Research Paper on "Reducing Turnover in New Graduate"

Research Paper 7 pages (2457 words) Sources: 1+

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Research stage


If exit interview are already being done, compile and cross-tabulate the results. If they are not being done, institute an immediate policy.

Analysis state


Use qualitative analysis from group members and hospital surveys; more quantitative studies based on tabulations of exit interviews. The question: What are the major reasons employee's leave



Based on the qualitative and quantitative measurements, make recommendations on higher employee retention



The research will most likely cooborate national findings about job satisfaction: It is likely that a more robust residency program will provide the needed structure for retention.



The residency program should include mentoriship, monthly resident workshops and/or discussion groups; easily available stress and psychological counseling opportunities; rethinking resident's schedules and burnout; providing more opportunities to succeed; establishing fund to pay x% of student loans after 18 months on the job, the longer the service to the organization, the more the loans are paid; establish fiscal and emotional reward for tenure and retention. Provide more servant and participatory management services for new hires, and increase trust and collaboration with co-workers through leadership opportunities.

(Nurses' job satisfaction well below ave
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rage, 2012)

Conclusions -- Incorporating QSEN into Turnover Reduction

Advocacy, care, and safety are the cornerstones of nursing practice. In order to reduce turnover and increase advocacy, care and safety, we can adopt a model that helps bridge theory to practice called QSEN. The Quality and Safety Education for Nurses initiative began in 2005, with the overall goal to address the challenge of preparing nurses in areas that require high levels of experience, competence, skill, and communication. These competencies evolve into teaching strategies in major nursing programs, implementation strategies in the healthcare environment, and certification in six items that make up quality care: patient centered care, teamwork and collaboration, EBP (evidence-based practice), QI (data collection), safety, and informatics (QSEN Intitute, 2013). For our purposes, we can relate the QSEN model to improving employee retention at CHC thus:



Application to Scenario

Patient-Centered Care

PCC is central to modern medical ethics; it allows the focus to be on advocacy for the patient and allowing them to participate in all aspects of their care. This should be based on the individual's cultural, ethnic, and community values and needs.

Increased retention of nurse graduates would provide more experienced staff and ratio of patient care. Experience within the healthcare environment is often one of the tangible ways to understand individual differences, and thus the more experienced staff can make better decisions.

Teamwork and Collaboration

Shared collaboration with team members, support staff, and the entire healthcare team, clinical as well as supportive.

Turnover decreases teamwork; new individuals must be trained and require time to become part of the team; new employees are not as experienced and trusted in collaborating with others; experience and time develop healthcare relationships; more consistent nursing staff would improve this aspect.


Evidence-based practice focuses on using current research and knowledge to make more informed decisions.

Research abounds and proves that high turnover has negative effects on all aspects of stakeholders' expectations and quality care.


QI relates to the data collection, evaluation and improvement of patient outcomes based on interaction.

Decreased turnover and increased experience will allow for better evaluation and improvement of patient outcomes through clinical knowledge, advocacy, and carative philosophy.


Prevention of harm to patients and staff.

More experience translates into greater familiarity and comfort with safety issues, ability to anticipate events, and experience to mitigate negative outcomes.


Use of technology to promote safety, quality, and comfort for all stakeholders

Increased experience provides a greater opportunity to integrate technology into daily practice, to use it appropriately and safely, and to provide the client with necessary information about the use of the technology.

(Hunt D., 2012; (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 2013)

Works Cited

Nurses' job satisfaction well below average. (2012, March 5). Retrieved from Medical Express:

The Real Costs of High Turnover. (2012, October). HRNNewsdaily. Retrieved from:

Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. (2013, January). Researcha dn Data. Retrieved from U.S. Department of Health and Human Services:

American Association of Colleges of Nursing. (2012, January). Nursing Shortage. Retrieved from AACN.NCHE.EDU:

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Battistoni, S., et al. (2011). Partners in Nursing: A Mentoring Initiative to Enhance Nurse Retention. Nursing Education Perspectives, 32(4), 250-69.

Bittner, N, et al. (2012). Identifying Barriers to Nurse Faculty Satisfaction. Nursing Education Perspectives, 33(4), 3-23.

