Dissertation on "Health Care Systems Management"

Dissertation 35 pages (9550 words) Sources: 20

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Health Care Systems Management

As the society grew and evolved, its focus on healthcare increased and it has eventually come to a situation in which the life expectancy at birth doubled or even tripled. Macau is for instance the country with the highest life expectancy at birth with 84.36 years. It is followed by Andorra with 82.51 years, Japan with 82.12 years and Singapore with 81.98 years. At the other end sit Angola with 38.20 years, Zambia with 38.63 years, Lesotho with 40.38 years and Mozambique with 41.18 years (Central Intelligence Agency, 2010).

The past few decades have witnessed numerous processes of global change, one of the most important of them being the liberalization of markets and the globalization of not just economies, but cultures, technologies and societies. These values commenced to transcend boundaries and impacted the corresponding values in order global regions. But despite this process of globalization, differences remain obvious is various fields. One of the most relevant examples is offered by the healthcare sector. While the globally observable trend has been that of improving the living conditions for the populations and increasing the life expectancy, the means in which countries approached this goal vary.

A most relevant significance is noticeable -- like many other elements -- in terms of the western hemisphere vs. The eastern hemisphere. While the West has strived to improve the health of its citizens through technological innovations, the East has focused on making medical services more easily accessible for the entire population. Unfortunately enough however, the two alternatives proved rather exclusive and a notable
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example in this sense is offered by the case of Kuwait, where medical reform was conducted to increase the population's access to medical services, but in the process, innovation and advancements were neglected.

The current research endeavor strives to assess the status of the Kuwaiti health care system and retrieve a relevant image of the situation. In order to accomplish this, it will construct a twofold approach. On the one hand, the basis of the research endeavor would be constituted by the analysis of the available literature in order to identify the situation as presented in secondary sources. On the other hand, an attempt will be made at assessing the situation through primary sources of information. Specifically, the analysis would be conducted through the lenses of the patient perceptions, as well as the medical staff perceptions over the status of the Kuwaiti health care system.

The assessment of the primary sources of information -- patients and medical staffs -- would be completed through a survey of the two categories of individuals. The selection of the research tools and techniques has been completed with the aid of the onion ring research methodology which revolves around the gradual answering of several questions, referring to elements such as the research philosophy, the research strategy, the research choice and so on.

Relative to the findings of the research process, these indicate elements such as technological limitations, training necessities or the required emphasis on prevention as well as treatment. In light of these findings, recommendations have been forwarded. They for instance include the offering of training to the staff members; the offering of better support for the educational system; the focus on disease prevention or the development and implementation of several strategic courses of action, originated from the private sector but with enhanced abilities to support managerial advancement in the public sector.

2. Research aims and objectives

The scope of the current research endeavor is that of objectively assessing the status of the Kuwaiti health care system and, in order to attain relevant findings, the research would consider the stand points of both patients as well as medical staffs. As the condition of the Kuwaiti health care system is overviewed, specific recommendations would be made. The very set of recommendations to be offered represents the practical significance of the current research endeavor, whereas the actual study represents the theoretical significance of the project.

At a more specific level, there are five sub-themes associated with the research project. They also represent the key questions of the study, and they are presented below:

Question 1: How can medical reporting errors be improved?

Question 2: How can performance management practices be improved?

Question 3: What is the patient perception over the provided services?

Question 4: What is the staff perception over the provided services?

Question 5: How does the media's portrayal of the provision of healthcare in Kuwait impact the perception of staff and patients over the healthcare system?

In order to answer the above posed research questions, several smaller objectives are set. In this order of ideas, it is initially necessary to review the specialized literature in order to place the research questions in context. The literature review would constitute the starting point not only in the analysis, but also in the creation of the survey as it would create the background and would identify the issues to which attention should be paid. As the literature review is completed, the next sub-objective of the research endeavor is that of identifying the most adequate research methodology. As with most research elements, the researcher cannot simply adopt a specific technique, but this has to be selected in specific accordance with the research particularities.

The third objective is then that of combing the three research components -- the information in the specialized literature, the sample and the research tools and techniques -- in order to generate findings. This scope would be obtained through the processes generically called data analysis. The final objective of the paper is then the integration of all findings into a single, unified section restating the most important findings. In the aftermath of this process, a series of recommendations would be constructed and presented.

3. Literature review

3.1. The general context in Kuwait

Kuwait gained its independence in 1961, up until which point it had been ruled by the United Kingdom. In 1990, the country was invaded by Iraq and a resolution of the conflict was only possible the following year, after the intervention of the United Nations (promoted by the United States of America). The 1990s decade witnessed a deeply challenged Kuwait, struggling to rebuild the country as its infrastructure had been severely impacted by the armed conflicts.

