Thesis on "Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill"

Thesis 29 pages (7972 words) Sources: 20

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Healthcare Reform

Ways The Healthcare Reform Bill May Affect The Average American

Many of those who disagree with the proposed Healthcare Reform Bill actually agree that America's current health care system needs reform. Amidst concerns and challenges that counter and compliment the contemporary health care reform bill being considered by Congress, one primary question arises, the primary question this mixed methods research paper addresses: How may the current proposed Healthcare Reform Bill affect the average American?

In addition to accessing information through the literature review, this study conducts a 15 question survey via a questionnaire the researcher created. Ultimately, as the research paper answers the primary research questions and three relevant sub-questions, it stimulates more questions regarding the proposed Healthcare Reform Bill that only time, the verdict regarding the bill and the average American may answer.




List of Table and Figures




Research Question and Sub-questions

Significance of the Study

Research Design and Methodology

Organization of the Study



Healthcare Today

Healthcare Problems

Average American Healthcare Insurance

Current Healthcare Reform Bill

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Mixed Methods Research

Conducting and Implementing Surveys


Survey Regarding Healthcare Reform Bill













Figure 1: Benefits for Americans with Health Insurance


Figure 2: Reported Benefits for Americans without Health Insurance


Figure 3: Benefits for all Americans, Businesses and Government


Figure 4: Mayo Clinic's Healthcare Reform Plan



"…The current health care system is not working, with runaway costs, failure to provide universal coverage, and inconsistent quality of care"

- Robert A. Levine (2009, p. 159).


Concerns and challenges counter and compliment the contemporary health care reform bill being considered by Congress. The article, "Fifty-Four percent of Americans believe health care reform will not be passed this year" (2009) published by U.S. Newswire, explains that in regard to the $856 billion health care bill Max Baucus, Senate Finance Committee Chairman, proposed, the average American is reportedly conflicted. While 84% of Americans surveyed agree some form of change is needed, as consumers, they stand at a crossroads. The complexity of the system, along with personal experiences sometimes proves confusing. During this research paper, which implements a mixed method approach, the researcher examines ways the current proposed Healthcare Reform Bill may affect the average American.

Some Americans oppose the reform bill and doubt that this legislation will ever pass. They also argue that the affect on the average American will only prove to be negative. A number of others, on the other hand, support components of President Obama's current reform plan and assert the reform bill will positively affect and benefit the average American.

Study Structure

Research Question and Sub-questions

The research paper addresses the following primary research question, as well as three sub-questions. The primary research question queries: How may the current proposed Healthcare Reform Bill affect the average American? Sub-questions addressed by the literature reviewed and questionnaire administered ask:

1. What concerns currently challenge the average American in the realm of health care?

2. Is reform needed in healthcare?

3. What does the current proposed Healthcare Reform Bill propose?

Significance of the Study

Healthcare and its affect on the average American constitutes a primary concern for many Americans.

***Need to add personal perceptions here

Research Design and Methodology

During the study, this researcher utilizes the mixed-method methodology; which combines qualitative and quantitative methodologies and includes the following tools to retrieve information:

The Literature Review, and The questionnaire

The researcher conducts an extensive review of literature, initially surveying more than 50 research sources, and ultimately examining at least 25 of these articles; books; newspaper excerpts; Web sites to garner credible information. The researcher analyzes data obtained from participants regarding the Healthcare Reform Bill and includes participants' demographics. The researcher analyzes participants' responses in conjunction with the reviewed literature.

Organization of the Study

The body of the study includes the following five chapters.

Chapter I: Introduction

Chapter IV: Literature Review

Chapter III:: Methodology

Chapter IV: Findings

Chapter V: Conclusions

Chapter 1: Introduction

During Chapter I, the researcher introduces the research papper's focus, affects of the Healthcare Reform Bill and relates the primary research question, along with three sub-questions the research paper addresses. The first chapter also notes the study's significance and the research methods the researcher utilizes to answer the research questions.

Chapter 2: Review of the Literature

In Chapter II, the researcher presents information compiled from researched articles, books, etc. relevant to the research question. This chapter's examination of literature supports the research questions.

Chapter 3: Methodology

Chapter III relates details regarding the methodology the researcher utilized complete the research paper. This chapter also relates information about the questionnaire and its implementation.