Chen, G., et al. (2011). The power of momentum: A new model of dynamic relationship between job satisfaction chance and turnover intentions. Academy of Management Journal, 54(1), 159-81.

Cottingham, S., et al. (2011). Partners in Nursing: A Mentoring Initiative to Enhance Nurse Retention. Nursing Education Perspectives, 32(4), 356-82.

Glazer, G., & Alexandre, C. (2009, 14 1). The Nursing Shortage: A Public Health Issue for All. Retrieved from Online Journal of Issues in Nursing:

Hunt, D. (2012, September/October 1-3). QSEN Competencies: A bridge to practice. Retrieved from Nursing Made Incredibly Easy:

Hunt, S. (2009, October). Nursing Turnover: Costs, Causes & Solutions. Retrieved from / articles/NursingTurnover.pdf

NSI Nursing Solutions Inc. (2012, April 4). 2012 National Healthcare and RN Retention Report. Retrieved from NSINursingsolutions:

QSEN Intitute. (2013, January). About QSEN. Retrieved from

Rothwell, W. (2012). The Manager's Guide to Maximizing Employee Potential. New York: American Management Association.

United States Deparment of Labor. (2012, February 1). Economic News Rlease Table 6 - Top 30 occupations. Retrieved from READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Reducing Turnover in New Graduate" Assignment:

I WOULD LIKE TO REQUEST ***** TO DO MY PAPER ONLY. I recently ordered the same research topic, but I was disappointed with the quality.

Topic: Health System Management and New Grad Program (Residency Program). Management wants a return of their investment in training new grad hires by keeping them employed in their hospital. The issue is new grad employees are leaving after a year. The possible solution to this problem is having a new grad program or residency program for new hires.

Guidelines for Writing the Health Systems Issues and Management Paper (25 points)

Rubric for Writing and Grading the Health Systems Management Individual Paper Individual Assignment – Health Systems Issues and Management 25 points possible Points Possible Points Earned

Discuss a specific Healthcare System. Identify and Define an issue in this System at the management level and the challenges, problems, situations, and opportunities that led to the proposed project, and its impact to the organization’s strategic plan.

All key elements of the assignment are covered with an introduction and provide sufficient background on the topic and previews major points to include a thesis sentence. 4 Paper is 7- 10 pages excluding title page and reference page.

Paper includes: a. State why this issue selected by the student.

b. Relate issue to healthcare management with literature review, statistical findings and why the issue is important to Senior Management of the chosen Healthcare System.

c. How does the issue impact the chosen healthcare system to include:

Healthcare policy on the issue. Must cite and discuss a minimal of two specific policies on the issue.

Implications on future healthcare practice and policy on the chosen System using the chosen two policies.

Discuss the Change Process for Senior Management to make a change that would impact your issue. Select one of the following for the discussion: 1) To solve a problem 2) To improve efficiency 3) To reduce unnecessary workload

Incorporation of Quality and Safety Education in Nursing: QSEN and relate its principles to the issue discussed for your chosen system. IMPORTANT: USE QSEN in this paper!

Organization/Development The paper has a structure that is clear, logical, and easy to follow headings.

Student clearly incorporates their own thoughts with real life experience or work related experiences. Beyond reference citations.

The conclusion clearly present and is logical, flows from the body of the paper, and reviews the major points. Mechanics - The paper, including the title page, reference page (10 references within 5 past years) from 10 Peer Reviewed Journals, tables, and/or appendices, follows 6th edition APA guidelines for format. Not past the year 2008.

Rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation are followed. Spelling is correct.

Must submit to Safe Assign exclude title page and reference pages Total: 25


How to Reference "Reducing Turnover in New Graduate" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Reducing Turnover in New Graduate.”, 2013, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Reducing Turnover in New Graduate (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Reducing Turnover in New Graduate. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Reducing Turnover in New Graduate” 2013.
”Reducing Turnover in New Graduate”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Reducing Turnover in New Graduate”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Reducing Turnover in New Graduate [Internet]. 2013 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Reducing Turnover in New Graduate. Published 2013. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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