Thesis on "Health of Farmworkers"

Thesis 10 pages (2713 words) Sources: 6 Style: MLA

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Health of Farm Workers

Farm workers who are migrant and seasonal are an important and integral part of the American agricultural enterprise and industry. According to recent figures there are more than three million farm workers who earn their livelihood through migrant or seasonal farm labor. (Rosenbaum and Shin, 2005) However, the general situation and conditions of these workers and the many associated variables indicate that these hired workers are subject to often severe health challenges. These challenges are related not only to the nature of their work but to other factors and variables as well, such as poverty and working arrangements that can have a significant impact on their health and accessibility to health coverage and care. (Rosenbaum and Shin, 2005)

Research and studies reveal some alarming and disconcerting facts and figures with regard to hired farm workers in United States. Villarejo in his study entitled the Health of U.S. Hired Farm Hands (2003), states that, " Despite a recent surge in knowledge about U.S. hired farm workers, little is known about the health of this population." (Villarejo, 175) as Villarejo and others state, the problem of migrating farm workers from a health perspective has been recognized as a serious concern by health authorities and governmental agencies for many years.

The definition of migrant farm workers is also an important aspect in the determination of the various factors affecting health. The Migrant and Seasonal Agricultural Worker Protection Act (MSAWPA), recognizes two classes of farm worker; namely, migrant agricultural workers and seasonal agricultural workers. A migrant agricultural worker is def
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ined as, "…an individual who is employed in agricultural employment of a seasonal or other temporary nature, and is required to be absent overnight from his permanent place of residence." (Rosenbaum and Shin, 2005) a seasonal agricultural worker refers to "…an individual who is employed in agricultural employment of a seasonal or other temporary nature and is not required to be absent overnight from his permanent place of residence…" (Rosenbaum and Shin, 2005)

2. The present health situation

2.1. Statistics and demographics

The population of farm workers that fall under the rubric of "hired workers" is seen as a special population and is "…associated with a & #8230;combination of higher than average occupational risk exposure as well as poorer than average health status." (Villarejo 175) According to Villarejo, " Demographic data shows that these workers are mostly Mexican immigrant or migrant males, and nearly two-thirds live in poverty." (Villarejo, 175) Furthermore, the study by Villarejo states that approximately half of these workers are undocumented, which obviously has implications in terms of health provisions and coverage. Villarejo goes on to state that the estimated number or hired workers was half a million in 1980, but more recent statistics indicate a much higher figure of three million workers who "… earn their living through migrant and seasonal farm labor, traveling the nation to support an agricultural industry which yielded $28 billion in fruit and vegetable business in 2001 alone." (Rosenbaum and Shin, 2005)

The national Agricultural Workers Survey ( NAWS) found that approximately eighty percent of these workers were born in Mexico or Central America and. More importantly, two thirds of these workers live in relative poverty. (Villarejo, 176) Half of these workers earn less than $10, 000 per year. Another source states that in 2000 the median income for migrant and seasonal farm workers was $6,250, compared to $42,000 for U.S. workers. (Rosenbaum and Shin, 2005)

An important fact is that of the total number of migratory workers in the United States more than fifty percent are without any immigration authority. This again brings to bear the relevance of the non-documented works in relation to health benefits and provisions.

Another demographic factor that has bearing on health related issues is that the NAWS found that almost all of these workers are from outside of U.S. (Villarejo 176) a report by the National Center for Farmworker health ( NCFH) states that, …it is estimated that 85% of all migrant workers are minorities, of whom most are Hispanic (including Mexican-Americans as well as Mexicans, Puerto Ricans, Cubans, and workers from Central and South America). The migrant population also includes Black/African-Americans, Jamaicans, Haitians, Laotians, Thais, and other racial and ethnic minorities.

(Overview of America's Farmworkers)

This diversity means that problems of culture, language and communication also affect health issues and access to care. An important statistic is that only five percent of hired workers who perform seasonal agricultural serves reported having personal health insurance…" (Villarejo, 177) More than fifty percent stated that they did not any for of worker compensation insurance.

