Thesis on "Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought"

Thesis 4 pages (1627 words) Sources: 7

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His work on power and the relationships between power, knowledge and communication will provide guidance for this study, particularly in the areas of power between the social classes, as it relates to healthcare actions by the individuals and the development of better access to public health care.

This study will use these theorists and philosophers to develop effective strategies for societal change that results in wider access to the public healthcare system. It will utilize a multidisciplinary transtheoretical approach, based on key theories from the area of sociology, psychology, and philosophy to develop effective public policies that will result in improved access to the public healthcare system for individuals and various SES classes. The transtheoretical approach will be applied to societal, rather than individual change (Finnell, 2010).


This research will support the thesis that the development of effective public policy regarding access and health behaviors within the public healthcare system will result in effective changes within society related to public health. These changes will focus on improvements in individuals that have an effect on society, It will also focus on addressing issues involves in cultural and SES status that effect access to public healthcare.


Finnell, D. (2010). Transtheoretical Model. UB School of Nursing. Retrieved May 18, 2011 from

Gutting, G. (2008). Michel Foucault. Standford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Retrieved May 18, 2011 from
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Jones, R. (2009). The Durkheim Pages. Retrieved May 18, 2011. from

Lewis, H. (2001). Boas, Darwin, Science, and Anthropology. Current Anthropology. 42 (1): 381-406. Retrieved May 18, 2011 from,_Darwin.pdf

Poster, M. (1988). Critical Theory of the Family. The Continuum Publishing Corporation. New York: New York. Chapter 1. Retrieved May 18, 2011 from

Ross, K. (2003). Sire Karl Popper (1902 -- 1994). Retrieved May 18, 2011 from

"Sociology in Public Health." Encyclopedia of Public Health. Ed. Lester Breslow. Gale Cengage, 2002. 2006. 18 May, 2011 READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought" Assignment:

This paper should be of master's level.

I would like a short introduction, an abstract and clear thesis statement.

My audience does not seem to have a sense of the connection between Western Philosophical thoughts, behavioral and social/psychological factors in the delivery of public health in this 21st century.

I would like to incorporate such theorist as Erikson, Freud and for philosophers such men as Emile Durkhim, Franz Boas, Popper and Michel Foucault

I would fax you some information later today.

Franz Boas is considered one of the preeminent figures in modern anthropology. Boas, who had trained in mathematics, physics, and geography, brought a scientific rigor to the previously haphazard approach to anthropology. Specifically, he coupled Darwin’s ideas about biological change as a response to environmental pressures with his own studies of culture and in doing so, arrived the idea that cultures, too, were distinctive entities created by specific environments and histories. Boas is also responsible for the principle of “cultural relativism,” which can be understood as the idea that behavior and beliefs should be evaluated in the context of their own culture.

Freud's theories on human development broke down Victorian barriers and led to more open discussion of sexuality and sexual problems. His focus on childhood influenced attitudes toward child rearing and welfare. His theories and observations influenced the social sciences, particularly in terms of his premise that an family relationships provide the foundation for later social interaction and relationships.

Popper is primarily known for his influence as a philosopher of science. He was also a leading contributor to current thought in social and political philosophy. Popper is perhaps best known for his assertion that a hypothesis or theory is scientific only if it is falsifiable. He also argued that a rigorously critical approach can and should be applied to government and social policy. He believed that an open society could only evolve if individuals could critically evaluate policies and actions, which could then be changed based on the critique.

Michel Foucault is best known for his critical studies of various social institutions, most notably psychiatry, medicine, the human sciences, and the prison system. Foucault wrote extensively on the various constructs of power, and the relationships between power, knowledge, and communication.

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How to Reference "Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought" Thesis in a Bibliography

Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought.”, 2011, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought” 2011.
”Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought [Internet]. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Healthcare Policy Western Philosophical Thought. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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