Research Paper on "Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor"

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Greek and Roman

Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor

Caesar was an official and general of the late Roman republic. He very much advanced the Roman Empire prior to taking authority and making himself dictator of Rome. This led the method for the majestic system. Julius Caesar was born in Rome on the 12th or 13th of July 100 BC into the esteemed Julian clan. His relatives were intimately linked with the Marian faction in Roman politics. Caesar himself developed within the Roman political organization, becoming in succession quaestor, aedile and praetor. In 61-60 BC he was governor of the Roman area of Spain. Back in Rome in 60, Caesar made a deal with Pompey and Crassus, who aided him to get selected as consul for 59 BC. The subsequent year he was chosen governor of Roman Gaul where he remained for eight-year. During this time he added the complete of contemporary France and Belgium to the Roman Empire, and making Rome secure from the likelihood of Gallic assaults. He made two journeys to Britain, in 55 BC and 54 BC (Julius Caesar (100 BC - 44 BC), n.d.).

Caesar then went back to Italy, ignoring the power of the senate and notably crossing the Rubicon River without ending his army. In the resulting civil war Caesar overcame the republican forces. Pompey, their chief, escaped to Egypt where he was killed. Caesar went after him and became passionately caught up with the Egyptian queen, Cleopatra. Caesar was then master of Rome and made himself ambassador and ruler. He utilized his authority to carry out an overdue improvement, alleviating liability, expanding the senate, constructing the Forum Iulium and amending the calendar. Dictatorship was forever
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thought to be a momentary place but in 44 BC, Caesar took it for life. His achievement and objective estranged strong republican senators. A grouping of these, who were led by Cassius and Brutus, killed Caesar on the Ides of March 44 BC. This lead to the last round of civil wars that wrecked the Republic and brought about the rise of Caesar's great nephew and chosen heir, Octavian, as Augustus, the first emperor (Julius Caesar (100 BC - 44 BC), n.d.).

Caesar was raised in a time of turbulence and civil war in Rome. The augmented dimension of the empire had led to inexpensive slave effort coming into the state which in turn left many Roman workers without a job. The Social Wars fashioned chaos all over Italy and Marius and Sulla were the great leaders of the era. As an associate of an old noble family Julius was projected, at the conclusion of his learning, to suppose a humble bureau on the lower end of the long hierarchy of the Roman political career. Yet, Caesar was unlike other Romans. Previously at a young age he had comprehended that riches was the key to Roman politics as the organization had by his time long been dishonest. When Caesar was fifteen, his father Lucius passed away, and with him expired the fatherly prospects that Caesar should take part in a unassuming political career. In its place Caesar now set out to improve himself (Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), n.d.).

The first thing that he did was to marry into a more illustrious family. Additionally he started constructing a system of associations, some of which with politicians presently out of favor. But these were hazardous associates to have. Sulla was dictator of Rome and was looking to eradicate any Marian sympathizers. At nineteen years old Caesar was detained. But Sulla decided to spare him, as he did some others. Powerful friends arranged to have him let go, but it was clear that Caesar would have to depart Rome for a while, so that things could settle down (Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), n.d.).

And so Caesar left Rome to join the army. Logically, as a component of an aristocratic family, he didn't go into the forces as an ordinary soldier. His initial position was that as a military aide to a provincial governor. Afterwards he was position to Cilicia, where he showed himself a competent and brave soldier, winning admiration for having saved the life of a friend.

It's thought that his next task was in one of the armies which trampled Spartacus' slave revolt. Following this Caesar left the army, however it was still thought risky for him to go back to Rome. As an alternative he spent some time in the south of Italy enhancing his learning, in particular rhetoric. Caesar later emerged as an extremely gifted, if not gracious, public speaker and much of this unquestionably came from his education in rhetoric (Gaius Julius Caesar (100-44 BC), n.d.).

In spite of Caesar's many undertakings and universal regard, there lingered a collection of disaffected people. Most were previous Antony followers who had been excused and given locations of accountability by Caesar. The leader of the group of what became a scheme to kill e Caesar was Longinus Caius Cassius. He was united by Marcus Junius Brutus. A gathering of the Senate was called for the 15th which was the Ides of March to talk about the Parthian War. Caesar had been cautioned not to be present at the meeting, but went nonetheless. The instant Caesar took his seat, the schemers encircled him. They began to appeal to him to recall from exile a certain Cimber. When Caesar got up, they assaulted him with knives. It is believed that Caesar attempted to guard himself, but when he saw Brutus in the middle of the aggressors he cried out Et Tu, Brutus and gave in. The death of Caesar was followed by an authority struggle between Mark Antony and Julius Octavian (50 -0 BC, 2000).

Caesar was not only a man of words but also of actions. He was given the corona civica for amazing bravery showed in the siege of Miletus in 80 BC, in saving the lives of the legionaries. The prize was highest honor in the non-commander segment and the mere attendance of a person wearing the crown would force everyone in the Roman senate to stand and clap. In the meantime things began to change in the empire as following two years of power Sulla split up his legion and fashioned the consular government. He resigned from his post and led a confidential life of peace which led him to his death by his own two years later. This was the opening for Caesar to return to Rome and start his political career in 78 BC. He began as an supporter to the popularis and soon increased the fame as an outstanding orator with an impassionate motion and high pitched voice. His actions against the former governors who were charged with extortion and dishonesty gained him much fame. Caesar thought in self growth a lot and this possibly led him to Rhodes in the year 75 BC for thoughtful and rhetorical studies with the well-known teacher Apollonius Molon. The willpower of Caesar was also well-liked for on one occurrence he is thought to have been kidnapped by sea pirates on a ransom of 20 talents of gold. He laughed and told them that he was worth 50 talents and shortly after the payment he detained them with the help of a fleet. The governor of Asia Minor could not give fairness to his approval and so he himself took them out and crucified (Julius Caesar, 2005).

Caesar thought that in the formation of his destiny and would never let go any possibility given by luck. In 63 BC Quintus Caecilius Metellus Pius, the Pontifex Maximus of Sulla died and Caesar put his name frontward for the election. He battled against Quintus Lutatius Catulus and Publius Servilius Vatia Isauricus and was victories in the election. The shift was thought to be significant for Caesar as the post held enormous political and religious power. In the year 62 BC he was chosen for the post of Praetorship after which he became the governor of outer Spain. This proved to be victorious for Rome itself as he prolonged the Roman Empire during this era. He soon expanded support for victory and concurrently stands for consulship. He on the other hand elected the consulship. The expansion after this was great. Caesar soon got partners in the form of the great general Gnaeus Pompeius Magnus and the rich Marcus Licinius Crassus. Pompey later married the only daughter of Caesar, Julia (Julius Caesar, 2005).

Caesar altered the path of the past of the Greco-Roman world positively and permanently. The Greco-Roman civilization has been destroyed for so long that most of the names of its great men denote little to the regular, cultured contemporary man. But Caesar's name, like Alexander's, is still on people's minds all the way through the Christian and Islamic worlds. Even those who know naught of Caesar as a significant character are recognizable with his family name as a title suggesting a leader who is in some… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor" Assignment:

The biography should contain only facts supported by documented sources, No personal opinions. APA fomatted w/ work cited.

How to Reference "Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor.”, 2010, Accessed 28 Sep 2024.

Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor. [online] Available at: [Accessed 28 Sep, 2024].
”Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor” 2010.
”Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 28-Sep-2024].
1. Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor [Internet]. 2010 [cited 28 September 2024]. Available from:
1. Biography on Julius Caesar Roman Emperor. Published 2010. Accessed September 28, 2024.

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