Term Paper on "Health Care for the Disabled"

Term Paper 9 pages (2341 words) Sources: 1+

[EXCERPT] . . . .


There are about 685,000 Kentuckians on Medicaid who will be receiving the card in the coming months, replacing the monthly sheets that were costly and cumbersome. The cards should help reduce some of the stigma for Medicaid patients who seek treatment, said Secretary James Holsinger of the Cabinet for Health and Family Services. It should also help providers, who can use a card-reader or access the cabinet's Web site to determine patient eligibility for Medicaid (American Association of People with Disabilities: http://www.aapd-dc.org/).

Medicaid, which is financed with state and federal funds, pays for health care for the poor and disabled. Medicaid also pays for long-term care for the elderly.

Holsinger and Gov. Ernie Fletcher, during a press conference Monday to announce the initiative, said it is expected to save about $1.3 million in postage and staff time (American Association of People with Disabilities: http://www.aapd-dc.org/).

Medicaid recipients now receive monthly documentation of their eligibility. Entire families are included on the sheets of paper.

As it is, one family could end up with as many as seven different Medicaid cards for the various facets of coverage. And they are not really cards at all, but ordinary sheets of paper with about a third of each sheet color-coded to reflect coverage (American Association of People with Disabilities: http://www.aapd-dc.org/).

The information on the sheets included all the family members, causing an array of problems all by itself, Holsinger said. The sheets also displayed numerous items of personal and medical inf
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ormation about all the eligible family members.

The information on the new cards is contained on magnetic strips.

About 100,000 of the cards are already in the hands of Medicaid recipients in Fayette and Clay counties. Jefferson County Medicaid patients, except those in the Passport program, will get theirs in April. About 258,000 patients in eastern and Northern Kentucky will follow in May with the remaining patients in western and southern Kentucky to follow in June (American Association of People with Disabilities: http://www.aapd-dc.org/).

"On the heels of a pivotal Senate vote calling for no budget cuts to the Medicaid program, congressional Republicans have escaped Washington for a two-week recess-only to find the pressure on at home. Governors, consumer advocates, medical providers, and other groups are making a fuss at town hall meetings and contacting lawmakers to urge them to protect federal Medicaid funding.

When Congress returns to work the two chambers will launch a conference committee to try to iron out their differences on the fiscal 2006 budget resolution. On March 17, the House approved Medicaid cuts of up to $20 billion over five years as part of its budget resolution, but the Senate passed a controversial amendment stripping out all Medicaid cuts from its version (Weber, 2005).

The congressional action followed President Bush's call in his February budget proposal for spending $44.6 billion less over the next 10 years on Medicaid, the federal-state health care program for the poor and disabled (Weber, 2005).

"We're using the recess to get as much contact with members as possible about the importance of the Senate position prevailing in conference," Ron Pollack, executive director of the consumer group Families USA, said in a March 22 interview. "We are trying to make sure various groups we're working with go to town hall meetings that senators are organizing -- and making sure their voices are heard (Weber, 2005)."

The federal government cannot abandon its responsibility to the states in helping provide health care for the low-income and uninsured Americans," Snowe said in a March 17 statement. "Finding workable solutions on the financial sustainability of Medicaid will take time, expertise, and bipartisan consensus, and are more appropriately the province of a bipartisan Medicaid commission than a budget debate (Weber, 2005).


The health care options and services for the disabled are varied from state to state but have a general commonality in many areas. The disabled are entitled to several services that involve social workers and others who are on the team to insure that the disabled patient receives proper care.

Among the services that are available to the disabled are hospice, Medicaid and social services.

The services and stages available to them depend on their condition, their need and often times their finances.



Congressional Testimony. 04-19-2005


Congressional Testimony; 4/19/2005

Congressional Testimony


Health Care Aides Seek Better Compensation

AP Online; 4/8/2005; TOM STUCKEY, Associated Press Writer

AP Online 04-08-2005

Congress Takes a Look at Disabled Rights

AP Online; 3/28/2005; JIM ABRAMS, Associated Press Writer

AP Online




The Kentucky Post (Covington, KY); 3/29/2005

Byline: Associated Press


National Journal; 3/26/2005; Serafini, Marilyn Werber

National Journal



Byline: Serafini, Marilyn… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health Care for the Disabled" Assignment:

The paper must be typed, double-spaced and bear a professional appearance. It is expected that serveral sources of information will be used including books, journals, newspapers, government reports and foundation reports. Paper must include references from peer-reviewed journals. References are to be up-to-date and reflect the latest thinking on the topic.

The paper's topic should be about the different stages of available health care for people with disablities - infant to young adult to elder.

How to Reference "Health Care for the Disabled" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Health Care for the Disabled.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2005, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-disabled/40127. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Health Care for the Disabled (2005). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-disabled/40127
A1-TermPaper.com. (2005). Health Care for the Disabled. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-disabled/40127 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Health Care for the Disabled” 2005. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-disabled/40127.
”Health Care for the Disabled” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-disabled/40127.
[1] ”Health Care for the Disabled”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2005. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-disabled/40127. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Health Care for the Disabled [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2005 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-disabled/40127
1. Health Care for the Disabled. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/health-care-disabled/40127. Published 2005. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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