more frequently compared to their white counterparts. It starts at an earlier age and is normally more acute. Besides, African-Americans have a higher death rate due to stroke and kidney ailments compared to whites. However, the silver lining is that with proper treatment, one can control high BP. Apart from that, changes in lifestyle is able to prevent and control high blood pressure. The measures include losing weight in case of overweight, increasing physical activity, adhering to a healthy eating plan which stresses on a dietary regime of fruits, vegetables and low-fat diary foods, preparing and consuming foods with less salt and sodium and moderate intake of alcohol. In case changes in lifestyles do not produce any result, a lot of blood pressure medications are available to assist. ("Who can develop High blood pressure?" n. d.)

It has been observed that almost every American experiences a constant rise in BP with advancing age. Nearly 25% of the Americans are diagnosed with hypertension accounting for some 500,000 fatalities annually. In case of Black Americans, the condition is even more acute with 35% of the community suffering from the disease. The disease is especially fatal in this population responsible for 20% of the deaths among Blacks in the U.S. that is twice the figures in case of whites. One of the accepted justification of this disparity among the blacks and whites is that African people are "intrinsically susceptible" to high blood pressure due to some of the distantly defined characteristic of their genetic makeup. However, considering the African Diaspora which was the forced migration of about 10 million West Africans to the Caribbean and the Americans is also one of the causes of hypertension of African-Americans. It is a fact that the rate of hypertension in the rural West Africa is lower compared to any other place in the world, save for some regions of the Amazon basin and the S. Pacific. (Cooper; Rotimi; Ward, n. d.)

However African descendants in America on the other hand have among the highest rates of hypertension in the world. This transition indicates that some aspects regarding the surroundings or the lifestyle of European and the American blacks instead of genetic factor was the main reason behind their transformed susceptibility to high blood pressure. One analysis of the data unravels that being overweight, and the related absence of exercise and poor diet justifies between 40 & 50% of the increased risk of hypertension which the African-Americans experience compared with the Nigerians. Differences in dietary salt are responsible to the greater dangers also. The African diaspora has transformed into a very potent instrument for assessing the impact of a changing society and environment on a comparatively steady gene pool. Besides, a question arises whether rising blood pressure is almost unavoidable hazard of modern living for people of all skin colors. The human cardiovascular system that evolved in the geographic environment of rural Africa wherein obesity was rare, salt intake was restrained, the diet was a low-fat and high level of physical activity was necessary. (Cooper; Rotimi; Ward, n. d.)

It is alarming to note the fact that a modest change from these baseline conditions results in remarkable changes in the threat for hypertension. For example, blood pressure are considerably more in Nigerian cities compared to adjacent rural areas, regardless of small differences in the group's average levels of obesity and sodium intake. Plus other variables, like psychological stress and absence of physical activity might also be responsible for this increase. Psychological and social stresses are very intricate to calibrate, particularly across cultures. Nevertheless, it is a fact that blacks in N. America and Europe encounter a unique kind of stress i.e. racial discrimination. The long-standing impact of racism on blood pressure in not known. However it is important to remember that blacks in some regions of the Caribbean, inclusive of Trinidad, Cuba and the rural Puerto Rico have average blood pressures which are almost the same as that of other racial groups. It is believed that in order to appreciate hypertension in African-Americans better, the scientific community must reevaluate the intrinsic significance of ethnic and racial divisions of our species. A lot of disciplines maintain the absence of biological basis to the concept of race; on the other hand they see it as a reflection of societal distinctions instead of readily defined scientific ones. (Cooper; Rotimi; Ward, n. d.)

The challenges of this issue can only be met by creating awareness in the Nigerian communities and also empower them to be made responsible for their health. Since high blood pressure is quite silent and could be treated effectively, the most important is that of early detection and awareness. Given the fact hat high blood pressure prevails in my family, I have a deep sense of personal commitment, involvement, and conviction to create widespread awareness regarding high blood pressure.

