Research Paper on "Guns Germs and Steel"

Research Paper 5 pages (1840 words) Sources: 4

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Guns, Germs and Steel and the Earth Island

In Guns, Germs and Steel, Jared Diamond attempts to explain why most of the significant events of the last 13,000 years have happened on the Eurasian land mass. This idea of the "Earth Island" is controversial and the holders of this idea have, including the late Nazi advisor to Rudolf Hess, Karl Haushofer, been accused of racist, ethnocentric and primarily Eurocentric ideas. The Nazis were not the only ones who were guilty of racial theories. Karl Haushofer got his ideas from his contemporary and rival, geo-strategist and theoretician Halford John MacKinder. His "Heartland Theory" of the centrality of Eurasia was pivotal in the English strategies to maintain British imperialism well into the twentieth century (Downs 314). In his 1904 article to the Royal Geographical Society, he advocated that whoever controlled Eurasia would control the globe (Fettweis). While he despised Nazi exploitation of his ideas, it is haunting that they seem to be the ones that fully grasped the significance of these ideas to justify their own potted theories of historical determinism. The author of this essay feels that the thesis that the book and the movie series Guns, Germs and Steel makes about social inequality is widely incorrect. It is historically deterministic. If there is one thing that can be learned from history and social science, it is that the word "inevitable" is usually among the famous last ones that a person speaks. In addition, social inequality is generally a relativistic issue and the author will examine some other cultures, namely the ancient Greeks, the Norse and the Polynesians as some examples of some pre-Columbian cultures that had a lot of "cargo."Continue scrolling to

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The very fact that great empires developed on all of the continents, many of which had advanced cultures and writing systems, proves that the view put forward in the movie and the book is simply a way to cloak the old Hitlerian Haushofer/MacKinder ideas in politically correct garments. After all, in a resource short world, would it not be convenient for the corporate controlled media to subtly suggest that there might be reasons of racial superiority behind the inability of certain populations to properly exploit their mineral and natural resources. While the promotion for Diamond's book says that it dismantles old racially based theories of history, this is not really true. Otherwise, why are the people of the Earth Island or the Heartland portrayed as dominating the planet throughout all of history and not just in modern times? Is Mr. Diamond cooking the historical stew with an Aryan recipe book?

The same opportunities and necessities existed on the other continents as well, and while many of these cultures are later, the fact that advanced societies developed in those areas indicates that many of the opportunities and necessities Diamond speaks about are part and parcel of the general human condition. The exceptions are many and wide enough to drive the proverbial truck through.

In addition, the idea that favorable conditions are necessary for a civilization to develop is just not correct. A very good example of how environmental privation can propel a civilization down the path of development is ancient Greece. The period leading up to the age of classical Greece saw that the majority of the Greek city states were located in areas of marginal land. These states engaged in overseas colonization rather than the Spartan strategy of conquering their neighbors, the Messenians ("Ancient Greece: Sparta"). It is interesting that the Spartans had views similar to neo-imperialists who have also embraced the Earth Island/Heartland or concepts that are very similar to those in the Diamond book. It is true that the other Greek City States also looked down upon other "barbarians" who did not adopt Greek culture. However, unlike the Spartans, the other Greek city states and leaders, in particular Alexander the Great, had a Hellenistic world model that allowed for "barbarians" to shed their assigned status if they adopted Greek culture. The Spartans, like the Nazis, did not accept anyone else into the master race.

Diamond tries to put forward the idea of the superiority of Eurasian plant and animal species for domestication as a measure of social inequality. This is just not a valid measuring stick in terms of New World vs. Old World, especially in the area of agricultural plant domestication. The fact that the New World had some fewer domesticated species really has little to bear upon the "superiority" of the Old World. Indeed, many

Native American cultures that were agricultural in nature supplemented their food supplies with wild game and plants due to the plentitude of supply of wild resources. The Old World simply had more deserts and waste land to contend with than the New World.

It looks a lot more like the reason for the conquest of areas outside of Eurasia, (especially of the New World) has a lot more to do with germs than anything else. For instance the Norse found their way to North America and their colonization efforts failed. While there were many more white settlers later on and the Norse were very few, there also were few Europeans to begin with at the end of the fifteenth and at the beginning of the sixteenth centuries. Had they been wiped out en masse as the Norse had, hordes of Europeans may not have followed. It seems that germs, the subtropical and temporal climates of the areas that the Europeans colonized and the ability of the Europeans to divide and conquer the enemies of the ruling Native American empires have as much to do with the Columbian conquest as much as European technology (Seaver 7).

