Term Paper on "Global Business Cultural Analysis India"

Term Paper 16 pages (4108 words) Sources: 14

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Global Business Analysis - India

Global Business Cultural Analysis:


During the past few decades, global trade agreements have opened up one of the most important international markets: India. Due to these agreements, and especially with regards to internet businesses, the relationship between the U.S. And India thrived at a never-before seen level, as cultural barriers started succumbing to outsourcing en masse.

As more and more American companies realized the relatively low costs of outsourcing labor, especially IT-related, to India, the country started rising from a sleeping giant to an awakened and still-growing global power.

India, which occupies 2.4% of the world's landmass, supports "over 15% of the world's population."

According to the Central Intelligence Agency, India's median age is 26.3 (the U.S. is at 36.9 by comparison), which characterizes the country as "one of the youngest" among large emerging world economies (i.e. Brazil or China).

As recently as 2010, according to the U.S. Department of State, 70% of the total population lived in over 550,000 villages, with the remainder in towns or cities. Due to the business expansion in India, however, the country has seen mobility toward the city, especially in the younger population. Furthermore the caste system, heretofore a strong determinant of social status, has been relegated in favor of the "quiet social transformation" brought about in recent decades.

This paper strives to examine the recent phenomenon at the base of the changes in Indian society, with a specific outlook
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towards understanding both Indian culture, and global business culture, as it relates to India and the United States. For this reason, the paper will be separated into four sections: Indian Culture, Business Culture, U.S. Vs. Indian Culture, and Considerations. Each of these four sections will address a specific cultural aspect, and will strive to put it into perspective both in a theoretical and practical sense, and provide recommendations for U.S. businesses that want to invest in the growing Indian economy.

Indian Culture

The topic this section seeks to address is varied and complex. In order to understand India, one must understand Indian culture, and in order to understand Indian culture, one must understand history, customs, and modern traditions. It is, thus, quite a difficult exercise to understand explaining Indian culture in a few short pages; however, in order to cover all important aspects, the section will begin with a short history, after which it will expand upon past and present cultural phenomena.

Civilization in the Indian region began over 5000 years ago, with a population that settled along the banks of the Indus River. The country's history and culture is, thus, among the earliest in the world. The subsequent centuries saw constant migration, invasion and integration of various populations in the Indian region, yet by the beginning of the modern era, Indian had established itself as a thriving civilization.

During its medieval times, India flourished under a number of rulers. This era began with the Palas, in the 8th century, who dominated Northern India. During this time, the Senas started establishing their rule in Bengal, and eventually took over Pala kingdoms. During the time of the Senas, the region saw relative peace, as the Sena ruler kept his dominions safe and intact.

Two more important dynasties followed, the Pratihara and the Rashtrakutas, both of whom had good merits in keeping the dominion safe, and providing social services to the people, respectively. However, in the mid-9th century, the most well-known and perhaps the greatest of the Empires began: the Chola Empire. This Southern dominion "covered a large part of Indian peninsula, as well as parts of Sri Lanka and the Maldives Islands," according to the India Government website (2011), and had as merits both expansion and a period of relative wealth for the territory.

The centuries that followed saw a Muslim invasion, a Timurian invasion, and multiple dynasties and empires. Nothing would be as monumental, however, as the ultimate take-over by Great Britain in the mid-1700's. By the mid-1800's the Empire had established a definitive dominion over India, and its reach lasted until the 20th century. The beginnings of foment in India were seen in the civil disobedience and the "quit India" movements, whose leaders, among other, were Mahatma Gandhi and Nehru, the incomparable Indian leaders that are still venerated today. In 1950, India elected its first president, thereby cementing itself as a world nation.

Due to its extensive and complex history, India has cultural richness not found in other countries. The country's values and beliefs are ultimately products of this history, of which a snippet has been presented above, and one must strive to understand all aspects of India in order to be prepared for the social interactions and responsibility that come with opening a business in India or even simply interacting with Indian businessmen and women.

One must first understand that because of this complex history, Indian people are proud of their heritage and their diversity, which is visibly prominent in culture and even climate. India has some of the most beautiful beaches, and the highest mountain peaks in the world. One sees a multitude of colors in the country from fruit, to clothing, to nature, thereby making the country a "feast" for the eyes. The culture, many state, is a varied as the country's geography.

According to the country's website (2011), "Indian culture varies like its vast geography. People speak in different languages, dress differently, follow different religions, eat different food but are of the same temperament"

Furthermore, according to Indian customs, the country is based on a "society" idea, which juxtaposes with the American "individual" ideal, thus, there are many festivals and celebrations that take into account the whole of society. However, to juxtapose this as well, is the fact that though society partakes in many events, society is also divided into a rigid hierarchy known as the caste system. Social cases are defined by various groups, which are sustained by arranged marriages to ensure that the caste system is kept intact. As aforementioned, however, this system is being quietly broken down by the increasing opportunities available in the country.

