Research Paper on "Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science"

Research Paper 10 pages (2788 words) Sources: 10

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Global, Ethical, And Professional Issues in Computer Science

The field of Computer Science is in a nascent stage of development. As such, a number of critical ethical and professional issues with global repercussions currently plague the discipline. These issues have created a snowball effect by hindering the processes that the field computer science enables. The information that a country possesses and how it is electronically protected and secured from hacking attempts is of concern along with financial and medical institutions and its' client information. Specifically, the major issues with global effect in the field of computer science are web security and cyber security challenges, ethical issues concerning robotic rights, issues of privacy and ethical practices regarding electronic commerce, and cloud computing security.

Collectively, these issues seek to undermine the streamlining of processes inherent in the innovation of these computer science developments. Issues concerning cyber security will potentially cost online retailers billions in lost revenue and identity theft issues may prevent online shoppers from engaging their favorite online shopping site, such as eBay. Robots and robotic intelligent machines are being developed and refined in computer science and robotics departments at academic institutions such as the M.I.T and at laboratories including I.B.M's Research and Development facilities. Additional concerns include the protection of private and government or trade information that is not subject to public view. Such information leaks can be an expensive security mistake for the liable entity that had been hacked or exposed through weakness in their web se
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curity. And as more organizations decide to restructure their computing hardware to the 'cloud', security concerns of information sent to, created, or sent from the cloud may be compromised by hackers or spy's looking to obtain private data for exploitation. The American Southwest, notably the Phoenix, AZ region known throughout the computer science world as the capital of identity theft, internet fraud, and computer/network hacking, and counterfeiting.


"In the U.S., President Barack Obama has named cyber security as "one of the most serious" challenges facing the nation." (New Straits Times, 2009) the issue of cyber security has its anecdotal origin in the early 1980's movie, War Games. In the movie, an adolescent computer hacker breaches national security to hack into the U.S. DoD military supercomputer designed to simulate outcomes of nuclear war games. Although the movie, not based on real events, the capacity for such a threat to occur in reality was not far-fetched. "Such threats -- but done with full intent to cripple national computer networks -- are possible scenarios many countries are preparing for." (New Straits Times, 2009) the economic losses for it security breaches can be considerable. "The studies find substantial short-term drops in the prices of shares of firms following the announcement of an information security breach: between 1% and 5% of market capitalization, with greater losses (up to 15%) recorded by some financial institutions where attackers had gained access to confidential customer records." (Cashell, Jackson, Jickling, Webel, 2004) "For the average New York Stock Exchange corporation, price drops of these magnitudes translate into shareholder of between $50 million and $200 million." (Cashell, et al. 2004) "The key takeaway for corporate it decision makers is that it security breaches are extremely costly, and that the stock market has already factored in some level of optimal it security investment by companies." (Garg, Curtis, Halper, 2003) Further studies determine the impact of security breaches to be a variable subject to differing effects. "Thus, stock market participants appear to discriminate across types of breaches when assessing their economic impact on affected firms. These findings are consistent with the argument that the economic consequences of information security breaches vary according to the nature of the underlying assets affected by the breach." (Campbell, Gordon, Loeb, Zhou, 2003)

Web security breaches do vary in the type of breach, the manner, and the economic repercussions when considering the geographic region of the breach within an active global environment. Business domiciled within the United States typically with a web presence frequently suffer from security hacks into their system to obtain private customer financial and billing information. The U.S. dollar is worth considerably more on the open exchange market than say the Brazilian real and is therefore a greater target for surreptitious behavior. Although different from identity theft, the web security breach is identified as a breach in national security such that it is considered a cyber security attack on the United States. The difference in global cyber security attacks is the frequency and the nature of each attack. In China or Japan, the cyber attack is likely to obtain information regarding military information or private information regarding identifiable data of potential victims of fraud and framing.

Managers that track and monitor web security for breaches can implement a variety of security measures to mitigate the losses from potential security breaches. An email can be assigned to generate upon a computer port or access point protocol ping from an outside entity that the network deems 'suspicious'. Generally, the problem is that the maintainers of the network do not know that a hacker has penetrated the system and is compromising valuable information from the company. Once the system is breached, the auto-generated email will bring attention to the breach by providing the pertinent technical network information that can identify the type and location of the attack. Additional measures include real-time firewall monitoring to ensure no failure in the firewall that can let a hacker pass without notice.

