Essay on "Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh"

Essay 5 pages (1786 words) Sources: 5

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Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh, the Bhagavad-Gita, and the Book of Exodus

Heroism has been a concept throughout history and literature. That concept will be addressed and illustrated here through the Bhagavad-Gita, the Epic of Gilgamesh, and the Book of Exodus. In all three stories, there are heroes and those who struggle to do the right thing. Sometimes, heroes are not those who are intending to be heroes, but those who have circumstances thrust upon them and must do something to correct those circumstances - either for themselves or for others. Most often, a hero has specific characteristics that set him or her apart from others, such as a deep respect for other people, a compassion for others that goes beyond the norm, a high level of inner strength, and a willingness to make things right no matter what the personal sacrifice. Even if a hero does not realize he or she possesses these traits and characteristics, they often come out during the story, especially when the hero must face an epic foe or battle.

Heroes are important in all three stories that will be discussed here, but they are also important in everyday life. This is why so many people enjoy "feel good" stories about someone who has done something heroic. Learning about heroes reminds a person that there are good, decent people in the world who will provide help and hope to humanity when it feels as though all is lost. All is never lost, and good people can step up at any point, even in the most unlikely of places and circumstances. These heroes are something thought to be even more significant than the "standard" heroes - police, firemen, military personnel, etc. What matters, however, is how these heroes dea
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l with adversity and what they teach people about themselves and others.

The Epic of Gilgamesh

In the Epic of Gilgamesh, Gilgamesh is the hero. He is a king, but he is also two-thirds a god, and that makes him incredibly strong and capable (Sandars, 2006). While he is definitely considered heroic, he also has the advantage because of his supernatural parentage. He has skills, valor, intelligence, and reverence, all of which are very important to being heroic. He has a deep respect for death, as well, and he goes into battle without fear. Slaying harmful creatures and traveling all over the world seeking answers to help others in his city is what Gilgamesh does best. He looks to a higher power so he can be strong when he goes to battle, and he is also respectful to each and every person he meets, because everyone is fighting some kind of battle and must sometimes he a hero in their own lives, even if it is far different than the kinds of things Gilgamesh is facing in his travels (Sandars, 2006).

No matter who or what he battles, Gilgamesh is always triumphant in the end. This could be because of the superior skills he has, but it could also be because he is so deeply focused on the value of human life and how much he wants to help. Dedication and desire can easily trump skills for any person who is committed to being a hero for themselves or for others who need them. Being skilled is only part of what Gilgamesh has to offer. Because he is capable of so much courage and conviction, that seems to amplify the skills he has and take them to a point where he becomes unable to be defeated by any person or beast in the world. When he fights Humbaba he is very nervous, because he understands the enormity of the task (Sandars, 2006). One does not have to be completely fearless on the inside to still be a hero. Acting fearless and being fearless are not the same thing, and a hero like Gilgamesh knows the difference between what is on the outside and what is on the inside.

The Bhagavad-Gita

In the Bhagavad-Gita, Krishna is the main hero. He is an Avatar and an Indian raja (Coburn, 1984). As an embodiment of part of the Creator, Krishna is the one through which the Creator provides spiritual precepts to all of the people (Bhagavad-Gita, n.d). The various philosophical truths that are seen in the Bhagavad-Gita come through dialogue between Krishna and his friend Arjuna. One of the ways Krishna showed he was a hero began with the battle that Arjuna was to fight. Arjuna had his army with him, and he was about to fight another army (Coburn, 1984). Before the battle he discovered that many of the people in the other army were past friends and people he cared about. He thinks about getting out of the battle and avoiding it all together, but Krishna discusses this with him and shows him that he will doom the rest of his men if he refuses to fight (Coburn, 1984). By asking Krishna questions about life and death, it becomes clear that Krishna is a deeply spiritual man who knows the value of the Creator.

Love, Krishna teaches, is the most important part of life. It is not about killing and similar things, but about the love people have for one another and for the Creator. The answers that are given by Krishna are considered to be the essence of the Bhagavad-Gita (Coburn, 1984). Krishna is not a hero in the same sense as Gilgamesh, because he does not spend his life fighting battles and killing monsters. Instead, he is a more quiet form of hero who seeks and also provides the truth about the Creator and about the value of life and human relationships. He tells Arjuna how no one actually dies in this life, and the body is only a short part of that life (Bhagavad-Gita, n.d.). Since the body is but one of the vessels and one part of existence, there can be no death. Philosophy and spiritual issues are at the heart of what Krishna provides to others, so that other people can get the benefit of what the Creator wants them to understand.

The Book of Exodus

Exodus is the second book of the bible. The main hero in that book is Moses. He is the one who led the others to Sinai, and who went up the mountain and talked to the Lord, bringing back the Ten Commandments that all were to follow (Exodus, 2012; Houston, 1998). He is a true hero, but not in the same way as Gilgamesh or Krishna. Unlike Gilgamesh, he does not travel the world slaying monsters, is not part god, and is not a king of his people. He came from extremely humble beginnings, and is only doing what God asks of him. He is a faithful person, and that is one of the reasons that others follow him. Unlike Krishna, he is not claiming to be part of the Creator and is not imparting universal truths onto others. Instead, he is charged with the duty of bringing God to the people through the Commandments and through having faith in God and respect for Him, as well. Those are all heroic things that matter deeply, and Moses had a heart that was for God (Houston, 1998). Because God could see that, he rewarded Moses and made him a significant and important man in the bible.

Being a hero was not something Moses worked for or expected, in the sense that he did not deliberately set out to be a hero. He was not going around slaying anything or anyone, and he was a humble, quiet man who did not claim to be or have anything special. That was a large part of why God used him to be a hero, because he had the humility a person should when they are very reverent toward their Creator. Moses may have seemed an unlikely hero, but bringing the Ten Commandments to those who were traveling with him was a heroic act because of the bravery it took him to get close to God and not be afraid. Sometimes, just having the courage to do what needs to be done and not run from responsibility is the most heroic thing a person can do, and Moses showed that level of heroism.


As can be seen, there are many different types of heroes and many levels of heroism. Depending on the person and the circumstances, something that is done may or may not be considered heroic. Additionally, what one person views as heroic will not necessarily be the same thing that another person will view is heroic, so the bystanders and witnesses to an act can spread the legend of a hero or choose not to view events in that kind of light. How the person involved in the act see the act can deeply affect that person, as well as the bystanders. In society, however, most of the people who are considered heroes do something strong that… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh" Assignment:


Midterm essays should be 1,500 words.

Your papers will be your own critical reading of the assignments and, where appropriate,

your commentary on a primary source. While proper footnoting (Chicago Manual of Style, is expected, the assigned reading should

be adequate and extensive research will not be necessary.


Discuss the conception of heroism in three of the following: Gilgamesh, Book of Exodus, and Bhagavad-Gita.

Preferred Resources:

Epic of Gilgamesh

Book of Exodus (Chapter 19-22)

The Bhagavad-Gita (Books 1, 10-11)

How to Reference "Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh" Essay in a Bibliography

Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh” 2012.
”Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Heroism in the Epic of Gilgamesh. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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