Case Study on "Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned"

Case Study 6 pages (1989 words) Sources: 6

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Health & Safety Plan for 911 Recovery Operations-Lessons Learned

The published report on the 9/11 recovery operation has highlighted a number of recommendations and as it was documented, thousands of people suffered adverse and mental health effects in the immediate aftermath of the 9/11 attack. While many have since recovered, others continue to suffer from a range of conditions that are or may be associated with WTC exposure, including upper and lower respiratory infirmity and rational health state such as Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (Annual report on 9/11 health, September, 2009).

Recommended industrial hygiene role as member of a Recovery Response Team.

The word Hygiene being an old notion related to medicine, as well as to own and proficient care practices associated to most aspects of living, although it is most often mistakenly allied with cleanliness. In medicine hygiene practices are employed as precautionary measures to diminish the occurrence and dispersal of diseases. The definition of industrial hygiene is the knowledge that deals with the expectation and control of detrimental conditions in workplaces in order to foil poor health among employees. Or you can put it as recognition, evaluation and control of workplace hazards whose origins are based on limiting personal exposure to chemicals and have evolved to address the control of most other workplace hazards including over-exposure to noise, heat, vibration and repetitive motion.

While the full range of 9/11 linked problems is indefinite, an emergent body of indication suggests that considerable health situation have emerged that are associated with th
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e disaster, in particular for those who were exposed during the collapse of the towers and those who participated to a large extent in rescue, recovery and clean-up operations. There was a need for the industrial hygienists to evaluate the risk of exposure to chemicals and physical hazards around the area, a method for eliminating and controlling those hazards was also to be developed. The result of all air monitoring should be recorded on the project Field Health and Safety Report and is to be used for specifying personal protective equipment and determine the need to upgrade/downgrade protective measures (Annual report on 9/11 health, September, 2009).

As the Health Impact Report on 9/11 recommended its of importance to ensure that the treatment is available to whomever needs it, hence the city should dynamically advocate for federal resources sufficient to fully fund 9/11-related physical and mental health needs for all affected and potentially affected populations, including first responders, laborers and other contractors, residents, office workers, and students. The federal commitment should be long-term and sufficient to maintain the three existing 9/11-related centers of excellence, as well as any need-based expansion of services. In addition, the federal government should fully fund the WTC (Annual report on 9/11 health, September, 2009).

Health Registry and additional NYPD-led monitoring and research.

The WTC Environmental Health Center at Bellevue should be expanded and actively promoted to all those who are potentially eligible, including residents, commercial workers, and laborers with a reasonable history of dust exposure and symptoms that may be 9/11-related. The City should establish an Internet site that will be a comprehensive "one-stop" resource for information about 9/11-related physical and mental health issues. The Mayor should direct all relevant agencies to appoint a WTC Health Liaison to track relevant agency-specific information about WTC-related health issues and distribute WTC-related information to agency employees and retirees who participated in WTC operations. Another important recommendation is the review of environmental hazard Emergency plan which should be done by relevant city agencies (including NYPD, FDNY, DEP, DOHMH, DOB, DDC, and citywide Office of occupational Safety and Health) through the convenience of OEM to asses and supplement as necessary the environmental and health-safety aspect of the city's tragedy response plans to prepare for upcoming emergencies.

Major potential health hazards present at the 9/11 site

The major potential health hazards present at the 9/11 site is that lots of unknown complications that may be feared to be air borne might be transmitted without the knowledge of the New York residence this due to the faulted reports by the environmental protection agency conveyed to the New York dwellers that the air around the Ground Zero is safe. "EPA Inspector General Nikki Tinsley issued a report on August 21, 2003 admitting that the reassurances were unfounded." If precautions will not be taken this may end up causing more harm than good to the society around Ground Zero. And lots of the families will continue nursing wounds that the cures may not be found due to the fear releasing founded information to the public on the contaminated air and communicable disease by the Environmental Protection Agency (Martha & Dennis, 2001). This kind of hazards should be well understood mostly by the workers and managers and also to know how to minimize them and to be aware of possible development of new hazards. Major hazard being toxic dust and chemicals that can cause death and serious illness preventive measures should be observed. Other possible hazards are toxic gases such as carbon monoxide and flammable gases this may come from ruptured gas lines or stored chemicals.

