Research Paper on "Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader"

Research Paper 15 pages (3812 words) Sources: 5

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Focus Point -- Final Assessment

Leader in the industry of digital camera manufacturers, Focus Point has undergone various process of organizational change throughout the past ten years. We have developed and implemented the most adequate courses of action and we managed to achieve a status in which we play a significant role within the industry. Despite this however, some issues remain pressing and continue to jeopardize the organization's well-being. The aim of this report is to assess the courses of action that were followed in achieving the current status. The information presented will cover topics such as the applicability of the previously established mission, vision and goals, the strategies relative to employees, customers and competition or the financial achievements.

Mission, Vision, Goals

Focus Point's mission has suffered reduced changes in the meaning that the company's desires and attention remain alert towards presenting the customers with a wide selection of high quality digital cameras, offered at high quality services, all to generate increased customer satisfaction. Also, the manufacturer is committed to delivering excellence within the industry through the integration of the latest technological developments. Today, Focus Point continues its sells operations throughout the four global regions in Europe-Africa, Asia-Pacific, Latin America and North America. What has however changed in the mission statement is the increased focus on employee satisfaction and the desire to create a pleasant yet challenging working environment that generates increased employee on-the-job satisfaction.

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>Relative to the vision, this has suffered modifications in terms of the company's position. In this line of thoughts, the initial vision statement argued that Focus Point strives to become a leader within the digital camera industry. However, throughout the past years, we have achieved this desiderate and the modern company envisions to maintain and consolidate its leading position for the years to come. The statements of high quality products and services, employee opportunities and maximization of shareholder value remain unchanged.

Despite the numerous changes the company has undergone in the recent decade, the goals established in the initial stages remain valid in today's environment. As such, Focus Point continually strives to increase its customer palette, offer high quality products and maintain its leading position within the global context.

3. Employee Strategies

Focus Point followed its idea that the organization is made of people, rather than products, and developed several courses of action with the aim of creating a strong, united, pleasant and, in the same time, challenging working environment. Significant amounts of money have been invested in this endeavor, but it has paid off as it generated numerous financial and non-financial advantages. The strategies implemented relative to the human resource include the development of a performance-based scheme, in which the hard working employees are recognized through salary raises, bonuses and opportunities for promotions. A second set of strategies saw intensified efforts to hire and retain the best employees. Focus Point recognizes that the growth of the digital camera industry translates not only into increased competition for customers, but also into incremental competition for the most skilled and capable workforce. In this light of events, the management at Focus Point offered a wide selection of financial and non-financial incentives that reduced the 10% employee turnover rate to a current 2% rate. Some of the incentives included premiums and bonuses or flexible working schedules, including telecommuting for the positions that allowed this system of work. The company also emphasized on the cultural diversity of its workforce and developed strategies that led to significant benefits. For instance, Focus Point hired multicultural employees in front desk positions. The endeavor meant that these employees would be able to interact with the multicultural clients, generating as such increased levels of customer satisfaction.

Overall, the totality of endeavors targeting the employees materialized in the following outcomes:

Reduced employee turnover rates, which means reduced costs with replacing the personnel (recruiting, training, integrating, accommodation etc.)

Increased employee on-the-job satisfaction which materialized in sustained performances and increased efforts in aiding the organization reach its overall objectives

Increased product quality and customer satisfaction, which in turn translated into financial gains.

4. Customers

Just like with the staff members, the key concern relative to the organizational customers became an increase in their loyalty. The strategic courses of action developed and implemented by Focus Point were aimed to increase the number of customers, but most of the emphasis fell on a desire to increase the loyalty of the already existent clients. The endeavor also requested additional financial investments but paid off in several instances. The actions taken were vast and included a wide selection of complementary services. Some of the most notable strategies offered the loyal customer the ability to purchase digital cameras at significant discount prices (10 up to 25% discount, depending on the history of the customer-company relationship and the amount of digital cameras purchased), extended warranties or the offering of complementary products, such as cleaning utensils, tripods or remote controls for the cameras. The outcomes of the customer loyalty programs implemented can be succinctly summarized as seen in the following lines:

Reductions in the marketing fees as the loyal customers are already familiar and satisfied with the company and will continually seek its products, without the need for so much advertising

Loyal customers can be assimilated with the cash cows in the Boston Consulting Group matrix in the meaning that they generate sustainable revenues by continuous purchases

Through word of mouth, loyal and satisfied customers bring in new clients and demands for Focus Point, further decreasing the marketing costs pegged to attracting new customers

Loyal customers are more patient and forgiving when the organization or one of its employees makes a mistake

Loyal customers lead to loyal employees, which in turn generates additional financial savings

The loyal customers also offer feedback to the company, which allows it to more adequately adapt and respond to market and R&D needs (Ramaswami, 2005)

The profits of Focus Point increased by 25% as a direct result of customer loyalty.

