Thesis on "Hammurabi of Babylon"

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Thesis 4 pages (1211 words) Sources: 5

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Hammurabi and His Code

Hammurabi was the sixth ruler in the first dynasty of Babylon (2250 B.C.) and his reign lasted for about 50 years. He was a noble soldier and a "god-fearing king" (Harper xii) that had no problem destroying his enemies in order to provide a secure place for his people. He was popular for upholding laws that protecting the weak from the strong and he also passed laws protecting widows and orphans. It is also recorded that he rebuilt cities, restored temples, and reunited his people. His mot famous claim to fame is the fact that he established the first code of law. This is significant because it reveals Hammurabi's intelligence and power. Hammurabi was the first king to see a solution that was to be the example for many to follow for centuries to come. George Vincent maintains that Hammurabi "set at work influences in jurisprudence which extended far beyond" (Vincent 737) his empire and the borders of Babylon. This, too, demonstrates the importance of Hammurabi's work. One of the most important aspects of Hammurabi's Code is that it provided understandable standards under which his people lived. These rules and regulations were so popular that they became the basis for economic and social customs throughout Babylon. This is important because knowledge of the law and something for which to refer made it possible for many to not only do business but also plan ahead. Hammurabi and his code are significant today because they reveal an aspect of society and rules; people need rules in order to maintain a meaningful existence.

Hammurabi was able to establish his code because he was a great king and his people admired and respected him. As king, he had influenc
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e that most people can only imagine. The Babylonian society was divided into classes. The society was a combination of noblemen, commoners and slaves and the "law did not treat them as equal" (Craig 7). This very distinction could be what prompted the need for a written code. Hammurabi's Code is divided into such sections as labor, trade, family, and personal property. Historians agree that this appears to be the first time in history that such a code was written in such detail. While there was a distinct class separation taking place during Hammurabi's time, it should be noted that this did not afford punishment of the lower classes. While some rules and codes certainly seem outdated by today's standards, there were many codes in tact during Hammurabi's time that do not allow the nobles to get away with murder, as it were. In fact, Hammurabi was a great believer in the maxim of an eye for an eye. It is because of such standards, that society took these codes very seriously. One could say that it was society's behavior that prompted such codes and Hammurabi was not afraid to enforce them. Many believe that the success of the code is in part due to the tone in which they were written. Hammurabi is king but he is not a tyrant or dictator to be feared. Even with such serious ramifications as death, Hammurabi was able to convey his message without people feeling oppressed. This illustrates a general feeling of respect between a king and his people. In fact, in the Code's prologue, we know that justice stems from the king and the gods. We read, "then Anu and Bel called by name me . . . To bring about the rule of righteousness in the land, to destroy the wicked and the evil-doers; so that the strong should not harm the weak" (Hammurabi). Here… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Hammurabi of Babylon" Assignment:

Hello. Paper is to be on Hammurabi of Babylon and should discuss who he is, his background, education, how he came to power and what his accomplishments were. Please include info on the code of Hammurabi. Needs 1 primary source material. At least one secondary print source. And 3 websites that end in edu, org, or net. MLA format. In-text (parenthetical) citations Must be included. No more than one quotation per page. All quotes must have a citation at the end of the sentence. No more than 20% of the paper is to be cited or quoted. No title page needed.

How to Reference "Hammurabi of Babylon" Thesis in a Bibliography

Hammurabi of Babylon.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Hammurabi of Babylon (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Hammurabi of Babylon. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Hammurabi of Babylon” 2009.
”Hammurabi of Babylon”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Hammurabi of Babylon”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Hammurabi of Babylon [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Hammurabi of Babylon. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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