Essay on "Health Care"

Essay 4 pages (1344 words) Sources: 3

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The result has been severe shortages in the availability of primary care physicians that are crucial to the efficient delivery of health care. Collaterally, the primary care physicians that are available are not necessarily conveniently available in a way that conforms with the American life-style. America is no longer a society where 9-5 hours accommodate its needs. America is now a society that operates on a 24 hours schedule and the medical field has not adjusted accordingly. Health care professionals, particularly doctors, have been slow to move toward providing early morning, evening and weekend availability and, as a result, the level of health care has fallen. Quite simply, a large segment of American society is highly inconvenienced by the historical 9-5 schedule maintained by most health professionals and so this segment goes without seeking treatment until their conditions worsen and, too often, are beyond treatment.

Related coincidently to restrictions on the delivery of health care is America's present fascination with tort reform. Behind this movement is the generalized opinion that medical malpractice claims are having a chilling effect on the way that physicians practice their trade. The underlying theory espoused by tort reform proponents is that physicians over treat in certain situations in order to avoid malpractice claims and leave the practice in other cases due to high malpractice insurance rates. Statistical support for these arguments, pro and con, are abundant, however, the reality of the situation is that there are a high number of malpractice claims in the United States not because we live in a litigious society but because Americans are subject to a high rate of medical
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error. For whatever reasons, the delivery of health care in the United States invites a high level of medical, medication, and lab errors and these errors result in a corresponding increase in costs in a system that is already world's most expensive. It is popular to blame the lawyers but eliminate the mistakes and there will be no basis for the lawsuits (Boehm, 2005).

The Affordable Care Act is intended to address the health care restrictions that have existed in the United States for decades. Unfortunately, the passage and enactment of the Act has not quieted the debate nor has it addressed the issues. The Courts are full of challenges to the Act and the debate relative to the merits of the Act continues in the media and the halls of Congress. On the pragmatic level, because of political compromises, the major provisions of the Act do not take effect until 2013 and, in the meantime, millions of Americans continue to be uncovered by health insurance and are, therefore, going without health care (Anderson, 2001).

The United States remains the world's greatest economic and military power but its health care system is full of restrictions that have endangered the overall health of American society. America has developed, because of these restrictions, into a nation where infant mortality rates are one of the worst in the world; where life expectancy is far down the chart of developed nations; and where health care is, by far, the most expensive in the world. What effect the Affordable Care Act will have on these restrictions is still debatable and may never be known but the restrictions that make health care unavailable for a large percentage of Americans must be lessened. A nation as powerful and wealthy as the United States must find a way to provide a better and more equitable method for providing health care. The present system is broken and the restrictions too numerous. The only way to remedy the situation is with a major overhaul.


Anderson, R.M. (2001). Improving Access to Care in America. Los Angeles: University of California.

Boehm, G. (2005). Debunking Medical Malpractice Myths: Unraveling the False Premises behind Tort Reform. Yale Journal of Health Policy Law & Ethics, 357-369.

Lepore, J. (2009, December 7). Preexisting Condition. The New Yorker .


Quoted Instructions for "Health Care" Assignment:

Arguementative Sythesis paper

Topic : Health Care Restrictions in United States

This Argumentative sythesis must use two or more sources to support an argument. In so, infromal research is required ( web and academic resources are acceptable for the paper.) Press releases from entities the articles may have may been critical and might be a good start. Reviewable sources to develop thesis statement. the thesis state is my own take of situation. the thesis statement must be arguable


Notes for the Argumentative Synthesis Overview Note the capsule demonstrations of explanatory and argumentative synthesis on pages 84 and 85. Notice that though the explanatory essay is meant to be objective, bias inevitably does occur through little things like loaded language. Devoured, soared, partnership all have positive connotations, for example. The editorial is much more overt, of course. Jackson feels like adding extra cheese to the pizzas is part of a scam by the dairy industry. Notice how the editorial uses the same information as the news article in a far different way. From the news piece: “Consumers devoured the cheesier pizza, and sales soared to double digits.” From the editorial: “Emboldened by its success with cheese, Dairy Management is now reportedly working on bamboozling the public that chocolate milk is…” Notice that the quote in the editorial makes sure that “success” is interpreted by readers as “making money” instead of something more along the lines of “customer satisfaction.” See also the book’s points about the health issues related to cheese and how the news piece and editorial treat it differently. See the table on 88-89 for helpful process-related information. Moving on to chapter 4: Again note the distinction between the theses of explanatory and argument syntheses. (“Cell phones...”) Note again that the thesis must be arguable. As the book points out, it must be possible for a reasonable person to disagree with your thesis. It should also be possible to persuade a reasonable person to agree with your thesis. This is why I ask you to read at least one or more additional sources relating to the topic you wrote your summary over, then to formulate an argumentative thesis. The thesis is your take on the situation. The thesis is not a statement about which source you agree with or a summary of all points of view. Then, build a case for your thesis, drawing from your sources as necessary to support your argument. Now, I often consider the claim, support, assumption elements of argument to be intuitive, and discussion of those elements to be needlessly confusing. But maybe I’m wrong. Review 123-124 and let me know if there are questions. You may want to study Toulmin argumentation for more on the claim, support, and assumption model of argument.

How to Reference "Health Care" Essay in a Bibliography

Health Care.”, 2011, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Health Care (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Health Care. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Health Care” 2011.
”Health Care”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Health Care”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Health Care [Internet]. 2011 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Health Care. Published 2011. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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