Term Paper on "Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive"

Term Paper 5 pages (1824 words) Sources: 15

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The objective of this research is to examine the impact of that head start programs have on school readiness in relation to cognitive development, mathematical skills, language development and pre-reading skills. Research has indicated that preschoolers entering kindergarten are ill-prepared by the head start program because these children are still lagging behind the national norms. Alternatively, other research states just the opposite claiming that head start does indeed prepare children for entering kindergarten although improvements are still needed. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact the Head Start program has on preschoolers entering Kindergarten. Does the program work? Participation in quality early learning experiences has been identified as one such factor that promotes resilient outcomes for vulnerable children. Particularly for children from low-income families, participation in center-based preschool programs is associated with short- and long-term increases in achievement and school success.


The questions for this study are as follows:

1. Does the Head Start program cognitively (language development, reading / writing and math skills) prepare preschoolers for kindergarten?

2. How well does Head Start cognitively prepare preschoolers for kindergarten? Is it Low Average, Average, or High Average?


The significance of this study lies in the fact that it will shed li
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ght on whether the Head Start program is successful in preparing preschoolers to enter kindergarten through provision of the development skills needed by students prior to entering kindergarten. This study will provide the Head Start programs with information that will enable greater coordination of curriculum as compared to the public school system. Greater collaboration would also result from the findings in this study through state and local governments in assuring that preschoolers are being adequately prepared for kindergarten and that these students are ready to learn. This study would also contribute to the stated needs for additional funding for the Head Start programs to provide optimal preparation to preschoolers for entering kindergarten. Finally, it is acknowledge in the U.S. states that the states are held accountable for student achievement in elementary school under the No Child Left Behind Act and certainly want to ensure that all children in the respective state enters kindergarten prepared and ready to learn. A fragmented system has effectively barred the states from making the provision of the comprehensive services required for children from low-income households if they are to enter kindergarten adequately prepared.


The limitations of this study are related to time limitations, which have limited the scope of the literature reviewed in the course of this study.


From the time an individual is born through the age of five years is a critical time of development for children in the areas of physical, emotional, and social development as well as in development of cognitive skills. Development in these areas will determine the level of success that these individuals will achieve in an ongoing manner throughout the lifespan. Children from low-income families, on the average tend to enter school behind the children from mid -- and high-income level households. The Head Start program was first implemented in 1965 in an effort to provide the opportunity for low-income children to reach a higher level of development prior to enter kindergarten so these children could reach their full potential along with the other children. Since the very beginning the Head Start program has possessed a reputation for filling a meaningful role and its' success is evidenced in the belief held by everyone including policymakers that the program supports fully the development of a child preparing that child fully for entering kindergarten. Because of the independent operation of these programs, it is questioned as to whether these programs are really successful. Recent scrutiny of Head Start claims that these programs are not coordinated in a manner that will best serve the children and the families in the communities throughout the nation. Federal and State funding for the Head Start program totals approximately $23 billion. Other programs claim to have the management methodology gained in training, planning and implemented in delivery of quality services as well as the regulatory process to make a substantial impact upon these types of programs. Head Start funding is channeled directly from Federal and State resource funding to the local Head Start programs within the U.S. states. Knowledge has been critically gained since the inception of Head Start in 1965 through research findings that show that knowledge and skill levels of low-income children are far below the national averages upon entering the Head Start program. After assessing school readiness in low-income children in the U.S. findings are clear that the gap in educational skills and knowledge needed for entering school have not been eliminated.


In the work entitled: "From Neurons to Neighborhoods: The Science of Early Child Development" published in the National Academy of Science journal it is related that a panel that was commissioned states findings that: "Striking disparities in what children know and can do are evidence well before the enter kindergarten. These differences are strongly associated with social and economic circumstances, and they are predictive of subsequent academic performance." (2000) This work holds that it is critical to once again address these disparities "...both for the children whose life opportunities are at stake and for a society whose goals demand that children be prepared to begin school, achieve academic success, and ultimately sustain economic independence and engage constructively with others as adult citizens." (National Academy of Sciences, 2000) the following chart lists the success indicators by different groups in the following labeled Figure 1.

Success Indicator Group and State Rankings

Source: "From Cradle to Career: Connecting American Education from Birth Through Adulthood (2007)

The work of Jane Waldfogel, Columbia University School of Social Work economist, states that Head Start is beneficial however, Head Start does not tend to: "... foster the same level of school readiness as school-based preK or the best-quality private programs, which serve predominantly white children." (Sadowski, 2006) the difference in is the types of programs which are generally in settings that are "less structured" than private or public-school kindergarten programs. This results in children viewing school as 'play' making the adjustment to the: "...more structured and academically focused" (Sadowski, 2006) environment of school very difficult for these children who tend to have "very poor social, academic and listening skills." (Sadowski, 2006)

In the 2007 Executive Summary of Secretary of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Head Start Accountability and Educational Performance Measures Final Report several recommendations are made inclusive of the following:

1." The major purpose of the National Reporting System (NRS) should be to support Head Start programs to provide quality programs that assure children will enter school with age-appropriate skills. To accomplish this goal, clear links need to be specified between technical assistance (TA) approaches and the NRS results. This recommendation includes but is not limited to the development of a clearinghouse of resources, research, and best practices that guide decisions about TA.

2. Benchmarks and determination of appropriate gains and outcome levels need to be specified for the NRS to become more effective in meeting intended goals.

