Term Paper on "Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector"

Term Paper 4 pages (1160 words) Sources: 1+

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The role of the healthcare sector has remained relatively constant throughout the past recent decades, but the means in which the players in the healthcare sector strive to attain their objectives has changed. One of the most relevant examples as to how the healthcare industry has suffered modifications refers to the role of the human resources.

External and in-house education

Within the healthcare industry then, the human resource is the most valuable resource, the single one able to ensure adequate patient care and support the health of the overall society. And as the role of the personnel continually increases, a question is being posed relative to the training and education of the staff members. When, on the one hand, the employees are sent for training outside the entity, they benefit from an ability to capitalize on additional expertise, but they might also be presented to information less relevant to the clinic in which they work. When on the other hand, they are trained in-house, the information to which they become exposed could be limited, but it would have the specific feature of being highly relevant for the respective healthcare unit and the position occupied by the respective staff.


Another issue to be discussed at the level of the staff is represented by the authority, namely the formal and informal authority. The formal authority is characterized by the fact that it imposes norms and regulations with which the subalterns have to comply, whereas informal authority is generated through respect, admiration and credibility and it has the ability to influence behavior and atti
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tude (Salvador, 2010). Informal authority is more so linked to mentoring and influencing, as well as with knowledge and expertise as source of authority. Whereas in the case of formal authority, this is more so linked to power, rather than an ability to motivate and influence.

Involvement of employees

A recent trend has been that of implementing programs and cultures which focus on the staff member, including their integration in the decision making process. Such a course of action is supported by benefits of higher employee morale, as well as increased organizational access to various standpoints and potential solutions. Nevertheless, the success rates of this endeavor have generically been decreased as the communication is less effective upwards than it is downwards. The explanation for this would be constituted by the failure of the managerial team to listen to the input provided by the staff members.

Human resources management

In this increasingly complex setting, the role of the human resources department is an organization wide one, which includes every aspect of the relationship between the firm and the employee, from before the commencement of employment, and in the aftermath of the employee's living the firm. The members of the human resources department select those individuals who are best skilled and trained for the profession required, but aside from technical skills, they also assess the ability of the candidate / employee to become integrated within the working unit. The healthcare sector is extremely challenging, filled with traumas which take a toll on the lives of the staff members. The HRM department then ensures the healthcare professionals are best able to cope with the emotional and technical pressures of the job and support the organization in reaching its objectives. This great importance and role played by the HRM department constitutes the grounds for the need of the department to respond to the highest practical level in the organization.

HRM operations in healthcare institutions

In some healthcare organizations nevertheless, the role and responsibilities of the human resources department are completed by the actual medical staffs. These meet with the candidates, select the candidates, conduct the interviews and so on. This often occurs as a… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector" Assignment:

4.Compare and contrast what you see as the relative advantages and disadvantages of

sending employees for educational experiences externally versus providing as much

education as possible in-house.

1. Describe the concept of informal authority and state how this differs from formal authority.

2. What is to be gained by including employees in the manager*****s decision-making process whenever practical?

3. How can job knowledge or technical expertise be a form of power or authority?

4. What is the principle advantage of mentoring?

5. What is*****or should be*****the primary purpose of the overwhelming majority of disciplinary processes?

6. What is the essential difference between power and influence?

1. Explain the relationship of the human resources department to the rest of the organization, especially the *****line***** departments or patient care functions.

2. What has been the primary reason for the growth in the number of necessary employee-related tasks over the past four decades?

3. Why should Human Resources report to the highest practical level in the organization?

4. Why is it advisable to involve Human Resources in significant disciplinary actions?

5. What the primary functions of documentation are as contained in *****the record***** or *****the personnel file?***** Describe each of the functions, evaluating and explaining the importance of each.


In health care organizations of appreciable size, larger departments (for example, nursing, food service, housekeeping, and such) often perform certain human resources activities, in that they may accept employment applications directly and schedule their own interviews and make job offers. These circumstances represent the partial decentralization of human resources services, as opposed to centralization in which all such functions are performed by the human resources department. You are to compare and contrast centralization versus decentralization of human resources services, highlighting advantages and disadvantages of each, and recommend which approach you believe is best in the long run and why you believe it is best.


1. In an exchange of thoughts or ideas with another person, why is it often essential to be able to talk with the individual face-to-face?

2. Identify three signs or actions that suggest you may have intruded into another person*****s *****personal space.*****

3. In the organizational hierarchy, why does information seem to travel downward more effectively than upward?

4. What is the primary shortcoming of the *****grapevine,***** and how can we adjust or compensate for it? Evaluate the use of the grapevine for organizational purposes.

5. It has often been claimed that the greatest barrier to getting essential information communicated upward from the work force is management*****s failure to act on previous information. Why might this be so?

1.Identify the major benefits offered under the Medicare Program.

2.What is Medigap insurance? Describe the development of such plans and the reasons they came about.

3.Describe the primary objectives of unemployment insurance. How is eligibility determined under this program?

4.Discuss the Medicare Advantage program alternatives to Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B.


5.Discuss the basic benefits offered under the Part B side of the Medicare program. How are these benefits paid for?

Identify the basic characteristics of Social Insurance

1.What are the three categories of torts? Be sure to differentiate between each type of tort in your response.

2.Describe the common defenses against negligence?

3.What are the primary elements of a negligence?

4.Explain the concept of compensatory damages. Differentiate between special damages and general damages.

5.Define the term Res Ipsa Loquitur, expounding on the background of this legal concept. Give examples with your answer.

6.What is a personal umbrella policy? Name the exclusions normally present in this type policy.

7.In your opinion, what is the cause of the medical malpractice crisis in the health care industry. Support your answer and include appropriate examples.

How to Reference "Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-role/15111. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-role/15111
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-role/15111 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-role/15111.
”Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-role/15111.
[1] ”Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-role/15111. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-role/15111
1. Healthcare the Role of the Healthcare Sector. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-role/15111. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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