In essence, the demographics indicated a population with a comparatively low socio-economic status, with high health risks. If one includes the fact that many of these workers are illegal in the United States, this complicates and exacerbates the issue of health provision and care for these workers and their families. On a more positive note, Villarejo also points out that the demographics also suggest that the majority of hired farm workers are young. They will therefore be less prone to age-related health issues. These and other aspects will be elaborated on in terms of heath care in the following discussion.

2.2 Morality rates, diseases and access to health benefits

2.2.1. Mortality

Studies show that these workers are at high risk from a wide range of different illnesses and health hazards. According to one review, "… while agriculture-related employment comprised only 2% of overall employment, agricultural and livestock-related production, along with agricultural services, comprised 13% of all occupational deaths over a 1994 ?1999 time period." (Rosenbaum and Shin, 2005) Research also shows that there is a 'disproportionately high' level of mortality for a number of health risks that are particularly related to this demographic. These include death from work related injuries as well as from diseases such as tuberculosis, hypertension and cirrhosis. (Villarejo, 180)

There is a general consensus among researchers that, "….workers in agriculture run at least twice the risk of dying on the job as workers in other sectors & #8230;" (ILO warns on farm safety Agriculture mortality rates remain high Pesticides pose major health risks to global workforce) This is a view that applies not only to American farm workers but also to workers in other regions of the world as well. Among some of the reasons given for this situation are "…inadequate education, training and safety systems." (ILO warns on farm safety Agriculture mortality rates remain high Pesticides pose major health risks to global workforce) the International Labor Organization ( ILO) states that;

…in developed countries such as Australia, Canada and the United States agriculture ranks consistently among the most hazardous industries. In the U.S., for example, farmers and farm workers comprise only 3% of the workforce, but they account for nearly 8% of all work-related accidents. In Italy 9.7% of workers are in agricultural production, but they account for 28.7% of accidents.

(ILO warns on farm safety Agriculture mortality rates remain high Pesticides pose major health risks to global workforce)

Many studies support the view that mortality is much higher in this demographic. For example, one report emphasizes that fact that migrant workers, as well as their families, experience a lower level of general health in comparison to the general population. (Health Problems among Migrant Farmworkers' Children in the U.S. ERIC Digest.) in this regard the "…infant mortality rate among migrants is 125% higher than the general population, and the life expectancy of migrant farmworkers is 49 years in contrast to the nation's average of 75 years." (Health Problems among Migrant Farmworkers' Children in the U.S. ERIC Digest.)

2.2.2. Disease and general health risks

The general health risks that these workers face can be the result of various aspects of their occupation and lifestyle; such as work related accidents, or exposure to chemicals, and can include increased rates of chronic conditions, such as musculoskeletal injuries, which can lead to serious disabilities, and fatalities. "More than 40% of all workers reported leaving or changing jobs as a result of chronic pain." (Rosenbaum and Shin, 2005)

Among the many health conditions that are reported as being comparatively high in this demographic are respiratory illnesses such as asthma and bronchitis, as well as skin problems. (Health Problems among Migrant Farmworkers' Children in the U.S. ERIC Digest) Another aspect that is often noted in the literature is the risk of contracting infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis; as well as diseases that can be related to living in squalid and unsanitary conditions. This is evident for studies that show that, "Between 1984 and 1985, the Center for Disease Control (CDC) conducted a survey of tuberculosis (TB) cases reported in 29 states, and showed that farm workers accounted for more than 5% of all TB cases."(Tuberculosis and migrant farm workers)

There have also been reports which indicate a high incidence of cancer among farm workers. According to a study by the National Cancer Institute it was found that farm workers who were exposed to chemical herbicides… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health of Farmworkers" Assignment:

10 page paper on the health of Farm workers. I will fax an article that must be used "The Health of US Hired FArm Workers" by Don Villarejo. You must also find 5 other sources. The paper should include reflections on the current health sitution of farmworkers, research and literatue on the topic, educational or policy reforms under consideration or proposals for addressing farmworker needs more effectively. *****

How to Reference "Health of Farmworkers" Thesis in a Bibliography

Health of Farmworkers.”, 2008, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Health of Farmworkers (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Health of Farmworkers. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Health of Farmworkers” 2008.
”Health of Farmworkers”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Health of Farmworkers”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Health of Farmworkers [Internet]. 2008 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Health of Farmworkers. Published 2008. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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