The ethical implications associated with the creation of a robot with artificial intelligence and possibly its own neural network are a debated topic. At the proliferation of research into robotics enables a future ripe with robotic servants and military robotic technological assistance provided by robotic intelligence, the concern of ethical issues regarding the use, treatment, and care provided to robots is increasing. The cost associated with refining the artificial intelligence to mitigate the potential for dangerous behavioral patterns is relatively high yet is considered a function in the rate of return and therefore is not projected negatively as a cost of ethical issues in robotics. "i.v. STATION's $300,000 price, combined with its plug-and-play installation, flexibility of IV Bags/Vials/Syringes, ISO-5 controlled environment, and unprecedented robotic throughput, has already revolutionized Non-Hazardous Sterile Compounding in North America." The implications are severe. The cost of this technology inherently is cost prohibitive for implementation across the total spectrum of health care in the U.S. The ethical component of essentially replacing parts of the nursing staff will remove the human care component, which is the backbone of the health industry. Robots as a replacement for humans that provide compassion when patients are in an emotionally and physically fragile state are a major ethical issue. Further ethical implications involve the level of autonomy that robots are expected to receive once the implementation and assimilation into human activity takes place. "In the relatively near future, and certainly sooner or later, the human species will be destroyed by advances in robotics technology that we can foresee from our current vantage point, at the start of the new millennium." (Bringsjord, 2008)

Global differences with ethical parameters of robot design and societal use are generally in the pervasiveness of the uses for the robot. For instance, the Europeans are experimenting with robots as a control variable for public service. What this means is to have traffic command handled by robots rather than humans. In the U.S., the discussion is around the benefits that servant robots may be eligible to receive. The particular uses in the U.S. For robots include heavy implementation in the health care system to administer IV drops and additional care that was originally under the auspice of the nursing staff. Asia is experiencing a precipitous rise in the use of robotics in society. The concern of ethics is of less importance among the leaders of Asian government and politics.

Although tricky, managers can identify potential ethical violations of either robots as an entity or violations from robots against society and create a framework to handle identical issues in the future. An example that has been identified is if a robot malfunctions and unintentionally kills a human. Such a violation of ethical behavior is not currently the fault of the robot, but instead, of its creator. Managers have the authority to address issues critical to the development and improvement of robotic operations and decision-making to reduce the risk associated with artificial intelligence. Other avenues where managers will have considerable influence include ethical treatment of robots should development of a psyche and self-identification takes form to the robot. Managers can address these situations actively and facilitate a response to the robot that may prevent an outburst of irrational output.

Identity Theft and privacy issues associated with online commerce currently is at the forefront of web browsing and network security. The financial implications are severe as well. However, the courts are still undecided on how to proceed with identity theft cases and other privacy issues. "Whether, and to what extent, courts can… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science" Assignment:

Title: Global, Ethical, and Professional Issues in Computer Science

Purpose: To study in more detail about how the topics of this class apply to your technical area.

Do some research to identify at least five of the most important global, ethical, or professional issues within your technical specialty. Describe each issue and try to quantify the extent of the issue by finding data about the cost or magnitude of the problem. Describe how the issue differs globally. Finally, identify the things that a manager can to minimize the possibility of violations of the issue within his/her scope of control.

Length: 10 pages

Formatting: Double spaced, standard margins (L:1.4, R:1.0, T:1.0, B:1.0), 12 pt. font, APA style

Structure: Title Page, Introduction, Content (one section for each issue), Conclusion, References

References: Some Internet references are OK, however at least two references must be from books or journals. After you have done your research, you should also interview someone within your technical area to obtain further input about the issues.

I have marked 10 references above that is just a guess by the size of my research paper. But it may require more or less but somewhere around 10 is my best guess. If more than 10 references is required to complete the research paper please add them. The only requirement is that 2 of them must not be from the Internet. I personally would prefer that more than 2 not be from the internet but I will leave that up to the *****s discretion.

I will shortly upload the text for the class. It doesn*****'t need to be one of the references but I just want the ***** to know what the course discussed this semester. One of the requirements above is to interview someone about Ethics in Computer Science. I would hope that the ***** can find someone to interview about Ethics in Computer Science. If that is not possible I will interview someone involved in Computer Science and upload the transcript if needed.


How to Reference "Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science.”, 2010, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science (2010). Retrieved from (2010). Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science” 2010.
”Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science”,, 2010. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science [Internet]. 2010 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Global Ethical and Professional Issues in Computer Science. Published 2010. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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