3. The unit of testing and reporting should be at the child level, and materials and results should be provided to programs in a timely manner. Consideration should be given to allowing the NRS to replace some local assessment approaches.

4. Enhancements of the NRS instrument need to continue in order to expand content coverage, provide appropriate training, assure greater reliability and validity, and address issues surrounding children with disabilities.

5. Proceed with pilot testing of computer-assisted, adaptive approaches. Piloting of both approaches, computer and Personal Digital Assistant (PDA), should proceed. If both produce equally reliable and valid outcomes, cost should be explored. The use of manipulatives in language and math assessment should be addressed in the pilot test" (Secretary of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Head Start Accountability and Educational Performance Measures Final Report, 2007)

This report relates the fact that the children who attend Head Start are lagging behind others in school readiness and that this is believed to be due to the fact that:

some programs are not of sufficient quality to maximize children's growth in language, cognitive and social skills. Technical assistance and support for local programs are needed to assure that Head Start teachers use effective instructional practices likely to promote school readiness." (Secretary of Health and Human Services Advisory Committee on Head Start Accountability and Educational Performance Measures Final Report, 2007)


The literature reviewed in this brief study states findings that more resources, technological assistance, and teacher training are needed in the Head Start programs in order to enable the provision of quality education to preschoolers that prepared these students in both social and educational skill development required to enter kindergarten ready to learn.


Waldfogel, Jane (2007) What the Children… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive" Assignment:

This kind of my topic the wording may change but says what I am trying to do. I am researching the impact that head start programs have on shool readiness(cognitive development, math skills, languade development, pre reading skills. Research says that head start inadequately prepares kids who enter kindergarten, that they often are still behind the national norms. What does the national norms say? Some research it does prepare them , the programs just need tobe improve. This is what I have so far in terms of information see below.......

The Impact of Head Start on School Readiness Cognitive, Language and Literacy Skills in Preschoolers Entering Kindergarten



The period from birth through age 5 is a critical time for children to develop the physical,emotional, social, and cognitive skills they will need to be successful in school and the rest of their lives. Children from poor families, on average, enter school behind children from more privileged families. Targeting preschoolers in low-income families, the Head Start program was created in 1965 to promote school readiness to enable each child to develop to his or her fullest potential()

Almost since its inception, Head Start has enjoyed a reputation as successful, meaning that most people, including policymakers, believes it supports child developement and helps prepare children for school(Ramsey, 1994). But Head Start is now coming under increasing scrutiny because some critics believe it does an inadequate job of preparing children for school.

Head Start is one of many federal and state programs that together provide approximately $23 billion in funding for child-care and preschool education . Because these programs have developed independently, they are not easily coordinated to best serve the children and families who need them. In programs other than Head Start, states have the responsibility and the authority through planning, training, and the regulatory process to have a substantial impact on the type and quality of services provided, and are held accountable for the delivery of high quality programs. However, Head Start funding goes directly from the federal level to local organizations, and thus states do not have the authority to integrate or align Head Start programs with other early childhood programs provided by the states.

As our knowledge about the importance of high quality early education has advanced dramatically since 1965, so have data on the outcomes for children and families served by Head Start. The knowledge and skill levels of low-income children are far below national averages upon entering the program. When the school readiness of the nation*****s poor children is assessed, it becomes clear that Head Start is not eliminating the gap in educational skills and knowledge needed for school().

This research will help determine if Head Start is fully achieving its stated purpose of *****promoting school readiness by enhancing the social and cognitive development of low-income children?

Statement of Purpose (1/2 page)

The purpose of this study is to examine the impact the Head Start program has on preschoolers entering Kindergarten. Does the program work ? Participation in quality early learning experiences has been identified as one such factor that promotes resilient outcomes for vulnerable children. Particularly for children from low-income families, participation in center-based preschool programs is associated with short- and long-term increases in achievement and school success.

Research Question(s)

The questions for this study are as follows:

1. Does the Head Start program cognitively (langauge development, reading/ writng and math skills) prepare preschoolers for kindergarten?

2. How well does Head Start cognitively prepare preschoolers for kindergarten? Is it Low Average, Average , or High Average.

Significance of the Study (1/2 page)

This study is significant because it will examine data of a local Head Start program compared *****˜to that of state and national norms. The results of the this study will allow the Head Start programs to greater coordinate their curriculm framework to that of the public school system. It will also produce greater collaboration with the state and local govenment to ensure is that all children entering Kindergarten are ready to learn. Futhermore, its ability to prepare preschoolers for school will aid in the argument of its effectiveness and need for more funding. Finally, States are aware that they will be held responsible for student performance in elementary school through the No Child Left Behind Act, and want to make sure that all children in the State enter kindergarten ready to learn. However, a fragmented system makes it difficult, if not impossible, for a State to provide the needed comprehensive services to all children from low-income homes who will begin kindergarten in the public schools.

Limitation of the Study (3 paragraphs)

How to Reference "Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2007, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/head-start-programs/2132111. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive (2007). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/head-start-programs/2132111
A1-TermPaper.com. (2007). Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/head-start-programs/2132111 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive” 2007. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/head-start-programs/2132111.
”Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/head-start-programs/2132111.
[1] ”Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2007. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/head-start-programs/2132111. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2007 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/head-start-programs/2132111
1. Head Start Programs on the Preschooler's Cognitive. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/head-start-programs/2132111. Published 2007. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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