Essay on "Habeas Corpus War on Terror"

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habeas corpus and the War on Terror: Review of Judiciary, Executive, and Academic Perspectives

Writ of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution

The United States Constitution (or U.S. Constitution) includes the writ of habeas corpus, part of the law that states that, "[t]he privilege of the writ of habeas corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in cases of rebellion or invasion the public safety may require it" (U.S. Constitution, Article 1, Section 9, Clause 2). This provision enables persons detained by the government to be entitled to their own judicial hearing if they believe that their detention has been unlawful or illegal.

Historically, American civil society had witnessed events that called for the suspension of the writ of habeas corpus. There was the American Civil War in 1861 and the World War II in 1941. However, the writ of habeas corpus had also been inevitably linked to the issue of the U.S. government's war on terror after the September 11 terrorist attack when the Bush Administration in 2002 established the Guantanamo Bay detention camp in Cuba (the detention is popularly and informally called, "Gitmo"). The establishment of Gitmo in Cuba had been controversial in that the detainees were not entitled to any protection under the U.S. constitutional law and/or the Geneva Conventions (Terry, 2008, p. 14). However, in 2008, the writ of habeas corpus significantly played a role in reinstating detainees' entitlement to this legal action, as reflected in the ruling of the U.S. Supreme Court, which stated that the detainees were entitled to the protection of the U.S. Constitution (Gaffney, 2009, p. 199).

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t follow will thoroughly discuss the different dimensions surrounding the writ of habeas corpus. Discussions will be contextualized based on the U.S. Constitution and the (former) Bush Administration's declared 'war on terror.' This paper will discuss the relevance and significance of the writ of habeas corpus in contemporary and international legal issues, particularly when applied to the issue of terrorism and (post-modern society) warfare.

II. The Judiciary and the U.S. Government's War on Terror: Boumediene v. Bush

The case Boumediene v. Bush is one of the most-often cited cases during the Bush Administration's ongoing "war on terror" campaign, which included the creation and implementation of legal and military actions that ensured that Guantanamo detainees will be answerable to the executive (then President Bush) and military laws and regulations alone. In this case, detainees apprehended from Bosnia filed for recognition of the writ of habeas corpus, that their case be reviewed and determined if they have been legally or illegally detained in Guantanamo. As a precedent, the petitioners cited the case of Rasul v. Bush, wherein the Supreme Court granted a review of the petitioners' cases after they have failed to be given the right to habeas corpus in the district court (Gaffney, 2009, p. 200). What makes Boumediene v. Bush remarkable in the study of the writ of habeas corpus is that it was through the intervention of the Supreme Court that the history of writ as it applies in American history have been reviewed and related as to its significance with the petitioners' case. Ultimately, Supreme Court ruled in favor of the petitioners, reversing the decision of the district court to enable the detainees to review their cases and be tried in U.S. courts (pp. 205-6).

Two important details of the case related to the issue of writ of habeas corpus characterized the case: first, the establishment of the Combatant Status Review Tribunal (CSRT) as a "substitute" for the suspension of certiorari and habeas corpus for Guantanamo detainees, and second, the war on terror, specifically, the conflict between believers of Islam and Christianity as "the longest wars in our history" (p. 205). The CSRTs were established by the Bush Administration and the military as a reviewing body that shall substitute and enact on legal actions of review (certiorari) and enactment of the writ of habeas corpus. An analysis of the CSRT's role and decisions demonstrated that it was not an effective reviewing body for the Guantanamo detainees, as "detainees were presumed guilty of being enemy combatants from the beginning of the review" (p. 201). At best, it was just review body established to illustrate to the public a semblance of fairness and justice towards the detainees even though reviewers were already prejudiced from… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Habeas Corpus War on Terror" Assignment:

Civil Liberties, Habeas Corpus, and the War on Terror

The purpose of the Final Paper is to give you an opportunity to apply much of what you have learned about American national government to an examination of civil liberties in the context of the war on terror.

Soon after the U.S. invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, the Bush administration developed a plan for holding and interrogating captured prisoners. They were sent to a prison inside a U.S. naval base at Guantanamo Bay, on land leased from the government of Cuba. Since 2002, over 700 men have been detained at *****"GITMO.*****" Most have been released without charges or turned over to other governments. In 2011, Congress specifically prohibited the expenditure of funds to transfer GITMO prisoners to detention facilities in the continental United States, making it virtually impossible to try them in civilian courts. As of April 2012, 169 remained in detention at GITMO (Sutton, 2012).

An assumption made by the Bush administration in selecting this location was that it was beyond the jurisdiction of U.S. courts. The administration wanted to avoid any judicial oversight of how it handled detainees, characterized as *****"enemy combatants.*****" A possible legal challenge to indefinite detention with no formal charges or judicial proceedings might arise from the habeas corpus provision of the Constitution.

Article I, Section 9 of the Constitution states, *****"The Privilege of the Writ of Habeas Corpus shall not be suspended, unless when in Cases of Rebellion or Invasion the public Safety may require it.*****" Under this provision, persons detained by the government are entitled to a judicial hearing to determine if there is any legal basis for their detention. Some legal commentators refer to the right of habeas corpus as the *****"great writ of liberty*****" because it is a prisoner*****'s ultimate recourse to an impartial judge who can review the possibility that he is being held illegally by the executive (e.g., the police or the military). In nations that do not honor habeas corpus, people simply disappear into prisons without ever having their day in court.

