Term Paper on "Global Communication in Business"

Term Paper 6 pages (1787 words) Sources: 3 Style: MLA

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Global Business Communication


The objective of this work is to research operating and communicating in a global marketplace in the context of a construction business. The CEO of the company desires that the image of the company portrayed to be that of able communication with cultural sensitivity in all business dealings that will convince a wealthy segment of the investing public to get on board the 'global train' with the company. According to the work of Amy Hart entitled: "Global Communication Warming" what is really desired in today's business communications is that: "People want to connect with other people. They don't want hollow business relationships" according to Anne Koark, President and Co-founder of Trust in Business in Munich, Germany. "Professionals want a mutual competent partner whom they can trust." (2001) In this work it is related by Hart that Koark further relates that from the global perspective of business, "From a global business perspective, communication acts as the bridge needed to connect people and cultures...This surge of unity cannot hurt. It seems to be helping our small global business world become just a bit smaller - and no doubt pleasantly warmer." (2001) Video conference systems are being used for real-time communication in global business interactions. As well technology in the area of video conferencing teleconference and telemedicine is constantly experiencing evolution. (Global Media, 2006)

The work of Martin and Chaney (2006) entitled: "Global Business Etiquette: A Guide to International Communication and Customs" states that: "The breakneck speed at which business is "going glob
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al" requires a new breed of executives, managers, and front-line employees who are adept at the art of cross-cultural communication, where simple misunderstandings can jeopardize multimillion dollar deals." (Martin & Chaney, 2006) Communication in the forms of nonverbal gestures, dress, and gift-giving customs as well as interpretation of symbols throughout the world and overcoming stereotypes are all in inclusive of areas that must be addressed. (Paraphrased)


One must only review the information below illustrating the growth for enterprises that 'do not' use ICT and those who "do" use ICT. The sales growth percent is 3.4% higher for enterprises that 'do' use ICT and employment growth is 1.2% higher. Businesses that 'do use ICT are experiencing a profitability percentage of 5.1% higher than enterprises who 'do not' use ICT an as well a higher investment and reinvestment rate as well as higher labor productivity and total factor productivity.

Comparison of Enterprises that 'do' and 'do not' use ICT

Source: The World Bank (2006)

Figure 2 illustrates the 'Most significant costs that obstruct e-business' in the chart below:

The Most Significant Costs that Obstruct E-Businesses

Source: The World Bank (2006)

Strengths and Weaknesses of E-Strategies

Source: The World Bank (2006)


The work of Sirkka L. Jarvenpaa and Dorothy E. Leidner entitled: "Communication and Trust in Global Virtual Teams" is stated to be one that "explores the challenges of creating and maintaining trust in a global virtual team whose members transcend time, space and culture."(Jarvenpaa and Leidner, 1998) The virtual team is described as a: "evolutionary form of a network organization..." By Jarvenpaa and Leidner who cited the work of (Miles & Snow (1986) and the virtual team is one that is "enabled by advances in information and communication technology." (Ibid) The team is formed due to the dynamics within the company and "dissolve when the dynamics marketplace change, and individuals with differing competencies who are located across time, space, and cultures." (Ibid) The virtual team offers 'flexibility, responsiveness, lowering of costs, and improved used of resources in meeting the needs in the "highly turbulent and dynamic global business environments." (Ibid) The limitations in this type of team are stated to be dysfunctions such as "low individual commitment, role overload, role ambiguity, absenteeism, and social loafing..." And as well the virtual team might be perceived by customers as evidencing a "lack of permanency, reliability, and consistency." (Ibid) A factor in communication across cultures is that of "previous cultural exposure" in that those with experiential confidence in the knowledgeable nature of other cultures are more willing to make exploration of cultural topics.(Ibid; paraphrased)

In a recent report from Washington DC in the Summer of 2006 entitled; "Global Alliance Joints the Organization of the World Congress on Communication for Development" stated is that the World Congress on Communication for Development aims to "incorporate communication for development into mainstream development policies and practice by demonstrating its value-added, providing evidence of its impact in increasing sustainability of development interventions, and consolidating the theories and methodologies of the discipline." The WCCD defines communication development as: "... A process of dialogue, information sharing, building mutual understanding, agreeing to collective action, and amplifying the voice of people to influence policies that affect their lives." (Global Alliance, 2006)


Universities in the U.S. consider the future of global business communication to be quite critical and are developing inter-institutional partnerships in global business communication. These are geared toward preparation of students for the workplace through immersion into intercultural projects and toward creation an experiential comprehension of the complex global economy. Challenges are stated in the work of David Alan Sapp entitled: "Global Partnerships in Business Communication published in an "institutional Collaboration between the Untied States and Cuba and published in the Business Communication Quarterly, Vol. 67, NO. 3 267-80 (2004)

Challenges are stated by Sapp (2004)) to include those of:

Technological constraints;

Scarce resources,

Geopolitical factors; and Varying disciplinary norms."

It is related that the global partnerships bring awareness to the faculty and students are engages them more fully in the global business environment which serves to assist them in the areas of:

More effective communication across cultures;

In critiquing the current business practices; and In the production of new interactions of a global nature

Business communication applications in today's world "constitute a new class of intelligent applications that act as the glue that brings together end-users networks, and other enterprise business applications..." which links workers and customers, and business processes to the right people while doing so at the right time and through the correct medium of communication." (Avaya, 2005) Technical applications in today's global business environment include "real time, mission critical applications" in the areas of:

1) Telephony and conferencing;

2) Contact center;

3) Unified communication and voice messaging;

4) Collaboration; and 5) Email and instant messaging." (Ibid)

While these applications enable the enterprise's network to be fully leveraged it is sated that this network "should not be confused with the infrastructure. These applications have as their focus improvement of the performance of the business

Intelligent communication is the "capacity of the application in the connection of people and processes in a global basis through intelligent incorporation of communication and real-time operations of the business. Specific applications include those of: (1) important customer contact; (2) ERP supply failure alerts executives and resolution launch sessions; (3) salesperson on the road can access all enterprise resources remotely including receiving calls from customers; and (4) Extension of full IP telephony capacity at remote branch offices for direct interaction with the customer.


