Term Paper on "Genital Herpes"

Term Paper 10 pages (2657 words) Sources: 1+

[EXCERPT] . . . .

Genital herpes is another type of sexually transmitted disease. This disease is caused by the herpes simplex viruses (HSV) type 1 and type 2, however, most of the genital herpes recorded today are caused by HSV type 2 (Division of STD Prevention, May 2005).

Genital herpes can affect both men and women population and is highly contagious. A person with genital herpes can be found suffering from pain and sores, particularly in the genital area. Medical professionals have disclosed that the virus that is causing such disease can enter one's body through small breaks in the skin or in the mucous membranes. Although research based information disclosed that genital herpes can only be transferred through sexual interaction (because the virus dies quickly when outside the body, hence it is almost impossible to be infected with such virus by using the objects used by an infected virus) (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/genital-herpes/DS00179/DSECTION=8,2006), physicians, nurses and the aspiring ones should still study this disease closely so as to know and inform the public about the pertinent information connected to this disease.

Genital Herpes


There is astounding statistical information regarding the transmission of the disease. First, based on studies, there is actually one in every five of the adolescent and adult population who is infected with genital herpes, and majority of these are women (one in every four women; while in men is one out of five). It is also good to note that based on records, genital herpes is more commonly transmitted via male to female sexual contract than female to male (American Social Health As
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sociation, 1998).

In America alone, there is a recorded one in every five Americans who have genital herpes and 80% of whom do not know that they have acquired such disease. From this population, 25% of which are adults and about one in every five Americans over age 12 (which is roughly 45 million individuals) are infected with HSV-2. This statistics enabled the researchers to safely predict that an estimated 1 million new HSV-2 infections may be transmitted each year in the United States (Fleming et al. 1997).

Meanwhile, in other parts of the globe, genital herpes is also becoming a problem. In Australia, a record of one in every six Australian adults has genital herpes. The Australian Herpes Management Forum (AHMF) revealed that from the said number of Australian people with genital herpes, only one of 5 from them are diagnosed and estimated 80% of cases of genital herpes are not recognized as such by clinicians.

A good number of African-Americans and the White Caucasians have also had genital herpes. Records show that 45.9% of the total African-American populations have had genital herpes while 17.6% of the White Caucasian had the same sexually transmitted disease (Institute of Medicine. 1997).

With the number of cases related to genital herpes, it is just expected that the medical expenses related to such disease is equally high. In 1994 alone, approximately $237 million was spent to medicines, hospital bills and medical costs which wad all consumed up for genital herpes cases (Institute of Medicine. 1997). These expenses are in U.S. alone, surely more other amounts were used up when combined with the neighboring countries, like the third world countries.

Causes and Symptoms

There are only two known viruses that are causing genital herpes. These are the two types of herpes simplex virus infections with HSV type 1 (HSV-1) and HSV type 2 (HSV-2). HSV-1 causes cold sores or fever blisters around the mouth spreading through the genital area during oral sex. HSV-2, on the other hand, is the most common HSV-virus causing genital herpes, that is transmitted via sexual contact and skin-to-skin contact (http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/genital-herpes/DS00179/DSECTION=8,2006).

Genital herpes is passed by having sexual contact with a person with such disease. The probability of transmission is higher if the person has open sores. Some of the symptoms of an infected person are:

itching or burning feeling in the genital or anal area having flu or slight to high fever swelling glands having pain in the legs, buttocks, or genital area moderate to frequent vaginal discharge uncomfortable sense of pressure in the area below the stomach

It should be noted that the symptoms stated above may vary depending upon the severity of the infection. In the initial occurrence of genital herpes, a person may notice the symptoms within two weeks of the sexual contact to an infected person. Such symptoms may last from two to three weeks (Division of STD Prevention, May 2005).