2. Steps you would take to promote this platform to Nigerians/Nigerians in Diaspora:

Prevention of High BP is a leading public health challenge. The various steps to be taken to promote the high BP control program will include the following broad activities. A massive fundraising campaign is to be initiated. Since I live in New York City, there could be a statewide awareness program conducted to create awareness about this disease. viz. (i) High BP pressure screening, referral, and follow-up: BP screening can be organized at specially organized event or at other gathering for dual purposes of detecting persons suffering from high BP and also to monitor the pressures of those who are already aware of their High BP are under treatment to control their blood pressure. Blood pressure screening programs particularly focused on high-risk groups, especially Nigerians/Nigerians in Diaspora could be conducted. It is important to work with employers in my own state to assure blood pressure screening and follow-up services for state employees. As regards referral, people with higher readings could be referred to a doctor or clinic for more evaluation and diagnosis. Follow-up and tracking involves that after screening program leaders get in touch with individuals with high readings or the doctors or clinics to which they are referred to guarantee that more evaluation takes place. ("Activities for priority groups and settings," n. d.) it is also important to assure blood pressure screening and follow-up services for state employees. (Controlling High Blood Pressure) ii) Administering medicine: People at religious gathering can conduct… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal" Assignment:

>Business Proposal: You have been crowned the 2007 Miss Nigeria in America (MNIA) and you have chosen a platform you would undertake during your reign. MNIA, Inc. has tasked you to write a proposal on your platform that you will present to different NGOs, Grant Agencies and to the Board Members of MNIA, Inc. The budget for your proposal/plan is $10,000

>Describe in essay format the following topics (1-4):

1.Name of platform and reason why you chose to undertake it:

High Blood Pressure Awareness

**If chosen as the next Miss Nigeria in America, I would undertake *****High Blood Pressure Awareness***** as my platform. High-blood pressure otherwise known as hypertension is a major health problem in the United States and especially among West Africans. Not only are the risks higher, but so is the likelihood of developing it at a younger age and its severity. In order to deal with this problem, people must know the risk factors and if they do have hypertension, that they lower their blood pressure.

Many of those who have high blood pressure do not know it. This is a uniquely silent disease. There are no symptoms until it is too late; unfortunately my grandmother and my aunt fell victim to the silent killer. This challenge can be met by raising awareness in Nigerian communities and empowering them to be responsible for their health. Because high blood pressure is silent and can be treated effectively, early detection and awareness is important. Given that high blood pressure runs in my family, I have a strong personal commitment, involvement, and conviction to promote widespread awareness about high blood pressure.

2. Steps you would take to promote this platform to Nigerians/Nigerians in Diaspora

Some suggestions I had includes build visibility, but this is NOT limited. **I*****m open to suggestions

The goal is to promote the fact that HBP can be prevented and controlled; people just need to be aware and willing to get checked every now and then to ensure they are within a healthy range

A. Fundraising

B. Since I live in NYC; I thought to have a statewide awareness program

C. Work to assure blood pressure screening and follow-up services for state employees

D. Promote school health programs that maintain or enhance physical education classes and offer healthful foods in cafeterias

and vending machines.

E. Provide blood pressure screening programs focused on high-risk groups; Nigerians/Nigerians in Diaspora

F. Work with health care organizations like, American Heart Association, NIH

G. Monthly Screenings available for Nigerian Organziations; provide incentives. Discount for this high-risk group with hospitals?

H. Get people involved/organizations involved: http://hp2010.nhlbihin.net/nhbpep_kit/prior.htm

3. Advice you would give the named agencies above on ways to implement your platform program.

Below are some ideas, but not limited to

A. Work with your local American Heart Association

B. Free Clinics*****”please include the fact that I volunteered with the Ithaca Free Clinic in Ithaca, NY. I created a hypertension brochure to hand out to patients to educate them. Also, I was trained to read patient vitals and use the automated blood pressure machine to measure patients blood pressure levels

C. http://www.healthystates.csg.org/NR/rdonlyres/3E2E20A8-B42F-4DF9-9D9E53CEBA9AFE7D/0/ControllingHighBloodPressureFINAL.pdf.

