Research Paper on "Health Care System"

Research Paper 6 pages (2204 words) Sources: 2

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" (Workflow Management Coalition (WIMC) and Future Strategies, Inc., 2003-09) Document types include such as birth certificates, handwritten bills submitted by providers or specialists and any other type of content of document needing "assigned and managed" according to Tinksley. Tinsley goes on to explain that that the Mosaix system: (1) integrates all components on the desktop; (2) merges documents; (3) tracks documents; and (4) delivers information to any origin.

IV. Workflow System and Mainframe Integration

The workflow system is reported to "interact with the mainframe, retrieving legacy data that resides on the Amdahl/MVS…." (Workflow Management Coalition (WIMC) and Future Strategies, Inc., 2003-09) It is reported as here that Mosaix "…integrates with the terminal emulation software, Attachmate. The system represents the first true client server environment the Company has ever had; it required many changes in the IT department. We needed new skills for support and discovered that managing a client server environment is much more complex than managing a mainframe." (Workflow Management Coalition (WIMC) and Future Strategies, Inc., 2003-09) When the system was first implemented, it drastically improved response time but because the customer was left holding for 30 seconds, the customers perceived a long wait time. PPP healthcare addressed this issue and upgraded their 486-based PCs with the "Pentium-based technology reported to have "…immediately improved the retrieval times -- the result is the customer perceives instant response times" now taking no longer than a mere nine seconds to retrieve "every item of information." (Workflow Management Coalition
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(WIMC) and Future Strategies, Inc., 2003-09) In addition, PPP Healthcare is reported to have further upgraded its system performance when it migrated is database to NT SQL Server. It is reported that the use of open architecture which involved integration of the desktop "across a sophisticated network environment, PPP healthcare can manage its cocktail of complex and varied documents within a single workflow solution. In doing so, PPP healthcare has unraveled the mystery of business process automation to benefit its customers, its staff and ultimately contribute to its future growth." (Workflow Management Coalition (WIMC) and Future Strategies, Inc., 2003-09)

Summary and Conclusion

It is clear that the workflow system utilized by PPP Healthcare is of the nature that increases efficiency, reduces costs associated with healthcare service delivery and as well that the system is of the nature that is flexible with its open architecture and that enables integration in reality-based communication and interaction processes through real-time desktop information accessible patient records.


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McKee, M., Nigel, E., & Atun, R. (2006, November). Public -- private partnerships for hospitals. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 84(11): 890-896.Retrieved from

Moffit, R., Maniere, P., Green, D., Belien, P., Hjertqvist, J., & Breyer, F. (2001). Perspectives on the European Health Care Systems: Some Lessons for America. The Heritage Foundation, 711.

Nikolic, I.A. & Maikisch, H. (2006) World Bank Organization. October. 2006. Retrieved from,

Powell, F.D. (1992). Relevance of Social Market Conditions in the German Health Care System to the United States. Review of Social Economy, 50(3); 269

Reid, T.R. (2009). The healing of America: a global quest for better, cheaper, and fairer health care. London: Penguin Press.

PPP Healthcare, Tunbridge Wells, England European Excellence Award: Workflow, Silver (2009) Workflow Organization. Retrieved from:

AXA PPP Healthcare Improves Customer Service (nd) Lanier Case Study, PPP Healthcare. Retrieved from READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health Care System" Assignment:

The research should investigate *****the Health Care system from International Perspectives*****. The research should investigate countries pioneering in the PPP healthcare systems such as France, the United Kingdom and Germany in Europe, Japan and Singapore in Asia. The findings of the project will determine if PPP healthcare initiatives in these European and Asian countries can be applied to improve the health care system in the U.S

The suggested research should have overview, best practices: the aspects of the healthcare systems in Europe and Asia, and the recommendation to improve our health care system in the U.S according to the best practices

Note: I will attach an annotated biography about the same topic will help to determine which source is good and I recommend this book ((Reid, T.R. (2009). The healing of America: a global quest for better, cheaper, and fairer health care)).


How to Reference "Health Care System" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Health Care System.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Health Care System (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Health Care System. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Health Care System” 2010.
”Health Care System”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Health Care System”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Health Care System [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Health Care System. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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