If the author can be a bit humorous, Mr. Diamond may have been too "chicken" to mention the Polynesians. If his oversight of hundreds of huge monoliths on Easter Island is bad enough, archaeological evidence that the Polynesians reached the Americas is buttressed by recent radio carbon dated bone evidence from a Chilean archaeological site. The chickens were probably in the Americas before the Spanish brought them there. The bones of about five unfortunate chickens have been dated to sometime between the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries at the archaeological site of El Arenal. Until now, it has been theorized that the tasty birds came to South America with the Spanish on or about 1500. However, when Pizarro reached Peru in 1532, the chicken was already part of the local Incan culture and economy, suggesting some sort of history in the area (Storey, et al.). Whether the Incans sailed west to Easter Island or the Polynesians sailed east for buffalo wings, the fowl somehow made the trans-Pacific voyage from Southeast Asia prior to the Columbian voyages. It seems that historical determinism flies about as well as the chicken does.

In addition to the widely documented writing systems of the Aztecs and Mayas, the Polynesians on nearby Easter Island developed a writing or proto-writing system called rongorongo. The largely unintelligible script would have been one of the rare instances of independently invented writing systems in the history of humanity. This evidence of writing, in combination with the impressive monoliths or moai as the Rapanui islanders call them suggests a sophisticated pre-Columbian culture off the west coast of South America (Hunt).

When one considers the rich life that the Rapanui document in their rich oral traditions and in these glyphs, was there really as much social inequality amongst the Polynesians as Jared Diamond supposes? In addition to environmental reasons, is it possible that a lot of history happens simply a result of chance occurance? With a few different events, it is possible that the Spanish, Portuguese and the English settlers might have been as unlucky as the Polynesians and Norsemen before them in their encounters in the Americas. It looks as though the journey of Guns, Germs and Steel into historical determinism reaches a dead end.

In conclusion, the author of this essay confirms their contention that the thesis put forward in Guns, Germs and Steel about environmental factors being the major factors in history is simply incorrect. Determinism in history does not correctly explain social inequalities. The author Jared Diamond ignores much other evidence that would indicate that his Eurasian centric views are at the very best mildly racist. At worst, his ideas justify colonization. To be completely fair, Diamond pays at least lip-service to an anti-racist message throughout the movie and the book. However, deterministic history serves only to justify colonization and efforts to dominate, as MacKinder found to his dismay when the Nazis hijacked his ideas and took them to their logical extremes. In the corporate dominated world economy of today, it is too tempting to use such lines of analysis to analyze societies and social inequality.

Whether the difference lies in DNA, geographical factors, dumb luck, or simply human stupidity, historical determinism simply does not exist in the real world. The bane of the social scientist is there is a lot less order in the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Guns Germs and Steel" Assignment:

Below you will find the complete instructions concerning this paper. The movie being referred to is on YouTube. It is the first 6 parts of Guns, Germs and Steel. Please note that the style required is the AAA (Anthropological) style. The web site for this style is included below. Please use the book *****"Guns, Germs and Steel*****" as one reference.

I tried to copy and paste the YouTube clips but was unable to.



Due on: Due on: Monday, May 3rd at 6:00 pm.

Topic:Guns, Germs and Steel

The book has sold millions of copies because it grabs people; it addresses the biggest question of history; why history unfolded differently on the different continents over the last 13 thousand years. Jared Diamond found is that the answer doesn*****'t have anything to do with people and it has everything to do with people*****'s environments, especially in the first place because of the differences in the availability of wild plants and animals suitable for domestication, lots of them in a few areas like the fertile crescent in China and virtually none of them in other areas like the western United States or sub equatorial Africa. Another difference had to do with the shapes and orientations of the continents ***** those are perhaps the two biggest factors contributing to the explanation.

STEP 1: Please watch the movie Guns, Germs and Steel, (Part 1 through 6) about this book and complete the following task

Write a research paper stating: why do you think social inequality exists and what does this say about our modern world? Jared Diamond*****s theory about inequality should be the argument in your thesis statement. You should either be agreeing or disagreeing with his theory and mention this in the first paragraph of your paper (i.e., I agree with the Jared Diamond*****s theory about social inequality or I do not agree with the Jared Diamond*****s theory about social inequality.) And use evidence from the movie to support your argument about whether you agree or disagree. (Do not summarize the movie!)

Please research and find out at least two different cultures (societies) ***** other than mention in the movie ***** and investigate the social inequality in these cultures and support your thesis with evidence.

The great argument against Guns, Germs and Steel is that it*****s purely deterministic; it says exactly what*****'s going to happen to every country in the world.

What do you think about this? State whether you agree or disagree with this statement and explain your answer.


Thesis Statement:

As many of you may have noticed from lecture, anthropology is an argumentative kind of field. Therefore, the key aspect of your term paper will be that it argues a position.

The most important part of your paper is the thesis statement, placed at the end of the first, or introductory, paragraph. It states your argument or position. You will spend the rest of your paper arguing this thesis and supporting it with evidence and research. The most common mistakes with a thesis statement are:

1) To make it too broad, so that it requires a book (or several books) to argue correctly.

2) To write a thesis statement that is not an argument, but a statement of fact. *****The Egyptians built the largest known pyramids in history***** is not a thesis statement.

3) To ignore the thesis statement in the rest of the paper and not argue your point at all.

