Term Paper on "Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines"

Term Paper 24 pages (7107 words) Sources: 1+ Style: APA

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e. via telephone, email, marketing, direct face-to-face communication, focus groups, interviews, etc. (Perko, Module 4).

Step 6/7: Create messages/Develop promotion programs

- The messages and development programs are created and implemented with the help of professional marketing or advertising companies (Perko, Module 4)

Step 8: Implement communication strategies

- This is done primarily following the internal organizational structure of the hospital (discussed late in question 6 under health communication) (Perko, Module 4)

Step 9/10: Assess Effects/Feedback

- This is a long-term monitoring process of the management whereby statistical, qualitative and quantitative data and facts are collected to ensure the success or failure of a promotion strategy employed (Perko, Module 4)

3. Discuss three examples of health promotion techniques that can effectively achieve environmental change.

Ethical awareness towards the environment

The foundation of all ethical analysis, in all fields, is based around the ethical theories and principles that have been established and standardized over the years. This is so because these theories and principles form the guiding points from which the right method for a critical environmental decision can be obtained. It is important to note here that every ethical theory and principle is focused on foreseeing or suggesting a certain aspect of life which could vary from predicting the result of decision as well as the results of following certain rules upon one's social or health life. Neverth
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eless, all ethical theories and principles are useful in different scenarios only when they are structured around the attainment of common environmental aims.

Maintaining ethical standards in the healthcare planning and decision making structure is a complex process especially when environmental concerns are also simultaneously tackled (Eddy, Module 5). Nonetheless, hospitals tend to consider only the macro aspects when doing so. They do not inspect the needs of the environment at the micro level and hence many of them don't use the resources for 'green' equipment. This has implications on the patients as well as their own performance as there is a decline in quality, perceptions and also outcomes in reduced employee retention (Maly and Anderson, 2008). Adair and Thomas (2004) assert that top management is not aware of changes in healthcare team characteristics of the hospital they have chosen when the ethical standards are not met, which gravely hinders in creating ethically sound health promotion and disease prevention processes (Adair and Thomas, 2004; also see Eddy, Module 5).


The service of good healthcare is essential to the society due to two major causes; reprieve from diseases and improved healthcare facilities for humans. Nonetheless, the healthcare system has been undergoing some extreme difficulties from the very beginning of the 1990s. Speedy progress towards a technique of controlled healthcare and incorporated delivery systems has led the healthcare suppliers to identify the existence of a contest and competitive surge. It's possible to only subsist in this competitive environment when the healthcare provided is beyond the customer's demands and expectations. To be able to provide economical and environmentally friendly healthcare to the clients, the hospitals have to study the major facets of service quality. Hence the recognition of 'green' service quality provision is one aspect that can not only help the hospital improve its overall services structure but also simultaneously decrease the overall competition because of their environmental friendly approach (Eddy, Module 5).


Healthcare has been observed in many ways in the elements of traditional healthcare research. Quality can be as the ability to reach the wanted goals by fair means only. If we view it from the different perspective the increase in environmental awareness when providing healthcare services can lead to increases in patronage, long-term profitability and competitive advantage (Eddy, Module 5).

The secrets to success within this structure are:

1. Marketing: to employ a way to market both straight to companies and simultaneously use the services of autonomous insurance advisers and stockbrokers to promote that the hospitals use environmental friendly tools and exercise ethical standards that help sustain the environmental structure. It will then be essential to develop tactics that establish brand recognition among more recognized and penetrated insurance plans available (Eddy, Module 5).

2. Product quality: The help supplied by medical insurers could prove to be top-notch when establishing strong penetration within the domain of 'green' companies. The value added connection with the hospitals' employees and its provider service systems will make sure that they are able to attain and sustain client satisfaction over a period of time. To retain client satisfaction, the following tactics could be employed:

I. Reduce consumer erosion by controlling the overall rate and speed of growth

II. Counter competitive insurance plans by consistently monitoring and/or refining the market expansion strategies and use of media services to promote the 'environmentally friendly' stance (Eddy, Module 5)

4. Discuss the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) process and explain how HRA's can be used both as a health promotion technique and as a data collection instrument.

The quality of service is the most significant variable correlated to all healthcare structures whether these structures are for the hospitals, elderly care, child care, etc. (Mills, 2005). The casual association between these two variables is such that if the overall quality of service improves on the basis of healthcare provider's ability, technological advancements, products' use, etc.; the overall impact on the healthcare structure will be immensely constructive and the risks will simultaneously decrease as well (Fitzhugh, Module 5b). Some of the factors that should be considered when assessing causality between these two variables can include: risk evaluations, behavioral changes, evolution of diets, psychological consistencies, social encouragement structure like family assistance, financial aid, etc. (Mills, 2005).

The diagram below shows how the quality of healthcare service influences the health risk assessment structures. The factors directly influenced by the former (services) variable are represented in the green circles i.e. they have a casual association with the former variable and the circles with the green outline are the ones who share a compounding relation with the former variable. The orange circles represent the variables that share a casual relationship with the latter (risk) variable and a compounding relationship with the former variable. The circle in the orange outline shares a compounding association with both the former (risk) and the latter (services) variable.

