Term Paper on "Health Care Policy Bill Formulation"

Term Paper 8 pages (2562 words) Sources: 8

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Health Care Policy Bill Formulation

What the legislation will target

The talking points

Bill writing

Policy to monitor and regulate drug abuse and trafficking

Legislative action

Health Care Policy Bill Formulation: substance abuse

The issue of substance abuse is a societal menace that is gritting the world economies to the ground due to its enormous negative effects. The term substance abuse refers to the use of illicit drugs or medicinal drugs for mood altering purpose in a person. The drugs that people abuse have a property of addiction in them, which leads to their excessive consumption by the user over time. It is the effects of substance abuse in the society such as; crime rates, gender related and other forms of violence and resource wastage among others that necessitates the development of policies by the federal government to manage the retail and use of drugs in the country.

What the legislation will target

The National Association of Board Pharmacy is crying foul of the increasing misuse of prescription drugs, addiction and resulting deaths from the same. Moreover, the law enforcers continue to grumble with headaches on how to crack down on the increased drug trafficking cases in the country (Kleiman, Caulkins & Hawken, 2011). The worst hit region in the United States is the southern part of the country, with the drug trafficking and substance use-gaining root in the whole country over the past decade. It is the national crimes rate report by the law enforcers that drew my interests in the issue of drug
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and substance abuse in the country.

The Federal Bureau of Investigation released a report on the past patterns of arrests and issues of crime related to drug trafficking and substance abuse in the year 2012. In this report, resounding arrests of 725, 160 people on drug related crime, in the single year awakened the outcry of the every person in the country. Tabulated results of the cases of drug related arrests and their break down shows that, most of the arrested cases only castrated the final consumers of the drugs. The final consumers are those who after taking the drugs commit various crimes. However, the real sting on the issue is that, the traffickers, who are the cause of the menace in the society, due to the influence they weld, influence the law enforcement process. This way, the traffickers remain free of the arrests leading to worse cases of drug and substance abuse.

In view of these cases of drug and substance abuse in the society and the inadequate measures and means of tackling the issue: I propose a bill that addresses interdiction and apprehension, and consequent prosecution of the substance abuse menace. The target of the legislation is the traffickers of the substances as there are enough regulations that target the abusers of the drugs. The elimination of the presence of these substances that the unsuspecting and unknowing; users of drugs abuse is the root to the elimination of the menace (Kleiman, Caulkins & Hawken, 2011). Illicit drug trafficking reports and cases reported to the law enforcement officers need strict and supportive regulations to ensure the elimination of the issue in the society. The bill targets the traffickers as they form the larger constituent of the arrested persons yet they get free after a while due to the inadequate means of addressing the issues. Additionally, the use of treatment drugs for other purposes as not intended is also an issue, and as such, the bill will target the drug vendors who prescribe drugs without following the proper channels.

Background information

The increasing outcry by various organizations and units concerned with drug and substance use management in the society are increasingly drawing the attention of many concerned parties. The affected and impacted people by the substance abuse issue continue to elicit mixed feelings about the issue. The research report, National Survey on Drug Use and Health by the United States department of health and human services; on the issue of substance abuse and mental health services in the country indicates a rising and worrying trend in substance abuse (Drug and substance abuse awareness night, 2013). The report indicates the consumption of various drugs, both legal and illegal in the society in a manner that brings negative effects on the individual has continued to rise. This is despite the initiatives by the various governmental and non-governmental departments and bodies to address the issues. For instance, in this report, it breaks down the structures of substance abuse in the country, showing how different factors, for example, as age, gender, stage of education, unemployment and parental issues among others contribute to drugs and substance abuse. The report gives statistics indicating that, among the most abused drugs and substances in the country are tobacco, marijuana and alcohol (Hanson, Venturelli & Fleckenstein, 2012). Additionally, other cases of drug abuse in the country are represented; although they do not account for much percentage as these. The report indicates the various means employed in addressing the issue of substance abuse in the country and their effectiveness. These are the process of treatment and correctional measures to help the consumers of the drugs. However, this does not address the issue to the core in my view as the drug traffickers, who get the drugs to these people, are out of the rehabilitation equation; thus, the need for a bill addressing the menace directly.

There is an outcry by the National Association of Boards Pharmacy (NAPB) on the issue of prescription drug abuse. This is according to the article published on their website concerning the federal legislation to prevent abuse of prescription drugs introduced to the senate. The federal legislation act, introduced into the senate by Senator Jay Rockefeller and Representative Nick Rahall, titled Prescription Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment act (SB 348) outline a number of proposed provisions (Hanson, Venturelli & Fleckenstein, 2012). In this article by the National Association of Boards Pharmacy, it outlines the issues that lead to the illicit and abusive usage of prescription drugs in the society. It cites issues such as the qualifications of the vendors of the drugs, especially those operating over the counters. It also indicates that there is a need for focus on the education of the consumer on medication issues in the country. Additionally, the bill also focuses on the issue of funding from the state on the prescription monitoring programs in the nation. This report by the pharmacy board indicates the seriousness of the issue of prescription drug abuse in the country. Such publications by the board initiate the interest in the like-minded; to pursue development of legislation and bills that address the issue of drug and substance abuse in the American community. There is a critical need to develop the society into a better place as the board fears for the lives of those affected by the menace of substances meant to help them.