4) To choose a thesis statement that cannot be supported, due to either the fact that your statement is wrong, or a lack of accessible sources.

The thesis statement is best written, in fact, after you have done most of your research, because then you will have a good idea whether your thesis is true, supportable, and relevant.

The Body of the Paper:

The rest of the paper, once you have introduced the topic and made your thesis statement, is concerned with supporting this statement in such a way that I*****m convinced you*****re right. In order to convince me (or any other reader) you need to give a synopsis of what is generally accepted in the field, the beliefs of people who disagree with you, and any evidence supporting and not supporting your point of view. Any evidence that does not support you should be explained. If, in the course of your essay, you ignore a crucial piece of evidence that does not support you, I will be unconvinced by your thesis and will probably believe that your research was insufficient. If, however, you mention the opposing evidence and say why you don*****t think it is crucial, I may not be convinced by your argument, but will definitely know that your research was adequate.


Your concluding paragraph or section should reprise your thesis and the primary evidence supporting it. You should also say briefly why this topic or thesis is important to anthropology.


You need at least four or more sources of which at least half (2) should be paper sources, that is to say from a paper journal or book. (Text books can not be used as a book source). A paper source is defined by where it was originally published*****something published in a peer-reviewed journal and then reprinted online or indexed in an online database such as JSTOR still counts as a paper source. Internet sources or web pages are acceptable, as long as they are cited so that I can check them. Keep in mind that many web pages are unreliable (badly written, years out of date, or just plain wrong). As a rule of thumb, web pages supported by universities, professional anthropologists, and anthropological foundations are reliable, and those done by private people or groups with an axe to grind are not. Yes, some private people do put up a really good anthropological web page, but this is just a rule of thumb. Wikipedia can provide good background, but is not always reliable, and never counts as a source at all, as everything in it is by definition common knowledge. With any general source, if you find an interesting fact attributed to another source, you should chase the source until you find the earliest version possible.

Citations and References: (VERY IMPORTANT!!!!) (*****Research papers that do not have citing and references will not be accepted****)

All citations should be done in the following format which adapted from the American Anthropological Association. This is a brief guide to citing commonly used sources in anthropology papers:


Let me clarify a couple of things here:

What a *****citation***** is and what *****references***** mean. I provided a website above; in case some students didn*****t know the differences between them.

Citation (In text): Whenever you quote, paraphrase, summarize, or otherwise refer to the work of another, you are required to cite its source. Loosely, a citation is a reference to a published source. A prime purpose of a citation is intellectual honesty; to attribute to other authors the ideas they have previously expressed, rather than give the appearance to the work*****'s readers that the work*****'s authors are the original wellsprings of those ideas.

For example: In his book *****Guns, Germs and Steel*****, Jared Diamond determines that the success or failure of a society had less to do with the people themselves rather the seminal factor being the geographic location of the society*****s habitation (Diamond, J.1997).

References (at the end of your paper):

On the other hand in academic literature, a reference is a previously published written work within academic publishing that has been used as a source for theory or claims referred to that are used in the text. References contain complete bibliographic information so the interested reader can find them in a library.

For example: Diamond, Jared. 1999. Guns, Germs, and Steel

W.W Norton& Company Inc. New York

Writing Style:

This is a professional paper, and as such you want to sound professional. Third person is preferable. You need to limit your quotations and quotations are mostly inappropriate for these papers. Instead, use your own words. In order to increase the length of paper by adding random useless facts like long quotations will just get you graded off. )

Although you will be using your own words, you will still need to cite your sources because using your own words does not mean that you thought about the concept(s). If you didn*****t think it up on your own, it should be cited! If in doubt, cite your source, with a page number if possible.


This paper should be 5-6 text pages in length. Title pages and references also do not count to total length. Also, text should be double-spaced, font should be standard 12 point and margins should be 1 inch in all directions. In general, if your paper is running too short or too long, it is often due to problems in picking a thesis*****if it is running long, you need a narrower thesis. If it*****s running short, you need a broader one. Adding random useless facts like long quotations to add to the length will just get you graded off for not sticking to your thesis and using poor style.

*********************Research papers that do not meet format requirements will not be accepted*****************************************

*********************Research papers that do not have citing and references will not be accepted*****************************************

************** Wikipedia is not accepted as a source, if you use Wikipedia as a source, I will disregard the whole information**********************

*****¢ There is a zero tolerance policy towards plagiarism in this course. To be on the safe side, make sure you ALWAYS quote original material from another source. You ALWAYS cite your site (by letting me know where you found the material), even if you re-word the material, you will still need to cite the source. You should always be properly cited within the body of your text and with appropriate references at the end.

How to Reference "Guns Germs and Steel" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Guns Germs and Steel.”, 2010, Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Guns Germs and Steel (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Guns Germs and Steel. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Guns Germs and Steel” 2010.
”Guns Germs and Steel”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Guns Germs and Steel”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Guns Germs and Steel [Internet]. 2010 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Guns Germs and Steel. Published 2010. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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