Essay on "Health Care Debate"

Essay 4 pages (1442 words) Sources: 5

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Health Care Debate

Over the last several years, the issue of universal health care has been continuously brought to the forefront. This is because the overall costs have been consistently rising, which has been having ripple effects across the entire industry. A good example of this can be seen by doing a comparison of costs going back to 1970. In a study conducted by the Kaiser Foundation, they found that health costs have risen dramatically between 1970 and 2006. Where, costs were $356 per person in 1970 and accounted for 7.2% of the total GDP spending. In 2006, this number accounted for 15.3% of the total GDP spending; and it is expected to increase dramatically by 2018, where spending will account for $13,100 per person or 20.7% of GDP spending. ("Trends in Health Care Costs and Spending," 2006) as a result, proponents and critics of universal health care (a government run plan) have been hotly debating this issue, as a possible way to prevent spiraling costs. Yet, to fully understand the complexity of this issue requires that you carefully examine the arguments of both sides as well as the rebuttals. This will highlight, how and in what ways the health care system can be reformed.

Presentation of Arguments

To prevent the spiraling costs of health care, the proponents of universal care make a number of different arguments, the most notable would include: the number of uninsured is only continuing to increase. Because health care costs are increasing dramatically, all insurance companies are passing the price increases on to business and individuals, through increased premiums. This forces both businesses and consumers to make difficult the choice of
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having health insurance. As businesses are forced to deal with increasing costs of labor / compensation, which forces them to pass more of the increased costs for health insurance on to employees. For the individual, such a situation means that they might not be able to afford the higher insurance premiums. At which point, they could lose their insurance coverage all together. As a result, the total number of uninsured is now at 45 million people nationwide. (Messerili, 2010) to make matters worse, many insurance companies have been known to deny coverage to people who suffer from preexisting conditions. This is when you have an ailment or disease before you purchased your insurance. To control costs and fill any holes in coverage requires: that the government establish an alternative plan. That will cover those who can not afford health insurance, along with those who have preexisting conditions. According to the proponents, this will give consumers a choice as to what health care options make the most sense for them, as they can be able to purchase either private insurance or the universal coverage. Together, these two elements will decrease costs, as consumers have been postponing any kind of regular preventive medicine. This is when you are regularly screening, for various conditions, helping to reduce the chances that it will become fatal. The costs for this type of medicine are far lower, because when you are detecting various conditions early, it does not involve specialists and increased amounts of health care services. As a result, proponents will argue that this is the best way to be able to slow and prevent the spiraling cost of health care; from leaving an increasing amount of Americans without health insurance. (Messerili, 2010)

A second argument that many proponents of universal care make is: that it will provide more effective care. The current system of private insurance often involves the physician having to spend time filling out insurance forms and health claims. This causes the doctor to place less emphasis on care and more time on record keeping. Under a universal health plan, there would be a national database created, this would allow each physician to spend less money on record keeping. As this would have all relevant information on patients, at one central location. (Andersen, 2007) as a result, this will lower the amount of wasted time spent on filling out forms and it will increase the overall quality of care that is being received. (Messerili, 2010)

The critics make excellent points when it comes to possible problems of a universal health care system, the most notable would include: it will create a big government bureaucracy. The government has… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Health Care Debate" Assignment:

For ***** No other ***** take.

-Giving the growing cost of health care, it is essential that universal health care be provided to all people living in the U.S.A. write 2 pages on this topic.(An argument for health care).

-Giving the growing cost of health care, it is not essential that universal health care be provided to all people living in the U.S.A. write 2 pages on this topic.(An argumnet against health care).

There will be 4 stages to the debate which includes the following.


b)Presentation of arguments.

c)Rebuttal of arguments.


How to Reference "Health Care Debate" Essay in a Bibliography

Health Care Debate.”, 2010, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Health Care Debate (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Health Care Debate. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Health Care Debate” 2010.
”Health Care Debate”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Health Care Debate”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Health Care Debate [Internet]. 2010 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Health Care Debate. Published 2010. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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