In the creation of the infrastructure for international business communication there are specific areas within the organization that must be addressed. The report entitled: "Creating the Infrastructure for International Business Communication" that Japan has played a "leading role in the global age" through development and provisioning."..expert knowledge and resources pertaining to intercultural communication." (Nova's Communication-based Business Activities, 2006) Some of the activities that are utilized within the strategic framework of Nova in the provision of training for corporate communications are in the areas of:

Interpretation and translation - One important field due to the demand in all fields of business for "international competitiveness" which includes reduced costs fast and flexible service, after-care, and "peripheral work that are entirely focused on practicality; and Corporate language training - the individuals career possibilities are directly affected by the ability of the individual in speak in foreign languages; and Company integration and training might include the "Communicative Ability Test" (CAT) which is a "foreign language conversational proficiency test" that the Intercultural Communication Foundation administers. (Nova's Communication-based Business Activities, 2006)

The ability of individuals in the company who speak foreign languages is excellent in terms of advancement and as well the company who is able to interact in communications areas in foreign languages will advance just as rapidly gaining a strategic competitive advantage over their competition.


In order for a business to remain competitive in today's global business environment it is necessary that the business ensure more effective communications across culture that are informed through experiential knowledge and that are sensitive to cultural factors. Today's communication strategies while are more social in nature are of the nature as well where teams form for a purpose at hand and just as quickly dissolve once having achieved the goals or requirements of the tasks to which they were assigned. It… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Global Communication in Business" Assignment:

This is the assignment. It states clearly what is needed. I need the paper by midnight central time if possible.

It also needs to be single spaced. I need a title page, memorandum, contents page, list of illustration, the body, and works cited page. All subjects are to be covered by headings. Thank you.

A lot has been said lately about the importance of operating and communicating efficiently in a global marketplace. For your formal report you will investigate what it takes to communicate efficiently with other cultures. To do this, I want you to think in terms the construction industry.

After you have given some thought to the broad area of global communications within construction, here is what we will do for this assignment: Consider me as the CEO of your "dream" company, that company for which you would really like to work. As your "boss", I recognize talent when I see it, and I have it in mind that you could rise very quickly in the company, perhaps to the absolute top of management. What's more important is that I trust you to be an honest and ethical person, just the kind of person to put together a report on global communications in our industry. I've decided that I want to remake the image of our company and I've come to the conclusion that if we can bill ourselves to the world as being able to communicate with cultural sensitivity in ALL of our dealings, we will be able to convince a wealthy segment of the investing public to get on board the "global train" with us. I've approached a number of members of the board of directors and they have all agreed that a truly global company, in the times in which we live, will go far. What I need now is a report on the communications situation within our industry and how that situation relates to our company. I want five specific areas covered within your report:

1. Statistics on the global nature of business in general.

2. Testimony from experts in the field of global business communication. (There are hundreds of articles on effective cross-cultural communication practices in every industry imaginable, most written by very learned people who have studied cross-cultural communication carefully. What do they have to say about effective global business communication?)

3. Recommendations from experts as to how to conduct appropriate global business communication. Certainly, there are practices that we can make sure we follow, but what about some of the more esoteric but no less important aspects of business communication? How can we go about creating an efficient global communication climate in our company? If we can do it, we can find an advertising agency to portray it to the public.

4. Your personal recommendations on what we should do to make our company outstanding in terms of communicating globally. Where do we start? Who do we need to get the job done? Don't worry about cost; we already have a commitment from several board members to spend what is necessary.

Your report is to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 8 to 10 pages of text. This does not count the peripheral pieces of the formal report, such as the table of contents, list of illustrations, memo of transmittal, executive summary or works cited pages. Add all of those in and you will probably come up with something like 12 to 15 pages. Make sure that the information in your report is accessible as possible to the reader. You and I will BOTH be presenting this report at the next meeting of the board of directors, so if there is a problem in reader accessibility, you'll know it immediately, and you'll feel the sweat break out even sooner.

Before you even think it, let me say that this is not a long assignment by any means. Most formal business reports go much beyond this length. In fact, if you need more room to handle the topic well, feel free, but let me know in advance how long you expect the report to be.

Use the example of a formal report found on pages 447-464 in the textbook as your "bible" for the formatting part of this assignment.

5. Illustrations, charts, graphs, etc.: I will expect statistics to appear in your report, and I want you to include at least 3 visuals. You can use charts, graphs, photos, tables, schematic drawings, illustrations, or whatever you think will work best. Just remember that I will expect to find at least three such visuals.

I might as well say it here, because it happens every semester: If you really cannot get your computer or your word processing program to print page numbers properly, then just include them in any way you can. I don't understand the myriad problems that seem to crop up in this area and I don't want to deal with them anymore. Figure out a system and use it.

How to Reference "Global Communication in Business" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Global Communication in Business.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-communication/61081. Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Global Communication in Business (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-communication/61081
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Global Communication in Business. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-communication/61081 [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Global Communication in Business” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-communication/61081.
”Global Communication in Business” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-communication/61081.
[1] ”Global Communication in Business”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-communication/61081. [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Global Communication in Business [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-communication/61081
1. Global Communication in Business. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-communication/61081. Published 2006. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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