The country's location in the Middle East, bordered by the Persian Gulf, Iraq and Saudi Arabia means that the country is generally characterized by the problems of the region, such as relative high resistance to globalization as it is understood as Americanization or westernization, regional conflicts or high income inequalities. The geographic conditions in Kuwait are rather tough, with only 0.84 per cent of the entire land being arable. The weather is generally dry due to the dessert, with intense and hot summers and short and cool winters. The country's main natural resources are petroleum, fish, shrimp and natural gas. Kuwait is facing several environmental issues due to both natural hazards as well as problems within the environment. In terms of natural hazards, these include sudden cloudbursts, heavy rains, sandstorms and dust storms. Relative to environmental concerns, these include "limited natural fresh water resources; some of world's largest and most sophisticated desalination facilities provide much of the water; air and water pollution [and] desertification" (Central Intelligence Agency, 2010).

Officially entitled the State of Kuwait, the country is a constitutional emirate with its capital in the Kuwait City. The country is territorially divided into 6 administrative regions and the legal system is based on civil law, with strong Islamic influences. Kuwait has yet to adopt the jurisdiction of the International Court of Justice. The state representatives are elected by popular vote and the suffrage age is of 21; men in the limitary are not allowed to vote and the women's right to vote has only been granted in 2005.

The Kuwaiti population totals up to 2,692,526 individuals, being as such the 140th largest population on the globe (the top was constructed by the Central Intelligence Agency and it integrates 238 countries). In terms of ethnicity, the majority (45 per cent) are Kuwaitis, followed by other Arabs with 35 per cent, South Asian with 9 per cent, Iranians with 4 per cent and other ethnicities with 7 per cent. The predominant religion is Muslim (85 per cent of the entire population) and it is followed by Christianity and Hinduism. The official language is Kuwaiti, but English is highly common. The literacy rate is of 93.3 per cent, with the average Kuwaiti expected to spend 13 years in school. The proportion of the national income spent on education if of 3.8 per cent.

The largest proportion of the individuals (70 per cent) is of ages between 15 and 64 and the total median age of the population is of 26.4 years. The life expectancy at birth is of 77.71 years, with 76.51 years for males and 78.96 years for females. The Kuwaiti population grows at an annual rate of 3.549 per cent; the net migration rate is of 16.01 migrants… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health Care Systems Management" Assignment:

Healthcare system reform in Kuwait: Obstacles, challenges, and future direction


Over the last several decades the healthcare system around the world has been continually evolving. In Kuwait these changes have taken place consistently over the last 100 years, as the country would go from the non existence of a healthcare system to one that would become one of the best in the Middle East. An example of this can be seen with the infant mortality rate in the country at the beginning of the 20th century, where it was 100 for every 1,000 births. (Kuwait Health Care System, n.d) By 2006, this number decreased dramatically, with the infant mortality rate coming in at 33 for every 1,000 births. (Tony Blair Report about Kuwait Health Care System Reform, 2009) This is significant because it shows how a shift occurred in the country*****s healthcare system throughout the 20th century, where a mix of institutions would evolve. Then, during the mid 20th century when the government began receiving massive oil revenues a shift occurred in the country*****s health care system. Where, the government would begin to rapidly expand the total number of hospitals and clinics that were available to the general public. The main emphasis was to effectively regulate prices, by having the Ministry of Health serving as the price regulator and ensuring that everyone has access to free or low cost healthcare services. This would help to improve the general health of Kuwaiti*****s, with the average lifespan currently sitting at 78 years old. Yet, the changes that took place in the field of health care meant that the Kuwaitis would miss out on some of the innovations that were being developed in Western Europe and North America. This would cause a number of critics to call for various reforms to imposed, to improve the overall quality of care that is being provided. (Kuwait Health Care System, n.d) To determine how to effectively reform the system requires examining: how Kuwait can improve the overall quality of care that is being provided, how citizens can have better access to a variety of healthcare services and what actions the government could take that could take; to help the country*****s health care system become the envy of the world. The answers to these different questions will provide the greatest insights as to how the Kuwaiti healthcare system can effectively be reformed.

Subthemes (Aims & Key Questions):

1) How to improve medical reporting errors?

2) How to improve performance management practices?

3) What is the patient/staff perception of provided services?

4) How the media portrayal of healthcare provision affects perception of both patients & staff about healthcare system?

Theoretical Basis:

A number of different secondary sources were reviewed to provide the greatest insights as to what is taking place in this area. This is because the news and politics surrounding the different resources is constantly changing. Therefore, to effectively determine how to reform the Kuwaiti health system requires examining the most recent pieces of information that can be obtained, which is found through the use of secondary sources.

*****˜Tony Blair Report about Kuwait Health Care System Reform,***** 2009, Albqabas 10 April.

The Tony Blair Report lists a number of ways that the Kuwaiti health care system can be able to effectively conduct reforms to include: promoting sports, increasing the taxes charged on tobacco related products, improving the total number of specialists in the country, establishing medical research centers and increased participation in seminars / conferences. These reforms are significant because they address an issue that has been hindering the development of health care. A good primary care system, with a specialty care system that needs improvements. The various reforms recommended by the Blair proposal, highlight how implementing reforms to the system can allow Kuwait to begin to have a system comparable to the countries in Europe (which have some of the best health care systems in the world). (Tony Blair Report about Kuwait Health Care System Reform, 2009)

