Essay on "How Globalization Affected China Positively"

Essay 7 pages (1991 words) Sources: 8 Style: APA

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Globalization Affected China Positively

In this paper, we are examining the positives and negatives of globalization on China. We then analyze how a solution can be introduce that will address both viewpoints. Once this occurs, is when everyone will see how this is influencing their standing in the world community.

Over the last several years, China has gone through a major transition. What happened was, the nation used to be at the forefront for art and science until the mid-1800's. This is when the country would go through a series of: civil wars, famines, military defeats and occupations by foreign powers until 1948. It is at this point, that Mao Zedong was able to unite the mainland together under a communist government. Some of the islands surrounding China (i.e. Taiwan) were able to protect remnants of the old government. This is because the communist forces did not have a navy to be able to bring this area under its control. Since that time, the Chinese government believes that Taiwan is breakaway provenience that will eventually fall under their control. ("China," 2011)

Until 1978, Mao had imposed strict controls on private ownership and access to Chinese markets. This is when he died and the new leadership began to focus on liberalizing many of the strict economic rules. This opened the door for China to quickly develop and become a part of the world community. Evidence of this can be seen with the fact that the economy would quadruple output by the year 2000. This is significant because, the liberalization of the nation's economic policies meant that the standard of living and personal income increased dramatically. As a result, this is an ill
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ustration of how globalization has benefited the Chinese economy positively. ("China," 2011)

However, many critics will counter that China's growth has been at the expense of maintaining a terrible human rights records when it comes to: minorities, religion, freedom of speech and political prisoners. This has created tremendous amounts of tension in many Western governments who believe that the nation should have equal political reforms. As, they argue that this is giving the government the ability to build up their cash reverses. At which point, the communist's will determine what is in China's best interests. ("China," 2011)

To counter these arguments many free trade proponents will claim that economic liberalization will lead to political changes. The reason why is because, the wealthier China become, the more the people will want a voice in their government. This is when there will be real changes in the country. As a result, China has remained a part of the global community and has discussed these matters in a forum that is supportive of everyone. This is significant, because it is showing how globalization has opened up China and the kinds of issues government officials are willing to talk about on the world stage. To fully understand how this is a direct benefit of globalization requires looking at the way this has helped the nation and conceding the points of the opposition. Once this occurs, is when we can be able to offer specific insights about how globalization has helped to make China a stronger and more transparent nation over the long-term. ("China," 2011)


When you examine the first argument (globalization has caused tremendous amounts of economic growth), it is clear that this has helped to transform China itself. Evidence of this can be seen by comparing the GDP Purchasing Parity with the United States

Table 1: GDP Purchasing Parity China vs. The United States


China's GDP Purchasing Parity

The United States' GDP Purchasing Parity


$8.73 trillion

$14.64 trillion


$9.14 trillion

$14.25 trillion


$10.09 trillion

$14.66 trillion

("China," 2011) ("United States," 2011)

These different figures are important, because they are showing how globalization has helped to bring the China's wealth close to that of the United States. Once this occurs, it means that China will be able to develop their middle class and see an increase in their standard of living.

When you examine the second argument (China's terrible human rights record), many critics will claim that globalization has emboldened the government. This is because the underlying amounts of wealth are allowing them to engage in actions that could be counterproductive to Western objectives in the region. A good example of this can be seen by looking no further than Congress' annual review of China's human rights record. What happened was the government's crackdown on human rights since 1989 has caused many in Congress to become concerned about their activities. As a result, Congress will publish a report outlining the abuses of international standards that are taking place in China itself. This is designed to bring the spotlight to these conditions and illustrate how China needs to change. To counter these actions, China has started releasing their review of U.S. human rights. This is in response to the U.S. report and it is an indication that China does not want anyone interfering in their internal affairs. Over the course of time, these kinds of attitudes will lead to possible hostilities between the U.S. And China on this issue. (Foot, 2006, pp. 77 -- 94)

The third argument, (the liberalization of free trade in addressing political issues) is highlighting how this will change China for the better. What is taking place is the improvement in the standards of living and China's acceptance into non-governmental organizations (i.e. The WTO) are actively bringing them into the world community. Over the course of time, this will lead to many different discussions about domestic political issues. This is the point that China can begin to slowly reform, in an effort to deal with these issues. Once this takes place, is when there will be change in areas such as human rights. (Gu, 2007, pp. 274 -- 292)

This is important, because it is showing how free trade has resulted in positive benefits for China over the long-term. The key in understanding what is happening, is that there will be times when it will appear as if the government does not want to adapt with the economic transformations that have taken place. However, their inclusion in international organizations is pushing the country to slowly embrace more liberal ideas. This is when there will be gradual changes in Chinese society.


To counter the arguments in favor of free trade, it is clear that China has been involved in activities that are increasing its military presence in the region. This is because they have been spending consistently more money on: modernizing and preparing for the possibility of high intensity conflicts with its neighbors in the region. (Roy, 2005, pp. 305 -- 322)

Evidence of this can be seen by comparing the size of the American military with that of China in the below table.

Table 2: The Size of the U.S. Military in Comparison with China


United States


Population of Military Age

4.2 million

19.5 million

Active Military

1.47 million

2.2 million

Revere Military

1.45 million

800 thousand

Total Land Weapons



Total Aircraft



Total Naval Ships


("China's Military Strength," 2011) ("United States of America Military Strength," 2011)

These figures are important, because they are showing how the disparities between American and Chinese forces are becoming smaller in some areas. If this gap were to continue to close, it could have an impact on the ability of the U.S. To protect allies in the region.

