Term Paper on "World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System"

Term Paper 8 pages (2144 words) Sources: 9

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Globalization, soft power, NGOs, and world order

Soft Power

What is a soft power?

Soft power is a concept that describes the ways and means that a particular nation uses in persuading other nations to accept her policies. A nation that uses soft power may uses things like cooperative programs and financial aids in attracting other nations. The nation considers other nations as partners and uses incentive ways to capture their interest. Soft power contrasts with hard power, which uses coercion, military force, and other influential ways in achieving desired objectives.

How do proponents of using a soft power argues that the U.S. should address the increasing economic and military growth of China?

Some of the proponents that are using soft power in exhibiting their international image, for instance, Soviet Union, Russia, Moscow and these nations believe that in the near future China will be leading in terms of economy and soft power. This is because in the recent decades, economic and military growth in China has been impressive, and her neighbors are looking for partners in order to bring the balance of power in China. If a nation is capable of increasing its soft power, its neighboring countries should not feel bothered in balancing its power? For example, Canada and Mexico do not look for partnership with China in order to balance U. S soft power, like the way U. S Seeks partnership with her Asia neighbors in order to bring a balance of power in China. For a country to enjoy soft power, it must enjoy limited returns from its investments. This is what China lacks and it, therefore, proves difficult to enjoy
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the balance of power. China has a huge influence in African countries and in Latin America, but receives a negative influence in U .S, Europe, India, Japan, and South Korea. Nations that enjoy soft powers use both culture and narrative in exhibiting their international image, but it becomes difficult if the message sent conflicts with the domestic realities. This is the reason why Chinas' increasing economic and military growth is not a threat to U .S because it lacks limited returns opposed to U.S. Despite soft power being very popular, it is a confusing power, and no single country can pride to exercise this power. Transition can occur any time, thus, causing power shift from superpower countries to rising nations.

Does a soft power represent the U.S. best a big picture a foreign policy strategy over the next several decades?

There is link between a country being attractive to its partners and having the ability to influence the very same countries within the international relations. Therefore, it is uncertain to consider that U.S. will remain a superpower country and at the same time enjoy the soft power in the next several decades. As discussed, for a nation to enjoy the soft power it must be attractive, in terms of international relations and increase its economic and military growth. Soft power does not belong to a particular country and thus U.S. should not be visualize it as a foreign policy strategy, it should be aware of the rising nations like China.

Non-State Actors (1.5-2 Pages)

sources that supports Non-government organizations (NGOs) and private military and security companies (PMSCs) each receive funding from different types of sources..

The international private military and security industries and Non-government organizations (NGOs) provides opportunities for both the states and non-state actors to accomplish their goals without much hassles. They provide both the technical and financial support in places they consider require immediate help.

Explain the different sources and types of financial support these groups receive

The sources that offer technical and financial help must have other sources from where they obtain financial assistance. In a broader sense, financial institutions, like, the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF) must have their financial supporters in order for them to boost other private organizations that conducts humanitarian services. For instance, World Bank obtains its funds through the operations conducted by the International Bank of Reconstruction and Development (IBRD). This financial institution offers loans to developing countries. IBRD obtains its funds from its own paid-in capital and other investments. In addition, it also obtains funds from donor countries, like USA among others, which tops off these banks after every three years, and from interests earned from loans.

IMF is another source that supports the NGOs and PMSCs. They usually obtain their funds from subscriptions from the member countries. The amount that the member government subscribes determines the percentage share that a particular government has in both the running and operation of the IMF. It can also obtain funds by activating a line of credit that it holds with member governments and large financial institutions. It can also raise its funds through loans from private organizations that operate the financial markets. Other than funds, these sources also offer technical supports, for instance, they can provide ammunitions to the military and security industries.

How is the source of their funds likely to influence their behavior?

These sources, and in this case, the IBRD, have a great influence on sources that supports Non-government organizations (NGOs) and private military and security companies (PMSCs). This is because they determine their going concern and, they have the highest priority in the running and operating the institutions. Likewise, this is a trend affects even the NGOs and the PMSCs, in that, the Word Bank and the IMF have a great influence in the running and operation of this organizations. In most cases, these organizations determine how the funds they offer will be used based on what they consider significant.

In general, are the services that these types of non-state organizations provide superior to the level of service that could be provided by governments?

The services and the funds they offer are incomparable with the level of service offered by governments. This is because governments operate under predetermined budgets and in case of emergencies, it becomes difficult for governments to act. This is much different from these charitable organizations because they are formed with an objective of responding to emergencies that may result to violence if unattended.

Marxism and Constructivism

Marxism and constructivism present a critique of current world order and a vision of alternate global orders.

Realism and constructivism are in most cases viewed as international relations paradigms that are in conflict. On one hand, Realists asserts that international relations are sheer reflections of the essentials of power politics and balances of power. On the other hand, constructivists argue that international relations are a reflection of the power politics as well as the values and identity politics. However, the two paradigms never conflict with each other. Rather, realism suits well with some variants from constructivist paradigms, regardless of having unrecognized compatibility. Furthermore, it is possible to combine major variables of realism and constructivism and even synthesize them, but their contended incongruity hinders them. This hindrance based on their ontological and epistemological factors. This is a contention that surpasses their proponents.

Describe the critique that constructivism makes of realism and balance orders. Is this a valid criticism? Why or why not?

The Balance of Power seeks to explain the formation of an alliance. According to this theory, and based on international relations, nations must ascertain their survival retaining or increasing their political power within an independent world. In case of any form of attack, it is the duty of the state to prevent its occurrence by balancing the power. The nations ensure that it enjoys the balance of power by utilizing its internal efforts, for instance, through enhancing its economic capability, increasing the military enforcement, and inventing on cleaver and viable strategies.

