Case Study on "General Motors: GM's Relationship"

Case Study 4 pages (1351 words) Sources: 4 Style: Harvard

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General Motors Case Study: GM's relationship with Cerberus Capital Management

The automotive industry is uniquely dependant on lines of credit. Consumers usually do not have the ability to buy cars with cash 'up front,' and the availability of credit enables consumers to buy more expensive cars and pay for them over time. The practice encourages greater consumption of costly vehicles, and a higher rate of turn-over for vehicles on lots. The greater the availability of credit, the greater the health of the automotive industry as a whole, provided these automotive loans are sound. However, although automotive loans were not as beleaguered by defaults as home loans in recent years, the financial insolvency of consumers has forced many individuals to default on their automotive loans. This has made banks wary of extending lines of credit to all but the least risky of borrowers. Consumer wariness about making new purchases combined with tightened credit has been a disaster for all major car companies. 70% of all banks this year have tightened lending standards regarding automotive loans (Welch 2008).

While all automotive companies have been hard-hit by the current financial crisis, General Motors was already in serious jeopardy because of tumbling sales, skyrocketing fuel prices, and the drain of the costly pensions and health insurance plans it had to provide for retired workers. GM is facing a serious liquidity crisis today. "The credit rating agency Standard & Poor's said Monday that it was keeping GM on a negative watch because of concerns about its declining cash reserves" (Vlasic 2008). GM's United States sales alone dropped 17.8% over the course of 2008 and the company
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is even less popular abroad, as most international consumers prefer more fuel-efficient Japanese vehicles than GM's usual output of SUVs (Vlasic 2008).

To increase consumer demand, GM has offered a variety of incentives, such as employee discounts and dealer flexibility. There has been a stress on offering consumers special agreements regarding cars sold on GM lots to stimulate demand. But GM's attempt to rehabilitate its fortunes has met a roadblock regarding its complicated relationship with the financial corporation that extends credit to most GM car buyers. The finance company known as the General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC), of which GM was once the sole owner but which is 51%-owned by Cerberus Capital Management "sent a letter to GM dealers on Oct. 13 saying that the company won't loan money to car buyers with credit scores lower than 700. Consumers with credit scores above 680 are considered prime-credit borrowers. That means even some would-be car buyers whose credit is considered sterling would be nixed by GMAC" (Welch 2008).

In short, although it is GM's desire, and in the car company's interest to facilitate the process of extending loans to consumers, because GM's primary financing company is partially owned by Cerberus, GMAC is tightening its extension of credit to consumers to bolster the long-term interests of Cerberus and is thus acting against the desires of GM. Cerberus said it has become concerned about its fortunes in the wake of today's economic downturn. Before GMAC started tightening standards in recent months, half of GM's buyers obtained loans through GMAC (Welch 2008). "Most customers of GM's largest brand, Chevy, reportedly sport scores in the 600 range...Additionally, GMAC funded 43% of all GM sales in the second quarter, but only 20% of funding in September" (Wurtzel 2008). Now GM dealers have to go to banks to get loans for their consumers -- banks which are also tightening their requirements for extending credit to borrowers. GM has prepared a campaign to help its customers locate financing from different sources, but because GMAC's decision came so quickly and dealers and customers are used to working directly with GMAC, this has proven difficult (Wurtzel 2008). GM now finds itself in the worst of all possible situations regarding GMAC -- because the financing company has extended loans to homeowners through its non-automotive loan program, GM has a 49% share in the company, but it is enjoying none of the benefits of a special… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "General Motors: GM's Relationship" Assignment:

Essay in the following case study

You have to find a corporate finance case that is related to the content of the course which are the following:Introduction and Recapitulation of Core Concepts in Fiance, Financing Decisions and Efficient Markets, Long Term Financing , Capital Structure Basics, Limits to the Use of Debt, Valuation and Capital Budgeting for the Levered Firm, Dividents, Issuing new Equity, Issuing Long-Term Debt,

Deritatives in Corporate Finance.

The case has to be from years 2007-2008

Good sources are the daily and weekly business press such as the Financial Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Economist or Business Week..Cases can be from any industry and from any country.

The essay should

1. Briefly describe the company(industry,current state etc.) and then focus on the particular incident.

2.Link the case study to the content of the lectures and/or required readings and try to apply this content to the case.

3.Describe the company's problem, the possible solutions and why the company has chosen that particular alternative.

4.Include some critical evaluation of the incident.

How to Reference "General Motors: GM's Relationship" Case Study in a Bibliography

General Motors: GM's Relationship.”, 2008, Accessed 3 Jul 2024.

General Motors: GM's Relationship (2008). Retrieved from (2008). General Motors: GM's Relationship. [online] Available at: [Accessed 3 Jul, 2024].
”General Motors: GM's Relationship” 2008.
”General Motors: GM's Relationship”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”General Motors: GM's Relationship”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 3-Jul-2024].
1. General Motors: GM's Relationship [Internet]. 2008 [cited 3 July 2024]. Available from:
1. General Motors: GM's Relationship. Published 2008. Accessed July 3, 2024.

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