Marketing Plan on "Health Staff the Allied"

Marketing Plan 10 pages (3580 words) Sources: 10

[EXCERPT] . . . .

This growth within the field of nursing has led to be the fastest growing profession compared to other professions. (statistics b. o., 2010)

Market position

AHSA works in the marketing the niche of the healthcare industry hence catering mostly to nurses alone. This creates a much stronger and well penetrated infra structure into the nursing industry, and while this would be a safe move for a new company like AHSA the turnover is even higher in the physician employment rates and a similar need also exists for physicians.


well focused on a small segment of healthcare much deeper penetration of the market good contacts within the industry vast network of advertising sophisticated, predictive screening mechanisms


weak initial cash flow fresh company hence the process of gaining trust of the customer would be difficult

The brand still lags in its equity which is a given for new organizations.

the lack of ability to size up at a much faster rate


Healthcare is a very fast growing, competitive industry

An operation of such kind requires minimum amount of overheads

The fixed cost for one sale can be reduced later on as the business gains pace.


An industries low would not provide this company any invulnerability

The pace, growth and competition of this industry has invited a lot of new companies to enter this field of healthcare recruiting which woul
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d mean more competition.


PEST analysis

Political and legal environment

Two most recent governors convicted of political felonies after they left office. (Lindberg, 1991)

Former Gov. Rod Blagojevich was convicted of attempted extortion and soliciting bribes from a children's hospital executive. The year before, a former fundraiser for Blagojevich and then-Sen. (Press, 2010)

Barack Obama was convicted of using operatives to solicit massive bribes from a suburban hospital seeking certificate-of-need approval. (Oddis, august,2008)

The Illinois Legislature has since overhauled the CON process with the intention of preventing future extortion.

Economic environment

The per capita income of Chicago is $20,175, slightly lower than the national per capita income which is $21,587 (Bureau, 2000)

In 2010, Illinois current-dollar GDP was $651.5 billion and ranked 5th in the United States. In 2000, Illinois GDP was $474.4 billion and ranked 5th in the United States. (commerce, 2010)High costs of capital

The cost of labor has been increasing

Many new technologies have been introduced available at lower rates

New research has paved way for more expensive therapeutics and drugs

Filing law suits has become easier

Social and cultural environment

Since Chicago is a big market for the healthcare business the for profit organization are a hot buy in today's industry

Yet the city has managed to maintain its long standing not for profit catholic hospitals

The proportion of individuals getting older has been ever increasing

The percentage of older population and in the percentage of such adults living alone has increased, hence requiring home care or adult care services rendered by nurses and allied medical specialists.

Rural areas have now been laying increasing demands for services provided within their access.

The latest technologies and the overall development of the country have led general people to have high expectations with healthcare.

Difficulty in finding the right individuals for the right jobs due to increase competition within the employers.

Technological environment

Advances and intricacy of the modern healthcare system

High level of specialization within the second tear of healthcare workers

A shift towards a more efficient clinical practice enabling for the patient to stay for lesser time in the hospital and recover sooner.

More division and allocation of work to the secondary health care workers more accessible to the communities.

Recent advances in medicine allowing for a more preventive approach rather than a therapeutic one.

Advancement and compactness of diagnostic equipment allowing easy access and quick results.

SWOT Analysis


well focused on a small segment of healthcare much deeper penetration of the market good contacts within the industry vast network of advertising sophisticated, predictive screening mechanisms


weak initial cash flow fresh company hence the process of gaining trust of the customer would be difficult

The brand still lags in its equity which is a given for new organizations.

the lack of ability to size up at a much faster rate


Healthcare is a very fast growing, competitive industry

An operation of such kind requires minimum amount of overheads

The fixed cost for one sale can be reduced later on as the business gains pace.


An industries low would not provide this company any invulnerability

The pace, growth and competition of this industry has invited a lot of new companies to enter this field of healthcare recruiting which would mean more competition.

VI. Marketing Strategy

The AHSA's marketing strategy will encompass marketing through modes of networking and advertising.

The advertisement would be published mostly in the local journals easily accessible to our target market like the healthcare journal of Chicago. The advertisement would pose to attract clients to contact the company in order to get their recruitment needs fulfilled.

AHSA and its founders bear good experience within the healthcare industry and have a vast network of contacts within the industry that would augment the process of acquiring business. The target of the company initially would be to attract big clients or high tech firms into the AHSA team. Once businesses with such big clients have been established more companies would want to acquire the services from AHSA as the showcase of our current business consisting of prominent names in the healthcare would be impressive enough to attract others.

Such a strategy would curb further interest into the company, while the sales team will strive to turn their major leads into company customers. The focus of the sales team would be on excellent interpersonal communication skills. The sales would be acquired by putting in time and calling up the leads and convincing them to trust and put their business in AHSA which yields a high reputation based on its connection and competitive advantage.

last but not least, the AHSA will also have a striking presence in the internet world by hosting an informative yet extraordinary website that would not just inform the potential customers of the services offered by AHSA but also attract them towards applying online for any of their recruitment needs which would be later followed up by the sales team.