4. Detailed/Realistic Budget outlining total cost on undertaking this platform

This must be specific (i.e. in order to promote school health care; it will cost $X because research indicates*****¦) In terms of the layout; the budget section does not count as a *****page*****. This will be included as a separate page and attached at the end of the proposal.

***So, 8 pages will focus on Topics 1-3 and the 9th page will focus on topic 4--budget.

Charts, tables etc, if used do not count as a page. Please put in the appendix section of the report if necessary.

>Tone of the Proposal:

Passionate*****”maybe open up with the major reason why I chose this topic. It runs in my family; I lost my aunt, grandmother, and my mom has it now. So, it*****s a bit personal as well. Another suggestion may be to follow up with startling statistics to really grab the reader*****s attention. This must be consistent throughout the essay/proposal b/c it*****s 8 pages long.

>Quotes: Yes! This may help keep the reader engaged

>Must have*****s

1. Personal history/experience with HBP

2. Directly answer 1-4 above

3. Relate/Direct proposal with the target audience of Nigerians/Nigerians in America

4. Mention the Miss Nigeria in America Oranization

5. Mention that *****as the 2007 Miss Nigeria in America, I will***** or something to this extent

>Additional Information I think may help or to provide guidance:

Improving Control of High Blood Pressure in Wisconsin

Wisconsin*****s Cardiovascular Health Program collaborated with a statewide group of 20 HMOs and health systems, as well as other public and private health organizations, to increase the percentage of patients who have their high blood pressure controlled. Participating HMOs represented 84 percent of patients enrolled in HMOs in the state in 2000 and more than 98 percent of those enrolled in 2001 (nearly 1.5 million people). The Cardiovascular Health Program asked that the 20 participating health plans with commercial enrollees collect data on measures of cardiovascular health. Based on these data, health plans made quality improvements in blood pressure control. Among participating health plans, the percentage of patients who had their high blood pressure controlled increased from 48 percent to 58 percent*****”a 21 percent relative increase. http://dhfs.wisconsin.gov/Health/cardiovascular/index.htm

Promote physical activity and healthy eating habits. *****Programs aimed at increasing physical activity and promoting a healthy diet are effective in lowering blood pressure and could delay or prevent the onset of high blood pressure.*****

Promote early identification of high blood pressure. *****High blood pressure is a well-known risk factor for heart disease and stroke that can be prevented. Early intervention through detection and treatment is a fundamental strategy for public health.*****

Develop community programs. *****Successful community programs should be convenient for your population and conducted in a culturally sensitive manner. Programs should be targeted to those populations who are most likely to develop high blood pressure and those with limited access to health care.*****

Promote access to the health care system for all. *****Less than half of your constituents diagnosed with high blood pressure have it under control. Lack of access to health care providers and medical care will lead to uncontrolled high blood pressure.*****

Encourage quality improvement efforts in the health care setting. *****Systems that support providers and patients in following established guidelines are needed. Quality improvement programs in the primary care, specialty care and hospital settings can transform the care that is provided to patients with high blood pressure.***** Resources: Washington State Department of Health Web site*****” http://www.doh.wa.gov/. *****The Health of Washington State High Blood Pressure*****: Available at http://www.doh.wa.gov/HWS/doc/CD/CD_HBP.doc

How to Reference "High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal" Term Paper in a Bibliography

High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/high-blood-pressure-awareness-proposal/7854. Accessed 27 Sep 2024.

High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/high-blood-pressure-awareness-proposal/7854
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/high-blood-pressure-awareness-proposal/7854 [Accessed 27 Sep, 2024].
”High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/high-blood-pressure-awareness-proposal/7854.
”High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/high-blood-pressure-awareness-proposal/7854.
[1] ”High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/high-blood-pressure-awareness-proposal/7854. [Accessed: 27-Sep-2024].
1. High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 27 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/high-blood-pressure-awareness-proposal/7854
1. High Blood Pressure Awareness Proposal. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/high-blood-pressure-awareness-proposal/7854. Published 2007. Accessed September 27, 2024.

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