Research Proposal on "Health of Older People"

Research Proposal 5 pages (1552 words) Sources: 4 Style: Harvard

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Health of Older People

The population of Americans aged 60 and older has been increasing from 35 million and at 12% in 2000 (Rodgers: (2002) (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). This was projected to leap to more than twice at 20% or 54 million in 2050. The population of those aged 85 and older is also faster-growing than any other age group. This older group is living longer, better educated and enjoys better fortune than earlier generations. Despite the advantage, disparities exist on account of gender, race and income. As of 2000, 1.1% of those aged 65-74; 4.7% of those aged 75-84; and 18.2% of those 85 and older were found living in nursing homes. Most of the older population is found in the South, which currently has 12 million persons aged 65 and older. They represent almost 20% of the rural population and 15% of the urban population. Rural dwellers, however, have different needs in health care delivery, transportation and access to social services. Rural areas have limited health care resources. Those who need more comprehensive and updated resources must travel to far-flung metropolitan centers to obtain these resources.

These facts and figures are of specific relevance and significance to decision-makers in the health care system. Those aged 85 and older tend to develop poorer health and need more health care than those who are younger (Rodgers). Are their health requirements adequately met?

Risks of developing certain diseases and disorders increase with age (Rodgers: (2002) (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). Many older Americans develop chronic conditions, such as arthritis, diabetes and heart disease. These conditions hamper physical functio
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ning, exact financial costs and affect the diet and nutritional requirements of older people. Heart disease and cancer have been the leading causes of death among Americans aged 65 and older for the last two decades. Health care expenses required especially in this age bracket include the cost of physician services, hospitalizations, home health care, nursing home care, medications and other products and services for treatment and prevention. Expenditures and services for older people depend on age and their level of disability. Health care is a major expense for them and a financial drain on those who have limited income. Older people need long-term care obtained in nursing homes, home health care and assistance in their own homes. Nursing home care has recently been increasingly replaced by other forms of health care and service, such as assisted-living facilities and home health care. These facilities do not provide skilled nursing care but assist in daily activities, such as bathing, dressing and movements (Rodgers).

Inadequate Nutrition and Poor Dietary Habits

Poor nutritional status and improper dietary habits are common among community-dwelling and hospitalized elderly (Marshall (2001). (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). A recent study was conducted to determine the dietary habits and nutrient intakes of a sampling of 420 respondents, 79 years and older rural dwellers in Iowa. The Food and Nutrition Board of the National Academy of Science compared their nutrient intakes with their ages and gender and based on the minimum requirements of the Food Guide Pyramid. Of the total number of respondents, 22 said they complied with these minimum requirements. Male respondents ate more energy food than female. The intake of protein, fiber and fat was comparable between the genders. About 20% of them took nutrient supplements. These were multivitamins with minerals in 11%; multivitamins in 2%; and single, multiple or combination supplements. Less than 20% of them consumed 16 or more of the 19 nutrients. While supplements increased their intake of nutrients, the intake of 34% of them remained low with only 13 or more nutrients (Marshall).

The study revealed that the nutrient intake of rural, community-dwelling older population was inadequate ((Marshall (2001). (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). The respondents did not meet the requirements for folate, vitamin D, Vitamin E, calcium or magnesium at 60%. More than 25% of them consumed insufficient vitamin B6, vitamin C or zinc. Many of the respondents did not take supplements, although they could have benefited from these. The study concluded and recommended the use of multivitamin/mineral supplements with additional nutrients for older people in order to attain adequate nutrient intake (Marshall).

Un-insured Elderly

Year 2000 statistics showed that 354, 000 un-insured persons 65 years old and older did not have insurance coverage (Champlin (2004). (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). They represented 1.1% of the national population. They were mostly aged 65 to 74; unmarried, divorced or widowed; and African-American, Asian-American or Hispanic.

The false assumption was that the Medicare program provided health insurance coverage to older Americans. The truth was that, as far back as 2000, 72.3% of the un-insured belonged to the 65-74 age bracket; 24.3% were in the 75-84 age group; and 3.4% were aged 85 and older. Of the un-insured were 55.5% women and 57.5% men. They were more likely to be widowed or never married at 40.1%. Figures also reflected that 60.8% were Caucasian; 35.8% were Hispanic; 16.6% African-American; and 13.4% were Asian and Pacific Islanders. More than half of them at 55.8% were born outside the U.S., 51.3% were U.S. citizens. These un-insured were less likely to use office-based care, home health care, and phone advice and hospital admission. About 16.1% of them did not receive or seek out needed medical care on account of cost (Champlin).

The lack of insurance among the older old of the population has been attributed to the large number of un-insured children and working adults in addition to the assumption that Medicare covers those 65-year-old and older persons (Champlin (2004). (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). Unfortunately, these older persons are those most in need of medical care resources and also the fastest growing sector in the population. Researchers urged policy makers to review decisions affecting the increasing numbers of disenfranchised Americans, older people in particular (Champlin).