The Allied healthcare staffing agency's mission is to service the vast field of healthcare by recruiting suitable professionals where needed. Our goal is to attract and maintain as many potential and valued customers as possible and always keeping the customer's needs ahead of everything else, only then would the satisfaction of customer suffice to our performance.



The AHSA would be offering the job seekers an opportunity to find the right job through the company and the employers, meaning the healthcare centers, to find the right professionals for their openings.

The quality of the services provided to their customers would focus on the intense network of connections that the company holds within the healthcare industry and provide their customers, may they be job seekers or job providers, with the best opportunities of employment available. The services provided would be extended from providing the health care workers including registered nurses, certified nurse assistants, allied health specialists and licensed practical nurses employment options within their job provider clientele including hospitals both in suburban and metropolitan areas, nearby medical clinics, centers for rehabilitation, adult long-term care facilities and the neighborhood medical centers, who on the other hand would be provided employees for their vacant positions possessing the specifications provided by them.

Price the pricing scheme will be competitive relative to other healthcare staffing agencies. The pricing would only be applied to the health care centers who would be seeking potential employees from AHSA. Since the company focuses mostly on nurses, the turnover of jobs for nurses is as high as 14% and the available workforce is deficient, hence the company, in exchange for a nominal fee from the healthcare centers would provide them with the bulk of nurses that they require according to their needs. Our pricing strategy would include a discounted price for the permanent customers approaching the company for the second or more times. This strategy focuses on attracting all the potential employers towards this agency and capturing the business from the competition by offering a lower price.


The services would be introduced and offered to the potential customers, through advertisement and also through our agents who would approach the healthcare centers themselves and introduce their services. Also in the initial period in order to gain more customers the services would be offered in discounted rates. Also an impressive website would be setup to improve access of everyone to the company.


promotion would be done by advertising in the print media, namely, the Chicago journals and healthcare magazines which are more accessible to our target market. Advertising… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health Staff the Allied" Assignment:

Marketing plan for a healthcare staffing agency with one office in the metro area and one in the suburban area. Would be dealing specifically in the healthcare industry and providing jobs for only those in the medical field. The company intends on helping to staff in home care opportunities, nursing homes, local hospitals and hospice centers in these two areas. It is intended to have two location to serve the metro area as well as suburban areas. The recruitment levels will encompass entry level to experiences healthcare providers including nurses.

Marketing Plan Outline

I. Executive Summary

A high-level summary of the marketing plan.

II. The Challenge

Brief description of product to be marketed and associated goals, such as sales figures and strategic goals.

III. Situation Analysis

Company Analysis






Market share

Customer Analysis



Value drivers

Decision process

Concentration of customer base for particular products

Competitor Analysis

Market position



Market shares


Subsidiaries, joint ventures, and distributors, etc.


Macro-environmental PEST analysis :

Political and legal environment

Economic environment

Social and cultural environment

Technological environment

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT analysis of the business environment can be performed by organizing the environmental factors as follows:

The firm*****'s internal attributes can be classed as strengths and weaknesses.

The external environment presents opportunities and threats.

IV. Market Segmentation

Present a description of the market segmentation as follows:

Segment 1


Percent of sales

What they want

How they use product

Support requirements

How to reach them

Price sensitivity

Segment 2




V. Alternative Marketing Strategies

List and discuss the alternatives that were considered before arriving at the recommended strategy. Alternatives might include discontinuing a product, re-branding, positioning as a premium or value product, etc.

VI. Selected Marketing Strategy

Discuss why the strategy was selected, then the marketing mix decisions (4 P*****'s) of product, price, place (distribution), and promotion.


The product decisions should consider the product*****'s advantages and how they will be leveraged. Product decisions should include:

Brand name


Scope of product line




Discuss pricing strategy, expected volume, and decisions for the following pricing variables:

List price



Payment terms and financing options

Leasing options

Distribution (Place)

Decision variables include:

Distribution channels, such as direct, retail, distributors & intermediates

Motivating the channel - for example, distributor margins

Criteria for evaluating distributors


Logistics, including transportation, warehousing, and order fulfilment


Advertising, including how much and which media.

Public relations

Promotional programs

Budget; determine break-even point for any additional spending

Projected results of the promotional programs

VII. Short & Long-Term Projections

The selected strategy*****'s immediate effects, expected long-term results, and any special actions required to achieve them. This section may include forecasts of revenues and expenses as well as the results of a break-even analysis.

VIII. Conclusion

Summarize all of the above.


How to Reference "Health Staff the Allied" Marketing Plan in a Bibliography

Health Staff the Allied.”, 2011, Accessed 1 Jul 2024.

Health Staff the Allied (2011). Retrieved from (2011). Health Staff the Allied. [online] Available at: [Accessed 1 Jul, 2024].
”Health Staff the Allied” 2011.
”Health Staff the Allied”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Health Staff the Allied”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 1-Jul-2024].
1. Health Staff the Allied [Internet]. 2011 [cited 1 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Health Staff the Allied. Published 2011. Accessed July 1, 2024.

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