The nation can also maintain its balance of power through the external balancing, and this happens when states seeks ways to enhance ways of forming partnerships. On the other hand, Realism argues that there is no actor above the state of controlling his or her relations. Instead, states should have a free will to interact with other states without being compelled by any higher powers. With this in mind, I suppose this should be a valid critique because those states that attempts to enjoy the balance of power assists other nations develop with the aim of competing with other nations. This also means the presence of realism and balance of power helps develop good relations between nations.

Describe the appraisal that Marxism makes of liberal, a consent-based world order. Is this a valid condemnation? Why or why not?

Marxism argues that liberal individualism establishes on formal rights and liberties, but the material inequalities that form those rights and liberties remain insignificant. For instance, everyone has a right to own an automobile, but the right becomes meaningless because there is no money to purchase the automobile. Therefore, Marxism asserts that a right becomes valuable if one has money to own that right. In essence, the value of right is measured by the sufficiency of material that makes it possible to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System" Assignment:


In this exam you are asked to think critically and analytically about globalization, *****soft power,***** NGOs, and world order. You are also asked to relate the concept of world order to both Marxism and constructivism. You will be graded on the quality of your reasoning, clarity of expression, and ability to apply international relations theory to historical cases and abstract scenarios. There are six parts to the exam. You must answer all parts of a question to receive full credit for that section.

Soft Power (1.5 Pages)

What is *****soft power*****? How do proponents of using *****soft power***** argue that the U.S. should address the increasing economic and military growth of China? Does *****soft power***** represent the U.S.***** best *****big picture***** foreign policy strategy over the next several decades?

Sources: Soft Power

ï‚· Joseph S. Nye, *****The Changing Nature of Power.*****

ï‚· Richard N. Haass, *****The Age of Nonpolarity.*****

Non-State Actors (1.5-2 Pages)

Non-government organizations (NGOs) and private military and security companies (PMSCs) each receive funding from different types of sources. Explain the different sources and types of financial support these groups receive. How is the source of their funds likely to influence their behavior? In general, are the services that these types of non-state organizations provide superior to the level of service that could be provided by governments?

Sources :



ï‚· Michael Barnett, *****Humanitarianism Transformed.*****

Private Military and Security Companies

ï‚· Peter Singer, *****Corporate Warriors.*****

ï‚· Allison Stanger and Mark Williams, *****Benefits and Costs of Outsourcing Security.*****

Marxism and Constructivism (2 Pages)

Marxism and constructivism present a critique of current world order and a vision of alternate global orders. Describe the critique that constructivism makes of realism and balance orders. Is this a valid criticism? Why or why not? Describe the appraisal that Marxism makes of liberal, *****consent***** based world order. Is this a valid condemnation? Why or why not? Finally, are the alternative world orders presented by these theories realistic? Explain?*****'

Marxism and World-Systems Theory

ï‚· William I. Robinson, *****Gramsci and Globalization.*****

ï‚· Walter L. Goldfrank, *****The Rules of Wallerstein*****s World-Systems Method.*****


ï‚· Stephen Brooks and William Wohlforth, *****Constructivism and the Constraint of Legitimacy.***** Chapter 6 in World Out of Balance

ï‚· ***** Wendt, *****Why a World State is Inevitable.*****

Earth in 2113 (1.5 pages)

Welcome to Earth in 2113! Some features of this hypothetical future are better than things are today: war between states has not occurred for over a century, intrastate violence is also relatively rare, global economic growth has lifted billions of people out of poverty, over 95 percent of states are democratic (however China is still not a democracy). Unfortunately, humankind still faces severe challenges: global warming is occurring and there is no way to alter its harmful effects in the short-term, the global population is 12 billion and growing, and a recent global flu pandemic that originated in Turkmenistan has killed millions in Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia.

In this global system, power is distributed between 6 major actors and their power can be expressed by a single number.

U.S. = 30; India = 20; China = 50; Corporation X = 15; Corporation Y = 15; NGO Z = 10

What type of system is this? What type of order will emerge from this system? Why? Based on the order that emerges, what are the chances that the major challenges faced by humanity can be addressed?


Richard N. Haass, *****The Age of Nonpolarity.*****

Christopher Layne, *****The End of Pax Americana.***** Available at the following link: http://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2012/04/the-end-of-pax-americana-how-western-decline-became-inevitable/256388/?single_page=true

Citations: If you quote an author directly, you must use quotation marks around his/her words and footnote the quotation (including the page number). Do not use block quotes (long quotations) in your paper. Quotes should be no more than 2 lines and there should be no more than 4 direct quotations in your paper. If you paraphrase another author*****s words or use an idea or argument that another author has made, you must use a footnote. In general, paraphrasing is a bad idea and risks becoming plagiarism.

You do not have to use ALL the citations just make sure you answer EACH QUESTION CLEARLY and provide reasoning for your answers based on empirical data or citation *****

How to Reference "World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System" Term Paper in a Bibliography

World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2013, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/globalization-soft-power-ngos/4111999. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System (2013). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/globalization-soft-power-ngos/4111999
A1-TermPaper.com. (2013). World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/globalization-soft-power-ngos/4111999 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System” 2013. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/globalization-soft-power-ngos/4111999.
”World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/globalization-soft-power-ngos/4111999.
[1] ”World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2013. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/globalization-soft-power-ngos/4111999. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2013 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/globalization-soft-power-ngos/4111999
1. World Order Soft Power Non-State Actors Marxism and Constructivism Future Hypothetical System. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/globalization-soft-power-ngos/4111999. Published 2013. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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