Term Paper on "Global Ebusiness Marketing"

Term Paper 14 pages (3832 words) Sources: 1+

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Global E-Business Marketing

The advent of technology has transformed the manner in which corporations work, inform, discover, converse and do trade. In addition, it has revolutionized industries, ultimately assisting in crafting welfare economies and robust financial marketplaces. The creation of dependable it infrastructure is influential in the growth of every developing business. "Internetizer Technologies," a U.S. based company, has set out to serve its clients by providing the entire Internet business package so as to assist companies run effective business operations on the Internet.

Internetizer Technologies has been a pioneering industry in not only Information but also Communications Technologies. It has assisted online businesses by providing powerful and dependable infrastructures of it, enabling companies of every size and kind to discover business prospects with an interactive authority. Internetizer Technologies has introduced a number of it-related products and has been extremely successful and profitable not only in the local market but also globally. Below we discuss their most successful products.


E-Orders" is a high-level Internet-based "tracking," "booking" and "notification" tool, which aims to help businesses in their everyday operations and functions in a money-making manner. This tool offers state-of-art Internet Technology for time-crucial business functions so as to empower corporations with specific-information from manufacturing phase to deliverance of products. The results given by this tool are a one-stop, incorporated communications package furnished to the requirements of online businesses.
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E-talk is another tool developed by Interentizer Technologies, which allows effectual and cost-effective client contact via an Internet-based, database-driven email generation procedure. In addition, it can be utilized to notify or inform clients about novel products, events, and other significant matters with just one click, devoid of the irritation of publishing, postage and other labor-intensive procedures. In addition, it allows clients to publish brands/Direct mailers.


Internetizer Technologies has been a pioneering web designing firm, which specializes in not only website designing, but also web-based hosting along with human resources solutions. The company also offers outstanding search engine optimization packages.

Web-Content Management

Web-Content Management is a multi-functional software tool designed to ease the content management of any website. It allows the users to make changes on their web site with downloading the website from the Internet. All changes can be made online easily and promptly.

Interentizer technologies: Current status of Internationalization

Interentizer technologies" has aimed to internationalize by giving opportunities to entrepreneurs, worldwide, and the platform to launch successful and effective e-businesses. They make this possible by making accessible high-quality ecommerce tools at an amazingly cost-effective price. Through innovation, technological superiority and a steady drive to advance service intensity, "Interentizer technologies" has received a status for concentrating on the requirements of its clients. It has established its R&D offices in India

Globalization 3.0:

Globalization 3.0 an be defined as an Internet-facilitated platform for manifold methods of knowledge-sharing and work-allocation regardless of not only time and distance but also geography along with language. This has allowed individuals (entrepreneurs) along with small groups to set up and run their businesses on a worldwide basis. While the transition from globalization 2.0 to globalization 3.0 has been masked by the unfortunate incident of September 11 attacks, the Enron Humiliation, and the dot-com boom. This evolution (globalization 3.0) has been considered as one of the leading historical transformation for mankind (Freidman, 2006).

Comparison between Different Phases of Globalization

Before comparing the three phases of globalization, it is important that we understand the basic distinction between the 3 eras. The first era began in 1492 and lasted till 1820. This is where countries made attempts to internationalize. The second era began in 1820 and lasted till 2000. This is where corporations attempted to globalize. The third era began from year 2000 and it still continues. This era has been dominated by individual entrepreneurs and small groups attempting to establish an international presence. It is important to note that the first two phases of globalization had been developed around white, western people. The third phase has been built around individuals from all over the globe (Freidman, 2006).

In the present era of globalization, individuals have got to ask, in fact, can ask: where can I participate in the global struggles of the present day, and how can I, by myself, work together with people on a global basis? However, it is important to note that globalization 3.0 not only varies from the preceding phases in how it has been reducing and flattening our world and in how it has been giving power to individuals, but it is also distinct in that the first 2 phases of globalization (1.0 and 2.0) had been steered mainly by American and European nations and corporations. However, going forward, this is considered to change dramatically. Globalization 3.0 is simply going to be driven by individuals, individuals who are neither white nor western. Simply put, in globalization 3.0 people will see every human race participating in the growth and development of this global village (Freidman, 2006).

Ten forces that flattened the world

According to Freidman (2006) our world is getting flat and opportunities are now available for individuals and small groups all over the world to capitalize this opportunity and compete with the giants. This transition, however, has been a result of 10 related-forces and/or events that came simultaneously throughout the 1990's and united on the brink of the new millennium. The first event took place on November, 9, 1989. On this day the Berlin Wall was demolished, which had been significantly vital for the reason that it permitted people (all over the world) to think that the world is a single place. The Berlin Wall had not only been an emblem of protecting citizens of Germany; it also painted a sort of global outlook of the future. And just as the wall had been demolished the windows had been established -- the advance of Microsoft's Windows 3.0 OS, which assisted in flattening the playing field all the more by making a global computer crossing point, began shipping approximately six months after the fall of the Berlin Wall (Freidman, 2006).

