Thesis on "Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries"

Thesis 20 pages (6090 words) Sources: 5 Style: Chicago

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Globalization on Developing Countries

Globalization is an increasingly widespread phenomenon in the world today. Indeed, an increasing amount of countries are entering the global arena in order to take advantage of all that is offered. Both developing and developed nations are now working together to create the concept of the "Global Village," in which every country, business and individual has the opportunity to create a livelihood on a global scale.

This is not to say however that globalization does not have its challenges. One of the major problems the world currently faces is the increasing gap between the rich and the poor, as well as obesity and hunger. The rich and powerful countries appear to exploit as much as they can of the environment in terms of both natural and human resources. This perception creates mistrust and resentment among poorer countries.

At the heart of this resentment and mistrust is a lack of adequate information access and resources for poor communities and countries. This lack of information creates a barrier to global entry for individuals who have traditionally relied on their environment for sustenance. Any attempt by those in power to impose policies and standards upon these communities is then met with a basic resentment and mistrust that lies in a perception that control is being taken by outsiders. This resentment can be diminished by means of information.

It is important to provide poor communities and developing countries with the empowering force of access to information. Such access will help these communities to join the global effort towards sustainable practices both for themselves and fo
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r future generations. In this way, globalization can have benefits for everybody involved, but it will take considerable effort, particularly from those in power. All countries need to make the effort to create an attitude of openness and receptivity towards each other in order to make the most of their opportunities.

In its current manifestation, globalization has been a controversial issue since the beginning of the 20th century. However, increasing individuals, businesses and countries are not beginning to recognize the reality of globalization, and are concomitantly creating strategies that will help them benefit from the phenomenon.

According to the Egypt State Information Service (2003), the current shape of globalization is the result of a revolution in communication and information. Technology such as the Internet and other electronic forms of instant and cheap communication are creating what has become known as the "global village;" a worldwide community in which individuals and nations merge by means of communication and mutual understanding.

It is also important to recognize that, while the economic sector has perhaps been most strongly affected by globalization, this is not the only sector affected at all (Egypt State Information Service 2003). Indeed, the phenomenon transcends purely economic bodies such as the GATT and the World Trade Organization in terms of knowledge, intellect, culture and communication technology. A mutual understanding among individuals and groups from widely differing cultures is then effected by means of interaction and the free flow of information. A better understanding is then created among the different nations of the world, in effect discarding geographical and other physical borders.

The Egypt State Information Service (2003) refers to this interaction as the "Quiet Dialogue." This is also important in terms of the media, and particularly for the media represented within and by developing countries. Many developing countries now have access to printed and audio-visual media from across the world by means of Internet technology. This access provides these countries with the means to enter into communication and economic interaction within the global arena. On a global scale, the possibilities opened by the Internet are therefore significant in terms of transcending centuries-old limitations imposed by poverty and isolation. Two excellent examples of such empowerment include Egypt and India, which have become important role players on a worldwide economic and cultural scale.

Another important issue to recognize is that globalization has fairly recently become the subject of increased controversy. This is particularly so in terms of developing countries. Some believe that these countries are bound to be even further victimized and exploited by the most powerful forces in the global financial sector. Others in turn believe that these very countries, as mentioned above, can be empowered to use their cultural, political and natural resources in order to empower themselves and uplift their citizens from the trap of their poverty.

Few would however disagree that globalization has not affected lives and cultures across the world. Those who ignore or deny globalization and its possible benefits, do so at their peril. Indeed, attempting to obtain distance from the globalization phenomenon rather than being part of it could have an even more dire effect than those projected for globalization itself. While globalization could set a precedent for abusing the rights of developing countries, a lack of participation creates an even greater platform for perpetuating poverty and isolation from the rest of the world. Indeed, it is undeniable that the globalization phenomenon has created a revolutionary experience throughout the world, with varying degrees of controversy, in terms of the economy, politics, technology and culture (Egypt State Information Service 2003).