No matter what class, however, in India the family is always headed by a patriarch, and usually includes an extended family, living under one roof. The culture discourages divorce, despite the fact that most marriages are arranged, and that many women marry before the age of 18. This particular aspect has been portrayed in America through numerous films and television shows, the most recent of which takes place in an outsourced sales office of American trinkets, where the girls have to struggle with arranged marriages, and the conflicts they pose. This modern portrayal, however, is by the American media, and many women in India still subscribe to the arranged-marriage philosophy without questioning it.

Though defined by the various cultural specificities mentioned above, and by its wealth of history, the country today is also defined by its national symbols, by its cuisine, clothing and art, which will be subsequently examined. For example, the Indian nation relies on four important symbols. These include its flag, its national bird and flower, its anthem and its national animal.

Though these may seem like trivial symbols, they are important for India and its image in the world. For example, the tricolor flag, which was adopted upon the country's independence, in 1947, utilizes a wheel with 24 spokes to represents the chakra, or the wheel of law. The colors in the flag, which are orange, white, green and blue represent courage, peace, hope, and vigilance or loyalty, respectively.

The anthem of the country is also important to mention here, as it was written by Rabindra Nath Tagore, a national Indian poet who lived in the mid-1800's, until 1941.

The anthem roughly echoes India's history, and describes its countless rulers, as well as its geography, while encouraging India to pursue its future, its destiny and, finally, chanting three times "victory."

In its clothing and cuisine are also important elements of the Indian identity, and India is known world wide for its superior cuisine and colorful garb. The spices of the food and the color of the clothing, one can venture to say, is what truly makes India what its image portrays around the world, for they echo a richness not found anywhere else. Indian art is also quite ornate and elaborate, due to the centuries of freedom of expression, characterized even in the Taj Mahal, one of India's tourist symbols and historical wonders.

Business Culture in India

Though many of the cultural awareness elements presented above are reflected in the business culture of the country, there are some things of which any businessman or woman who wishes to expand in India must be aware. For example the "no" policy of the country is quite interesting. If one travels to India, he or she will become aware quite quickly that Indians cannot, seemingly, say no. The reality is that Indians do not like to express "no" (verbally or non-verbally). In order to avoid… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Global Business Cultural Analysis India" Assignment:

Each student will research and write a paper on analyzing the cultural perspectives of doing business in another nation. Students will select a nation to study, then research and write the paper.

After reading your paper, the reader should be able to comprehensively answer the following research questions. Thus, the research questions form the major aspects (APA Level 1 headings) of your outline.

*****¢ What are the major elements and dimensions of culture in this region (see Unit 2, Chapter 7 for a list of the required dimensions)?

*****¢ How are these elements and dimensions integrated by locals conducting business in the nation?

*****¢ How do both of the above items compare with US culture and business?

*****¢ What are the implications for US businesses that wish to conduct business in that region?

Important Points to Consider

The paper is to be written in strict conformance to APA standards, and contain at least 16 pages of content (excluding the title page, abstract, and references) utilizing at least 12 scholarly references.

Use the following as the exact title of your paper: Global Business Cultural Analysis: India.

This project will be checked with SafeAssign, which will determine how much content was quoted and how was orginial. It must be at least 90% orginial content (non-quoted).

There must be at least three levels of APA headings should be used throughout the paper, as this is a graduate-level research paper.

When you directly quote a source, it must have quotation marks around the quote, or (if 40 words or more) it must be set in block quotation format. If you directly quote anyone, you must set it in quotation marks or block quotation and give detailed information of where you acquired the quote.

For the purpose of this academic paper, please adhere to the follow rules when quoting or using a source:

*****¢ Do not directly quote more than 120 words from any one source.

*****¢ If the source is 2,000 words or less, do not directly quote more than 50 words from any one source.

*****¢ Do not use the same source more than a total of 3 times within the whole document for quoting or paraphrasing.

*****¢ Quotes must contain the section (if provided) and paragraph or page numbers of the quote and this information must be placed in the reference.

*****¢ In all instances, be sure to use the APA guidelines for citations and references.


How to Reference "Global Business Cultural Analysis India" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Global Business Cultural Analysis India.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2011, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-analysis-india/6405. Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

Global Business Cultural Analysis India (2011). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-analysis-india/6405
A1-TermPaper.com. (2011). Global Business Cultural Analysis India. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-analysis-india/6405 [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”Global Business Cultural Analysis India” 2011. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-analysis-india/6405.
”Global Business Cultural Analysis India” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-analysis-india/6405.
[1] ”Global Business Cultural Analysis India”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2011. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-analysis-india/6405. [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. Global Business Cultural Analysis India [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2011 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-analysis-india/6405
1. Global Business Cultural Analysis India. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/global-business-analysis-india/6405. Published 2011. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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