As a result, many critics will argue that unless China begins to change their political views, the odds increase that there will be some kind of intense conflict will occur in the future. A good example of this can be seen with disputes that China is having with their neighbors in the South China Sea. To include: Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, and the Philippines. What has been happening is China wants to expand their territorial boundaries. The problem is that their neighbors are claiming right to similar parts of the South China Sea. This has caused China to engage in war of words about how they were prepared to solve these disputes militarily. Over the course of time, this increases the chances that some kind of conflict could take place in the future. (Roy, 2005, pp. 305 -- 322)

This is significant, because it means that the current economic approach will allow China to use their new found wealth to build a large military. If this were to occur, they could bully other nations into doing what they want. This is when there is a possibility that the United States could be drawn into the conflict. Therefore, a new kind of approach must be taken that will deal with these issues.

To effectively reach an alternative course of action, one possible solution is to allow China to remain in free trade organizations. However, if the government does not change their actions in the South China Sea and begin reducing the size of their… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "How Globalization Affected China Positively" Assignment:

Note: I have stated that China is the country of choice in the specific topic and is the one I used in an outline and am not completely sure if I am allowed to change. If China is difficult for you then switching to another country should be fine.

The Specifications of the Essay:


The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to examine the

implications of economic globalization for one particular country. Economic

globalization is defined by the International Monetary Fund as *****¦ the integration of

national economies through trade in goods and services, cross-border corporate

investments and financial flows*****


Your goal is to adopt the position of either an anti- or pro-globalizer to answer the

question, has economic globalization had a largely positive or negative impact on this

nation? (i.e. have things got better or worse since this country became an active player

in the global economy?). You may focus your discussion on one of the following

impacts: economic, environmental or social, or consider all three.

Some information on the thesis:

Once you have read extensively about this country, decide if economic

globalization has had a largely positive, or negative, impact. Based on your

decision, formulate a thesis, which is a statement of fact or opinion that you will

defend in the course of your paper. For example, you might argue that trade

agreements have greatly benefited the economy of India (the position of the

pro-globalizer). In contrast, you might conclude that foreign direct investment

has had a negative impact on India*****s environment (the position of the antiglobalizer). Then, identify three arguments that you will use to support your thesis statement.

Essay Components:

Note: You may use a maximum of six headings in this essay:

1. Introduction: In several paragraphs, present your thesis statement and three

supporting points. Provide some basic information on the country that you are

studying and how it is integrated into the global economy.

2. Arguments: Present each of these in the order that they were mentioned in the

introduction. Provide sufficient qualitative and quantitative evidence to support

each argument (you may include tables or graphs to illustrate the points that you

are making; be sure to number and label these and provide the source where the

information was obtained. These may be either included in the text, or placed in

an appendix). Each argument should be developed in a number of body

paragraphs, each separated by an appropriate transition.

3. Concession: Recognize (concede) a point that is in direct opposition to your

thesis. In one paragraph you will provide a counter argument and a concluding

statement that *****will either restate the original position on the issue, suggest a

course of action or even suggest a compromise*****

( 3

Note: If you*****re not sure how to write this paragraph, you may find this web site


4. Conclusion: Summarize what has been said in the body of the paper. Do not

introduce any new material.

5. References: Provide a list of at least 8 references, including 3 peer-reviewed

articles (in APA style). Note: these references do not have to be the same as

those included in the essay outline.

6. Appendices (include the abstract for the 3 peer-reviewed articles)

Length: between 2000 and 2500 words (8 ***** 10 pages including references). 12-

point font, double-spaced and double-sided (to save paper). Up to five marks

(from 100) will be deducted if the paper is less than 2000 words, or more than

2500 words.

Also mentioned on the sheet:


ï‚· write in a professional capacity, as opposed to a casual and friendly capacity

ï‚· get to the point ***** shorter sentences are often more effective.

ï‚· write in the third, rather than first, person (i.e. don*****t use *****I*****).

ï‚· write complete paragraphs (each paragraph must contain an introductory

statement, body and final statement; one-sentence paragraphs should NOT

be included).

ï‚· refer to all maps or pictures as Figures, number them, include their source

and give them a title.

ï‚· number all Tables (they are not called charts), and include their title and


ï‚· indent and single space all direct quotations (they are not called quotes!)

that exceed one sentence. Include quotation marks for indented quotations

(if you don*****t, then TURNITIN will call it plagiarized). Include the page number.

ï‚· write in the active, rather than passive, voice

If any clarification is needed let me know. Most of this is copied and pasted from the assignment page. Also I do not have to submit it to turnitin if I have an annotated bibliography if that is possible. Thanks

How to Reference "How Globalization Affected China Positively" Essay in a Bibliography

How Globalization Affected China Positively.”, 2011, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

How Globalization Affected China Positively (2011). Retrieved from (2011). How Globalization Affected China Positively. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”How Globalization Affected China Positively” 2011.
”How Globalization Affected China Positively”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”How Globalization Affected China Positively”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. How Globalization Affected China Positively [Internet]. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. How Globalization Affected China Positively. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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