Depression and Functional Impairment among Older Persons

Contrary to previous assumptions, elderly persons living in urban areas were more prone to depression than those in the rural areas (Schulman, et al. (2002).(Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). Rural-dwelling elders could be finding more challenges, which produced a more enduring attitude towards negative life developments. They became better accepting of problems and limitations as normal part of aging (Schulman, et al.). Depression is the most common mental health problem at this time of life and afflicts 20% of those 65 years old and older in the U.S. (Cummings, et al. (2003) (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). Previous studies showed that the condition is highest among institutionalized older people at 15% of community dwellers. Other studies revealed up to 30% of those who were not institutionalized, according to reports of significant depressive symptoms. Depression complicates the treatment of physical illnesses, makes the person more vulnerable to other illnesses and increases the use of health resources intended for the medical condition under treatment (Cummings, et al.).

Further consequences of advanced old age include functional impairment and chronic illnesses ((Cummings, et al. (2003) (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). As far back as 1995, studies said 37.2% of those 65 years old and older found difficulty in carrying out everyday activities because of chronic conditions and illnesses. The disability adversely affects them physically and emotionally. These activities included shopping, meal preparation, housekeeping and daily activities, such as bathing, dressing, and using the toilet. These frustrations increase the levels of their depressive symptoms. Negative emotions were found to remain in them even after their medical conditions were controlled (Cummings, et al.).

Satisfaction with Community-Based Health Care Services

Less frail elders receiving long-term care services found satisfaction when they could discuss their health problems with those rendering the services (Kolodinsky, et al. (2001). (Online) (Accessed 18 August 2009). The more frail elders, however, mostly showed satisfaction towards prompt delivery of care and the behaviors… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health of Older People" Assignment:

All essays must be fully and accurately referenced and must include, at the end, a bibliography of material consulted in the preparation of the essay. There are two well known systems of referencing which can be used for academic work. They are the Harvard System and the Notes system. Whichever system you employ or however you choose to approach referencing you must be consistent throughout. The following examples derive from the Harvard System which is the most commonly used system.

Book with one author:

Addams, ***** (1911) Twenty years at Hull-house. Urban: University of Illinois Press

Book with two authors:

Alcock, Pete and *****, Gary (ed.) (2001) International social policy. Basingstoke: Pelgrave Publishing

Chapter in a book:

Amott, Teresa (1990) Black women and AFDC: making entitlement out of necessity in

Gordon, Linda (ed.) Women, the state and welfare. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press

Two authors of a chapter in a book:

Clark, John, Gewirtz, Sharon and Eugene McLaughlin (2000) Reinventing the Welfare State. In Clark, John, Gewirtz, Sharon and Eugene McLaughlin (eds.) New managerialism new welfare? London: ***** Publication

Editors of a book:

Cochrane, Allen and Clark, John (eds.) (1993) Comparing welfare states: Britain in an international context. London: ***** in association with Open University Press

Journal article:

Rogers, Antoine and Glasby, Jon (2001) A tale of two cities: the contract culture in

Birmingham and Chicago in Research Policy and Planning, vol.19, no. 3

Cauthen, Nancy and Edwin, Amenta (1996) *****˜Not for widows only: institutional politics and the formative years of Aid to Dependent Children***** in American Sociological Review vol. 61, June, pp. 427-448

Newspaper article:

Casillas, Ofelia (2002) *****˜Changes urged at Maryville***** in Chicago Tribune 18 December, pp.1

Corporate author:

Birmingham Settlement (1999) Birmingham Settlement Annual Report. Birmingham: Birmingham Settlement

Internet Resources:

White House Archives (2005) Inaugural 2005 President George W. Bush [online] available from [accessed 20 May 2005]

Additional Guidelines for Website

There is no standard format for citing internet resources within academia and different publishers, academic journals and universities have their own styles. Please find below the recommended format for website referencing within the Department of Social and Policy Studies and all students submitting coursework within the department are required to follow the format as set out below.

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Trangmar, K, (1999), Y2K: the cost effective solution to tackling the Millennium Bug (Online). Harlend Computer Services. (Accessed 26 June 2008).

2. Electronic Journals: For example

Cumper, P. and Rodgers, M.E. (1997), Equality for All? Higher Education and the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 Web Journal of Current Legal Issues (Online). 1997, 3. Available from: (Accessed 30 June 1997).

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Harvard Reference in the body of the text: (Trangmar: (1999) (Online) (Accessed 26 June 2008))

Bibliography Reference: Trangmar, K, (1999), Y2K: the cost effective solution to tackling the Millennium Bug (Online). Harlend Computer Services. (Accessed 26 June 2008).

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How to Reference "Health of Older People" Research Proposal in a Bibliography

Health of Older People.”, 2009, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Health of Older People (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Health of Older People. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Health of Older People” 2009.
”Health of Older People”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Health of Older People”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Health of Older People [Internet]. 2009 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Health of Older People. Published 2009. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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