Research Paper on "End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology"

Research Paper 3 pages (1039 words) Sources: 3

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End of life Issues in Gerontology

What is death?

Death is the cessation of the association between ones mind and their body. The majority of people believe that death occurs when the heart stops beating; but this does not denote that the person has died, for the reason that his subtle mind may still continue in his body. Death takes place when the subtle awareness finally leaves the body to go to the next life (What is Death, 2007).

Competing ideas about the nature and meaning of death

It used to be that the word dead seemed unambiguous and certain. Death in a physiological sense meant the end of both heartbeat and breathing, known as cardio-respiratory arrest. Nowadays, most doctors see this criterion as irrelevant and in its place; they have taken on a set of neurological criteria that define death as the nonappearance of brain activity, in spite of other bodily functions (Ingersoll, 2011).

Biomedical approaches to the definition of death

The biomedical model of medicine was established in the 19th century as an answer to the medical information of the time. The information being that man was a part of nature and thus could be considered in the same way as nature, at a cellular level. The biomedical model advocates that people only got ill from things which attacked the body or from unintentional harm. The biomedical model is still used today in recognizing illnesses and diseases but not what causes them and what causes death (What is the western health model biomedical model, 2011).

4. Conditions that resemble death

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When determining whether death has occurred or not it is important that medical personnel exclude the possibility of recovering any brain functions. There are some reversible conditions that may mimic death by neurologic criteria. These include: Hypothermia, Intoxication, Sedative and hypnotic drugs, neuromuscular blockade, severe electrolyte abnormalities, severe acid-base abnormalities and Shock (Sample Guidelines for the Determination of Death: Including Death by Neurologic Criteria, n.d.).

5. What is dying and when does it begin?

The onset of ill health is frequently accompanied by a change in social status, especially if connected to a terminal illness. Lowered expectations or even outright aversion frequently occurs. This is what is frequently known as dying. In the most universal formulations, dying starts when a fatal illness is documented by a doctor; the patient is told of the fatal condition; the patient understands and acknowledges the facts; everybody in the situation comprehends and accepts the facts; and nothing more can be done to turn around the condition and maintain life (Process of Dying, 2011).

6. Trajectories of dying: from beginning to end

People who are dying do not move toward death at the same pace or in the same manner. Dissimilar causes of death are connected with dissimilar patterns of dying. These patterns, known as dying trajectories, point toward the course of a person's experience of dying. Trajectories affect the kinds of emotional reactions and coping mechanisms exhibited by patients and their families, as well as the interventions that will be utilized (The Dying Trajectory, 2011).

7. Theoretical models of the… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology" Assignment:

double space,adhere to APA stylee and guidelines. DIRECTIONS: research and discuss the following: 1. what is death? 2. competing ideas about the nature and meaning of death 3. biomedical approaches to the definition of death 4. conditions that resemble death 5. what is dying and when dies it begin? 6. Trajectories of dying: from beginning to end 7. Theoretical models of the dying process 8. The hospice approach to terminal care 9. establishment of Hospice programs in the U.S. 10. standards of care for the terminally 11. Hospice in action

All the # questions NEED to be typed in bold and the answers underneath the question not in bold


How to Reference "End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology" Research Paper in a Bibliography

End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology.”, 2011, Accessed 5 Jul 2024.

End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology (2011). Retrieved from (2011). End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Jul, 2024].
”End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology” 2011.
”End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology”,, 2011. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Jul-2024].
1. End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology [Internet]. 2011 [cited 5 July 2024]. Available from:
1. End-Of-Life Issues in Gerontology. Published 2011. Accessed July 5, 2024.

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