Quality of Healthcare Service

Health Risk Assessment

Behavioural Changes

Capability of Staff



Risk Evaluations

Packages provided to Workforce

Social Structure and Consistency

Long-term Job security and consistency

Psychological consistencies

Diet Consistency and Progress

Hence, due to the above diagram we can also see how the use of services and risk assessment can help us identify the most efficient sources of data collection. Also the variables highlighted above can also be individually used for health promotion if each is focused on independently and included in the training and education structures of the healthcare providers, the communities as well as all relevant service providers in the community.

Ethics in the Workplace Planning and Decision Making

Understanding of team background and history:

Top management often overlooks the importance of giving time to the ethical and cultural standards of the veteran or new employees and teams with which it has to work with. They fail to share the ethical standards they think are necessary to implement for quality control and as a result needs and expectations get mixed up considerably in this inter-reliant relationship. Clear boundaries are not set and a great deal of freedom is given initially which confuses teams about their working boundaries also i.e. apart from the ethical standards (Maly and Anderson, 2008).

Adair and Thomas (2004) assert that companies need to assess the strengths and weaknesses, along with past influences that the implementation of certain ethical standards have had before they implement them within their own structure and the best way to do that is to understand team dynamics, structure and performance on an internal and external level (Adair and Thomas, 2004).

Constructive atmosphere:

Finding a balanced production of a positive social atmosphere with healthcare profits is the most critical ethical standard decision that a hospital can make. Adair and Thomas (2004) outline a set of characteristics of a constructive social atmosphere and also outline a set of characteristics of an unconstructive social atmosphere. The characteristics of a constructive social atmosphere are: warm; friendly; relaxed; informal; and confident. The characteristics of an unconstructive social atmosphere are: cold; hostile; tense; formal; restrained; anxious; and pressured.

Teams work with the best application of ethical standards when the social atmosphere is the former (constructive). While companies look for teams or individuals who work under a constructive social environment to work within the hospital they also have to draw a line between persuading their new-found team members (once they have found them) to achieve their goals and rebuking them. They have got to ensure that they do not cross that line under any circumstances (Maly and Anderson, 2008).

Setting up of adequate standards:

Adair and Thomas (2004; pg 15) highlight some of the problems… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines" Assignment:

I am providing overall instructions for this paper;

Please number and type the question above the answer, the document should be written in APA format, and should be 3 pages per question, double spaced, and typed in New Times Roman , 12 font. Do Not use any outside sources for this paper, all resources will be attacthed to this order, more importantly ensure that the paper refers to video links by quoting the ***** when answering questions!

Final Exam Instructions and Questions

Please answer all the questions listed below. Each question will be evaluated on quality of content, thoroughness, depth of knowledge, support of viewpoint, and overall organization. When answering questions, consider the following guidelines:

•Be sure to cite the readings and the thoughts presented throughout course content. The number one criteria for success in answering the questions will be documenting that you have reviewed course materials and have synthesized it within your answer. Incorporation of the Health Education Responsibilities and Health Behavior Theories, when applicable, is strongly advised.

•Be sure to answer all parts of each question.

•Type your answers.

•Keep your answers between three pages typed, double spaced pages per question (use 12 font size, Times New Roman, margins and spacing).

1.In Module 1, Dr. Green provides some clear guidelines to assist health education and promotion specialists in the identification and design of health promotion techniques for implementation in health promotion and disease prevention programs. Discuss how five of the guidelines presented by Dr. Green could assist you in the selection of an appropriate health promotion technique. Support your answer with appropriate examples.

2.Dr. Perko discusses the National Cancer Institute’s Health Communication Wheel. Outline the basic components of this process and explain how this can be used to assist the health educator to develop effective health messages.

3.Discuss three examples of health promotion techniques that can effectively achieve environmental change.

4.Discuss the Health Risk Assessment (HRA) process and explain how HRA’s can be used both as a health promotion technique and as a data collection instrument.

5.The focus group interview process is an important tool for gathering information from a target population in order to select the appropriate health promotion technique. Discuss the focus group process and explain how the process will assist in the planning process.

6.The various presentations provided in HHE 530 discuss numerous health promotion techniques and strategies that can be used in school and worksite settings. Discuss three health promotion techniques that would be most useful to you in your daily activities. Explain why you selected these techniques.

7.Discuss the role and rationale for using creativity, theatrics and humor when selecting health promotion techniques.

8.Discuss 3 health promotion techniques that health teachers / educators can use to help design and implement effective intervention strategies.

Module 1 - Health Promotion Techniques Overview Video Links

Health Promotion Techniques 1- Dr. Lee Green (57:13) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module1_A_combined.wmv

Health Promotion Techniques 2- Dr. Lee Green (59:28) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module1_B_combined.wmv

Catefories of Interventions - Dr. Lee Green (57:22) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module1_C_combined.wmv

HHE 530 Module 1 Readings and Resources

1.Griffiths, F., Green, E., and Bendelow, G. (2005). Health professionals, their medical interventions and uncertainty: A study focusing on women at midlife. Social Science and Medicine. Retrieved from Science Direct database.