In terms of the economy, globalization creates not only the opportunity for abuse and exploitation, but of approached correctly, it also provides for the free movement of commodities, services and capitals. Countries can benefit from each other by creating a balance of wealth in terms of both goods and capital in the spirit of fair trading and respect.

This is also the case in terms of scientific and technological developments. Developing countries have indeed already drawn benefits from these by having access to information through the Internet, and by being able to better care for the poor and ill by means of the latest in medical and food technology. In this way, information and ideas, along with physical commodities and capital, are made more accessible to all nations of the world by means of globalization.

For better or worse, it appears that globalization has become an unstoppable phenomenon. Individuals, businesses and countries may choose to ignore this and distance themselves, or they can choose to accept and study globalization to draw the most benefit for themselves and their citizens from worldwide information, capital, and trade.


In addition to its current effects upon developing countries, globalization has also resulted in considerable controversy in terms of its origins. Some place it as far back as ancient Greece, while others believe that the economies of ancient cultures were simply too different from those prevalent today to qualify as globalization as it is currently known.

In this regard, Moore & Lewis (2009) note that Sir Moses Finley's writings during the 1970s began the tradition of ancient economies being entirely irrelevant for the global economy today. Indeed, Finley's opinions were left unchallenged and are even today accepted as true in most learning environments.

The authors note that, while Finley's observations regarding the ancient Greeks were much more acceptable than those he held about the Romans. Indeed, just after the turn of the millennium, British scholars began to challenge these observations to investigate certain features of ancient Roman economies as much closer to those today than had been believed in Finley's day.

According to Moore & Lewis (2009), the ancient world indeed seem to know a kind of globalization and indeed a somewhat familiar world economy, mostly involving Europe, Africa and Asia. According to the authors, a type of "hemispherization" was manifest in the trading economy from Spain to China. The authors believe that ancient history does provide some insight in the global economy of today's globalized world.

Long-distance trade for example was at the order of the day as early as during the Stone Age. The city Sumer in Southern Iraq provided trading opportunities before 3000 BCE when its temple and royal palace were transformed to become public sector spaces. Both foreign and local trade occurred here. Over the centuries, private merchants developed connections further away, which included the Indus Valley, Egypt and the Aegean in the global trade environment.

Other ancient traders included the Assyrians and Phoenicians; the latter being responsible for the origins of maritime capitalism. The first manifestation of a multinational company as it exists today was the family businesses of the House of Ashur-Imitti, operating from northern Iraq as their headquarters. Later, the majority of the world trade system moved to the Mediterranean, with Cadiz, Spain and Nineveh, Assyria being major participants.

Egypt and India were already world trading partners in the ancient worlds. This is interesting in the light of the fact that they are considered as developing countries in today's globalized environment. The development of trade across Europe and Asia further manifested itself in terms of mixing cultures. The unification of Assyria and Babylonia by the Persians for example had the effect of a cross-cultural mixture governed by a single rulership. This resulted in the first manifestation of cross-cultural management, and furthermore… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries" Assignment:

1- This is an independent study project

2- This project needs a very strong thesis

3- Write in international student level BUT Good writing and interesting content are important.

4- All the source must be academic resource

5- Every information in this paper should be cited and NO copy paste

6- It must be a lot of Analysis and comparison

7- Good writing and interesting content are important.

8- Egypt and India are a developing countries, this research will examine how globalization today's are likely to affect them?

9- You can use any graphics or charts if necessary .

Out line:


2- Globalization definition and the different concepts of the globalization.

3-The impact of globalization on the economies of developing countries.

4-Egypt and India are a developing countries, this research will examine how globalization today's are likely to affect them? " important "

5-How can developing countries deal with the power and influence of the industrialized nations?

6-The reasons for changing the concept of globalization in our time.

7-Solutions or proposals to bring the really concept of globalization.

8-the Conclusion .

thank you

How to Reference "Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries" Thesis in a Bibliography

Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries” 2009.
”Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Impact of Globalization on Developing Countries. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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