Several controversial Supreme Court cases have come out of GITMO. One fundamental question that has been debated, but not clearly resolved, is to what extent the war on terror justifies the President*****'s indefinite detention of *****"enemy combatants*****" without the possibility of the minimal judicial review protected by habeas corpus? Another issue in the debate is to what extent Congress must clearly authorize the President to conduct extra-judicial detentions in order for them to be legal? In 2008, the Supreme Court*****s decision in Boumediene v. Bush offered some answers to these questions. However, the deeply divided 5-4 Court and the likelihood of the protracted nature of the war on terror suggest that debate around these important questions will continue. Writing the Final Paper in this course will prepare you to participate intelligently as a citizen in this ongoing debate.

Write an essay about the right of habeas corpus in the context of the war on terror. Your essay should address the following subtopics:

The general meaning of the right of habeas corpus in the U.S. Constitution and its relationship to the protection of other civil liberties.

The historical evolution of habeas corpus, including its English and American traditions.

Examples from U.S. history of the *****"suspension*****" of habeas corpus and their applicability to the present.

The relevance of habeas corpus to the contemporary U.S. situation during the war on terror, especially with respect to persons characterized by the President as *****"enemy combatants*****" or *****"illegal combatants.*****"

The U.S. Supreme Court*****'s interpretation of the right of habeas corpus with respect to *****"enemy combatants*****" or *****"illegal combatants*****" (i.e., the views of the five justices making up the majority in Boumediene v. Bush as well as the views of the four dissenting justices).

Your evaluation of various perspectives on this topic expressed by justices of the Supreme Court, leaders in other branches of government, and commentators in both the academic and popular media. Your assessment should consider several perspectives on this topic, including :

The role of the President as commander-in-chief.

The role of Congress in determining when habeas corpus can be *****"suspended.*****"

The role of the Supreme Court in protecting civil liberties, including the judicial philosophy which should guide the Court in this role, and

Your personal philosophy, values or ideology about the balance between civil liberties and national security in the context of an unending war on terror.

Follow these requirements when writing the Final Paper:

The body of the paper (excluding the title page and reference page) must be at least 1,500 words long.

The paper must start with a short introductory paragraph which includes a clear thesis statement. The thesis statement must tell readers what the essay will demonstrate.

The paper must end with a short paragraph that states a conclusion. The conclusion and thesis must be consistent.

The paper must logically develop the thesis in a way that leads to the conclusion, and that development must be supported by facts, fully explained concepts and assertions, and persuasive reasoning.

The paper must address all subtopics outlined above. At least 20% of the essay must focus on subtopic 6, above (your evaluation of arguments about the topic).

Your paper must cite at least three academic articles (excluding the course textbook) and at least four other kinds of sources (e.g., Supreme Court opinions, magazine or newspaper articles, the course textbook, and reliable websites or videos).

Use your own words. While brief quotes from sources may be used, altogether the total amount of quoted text must be less than five percent of the body of your paper.

When you use someone else*****'s words, they must be enclosed in quotation marks followed by an APA in-text short citation ***** (Author, Year, page) ***** to your source. The in-text citation must correspond to a full APA citation for the source on the reference page at the end of the essay.

When you express in your own words someone else*****'s ideas, arguments or facts, your statement must be followed by an APA in-text short citation ***** (Author, Year, page) ***** to your source. The in-text citation must correspond to a full APA citation for the source in the reference page.

The form of the title page, the body pages, and the reference page must comply with APA style. Additionally, the title page must include the course number and name, the instructor*****'s name, and the date submitted.

The paper must use logical paragraph and sentence transitions, complete and clear sentences, and correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation.

For this paper you need to do research in peer-reviewed journals or other sources that are considered to have reliable information. In addition to your required course text, you need at least seven professional scholarly sources, three of which must be peer reviewed journal articles from the Ashford Online Library.

Academic research papers must meet university level standards of quality. What constitutes quality, academic research?

Primary sources written by experts in the field of study

Secondary sources supported by research in primary sources

Credible sources (experts in the area of study)

Relevant research (materials are pertinent to the area of study)

Peer-reviewed journal articles (journal articles reviewed by recognized experts in the relevant field of study).

Educational and Government websites (those ending with a web URL suffix of .edu or .gov) may be appropriate in some cases but should be evaluated carefully.

Please visit the Academic Research section on your course homepage (accessible through the Student Responsibilities and Policies tab on the left navigation toolbar) to review what types of materials are not acceptable for academic, university level research.

The paper must be at least 1500 words in length and formatted according to APA style. Cite your sources within the text of your paper and on the reference page. For information regarding APA, including samples and tutorials, visit the Ashford Writing Center within the Learning Resources tab on the left navigation toolbar.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


How to Reference "Habeas Corpus War on Terror" Essay in a Bibliography

Habeas Corpus War on Terror.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Habeas Corpus War on Terror (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Habeas Corpus War on Terror. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Habeas Corpus War on Terror” 2012.
”Habeas Corpus War on Terror”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Habeas Corpus War on Terror”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Habeas Corpus War on Terror [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Habeas Corpus War on Terror. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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