5. Market Position

The advancements made in terms of the market position have to be addressed from two instances -- the position within the local market and the position within the international market. In terms of the national market, Focus Point has managed to establish itself as the indisputable leader and the number one manufacturer and seller of digital cameras. Within the international context however, the situation is more complex. Due to some financial challenges and the difficulties of implementing numerous process of organizational change, in the first three years, the company lost its third position to Clickit Camera and took the fourth step on the global ladder. However, starting with the fifth year, the company regained its status and once again occupied the third place on the international podium. The successful strategies that followed (in terms of all products, employees, customer, resource allocation and so on) propelled Focus Point to the second place in the international digital camera scene. The current strategy revolves around maintaining this position, consolidating it and overcoming the differences between our organization and the international leader, a SnapShot Away. In terms of the zones operated by our company, we have managed to maintain our superiority in Europe-Africa and Asia-Pacific and we have further consolidated our position in Latin and North America.

6. Competition

Given that the organization has managed to move from the third to the second position in the international classification of the digital camera leaders, its number one competitor remains a SnapShot Away. This organization recognized the threats posed by Focus Point and developed a wide series of strategic courses of action to safeguard its position. They for instance became involved in intense process of headhunting -- basically, they contacted and tried to attract key organizational members in several companies within the digital camera industry. The fact that they possessed significant financial resources allowed them to make attractive salary package offers, which were accepted by several technical and managerial professionals. With this new, enforced and experienced workforce, a SnapShot Away increased its revenues and market coverage, registering an adjacent 20% increase in their I.E. score. The industry scoreboard today:


Company Name

I.E Score

B-I-I Score

Overall Score


A SnapShot Away


Focus Point



BlackJack Digital








Clickit Camera





EyeSEEU Cameras




The most aggressive competition at this point comes from the part of BlackJack Digital, who is committed to regaining their second spot in the international board. It is yet unclear the course of action they intend to take, but rumors have been spread about a potential merger between them and EyeSEEU Cameras. The latter organization has encountered difficulties concomitant with the arrest of their manager on accounts of fraud. The potential merger will have to be assessed by the authorities to ensure that it does not breach the laws of friendly competition.

DigiSnap climbed two positions thanks to its strategy of reduced costs. It is a common fact that customers will always try to… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader" Assignment:

The Glo-bus "Final Report" is an end-of-simulation report on your company's performance in the Glo-bus simulation. What matters is your ability to associate decisions and results to the course material.

In general I am expecting a paper of 10 to 15 pages that revisits your Strategic Plan and Forecast and assesses each of the major elements of that plan in terms of fidelity and outcome. Fidelity in the sense of did the team follow its originally declared plan or not. If you deviated why? And outcomes in the sense of once a choice was made, what was the strategic result. You may think in terms of the short run weekly, as well as the overall positioning of the firm with respect to the competition. Assumptions about the competitors are to be included, and again comment on their helpfulness or not to your own execution. The following are the kinds of observations that I would have expected you to track on a week-by-week basis:

--at the end of each round, what worked and what did not? Why and why not?

-- At the start of the round, what decisions are being made? What is driving these decisions?

--- competition

--- market

--- opportunity

--- pursuit of meeting objectives or achieving vision.

-- Describe market conditions-- geographically, financially, product position.

-- Who is leading trailing? Why?

-- What position does your company hold? If you're leading, how will you improve andor maintain your lead? --- If you're trailing, how will you improve your position?

-- What are your competitors doing? Why?

-- Perform quantitative analysis of the game so far. Are any trends apparent?

-- Are your objectives and strategies still valid for the marketplace? Are they changing? If so, how and why? What are the expected outcomes of any changes?

-- If you changed course, did it work, or not, or is it too early to tell?

I don*****t want a week-by-week***** replay. I am interested in how your team managed your business model and strategy as it moved from plan, to implementation, to concluding position. Since the competition is over you do now know where you stand re: your competitors.

Some general reminders:

-- Have a good introductory paragraph

-- Rely upon the course book concepts with liberal citations, table, charts, and simple diagrams as needed; for example the Value Chain model, the Five Fronts of Competition model, the Generic Strategies, the Defensive Strategies, the Corporate versus Operational levels of decisions, Mission clarity, Vision impetus, and tools such as SWOT, key factors, market share diagrams.

-- Use other references to the strategic business literature, marketing literature, financial management literature as needed to support you discussion

-- Have a good closing paragraph that brings all of the discussion to a short, cohesive summary of the group*****s performance.

Submit the document to spell check & grammar check. Have someone act as editor and re-read the whole document so s/he can fix tables, look for redundancy, contradictions etc.

For those of you who did not submit a detailed strategic plan here*****s an outline

--Mission Statement

-- Vision

-- Goals

-- Quantifiable Supporting Objectives [Hint: Setting strong, quantifiable objectives is the best tool you have for the simulation and real business strategy. Create quantified objectives to serve as benchmarks for decision making and measuring success. Investor Expectations are good beginning points for objectives]

-- Strategies (consider both a generic and business model)

-- Market Analysis

-- Competitive Analysis

-- Financial position and expected expenditures, investments, and outcomes.

-- Short Summary statement of expected outcomes in terms of market share and profitability.

Some common problems in past submissions:

1. Poor grammar

2. Tables & Charts not constructed properly

3. Assignment reads like a PR release vs. a critical assessment of the team's performance.

4. The assignment doesn't discuss the competitors in any detail.

Website to use:

User Name:

Password: badseed

Will send Strategic Plan. *****

How to Reference "Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader" Research Paper in a Bibliography

Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader” 2009.
”Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Glo-Bus Focus Point -- Final Assessment Leader. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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