While the cases of drug trafficking continue to pose headache in the minds of legislators and law enforcers in most countries; the World Health Organization continues to report more cases of the impaired system of order and justice leading to drug and substance usage. The World Health Organization stipulates that every individual in the society should have access to quality health services without lack or force. In this line, the United States government shows its commitment by implementing the bill on free medical care provision in all public hospitals (Wilson & Kolander, 2011). However, it is the report by the WHO on the issue of drug and substance abuse in the society that brings into light the need for preventive measures on drug and substance abuse. The organization, in conjunction with the Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse, pulled off stories from various research and articles written by professionals on the topic of alcohol, other drugs, and their associated harm to the individual. The articles published in the website, Addiction News Daily, reveal that the abuse of drugs is worse than the way media depicts the situation. In the same report, the center released a provisional summary of the policy strategies to tackle the menace of alcohol and other drug abuses. The report in this release opened the perspective I had on the legislation employed in the country to address the issue of drug and substance abuse (Edelfield & Moosa, 2012). The abuse of substances is a matter of national concern and as such, it requires critical and intensive exploration to understand. Reading all these articles and reports, observing the statistics in the subsequent reports stirs impact on any caring person. The legislation needs to take the aspect of the preventive approach to the whole issue of substance abuse.

The talking points

The National Drug Control Policy defines the impacts of drug use as affecting every sector of the society. Substance abuse in the country affects every sector of the nation, from straining the economy of the country, the healthcare and even the criminal justice systems (Edelfield & Moosa,… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health Care Policy Bill Formulation" Assignment:


Health Care Bill Formulation Project:

Please read the details and requirements of the project given below and do the work accordingly.

Determine what the legislation will target; research background information; develop talking points and write a piece of legislation. The project should be 8 pages typed double spaced and a 12-point font.

Elements that must be incorporated into the project:

What will the legislation target?

Every piece of legislation came from an idea or to address an issue. You will need to determine what your legislation will target. Do research! There are so many topics in healthcare to choose from.

Examples of topics:

*****¢ Elective surgery

*****¢ Mental health

*****¢ Substance abuse

*****¢ Smoking

*****¢ Bioterrorism/Emergency response

*****¢ HPV vaccine

*****¢ Oral health

Element 1: A written description outlining how you determined what your piece of legislation will target must be submitted with your project. Was it a particular article, event that helped formulate your topic? Include any research you did to determine your topic.

Research background information

To substantiate or justify the need for the legislation, information gathering is required. This information can be but not limited to:

*****¢ position statements from national organizations that set scope and standards of practice, conduct research in their field

*****¢ studies/reports

*****¢ experts

*****¢ surveys

*****¢ hearings

This information will be needed to formulate talking points and the piece of legislation.

Element 2: You must include supporting documentation from at least 3 separate organizations as they relate to your topic. For example the American Heart Association, EPA, research. Be sure to cite sources and include in your bibliography.


Talking Points

Source: http://www.naccho.org/advocacy/LHDcommunications/planning/messages.cfm

Clear, well-constructed messages help people break through information overload and choose among many different sources of information. In general, a message consisting of approximately two sentences should convey a complete idea and satisfy the following criteria:

*****¢ Define an issue in a specific way

*****¢ Identify the cause of a problem

*****¢ Be short and easy to understand

*****¢ Indicate a course of action

The message helps frame the issue for the audience. Framing an issue suggests a cause and effect*****either the harmful force that endangers health (such as asbestos or risky agricultural practices), or the beneficial force that can improve health (such as nutrition education or substance abuse treatment). Framing also can depict the magnitude of a problem. Often metaphors are useful in framing.

Here*****s a partial example of how an issue*****health literacy*****might be framed:

As many as 9 in 10 Americans lack the health-literacy skills for effectively managing their health and preventing disease. The road to optimal health is a marathon, and too many of us run it wearing a blindfold.

Some important points to remember are:

*****¢ Communicate clearly to the audience

*****¢ Specify your request

*****¢ Provide a reward that your audience cares about

*****¢ Make the reward believable by providing evidence to back it up

*****¢ Use vivid and appropriate images

*****¢ Choose the right moment, and

*****¢ Choose the right messenger.

It*****s especially important to avoid jargon; use plain language that will be understandable and interesting to a health reporter, elected official, consumer, or colleague from another field. Research shows that audiences give greater credence and respect to experts who express ideas in simple terms than to those who indulge in a lot of technical terminology.


Nurses are increasingly providing more care to Medicare patients, services that will be needed as Baby Boomers expand the program by 50% over the next

25 years.

