Term Paper on "Healthcare Management Information Systems"

Term Paper 5 pages (1841 words) Sources: 1+

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Healthcare Information Systems

Healthcare Information Management systems

Why would it be (or not be) beneficial to combine supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM) into a single system for healthcare services organizations? What about combining SCM with enterprise resource planning (ERP), or other combinations of Health management information system (HMIS) enterprise software for healthcare services organizations?

In the healthcare management system, the essence of introducing other management strategies is to improve all the duties and role in the health organizations. The services of the healthcare facilities ought to satisfy both the management and the customers. To deliver perfect services in the health organization, combination of the supply chain management and customer relation management ought to perform. The supply chain management is an essential management strategy tool. The tool is vital in ensuring that all the customers receive the appropriate services at the expected time interval (Armoni, 2000). The customers ought to receive the best medication, essential in reducing the disease impact on the patient.

The supply chain management ensures there is the distribution of duties and roles in the health organizations to the workers to reduce the workload. For instance in accomplishing a given patient entry, each of the healthcare management department will automatically perform its function. There is the receptionist, the finance department and the medication department to share the numerous tasks. The key purpose of the customer relationship management is to ensure that all the customers g
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et attention at the expected time (Wager, et al. 2009). Therefore, a combination of the supply chain management and the customer relationship management will increase the efficiency in the production sector of the hospital. Combining the supply chain management with the other health management information system will also improve the services offered to clients. This is especially vital in increasing the efficiency of the department in the medical centers.

Why is it difficult to integrate it and medicine? Discuss the need for an integrated management perspective of HMIS. Further, list and illustrate the basic functions of an HMIS. How may these basic functions be extended to accommodate complex health information processing tasks such as medical diagnosis and tele-consultation?

In the past few years, integrating it into the medical field was a major problem, which made the medical industry to develop slowly. The medical field unlike the other fields requires intensive research and study of diseases and medications to treat the diseases found. For this reason, the physicians are forced to undertake the given research programs on the own. The research requires in-depth reading and referring to already completed works (Wager, et al. 2009). For this reason, in cooperating technology information in the medicine field has is difficult since there is research needed.

There is the need to integrate the management perceptive in the health management information system to improve the services. In any given organization, the introduction of the technology management tools assist in the performance of the assigned duties. This will definitely apply in the medical section since the physician will receive assistance using the technology. The introduction of technology in the health management information system will make work easier in the organization (Armoni, 2000).

Some of the basic functions of the health management information system encompass of admitting the patient into the health facilities, controlling the movement of the medications in the entire medical centre, searching for the appropriate medication to treat patients, keeping records of the medication and patient treated and controlling the finance of the fee paid by the patients. Searching for the appropriate medications to treat the patients and keeping the records of the treatment offered to the patients are basic functions that can extend to accommodate complex health information processing.

Question 3

What are some of the critical success factors in HMIS implementation and how should one go about standardizing service nomenclature, such as the process service names and outcomes in order to achieve a level of ease with implementing enterprise-wide software? Why must people be sold on the software and readiness to change before moving ahead with a large-scale implementation such as ERP?

There are certain critical factors that occur in the HMIS. One of the factors is customization. The process has to be easily flexible in a manner that the user can customize to serve the necessary purpose. Apart from this, another critical factor is the convenience that the system offers. For HMIS to be utterly successful, it must be convenient for the user to it. The most noteworthy aspect is to satisfy the needs of the user and it has to provide it. The other factor that HMIS requires is that it should be uniform. There should be no inconsistencies within the system as this could lead to unreliability. Another significant, critical factor in HMIS is the security. The system should offer more than enough security and provisions fir authentication. The information within the system is best when it is secure because the information could fall to the wrong parties. An essential factor that should be of serious consideration is the support. There should be adequate training and support to ensure the realization of the potential for all.

The nomenclature is alterable by using enterprise wide software. This performs consistently with the aims that the organization wants. It is imperative that all people have awareness on this before moving to the ERM. This involves getting all the people to appreciate the system because it is their data that are the most important. This is mainly to encourage the public to appreciate the process in learning the ways in which the data is of utility. The people who should be more aware than the others about the system is the local health workers. This is to reduce any doubts that they may have regarded the changes in the collection of data. In any case, these changes should only occur when the intention is to reduce the collection of data in the clinic level. This is because data is of more use d in a local level.

Question 4

What are the major issues with existing HIMIS? Discuss why the system interoperability is becoming a major concern for HMIS. And further explain the combined practice wants to implement wireless notepads for the physicians and staff to make changes directly to a patient's records. What data integrity and security do you foresee? Discuss if there are any other impact or beneficial use of 'Web Services' to HMIS besides as a solution for HIMIS' interoperability issue?

