Essay on "To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success"

Essay 5 pages (1522 words) Sources: 4

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In the year 2002, the United Nations accepted an agreement to educate the world and improvement upon a lot of its' key issues. Whereas initially recognized as the "United Nations Millennium Declaration," the drawn-out story was broken down into a further basic form, called the "Millennium Development Goals." The decision had been made that the charter would be founded on outcomes seen backdated to 1990 and had been programmed to be accomplished by the year 2015. These goals, while worthy of its cause, have clearly shown themselves to be particularly motivated but not all the way succesful. Someone could figure out if it is even likely to achieve the relatively unbelievable goals in the relatively short time period in which the United Nations has chosen itself.

What are Millennium Development Goals?

The Millennium Development Goals (MDG) agreement is prearranged into eight key "goals." These are the main thoughts of all goals. Every one of these goals than is split up into "targets," or more detailed resolutions which are projected to be touched. For these objectives, there are than what the United Nations calls "indicators." These indicators are position in the proper place to make sure that the monitor progress of the constitution and are definite standards for performance of the charter. For instance, the first aim of the MDG is to eliminate most of the immense poverty and hunger. For this objective, there are three aims, one of which is to achieve complete and creative employment and proper work for all, women and young people and women. For this specific aim, there are the indicators. These comprise of the calculable growth amount of GDP for e
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ach person working, also as the occupation-to-population proportion ("Official List of MDG Indicators," 15 January, 2008). This is the formation of the Millennium Development Goals. To sum up, the goal is the following.

eliminating serious deficiency and malnutrition, attaining universal primary education, endorsing gender fairness and empowering women decreasing infant death rates, refining parental health, fighting HIV / AIDS, such as malaria, and other illnesses, safeguarding ecological sustainability, and developing an international organization for development

Are the Millennium Development Goals Successful?

Progress in the way of reaching the goals has been a little rough. A few nations have certainly accomplished hardly any of the goals, while others countries essentially are not on track to identify any. A United Nation meeting in September 2010 studied the progress to date and came to the conclusion with the acceptance of a comprehensive action plan to achieve the eight anti-poverty objectives by their 2015 end date. There were as well new promises on women's and children's ability, and new creativities in the worldwide fight against disease, hunger and poverty.

The most powerful countries that have been attaining their goals or making some progress comprise of China (whose deficiency populace has come down from 452 million to 278 million) and India because of distinct emotional and outside factors of population and financial expansion (Collier, 2007). Nevertheless, areas that need the most decrease, for example the Sub-Saharan Africa areas have yet to actually make any structural modifications in refining their quality of life. With that said, as China, Sub-Saharan Africa has managed to reduce their poverty around one percentage, and are at a main danger of not reaching the MDGs by the year of 2015 (Cassels, 2009). Fundamental matters will govern whether or not the MDGs are being attained, specifically gender, the division that is among the charitable and development programs and commercial development, according to scholars at the Overseas Development Institute.

A nation trying to reach the MDGs does not necessarily depend on economic growth alone and prosperous solutions. In the situation of the MDG 4, some emerging nations like Bangladesh have exposed that it is possible to cut infant deaths with only diffident growth with cheap but operative interferences, for example measles immunization (Forsyth, 2006). It has also been originate that the total government spending would not, in a lot of factors, be sufficient to encounter the decided expenditure targets in a the amount of subdivisions that are emphasized by the MDGs (Hanhimaki, 2008).

Goal eight of the Millennium Development Goals Be is highly exclusive in the sense that it puts more of a focus on donor government obligations and attainments, rather than accomplishments in the emerging world. The Commitment to Development Index, which is being printed yearly by the Center for Global Development, is often deliberated to be the numerical directing guide for the 8th Millennium Development Goal (Cassels, 2009). It is an additional total number of donor complex than simply Official Development Assistance as it brings into explanation strategies on an number of indicators that affect emerging nations for example trade, relocation, and asset.

In Collier (2007) article, "The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done about it" he states how there are traps being set in order for the Millennium Development Goals to not become successful. Collier makes the point that together these deceptions are instigating the variance of the poorest countries from the rest of the world, and left to their individual strategies, these nations will likely end in a pile of misery and discontent." As a whole, these nations are inferior than they were in 1970, and their individuals are just living for an average of 60 years, fifteen years lesser than the rest of the emerging world.

For collier to make his case for the numerous tools that are essential to break these nations free of their traps, Collier devotes the first part of the book delivering considerable clarifications as to how and why the bottom billion have become imprisoned in poverty.

To quicken growth so that things can become successful in the direction of the MDGs, the G-8 Finance Ministers had a meeting in London in June 2005 and came to the conclusion that something needs to be done and come to an agreement to deliver sufficient properties to places such as the IMF, World Bank, and the African Development Bank (ADB) to stop an extra $45 -- 60 billion liability that has been allocated by associates of the Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPC). This has been allowing needy nations to re-channel the capitals saved from the pardoned obligation to social sequencers for refining health and learning and for lessening poverty (Sachs, 2005).

Sponsored by G-8 subsidy, the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the ADB have all been responsible in endorsing the Gleaneagles strategy and applied the Multilateral Debt Relief Initiative (MDRI) to effectuate the obligation annulments. The MDRI increases HIPC by giving each nation that spreads to the HIPC achievement fact 100% understanding of its multifaceted balance. Nations that beforehand stretched the choice point became appropriate for full obligation forgiveness once their loaning agency established that the nations had sustained to uphold the improvements that have been implemented throughout HIPC position. Other nations that afterward reach the conclusion point routinely obtain full forgiveness of their multilateral obligation up under MDRI (Forsyth, 2006).

Many believe that there is not much hope left with the Millennium Development Goals.

According to Amnesty International's Secretary General, Salil Shetty, who will be leading Amnesty's designation to the conference? He said:

"Except world leaders start agreeing to take crucial steps to support the human privileges of people that are living in poverty, the lowliest and most deprived people around the world will remain to be not a part of the MDGs.

"But linguistic by it is not going to be enough; persons have got to be able to hold governments answerable when they fail to support human rights. They would need to be able to test exploitation or abandon through courts and regulatory bodies to ensure governments assuredly fulfill their requirements." (Cassels, 2009)

A projected 70… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success" Assignment:

Please try to mention each millennium development goal separately and try to examine the success or the failure of each, according to the recent data. Please be aware of plagiarism and do not copy any information directly from any source because this essay is really important to me. Please try to paraphrase while taking any information from other sources.

SOURCES: (you can use more sources if needed)

Collier, P. (2007). The Bottom Billion

Forsyth, T. (2011). Encyclopedia of International Development

Hanhimaki, J. (2008). The United Nations: a very short introduction

Sachs, J. (2005). The End of Poverty: How we can make it happen in our lifetime

How to Reference "To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success" Essay in a Bibliography

To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success.”, 2012, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success (2012). Retrieved from (2012). To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success” 2012.
”To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success [Internet]. 2012 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. To What Extent Have the Millennium Development Goals Been a Success. Published 2012. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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