*****¢ 30% of all Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries received one or more services from an APRN in 2011 (compared to 26% in 2009 and 28% in 2010.) Source: CMS.

*****¢ In 2011, 100,585 APRNs directly billed Medicare Part B carriers for services provided to 10.4 million Part B fee-for-service beneficiaries.

*****¢ Despite barriers to APRN practice, there is an increasing patient acceptance and satisfaction with receiving Part B services from an APRN. Though comprising just 9% of all Medicare Part B providers, APRNs treat more than three times that percentage of all fee-for-service patients.

Element 3: You must have at least 3 separate talking points. They should be written in the format above.


Bill Writing

Source: http://abacus.bates.edu/bcsg/legislation/howtowrite.html

Anatomy of Legislation

At the top of the piece of legislation are three items of interest: the legislation number, the legislation type (bill, resolution, executive appointment), and the bill title.

The body of a piece of legislation consists of two major parts: (1) Reasons why this legislation is necessary; and (2) Actions that should be taken due to those reasons.

The first part of the body consists of "whereas" clauses which outline the arguments, facts, and circumstances supporting the action to be taken. Each "whereas" clause except the last, ends in ";". The next-to-last clause ends in "; and".

The last "whereas" clause ends in ": Now, therefore, be it". This leads into the second part of the body, which begins with "Enacted," (for Bills and Executive Appointments) or "Resolved," (for Resolutions).

Following this phrase are sections which describe what is being enacted or resolved. Each section ends with ";". The next-to-last section ends with "; and", and the last ends with ".". Section numbers may be used, but are not always necessary.

The final part of a piece of legislation are the signers. This should be the group members on one line followed by title on the next line (ex. Representative, Group #1). Cosponsors (if any) are listed after in the same fashion.

A Bill

[Descriptive Title of Your Bill]

1.Whereas, [first argument or statement of background information];


3. Whereas, [second argument or statement of background information]; and


5. Whereas, [the last argument or statement of background information]: Now,

6. therefore, be it


Section 1. [first specific policy action; you can omit Sections if you have only one action]

Section 2. [second specific policy action]

Section 3. [last specific policy action]

Respectfully Submitted,

Group Names ___

Representative, ______

Possible Coauthor ____

Representative, ______

Cosponsors [if you have any]



[list these alphabetically by last name]


Day, Month DD, Year:

Originally proposed.

An Example Bill

To Move Bates College to Florida While Allowing Access to Skiing

1. Whereas, Maine is really cold between October and March, 5 of the 9 months of classes;


3. Whereas, most students do not enjoy the cold and want it to be warmer;


5. Whereas, Florida is very warm most of the time; however


7. Whereas, most students enjoy the snow and many ski or snowboard;


9. Whereas, warmer weather is not conducive to skiing or snowboarding; and


11. Whereas, this is an example of a proper and well-structured bill, if not a plausible idea for

12. a real piece of legislation: Now, therefore, be it




16. Section 1. Bates College must move to within 20 miles of Orlando, Florida during the

17. months of October through March. This move must take place over a single weekend at

18. either end and must be carried out as soon as the high temperature drops below 50

19. degrees Fahrenheit for one week.


21. Section 2. The BCSG must pay for weekend plane tickets to and from New England

22. during the ski season.


24. Section 3. Members of the Representative Assembly should use this document as a

25. template for their own legislation ideas. Some flexibility is allowed, but members should

26. discuss their concerns with the Parliamentarian.

Respectfully Submitted,

Bill K. Jack *****˜08


Tamara Wyche *****˜08

Representative, Rand Hall


Ryan Creighton *****˜07

Representative, Class of 2007


Monday, September 25, 2006:

Originally proposed.

Element 4: A completed bill in the format described above must be included in your project. The bill must include line numbering. The purpose of numbering the lines is for a point of reference.

Assignment Requirement

Title Page that includes the names of all group members

Table of Contents that identifies who wrote/contributed to each section of the paper

Element 1: What will the legislation target?

Element 2: Research background information

Element 3: Talking Points

Element 4: Bill Writing

Bibliography Note: all sources should be cited within the body of the text using either endnotes or parenthetical form.

Sources should be cited within the body of the text and a complete bibliography should be provided in APA format.


How to Reference "Health Care Policy Bill Formulation" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Health Care Policy Bill Formulation.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-policy-bill-formulation/9656713. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Health Care Policy Bill Formulation (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-policy-bill-formulation/9656713
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). Health Care Policy Bill Formulation. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-policy-bill-formulation/9656713 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Health Care Policy Bill Formulation” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-policy-bill-formulation/9656713.
”Health Care Policy Bill Formulation” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-policy-bill-formulation/9656713.
[1] ”Health Care Policy Bill Formulation”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-policy-bill-formulation/9656713. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Health Care Policy Bill Formulation [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-policy-bill-formulation/9656713
1. Health Care Policy Bill Formulation. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-policy-bill-formulation/9656713. Published 2013. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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