Occupational Medical Surveillance of Recovery Workers

Occupational medical surveillance was intended to identify exposures and clinical effects of exposures in populations and individuals with regular and repeated probabilities of exposure over time. Surveillance was thus intended as means of secondary prevention; that is, rather than preventing exposures from taking place, the goal was to survey the population to identify individuals or groups who demonstrated some genetic evidence of exposure or a clinical outcome. Surveillance should be distinguished here from screening. Typically, the purpose of screening is to identify specific individuals who possess some desirable or undesirable attribute: they have a specific condition that can be treated, or they are able to do a certain task (qualification). By contrast, surveillance is observational, focusing on determining whether there are changes in individuals or populations that are amenable to intervention. Goals for medical surveillance include all of the following: exposure identification and quantification; dose determination; detection of early biological effects; detection of early symptoms in affected individuals; and detection of disease progression.

Occupational medical surveillance of all the recovery workers should be considered so as to give them assurance and the security on what they are doing .This motivates workers to perform there work as required and also reduces fear of being infected by unknown condition caused by the risk exposed to the workers and also help curb problems that require targeted preventions (Harris, 1997). There should also be technical resources readily available for the workers that may give family doctor directions in the role of medical program coordinator. And with lots of considerations the family doctor must maintain continuous vigilance for the signs of preventions failure. The primary workplace prevention in the area of operations is basically prevention of known risk that are commonly known such as well established and functioning ventilation and fume capture hoods. For secondary prevention medical screening is of great importance this is because it helps early detection of infection before medical care is sought.

Industrial hygiene sampling plan to characterize exposure level

Industrial hygiene is the identification, evaluation, and control of workplace hazards. Its origins are based on limiting personal exposures to chemicals, and have evolved to address the control of most other workplace hazards including over-exposure to noise, heat, vibration, and repetitive motion. To settle on the analyte concentration at which the evaluation is to be performed. The value shall be known as the target concentration (TC), may be an OSHA PEL, an ACGIH TLV, or some added concentration for which there is a basis for selection (Burright et al., 199).

Sampling and monitoring equipment is to quantify exposures to contaminants, noise, radiation, and heat. Proper sampling strategy and elucidation are essential elements of an industrial hygiene survey. Confined spaces, ventilation changes, the performance of collection systems, and pressure relief valves are all items of concern for exposure evaluation. Engineering controls measures is also to be in place as it reduces exposure by either reducing or removing the hazard at the source or separating the worker from the hazards. These controls include eliminating toxic chemicals and replacing harmful toxic materials with a reduced amount of hazardous ones, enclosing work processes or confining work operations, and installing general and local freshening systems.

Personal Protective Equipment requirements with established action levels for up-grade of protection or evacuation

For many operations, the risk of chemical exposure cannot be perfectly eliminated through the use of engineering and procedural control measures. On these grounds, it is essential to supplement such measures with the use of personal protective equipment and apparel (PPE). Because PPE functions as a wall between the worker and the chemical hazard, rather than by actually reducing or eliminating the hazard, its use should always be in addition to (and never as a substitute for) appropriate engineering and procedural controls. It is the responsibility of the principal investigator (or supervisor) of the site to ensure that suitable personal… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned" Assignment:


You are the Industrial Hygiene advisor for a committee formulating lessons learned from the 9/11 Response Operations. Numerous recovery workers at the 9/11 site reported serious health issues.


After reading the case scenario above, use the published reports of the 9/11 recovery operations that include the reports of adverse health effects and your knowledge of industrial hygiene, to identify and thoroughly discuss the following:

1. Recommended industrial hygiene role as member of a Recovery Response Team.

2. Major potential health hazards present at the 9/11 site

3. Occupational Medical Surveillance of Recovery Workers.

4. Industrial Hygiene Sampling Plan to characterize exposure levels. Address both specific direct reading instruments and air sampling requiring laboratory analysis.

5. Personal protective equipment requirements with established action levels for up-grade of protection or evacuation.

6. Work practice and administrative controls.

How to Reference "Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned" Case Study in a Bibliography

Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned.”, 2010, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned” 2010.
”Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned [Internet]. 2010 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Health and Safety Plan for 9-11 Recovery Operations Lessons Learned. Published 2010. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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