2.Cline, R. (2003). At the intersection of micro and macro: opportunities and challenges for physician–patient communication research. Patient Education and Counseling, 50(1), 13-16. Retrieved from Science Direct database.

3.Hollister, M. and Anema, M. (2004). Health behavior models and oral health: A review. Journal of Dental Hygiene, 78(3).

4.Consumer Health Resources:

The University of Alabama Health Science Library

5.Health-Related Information: Partners in Information Access for the Public Health Workforce. This site contains links to resources for health educators and health promotion specialists. Emory University Public Health InfoLinks

Module 2 - Health Promotion Technique Considerations Video Links

Health Education Techniques and Considerations in School Settings (Part 1)- Dr. Greg Wojtowitz (1:00:05) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module2_A_combined.wmv

Health Education Techniques and Considerations in School Settings (Part 2)- Cindy Simons (54:58) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module2_B_combined.wmv

General Worksite Health Promotion Techniques - Dr. James Eddy (1:27:32) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module2_C_combined.wmv

HHE 530 Module 2 Readings and Resources

1.Christoffel, K. (2000). Public health advocacy: process and product. American Journal of Public Health, 90(5), 722-726. Retrieved from Academic Search Premier database.

2.Mills, P. (2005). The development of a new corporate specific health risk measurement instrument, and its use in investigating the relationship between health and well-being and employee productivity. Environmental Health: A Global Access Science Source 2005, 4(1).

Retrieved from Environmental Health Web site: http://www.ehjournal.net. 3.Sample Health Risk Appraisal 4.Healthy Schools, Healthy Youth! Centers for Disease Control website 5.Health Education in School Settings handout

Module 3 - The Value of Humor and Theatrics in Health Promotion Video Links

Humor in Health Education- Mark Potuck (1:00:07) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module3_A_combined.wmv

Theactrics in Health Education- Mark Potuck (1:00:05) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module3_B_combined.wmv

HHE 530 Module 3 Readings and Resources 1.Penson, R., Partridge, R., Rudd, P., Seiden, M., Nelson, J., Chabner, B., and Lynch, T. (2005). Laughter: the best medicine? The Oncologist, 10(8), 651-660. Retrieved from The Oncologist Web site: http://theoncologist.alphamedpress.org.

2.News and Views: Humor Therapy

HHE 530 Module 4 - Health Communication Techniques in Health Promotion Video Links

Health Communications- Dr. Mike Perko (1:26:03) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module4_A_combined.wmv

Example of Health Communication Program & It’s Components- Dr. Mike Perko (41:15) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module4_B_combined.wmv

Dealing With Mass Media- Dr. Steve Nagy (1:20:06)


HHE 530 Module 4 Readings and Resources

1.Merriman, B., Ades, T., and Seffrin, J. (2002). Health literacy in the information age: communicating cancer information to patients and families. CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians. Retrieved from CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians Web site: http://caonline.amcancers oc.org/.

2.NIH: Pink Book - Making Communication Programs Work

3.Work with the Media handout

4.Print Materials handout

HHE 530 Module 5 - Health Education Techniques Used with Groups, Communities, & Policy Settings Video Links

The Focus Group- Dr. Eugene Fitzhugh (1:00:14) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module5_A_combined.wmv

Health Risk Appraisals- Dr. Eugene Fitzhugh (45:08) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module5_B_combined.wmv

Community Health Promotions Case Studies- Dr. Donna Videto (26:16) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module5_C_combined.wmv

Policy Development as a Health Promotion Technique- Dr. James Eddy (59:40) mms://mediasrv1.ccs.ua.edu/CCS-AO2/HHE530/HHE530_Module5_D_combined.wmv

HHE 530 Module 5 Readings & Resources

1.Sweet, K., Willis, S., Ashida, S., & Westman, J. (2003). Use of fear-appeal techniques in the design of tailored cancer risk communication messages: implications for healthcare providers. Journal of Clinical Oncology. Retrieved from Journal of Clinical Oncology Web site: http://www.jco.org.

2.United States Department of Health and Human Services (1996). Chapter 6: Understanding and promoting physical activity. Surgeon General's Report on Physical Activity and Health, 209-260. Retrieved from National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Web site: http://www.cdc.gov/nccdphp/.

3.Facilitating Support Groups handout

4.Program Planning handout

How to Reference "Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2012, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/green-provides-clear-guidelines-assist/3361350. Accessed 27 Sep 2024.

Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines (2012). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/green-provides-clear-guidelines-assist/3361350
A1-TermPaper.com. (2012). Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/green-provides-clear-guidelines-assist/3361350 [Accessed 27 Sep, 2024].
”Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines” 2012. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/green-provides-clear-guidelines-assist/3361350.
”Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/green-provides-clear-guidelines-assist/3361350.
[1] ”Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2012. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/green-provides-clear-guidelines-assist/3361350. [Accessed: 27-Sep-2024].
1. Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2012 [cited 27 September 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/green-provides-clear-guidelines-assist/3361350
1. Green Provides Some Clear Guidelines. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/green-provides-clear-guidelines-assist/3361350. Published 2012. Accessed September 27, 2024.

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