After several more days, an infected person may show signs of having sores or lesions in the mouth, penis or vagina which would start as a tiny red bumps and eventually into blisters. Sometimes, especially on the women, sores will also be present in the cervix or while men will sometimes have lesions on the urinary passage. As the virus progresses on the body, further symptoms may include (Division of STD Prevention, May 2005):

Continuous itching or burning in the genital area

More pain, this time including the legs, buttocks, or genital area

Continuous vaginal discharge and discomfort around the stomach

Fever, headaches and muscle pains

Discomfort or pain during urination

Continuously swelling glands in the genital area

However, there are a few numbers of cases wherein the infected person may not be showing any signs or symptoms at all. These are the reason why there are unsuspected cases. These are rare cases but are extremely dangerous for these are the reasons why some genital herpes are transmitted without the already infected person knowing it (Division of STD Prevention, May 2005). (Unfortunately, such symptoms may be gone for a time, but the virus itself never leaves the body, specifically in the nerve cells. This virus may become active again depending upon the health of the infected person. The virus may even work itself up to other parts of the body. Until now, there have no strong evidences that can prove why such symptoms recur or what causes such virus to become active again. Some people who have been infected with the virus revealed that they experience recurrence of the symptoms especially if they are under http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/genital-herpes/DS00179/DSECTION=8,2006):

Too much stress

Unusual menstruation

Poor nutrition

Other forms of illnesses


Undefined friction that may be caused vigorous sexual intercourse


There is no medication nor are other forms of treatment for genital herpes patients but there are several ways to prevent the virus to become active again. Some drugs that are usually prescribed by the physicians to prevent a more and severe outbreak of symptoms are acyclovir, valacyclovir, and famciclovir.

Meanwhile, while having the outbreak (may it be for the first time or as a recurring outbreak of symptoms), some of the best things to do to prevent infecting other parts of the body or spreading the disease to other people are:

Maintaining the infected area clean and dry.

Avoiding contact to the open or infected sores, or if it cannot be helped, washing the hands right after the contact.

Keeping away from having any sexual intercourse from the time the symptoms are first observed until the sores have healed.


Genital herpes infection can be linked to other forms of complications specifically for the women. There are scientific evidences which have shown that women who may have been suffering from recurring genital herpes may risk the cervix to virus causing cancer. Such risk may continuously increase HSV is present and combined with human papilloma virus (HPV), which is the known virus that is responsible for genital warts called condyloma. Moreover, pregnant women who may have had either HSV-1 or HSV-2 on the external genitalia or in the birth canal are also being risked to infect the infants. Infection of the newborn babies from the genital herpes infected mother can lead to herpetic meningitis, herpetic viremia, chronic skin infection, and even death (Gandhi, 2006).

Other possible complications related to genital herpes are the risk that can subject the immunocompromised individual or the patients with diagnosed AIDS, those that are undergoing chemotherapy or radiation therapy, or patients that are taking high doses of cortisone preparations. These people who will be infected by genital herpes will suffer in serious infections to various other organs like (Gandhi, 2006):

Herpetic keratitis which is the kind of herpes infection causing the eye to suffer from scaring within the cornea and eventual blindness

Constant infection of the mucous membranes and skin of the nose, mouth, and throat

Herpetic esophagitis or the so-called infection of the esophagus

Herpetic hepatitis which is the infection of the liver.

This may further cause inflammation of the liver to liver failure

Encephalitis, the serious infection of the brain, which if left untreated, will lead the infected person to comatose and ultimately death within just several days. Sixty to 80% of the people who have had encephalitis died in just a few days while those who were able to recover suffer from major impairment, ranging from mild neurological impairment to paralysis.

Pneumonitis, the infection of the lungs that… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Genital Herpes" Assignment:

Pathophysiology Paper Guidelines and Grading Sheet


Name__________________ Semester_____________ Year________

Topic Area Points Possible Points Earned

1. Introduction to pathophysiological phenomenon


2. Incidence of phenomenon and the impact it has on society in terms of financial loss, economic costs, epidemiologic data


3. Describe the pathophysiology of the phenomenon and include the following:

a. Causes of the phenomenon

b. Changes that occur at the cellular level under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions if applicable

c. Discuss the role of genetic in the development of the phenomenon


4. Discuss collaborative treatment options to cure or control the phenomenon and include

a. Ethical and cultural issues

b. Cost of these treatment options 10

5. Formulate an advanced nursing plan of care based on the nursing theorist of your choice and use two supporting theories from other disciplines to formulate this plan of care. It MUST include:

a. MEASURABLE outcome statements

b. Be used as an appendix to the paper and NOT included in the body of the text

c. Be formatted in a table with clear headings in order to make reading easier 30

6. APA format, grammar, appropriate citations, evidence of scholarly writing and peer review of paper sent as a separate document 10

Guidelines for Scholarly Paper:


1. The purpose of the scholarly paper is for students to become familiar with the process of written communication. It is essential that advanced practice nurses be able to communicate in a logical, sequential and scholarly manner.