The main problem with the existing of HMIS is the technology. The technological world is swiftly changing, and this leaves the system in jeopardy. This is because it becomes relatively expensive to alter the system after a short time. Another key issue is the financial constrains. The installation of HMIS is quite expensive and most of the institutions that could benefit from this initiative end up shying from it because they cannot afford it. System interoperability has its own shortcomings when it comes to HMIS (Tan et al. 2010). This is because of the variation in data level conflicts. These are the data variations that mainly come from multiple representations of the data. The same system then offers different interpretations regarding the same data. This leads to inconsistency within the use of the system which is likely to give inaccurate information at the end of the analysis.

As much as the idea of using wireless technology is rife within the industry, there are some unforeseen pitfalls. This method will allow all the physicians that take care of their patients to directly upload all the information about them. The proposition is that the best method to do this is through the use of wireless notepads. The argument might sound competitive, but it is imperative to note the effects that this has. The wireless notepads also depend on the system interoperability. This means that physicians are likely to blunder in the process and end up filling the wrong information concerning the patients (Langenbrunner 2009). The security of information for patients is also extremely at risk because of the many people that are using the same machines at the same time. Web Services is also beneficial in the manner of connection of applications. In the field of HMIS, the services allow for the sharing of the data amongst the users. Apart from data, the services also offer a chance for the sharing of services.

Question 5

What are some of the major HMIS enterprise software? Discuss the need for a data sharing culture in implementing the various HMIS enterprise software. And what do you see as the trend of healthcare services organizations with the applications of HMIS enterprise software?

Major HMIS software is the ETO-HMIS. The manufacturer of this software is Social Solutions. The advantage that users drive from this software is the ability to customize the software. The software has the capability to integrate any data entry within the system. This is because it does not have many errors (Tan et… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Healthcare Management Information Systems" Assignment:


This is a Healthcare Information Systems term paper. There are 5 questions that must be answered for this assignment. When you read the questions below, keep in mind that your answer has to be from a Healthcare Information Systems perspective.


1- Why would it be (or not be) beneficial to combine supply chain management (SCM) and customer relationship management (CRM) into a single system for healthcare services organizations? What about combining SCM with enterprise resource planning (ERP), or other combinations of Health management information system (HMIS) enterprise software for healthcare services organizations?

2- Why is it difficult to integrate IT and medicine? Discuss the need for an integrated management perspective of HMIS. Further, list and illustrate the basic functions of an HMIS. How may these basic functions be extended to accommodate complex health information processing tasks such as medical diagnosis and tele-consultation?

3- What are some of the critical success factors in HMIS implementation and how should one go about standardizing service nomenclature, such as the process service names and outcomes in order to achieve a level of ease with implementing enterprise-wide software? Why must people be sold on the software and readiness to change before moving ahead with a large-scale implementation such as ERP?

4- What are the major issues with existing HIMIS? Discuss why the system interoperability is becoming a major concern for HMIS. And further explain the combined practice wants to implement wireless notepads for the physicians and staff to make changes directly to a patient*****s records. What data integrity and security do you foresee? Discuss if there are any other impact or beneficial use of *****˜Web Services***** to HMIS besides as a solution for HIMIS***** interoperability issue?

5- What are some of the major HMIS enterprise software? Discuss the need for a data sharing culture in implementing the various HMIS enterprise software. And what do you see as the trend of healthcare services organizations with the applications of HMIS enterprise software?

Requirements and Directions:

- Each question must be answered in a minimum of 300 words

- Each question has an entire page of answers

- Each answer is expected to be concise, direct and to the point

- Do not write the questions again in the paper just write the number of the question next to your answers

- You can use any kind of sources to answer your questions

- The answers of each questions must be complete

- Make sure to answer every aspect of the question

- The writing must be of high quality and sentence structures with no grammatical and spelling mistakes.

How to Reference "Healthcare Management Information Systems" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Healthcare Management Information Systems.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-information-systems/57354. Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Healthcare Management Information Systems (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-information-systems/57354
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Healthcare Management Information Systems. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-information-systems/57354 [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Healthcare Management Information Systems” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-information-systems/57354.
”Healthcare Management Information Systems” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-information-systems/57354.
[1] ”Healthcare Management Information Systems”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-information-systems/57354. [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Healthcare Management Information Systems [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-information-systems/57354
1. Healthcare Management Information Systems. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/healthcare-information-systems/57354. Published 2012. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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