Chapter 4: Findings

During Chapter IV, the researcher analyzes information retrieved from the literature review relating to the Healthcare Reform Bill and its effects on the average American and the data retrieved from the questionnaire participants completes.

Chapter V: Conclusions

Chapter V recounts the research paper and relates the conclusion the researcher determines from the research process. In addition, during the final chapter of the research paper, the researcher reflects upon the lessons gained from the effort to encourage future researchers. At the end of the final chapter, the researcher recommends a precept that future researchers may consider exploring.

During the next chapter, the Literature Review, the researcher expands considerations noted at the start of this research paper; relating to how the proposed Healthcare Reform Bill will affect the average American. In a figurative sense, the research paper's development; similar to how the Healthcare Reform Bill affects the average American, depend on the heart and efforts of the investment. Through this research paper, the researcher aims to enhance the understanding of how the current proposed Healthcare Reform Bill, clamoring to replace the current health care system that reportedly is not working, ultimately affects the average American.



Omnia mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis

(All things change, and we change with them)

- Matthias Borbonius: Deliciae Poetarum Germanorum, i. 685

(John, 2000).

Healthcare Today

The United States' healthcare system, according to Cheryl G. Davis (2008), Program Director, Healthcare Management, South University, Montgomery, Alabama in the journal publication, "Consumer driven healthcare: The new patient," is currently engaged in a series of battles in the healthcare reform war. In response to healthcare costs continuing to rise, many companies frequently must reduce the healthcare coverage they provide for their employees. Often, they also have to increase deductions. Some discontinue offering healthcare coverage completely.

In the healthcare war, the third party payers, hospitals, government, and physicians are the competitors. Even though they finance healthcare, the patients unfortunately are not part of the war. Davis (2008) proposes that a winning strategy includes consumers becoming active participants in maintaining their health and the healthcare system. Davis warns that: "If the third party payers, hospitals, or the government gain total control, the American people will be destroyed financially and medically, resulting in a messed-up economy and denied healthcare services to many" (¶ 4). Davis holds out hope that consumers, average Americans, will work together with physicians to create a system known as consumer-driven healthcare.

Rather than relinquishing control of healthcare to government control, Davis (2008) asserts that consumer-driven healthcare will work for the best interest of the average American. These type plans "include a blend of pre- taxed saving accounts with a high deductible insurance policy, such as health savings accounts, flexible spending accounts, and health reimbursement arrangements" (Davis, ¶ 4).

Currently, private insurance constitutes approximately 35% of the total healthcare spending. This amount totals twice that of the next highest country. The Kaiser Family Foundation estimates that the average cost of family insurance coverage totals more than $11,000 per year. Since 2000, while the inflation rate increased 18%, premiums for family coverage increased 87%.

Although the United States spends more on healthcare than any other country, Organizations for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) asserts that the United States does not qualify as one of the top ten nations for life expectancy. In addition:

The United States' infant mortality rate is higher than the average OECD nation. The United States spends more on healthcare than any other OECD nation. Currently, 15% of the United States' Gross Domestic Product is spent on healthcare Innovative technology has been blamed for the increasingly high cost of healthcare. However, Japan, the country with the highest life expectancy of 82.1, has more CT scanners per capita than any other country in the world. A study by the OECD found that the major factor associated with increased healthcare spending was higher prices due to a lack of competition and healthcare transparency in quality and prices. In 2002, the United States had fewer hospital beds, physicians, nurses, and CT scanners per capita than the average OECD nation. (Davis, 2008, ¶ 9- 10)

Transparency, according to Davis (2008) denotes a primary success factor of the U.S. economy.… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill" Assignment:

I need my research paper on healthcare reform, special interest and the passed bill to include how it effects the average American.

Format of research paper is:




Literature Review





In Methodology I need qualitative analysis in which I need a 15 question survey and quantitative anlaysis of demographic characteristics (i.e. age, gender, education, profession, and residence) with a minimum of 3 graphs showing demographic characteristics.

A minimum of 30 people in the survey in methodology.

How to Reference "Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill" Thesis in a Bibliography

Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill” 2010.
”Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Healthcare Reform Ways the Healthcare Reform Bill. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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