The second event, which forced the flattening of the world, took place on August 9, 1995. On this day, Netscape had gone public, which made possible two significant things. First, it resulted in the Internet becoming alive by providing people with the browser to show not only images but also store data on websites. Second, the Netscape stock tender caused the dot-com bust, which caused the dot-com simmer, which caused the huge investments in high-quality telecommunications lines. This financing, by corporations like "Global Crossing," caused the formation of a worldwide undersea-fiber system, which consecutively downgraded the price of broadcasting not only voices but also data along with images to virtually zero. This, consecutively, made not only Boston and Bangalore but also Beijing close neighbors instantly. All in all, the Netscape development brought "people to people" association to a completely new degree. All of a sudden people from one part of the world could connect with people from another part of the world connect in more diverse methods than ever before (Freidman, 2006). "Internetizer technologies" was able to connect with software engineers in India and off-shore its R&D operations easily.

The reality that the new millennium brought with it the concept of outsourcing was made feasible by the initial two flatteners, in conjunction with the third one, which is "workflow." Workflow is short hand for all the software tools, norms and electronic communication tubes that linked all those PC's and fiber-optic line. Putting it in other words, if the Netscape event linked one group of people with another group like never before, the workflow transformation connected one group of software tools to another group of software tools with the intention that people all across the planet can work jointly in influencing and determining words, information and images on computers (Freidman, 2006).

Certainly, this penetration in "people to people" along with "application to application" connectivity generated six additional flatteners -- six novel methods wherein not only individuals but also companies were able to join forces on not only work but also knowledge. One was "out-sourcing." "Internetizer technologies" was able to connect software applications flawlessly with all other products, implying that all sorts of work-from financing to software scripting-can be digitalized and transferred to anyplace in the entire world where it can be executed in a much better and cheaper way. The second had been "off-shoring." "Internetizer technologies" was able to send its entire R&D plant from United States to India. The third had been "open-sourcing." "Internetizer technologies" wrote a new operating system, similar to Linux, utilizing engineers working together on the Internet and laboring free of charge. The fourth had been "in-sourcing." "Internetizer technologies" allowed a corporation like UPS to occupy its entire logistics process-everything from filling up online-orders to deliverance of products. The fifth had been "supply-chaining." "Internetizer technologies" is attempting to produce a worldwide supply chain so that if a customer purchases a product in New York, a reinvention of that product can immediately… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Global Ebusiness Marketing" Assignment:

Prepare a document that provides advice for a company on transitioning to be able to compete at a “Globalization 3.0” level – a concept developed and outlined in Freidman, Thomas L. (2006), The World is Flat, (Newly Abridged and Revised), Penguin Books, Camberwell Victoria.

Your consulting company “Flat World Solutions” specialises in advising companies on developing capability to become a “Globalization 3.0” organization. You have a reference list (or set of reference sites) of companies you consulted to that have transitioned to or are transitioning to a “Globalization 3.0” level – in particular with marketing programs supporting this objective.

You are requested to use an e-business technology company within your analysis. The company may be small, medium or large and may be a real or hypothetical or real company. If you use a real company you should name and reference it in your analysis.

The word count is exclusive of appendices, but includes references. Papers must be fully referenced using the Journal of Marketing referencing styles only.

The Research Paper should have the following structure and address all questions in each section:


-INTRODUCTION (Note Introduction, Conclusion and flow required)

Provide a background on your nominated company, its products or service, and its current status of internationalization or globalization.


Define “Globalization 3.0” and compare with previous forms of Globalization (i.e. Globalization 1.0 and 2.0), plus at least one other approach to globalization or internationalization outside Friedman’s definition of Globalization.


Identify and briefly define each of the “Ten forces that flattened the World” and how each those forces have impacted or may be impacting the company you are advising.


Define and discuss the “Triple Convergence” and how the company you are advising will have to adapt to it.


Developing a creative infrastructure to support “Globalization 3.0” is essential. Discuss how the company you are advising could become part of a creative infrastructure through being involved “Brainports” and how they could map their position and contributions using Social Network Analysis or Social Media tools and applications.


Discuss challenges to developing and implementing “Globalization 3.0” capability. You may consider counter-forces to “Globalization 3.0” and approaches to addressing those forces.


Based on “Flat Word Solutions” own reference company list (or reference site list – in this case i.e. case studies from other sources), discuss an example of a marketing program or programs that would be seen as being at a “Globalization 3.0” level from a “Globalization 3.0” company.


Provide a highlighted summary of the main recommendations for the company you are advising to implement to become a “Globalization 3.0” level organization.



How to Reference "Global Ebusiness Marketing" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Global Ebusiness Marketing.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-e-business-marketing-advent/1176. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Global Ebusiness Marketing (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-e-business-marketing-advent/1176
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Global Ebusiness Marketing. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-e-business-marketing-advent/1176 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Global Ebusiness Marketing” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-e-business-marketing-advent/1176.
”Global Ebusiness Marketing” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-e-business-marketing-advent/1176.
[1] ”Global Ebusiness Marketing”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-e-business-marketing-advent/1176. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Global Ebusiness Marketing [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-e-business-marketing-advent/1176
1. Global Ebusiness Marketing. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-e-business-marketing-advent/1176. Published 2006. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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