*****˜Article 2.***** 2010, Alseyasah 19 January.

Article 2 talks about the different efforts to address the various reforms that have been taking place. Where, the Ministry of Health has been working with the World Health Organization and private companies, to increase the overall amount of medical research that is being conducted and to allow for more specialized services to be offered. This is important because the information can be used to corroborate what was recommended in the Blair Report, helping to provide a good overview of how to effectively reform the system. (Article 2, 2010)

*****˜Article 5,***** 2010, Kuwaiti News Agency, 18 January.

Article 5 discusses how the Ministry of Health is working with the World Health Organization to develop a comprehensive plan for allowing some kind of private insurance. This is important because it is a first step towards increasing the overall amount of choices that citizens have available to them. Where, they can augment the government run system with one that of private health insurance. The thinking is: that working a combination of the private and public programs, you can be able to see increased amount of coverage as well as services available. This will help to improve health standards dramatically. (Article 5, 2010)

*****˜Article 7,***** 2007, Albqabas 16 January.

Article 7 shows how the current system is not working, where the total number of medical errors and flaws has increased dramatically. This is troubling because the errors that occurred at Ministry of Health hospitals, shows how more oversight needs to be provided in this area. The information can be used to show how the current state of the health system has problems. It can then be supported later on to show how the government is attempting to address this issue. (Article 7, 2010)

*****˜Article 9,***** 2010, Awan, 14 January.

Article 9 talks about how the many citizens feel as if the doctors that are working for the Ministry of Health and are unresponsive to their needs. Then, the overall availability of prescription drugs can vary from one clinic to another. This is important because it shows how the government sponsored system is clearly not working, as citizens will seek out those health care facilities that are privately owned. The information presented, is useful in helping to establish how the Kuwaiti health care system can be reformed. (Article 9, 2010)

Privatization Best to Cut Inefficiencies, 2010, Available from [18 May 2010].

The article, Privatization Best to Cut Inefficiencies, talks about how in Kuwait there has been stiff opposition to opening up the public sector to private interests. This has caused unions such as the Kuwait Union Federation to oppose privatization. According to the article the fear is that if privatization is allowed to take place, many feel that private enterprise will attempt to streamline their operation. Once this takes place, it is only a matter of time until the large number of public workers will be laid off. The information presented in this article is important because it highlights the overall amounts of resistance to such changes. This can be used to show the overall backdrop and pressures that are facing the Kuwaiti healthcare system. (Privatization Best to Cut Inefficiencies, 2010)

Research Methodology:

My data will be obtained from 2 sources, primary and secondary. The primary source will be based on a questionnaire which will be conducted on both staff (clinical and non-clinical) and patients, to know their perception about the provided healthcare and what the things that needs to be reformed in the healthcare system.

To determine how to effectively reform the Kuwaiti healthcare system requires looking at secondary sources of literature. This will consist of mainly newspapers, magazines and news websites. At which point, it will provide a good overview as to what challenges are facing the Kuwaiti health system and what steps can be taken to rectify the situation. The different pieces of data will be analyzed using the quantitative method. This is when you are looking at different facts objectively, to determine the most appropriate course of action. Using the secondary sources from a wide variety of newspapers and websites, will help to provide a more in depth understanding as to what challenges are being faced by ordinary Kuwaitis, under the Ministry of Health system. Then, when you examine the different actions being taken and the proposed reforms, will help to provide insights as to how the government is addressing the problem. At which point, you would begin looking at other recommendations that were not included as part of the government reforms. This will show what areas the government is overlooking. Together, these different elements along with the quantitative method will highlight how to effectively reform the system.

Research Plan:

To gain access to different pieces of research on the subject, an analysis will be conducted on the various news wires and the internet. This will help to identify the timeliest pieces of information and it will help to provide an even greater overview of the different challenges that are facing the healthcare industry. The research will be conducted in three different stages to include: a search of all news wires for information on the topic, an internet search and then a search will be conduct looking for both kinds of information using the internet. Where, there would be an emphasis placed on looking for the different pieces of information, which will show the problems that have been occurring with the health system over the last several years. There will be a particular emphasis placed on those pieces of information that are the most current. The overall timeline for completing the research would take no more than a few hours. This is because the ground work was already conducted to provide a good overview along with other pertinent information, which was obtained through this assignment. At which point, the construction of the actual paper will take place, with the different questions that were presented earlier answered fully. Once this is accomplished, it will show how effective the various reforms from the Ministry of Health are working and it will highlight areas that need to be addressed. This will provide the greatest insights as to how to effectively reform the Kuwaiti health system.


How to Reference "Health Care Systems Management" Dissertation in a Bibliography

Health Care Systems Management.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2010, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-systems-management/493298. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Health Care Systems Management (2010). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-systems-management/493298
A1-TermPaper.com. (2010). Health Care Systems Management. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-systems-management/493298 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Health Care Systems Management” 2010. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-systems-management/493298.
”Health Care Systems Management” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-systems-management/493298.
[1] ”Health Care Systems Management”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2010. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-systems-management/493298. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Health Care Systems Management [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-systems-management/493298
1. Health Care Systems Management. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-systems-management/493298. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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