2. Students are to select a pathophysiological phenomenon of their choice. It should be a disease related topic and does NOT have to a topic we have covered in class, but it should be one that has a significant impact on the well being of clients in any health care setting.

3. This paper is to be peer reviewed by a member of the class. I will assign the reviewers. The draft and final version of your paper are to be emailed to me via an email attachment by the date shown on the course calendar. I would like to see the comments and suggestions from your peer reviewer on the draft copy in a different font and font color. I encourage you to use the “track changes and new comment” function of Word®. It will make it easier to visualize the changes made in the final version of the paper.

4. ****All students are free to consult with the faculty regarding topics, content, and tips on how to do an adequate peer review.

5. There are guidelines for the student to utilize when reviewing their peer's scholarly paper. These guidelines can be found under course documents. The reviewer is to fill out this form using the criteria specified. The reviewer's comments are to be returned to the student and the student is to turn the reviewer's form along with the completed final version of the scholarly paper. A copy of each paper will be kept by the faculty for the course files, and a copy will be returned to the student with faculty comments.

6. The paper is to be divided into 5 separate sections with headings.

a. Introduction to pathophysiological phenomenon

b. Incidence of phenomenon and the impact it has on society

c. Describe the pathophysiology of the phenomenon and include the following:

1. Causes of phenomenon

2. Changes that occur at the cellular level under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions if applicable

3. Discuss laboratory data that is affected by the phenomenon

4. Discuss racial/ethnic differences in presentation and/or treatment of phenomena if literature supports differences

5. Discuss any genetic component of phenomenon

d. Discuss collaborative treatment options to cure or control phenomenon

e. Formulate a plan of nursing care that incorporates theories from various disciplines. Examples of these theories include, but are not limited to:

f. Crisis theory

g. Chronic illness theory or theories

h. Adaptation theory

i. Self efficacy theory

j. Social learning theory

k. Teaching/learning theory

l. Family theory

m. Learned helplessness

n. Symbolic interactionism

o. Nursing Theorist of choice****this is a mandatory component of this section- I would prefer if you went to the theorists original work and NOT use a regurgitated discussion from your Issues APN textbook.

p. Students are expected to choose 2 of the supporting theories as well as the nursing theorist

7. The cover sheet (The Patho Paper Guidelines) should be placed in the front of the paper for grading purposes. It will also serve as a guide for distribution of points for grading the paper.

8. Citations should be current within the last 2-3 years, unless one of the citations is considered a classic

9. The paper should NOT EXCEED 10 TYPED PAGES, NOT INCLUDING REFERENCES. Excessive length papers will be returned for revisions.

10. The advanced nursing care plan is to be developed as an appendix and placed at the end of the paper after the references. It will NOT count towards the 10 page limit. It should be developed in a table format with clear headings and must have measurable outcomes in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the plan.

11. Students are to review the APA format for citing on-line references. Please click on the APA link to receive the information needed to comply with School of Nursing and Health Professions policies.


How to Reference "Genital Herpes" Term Paper in a Bibliography

Genital Herpes.” A1-TermPaper.com, 2006, https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/genital-herpes-another-type/5211409. Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Genital Herpes (2006). Retrieved from https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/genital-herpes-another-type/5211409
A1-TermPaper.com. (2006). Genital Herpes. [online] Available at: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/genital-herpes-another-type/5211409 [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Genital Herpes” 2006. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/genital-herpes-another-type/5211409.
”Genital Herpes” A1-TermPaper.com, Last modified 2024. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/genital-herpes-another-type/5211409.
[1] ”Genital Herpes”, A1-TermPaper.com, 2006. [Online]. Available: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/genital-herpes-another-type/5211409. [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Genital Herpes [Internet]. A1-TermPaper.com. 2006 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from: https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/genital-herpes-another-type/5211409
1. Genital Herpes. A1-TermPaper.com. https://www.a1-termpaper.com/topics/essay/genital-herpes-another-type/5211409. Published 2006. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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