Research Paper on "Global Management of McDonald"

Research Paper 12 pages (3780 words) Sources: 12 Style: APA

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Global Management of McDonald Company

History of McDonald Company

McDonald Company first began as a restaurant in concept form. The company saw its first introduction in California by an individual called Dick McDonald. They came from Manchester, Hampshire. While working with another business partner named Ray Kroc, the company expanded from just being a simple restaurant to a global brand. Kroc hailed from Oak Park in Illinois. Later on, Kroc was able to buy out the interests of the business as he established them from McDonald brothers. After acquiring the interests, Kroc went on to establish McDonald's Corporation, a bigger business than the earlier McDonald Restaurant. All these happened in 1937 (McDonald, 1996).

The early history of McDonald Company dates back to 1937 with the establishment of "The Airdrome." This was an octagonal food stand, which was established in California at a place called Monrovia. The stand was phenomenal because it is the basis of the establishment of the now successful McDonald Company. During that time, the price of Hamburgers was only ten cents. The price of orange juice, the only juice in the market was five cents. McDonald Company started its business with advance to these products to customers. As of 1940, two other brothers, Richard McDonald and Maurice McDonald joined in Patrick McDonald, the creator of the company. They helped in moving the building forty miles away to the north, East, West, and South. The restaurant was then given a new name, McDonald's Famous Barbeque. The company was then able to serve over forty barbeques (Facella & Genn, 2009).

When it realized the nature in which i
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t made many significant profits from selling hamburgers, the company decided to major in it. It focused in the production of other types of materials like the carhop drive, which was also a success by the company. The company extended it production of geese burgers, hamburgers, and French fries amongst others. In addition, the company dealt with the manufacture of soft drinks and shakes. Early development of the company was also marked by equitable management skills in the name of setting up the kitchen. It was directed at achieving satisfactory results from the minimum inputs, which the company could make. The restaurant changed its name and was renamed McDonald Company.

As of 1953, the company owners decided to franchise the company, starting from Phoenix, all the way to California and Arizona. The early development of the company also saw the creation of the Speedee, an apparatus that enabled a speedy development of products to customers. This device ensured no wastage of time in production and offering services to customers. The device is still functional up-to-date (Mieth, 2007).

Kroc's McDonald's Corporation acquired the stores of the company in 1990. It was rehabilitated to a modern and almost an original condition of the company. Kroc, beside the old McDonald Company, also built a museum in order to have a commemoration of the company. Inside the museum were the various artifacts, which the company had made and used.

How McDonald Company failed in the 2000s

Initially before approaching the 2000s, McDonald Company had been exploring new avenues and strategies of growth and development in the market. Amidst these struggles and aims, the company suffered a myriad of problems. The company's hamburgers were plagued with numerous problems. The newly installed system called the "Made for You" received a negative perception unlike it had been designed for the company. The franchise sector had developed a belief that this new technology of improvement would serve to better the performance of the company. Nonetheless, the issue resulted in a poor influence over the manufacture and sale of hamburgers. The system was labor intensive. It consumed a lot of time just to perform sufficient and satisfactory work.

Moreover, the system increased the overall allotted times of service in the company. The installation of this system was too high in its financial requirements and surpassed what the company had designed. As such, the franchise companies began to suffer a lot due to this new system. McDonald Company contested the charges. The sales had begun to be sluggish with the introduction of the system. The company was not considering this as an issue at hand. As of 2000, the company identified the lapse in its production capacity. The sales being registered were not equal to those as before or during the well developed 1960 to 1970 periods. As a result, the company had to do away with some employees and positions in order to lounge a bid to remedy the decreasing productivity and influence of the market. In 2001, the company let go eight hundred and fifty positions. Seven hundred of these positions were in the United. In short, the company began to invest more outside the country than it was doing in other countries abroad. Some stores were also closed as in the United States of America (Moschandreas, 2000).

There was the presence of black eyes. The company was sued in the year 2001. This court consideration came up due to the company's incorporation of meat or beef, which was being added to the vegetable oil that was used to cook French fries. This had been happening since 1990 when the company introduced cooking of the French fries using beef tallow; while it made claims that it was using 100% tallow. Later, the company had to issue apologies over its use of beef flavoring. As a result, the company had been forced or made to pay the affected companies as the Hindu and other vegetarian companies. These bodies had to be paid ten million dollars. In early 2000s as to 2001, some people conspired to rig the company's game promotions. This had been happening for several years. During this fraud, it came to the knowledge of the company and the public that over twenty four million dollars used to win McDonald Company's tickets had been stolen within the swindle. Although the company was not implicated in any way, it suffered from embarrassing situations centered on the worker viability and legibility in the company. The company was a global influence hence it had to suffer a bit of misfortunes due to this (Light et al., 2010).

The company, within this period again, had to struggle in rescuing its image when it was branded to be one of the influences of purveyor of fatty, an unhealthy food product in the market. Over the years, clients had to file lawsuits that they had grown fat due to their use of the company's products. This was followed by the introduction of a different menu by McDonald Company. This menu incorporated a low-calorie food made from healthy cooking oils. As a result, the global or oversee influence of the company was subjected to shame when the issue concerning food materials was coincided with the anti-America and anti-globalization considerations among the people. For instance, just before 2000, the company had suffered destruction of part of its stores and restaurants by a group, which was vying for anti-globalization sentiments together with the introduction of the American businesses and products in their countries. The restaurant in Millau, France suffered dire losses resulting in its closure. The company's products suffered value reduction in the market when it was expected to sustain its capacity to make profits and accruals. This would enhance its capacity cater for its employees and satisfy the market. In 2002, one of the leaders of the company, Cantalupo, had to retire after a 28-year service. During that year, the company registered very low levels of sales.

Six rules for market revitalization

The first rule involves making of the Federal Reserve the super regulator responsible for overseeing systematic risks. McDonald's company made a major comeback by using this rule. While making observations on the systematic occurrences of risk in the company, it was able to place bids on certain areas, which could enable it to exist with the present state of risks. The regulator of the company being the leader selected enabled the company to live within a limited number of risks.

McDonald's company made use of the second rule during its major comeback. The company was able to subject complex instruments to regular market valuation tests and clear through a central clearinghouse. At one time, the CEO of the company had to introduce an overall of clearing and refurbishment of the company in order to mark a major comeback. The company cleared its major stores and introduced major products and new sites in its marketing options. It did away with low branded products together with those they had influenced the downfall of the company.

The company was able to reform and revitalize the securitization of the market. When the company realized low sales performance, it quickly moved to stop certain operations, which could lead it to further destruction. The company introduced major menus, revitalized it, and secured its presence by making equitable and non-fatty foods in the market. The company included the rating agencies, which depicted low… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Global Management of McDonald" Assignment:

A research paper on McDonald*****'s global management operation. How McDonald failed in early 2000s, and made a comeback using Six Rules for Market Revitalization and relates to Porter*****'s Five Force, etc.

Focus on how McDonald*****'s operations and management in Asian country such as Japan, China, or Taiwan compare to Domestic operation. How the geographical, cultures, and communication challenges effect the operation. The difference in international and domestic management of the company.

References from peer-reviewed journals, company (business/industry) publications, and governmental publications.

How to Reference "Global Management of McDonald" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Global Management of McDonald.”, 2012, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Global Management of McDonald (2012). Retrieved from (2012). Global Management of McDonald. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Global Management of McDonald” 2012.
”Global Management of McDonald”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Global Management of McDonald”,, 2012. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Global Management of McDonald [Internet]. 2012 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Global Management of McDonald. Published 2012. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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