Thesis on "Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior"

Thesis 7 pages (2456 words) Sources: 2 Style: APA

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Gender and Sexuality

Gender Norms and Sexuality

This paper examines societal response to women who violate gender norms. To examine these reactions, the author engaged in three behaviors that are typically identified as male behavior: chewing tobacco in public, engaging in a football game with a group of males, and changing a tire while a male companion stood by and did nothing. People did not react in the hostile manner expected; in fact, the only hostile reaction was directed at the male bystander when the author changed the tire. However, though behavior was not hostile, it was also not geared towards encouraging women to defy gender norms.

Gender Norms and Sexuality

Though some people suggest that men and women have achieved de facto equality, most social science researchers continue to believe that one's behavior is very dictated by gender. Gender roles and norms have a strong influence on how people behave. Men and women are expected to behave in a way that reflects broad-based gender stereotyping. For example, men are expected to be direct and assertive, while women are expected to use indirect tactics to achieve their goals. "Thus, on the basis of culturally defined gender roles, men and women are expected to behave in certain ways; when they violate these expectations, others may evaluate them negatively." (Aguinis & Henle, 2001).

Although engaging in obviously gender-incongruent behavior may seem unusual, the fact is that women who wish to succeed in business are often called upon to behave in ways that defy gender stereotyping. Unfortunately, behaving in a successful and assertive way may actu
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ally make women appear less credible. In a study determining the effect of non-verbal cues on a woman's perceived authority, Aguinis and Henle discovered that:

The participants rated the female employee as having a negative source of power when she engaged in a nonverbal behavior incongruent with gender role expectations (i.e., direct eye contact). In addition, they evaluated her as having less power when she engaged in a nonverbal behavior congruent with her social role but incongruent with the managerial role (i.e., relaxed facial expression). Alternatively, the results of the study involving a male employee (Aguinis et al., 1998) indicated that direct eye contact led to higher credibility ratings than did indirect eye contact. In addition, Aguinis et al. (1998) found that a relaxed facial expression, as compared with a nervous facial expression, enhanced perceptions of reward power, legitimate power, expert power, referent power, and credibility power but not of coercive power. Thus, in comparison, we found in the present study quite the opposite impact of nonverbal behavior on power perceptions -- that is, the female employee's direct eye contact did not increase the participants' perceptions of her credibility but, rather, led to perceptions of her coerciveness.

Also, the relaxed facial expression, as compared with the nervous facial expression, decreased, rather than increased, the participants' perceptions of the power of the female employee. (Aguinis & Henle, 2001).

The impact of gender norms and sex roles is not limited to employment; it also impacts social behavior, specifically risk-taking behavior. Studying risk-taking behavior in a sexual context, Sullivan et. al. discovered that men were more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior than women. They believed that this behavior was the result of sexual scripts, which incorporate gender role stereotypes:

The traditional sexual script designates men as initiators and aggressors in heterosexual relations with women, pressing for sexual access both within and beyond the relationship boundaries even to the point of coercion. In line with this model and our behavioral findings, men were less likely than were women to view sex as significant to establishing intimacy with a partner and were less invested romantically in their primary relationships. Further, men endorsed stronger traditional beliefs about the gender roles in sexual relationships. Men also reported engaging more often in sex that they did not want than did women. Men may view refusing sexual opportunities with women as antithetical to scripts dictating appropriate "masculine" forms of sexual behavior. Others studies have found that men are reluctant to admit to engaging in unwanted sex with a woman for fear of appearing unmasculine, a situation that may lead them to pursue sexual opportunities they might otherwise judge unsafe. (2006).

It is clear that gender norms can have an impact on people. First, gender norms dictate how people perceive behavior. The exact same behavior can be construed in very different ways, when people of different genders engage in that behavior. It would seem clear that this would be true for overt behaviors, but even behaviors as subtle as body language can fall into gender stereotypes. Furthermore, gender norms help drive behavior. For example, it appears that because men are expected to engage in more sexual activity, they engage in riskier sexual activity. However, more significant than the risky element of male sexuality is the fact that men reported engaging in more unwanted sexual behavior than women, suggesting that men felt compelled to engage in sexual behavior to fulfill a gender norm. (Sullivan et. al, 2006). That suggests that men are expected to engage in riskier behavior. In fact, it is interesting to note that many behaviors that are considered masculine are also behaviors that society considers risky behaviors. These behaviors include things like chewing tobacco in public, joining a group of males to play football, and working on an automobile with a man standing by and doing nothing. All of these behaviors have some type of risk involved. Therefore, in order to study how the author's peers would react to gender incongruent behavior, the author chose to engage in those behaviors and observe reactions.


The author, an adult female, chose to engage in a variety of traditionally-masculine behaviors to determine how society reacted to her participation in those activities. In addition to selecting behaviors that have traditionally been designated as masculine, the author chose to engage in behaviors that are generally considered somewhat risky, as well, because men are generally expected to engage in risky behavior while women are expected to be more cautious. The author selected a male companion as an observer, who came with her for each of the events, with the purpose of recording public reaction to her gender-incongruent behavior.

The first experiment was for the author to chew tobacco in public. The author went to an ice house, where she had previously observed a substantial number of males chewing tobacco. To ensure that the chewing behavior was noticed, the author put the tobacco in her mouth at the ice house, and made sure to spit into a Styrofoam cup in front of people. To ensure that multiple people observed this behavior, the author put new chewing tobacco in her mouth every fifteen minutes, and made sure to spit every five minutes. This experiment lasted for one hour.

The second experiment was for the author to join a male-only group to play football. The author went to a park by her house, where people play a lot of pick-up football games. After observing how people where playing, the author left her male observer, and would ask to join in pick-up games. The observer watched to see if she would be accepted into the game. If she was allowed to join the game, the observer then watched to see if the style of play changed once the author began playing.

The third experiment was for the author to change the tire on her car, while the male observer stood by and watched. This experiment was conducted on a well-traveled road, which had substantial shoulder room. It was not conducted during rush-hour time, but there was still constant traffic on the road. The observer watched the faces of people in passing cars and made notes about people who stopped to offer assistance.


The first experiment involved the chewing tobacco. Interestingly enough, for the first half-hour of the experiment, the observer did not notice any behavior that seemed to reflect dissatisfaction with gender norms. One female looked disgusted that the author was using chewing tobacco, but she looked equally disgusted that a man was using chewing tobacco as well. Another woman completely ignored that the author was using chewing tobacco, but told a man who was chewing tobacco that it was a disgusting habit. The only gender-based comment that anybody made was a man who approached the observer, clearly thinking he was the author's significant other, and said, "I bet it's fun to kiss her when she's been doing that."

The second experiment involved playing in a pick-up football game. The author approached five groups of men before any of them allowed her to play the game. The men who declined her requests to join their groups were very polite, but they expressed their concerns that they would injure her. One of the groups offered to change the game to touch football, if the author really wanted to play, but would not play tackle football with her. The sixth group invited the author… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior" Assignment:

This paper has to be made by a female practicing male gender behavior in public. And the research has to be made by an american in america and the 2 references related to the topic have to be scientific references published in US and have to be included in the project.

The paper should include: A title page, Abstract, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion and at the end References.

Try adopt some behaviors that does not fit your gender role and see how people respond-verbally and nonverbally.

As a female, try

-Chewing tobacco in public

-Joining group of boys to play football or basketball

-Working on your car with man standing by (changing the oil, changing the tire)

-Going in to a barber shop and getting your hair cut.

-(you can add more if you have interesting idea)

How did you feel?

How did others respond?

How to Reference "Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior" Thesis in a Bibliography

Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior.”, 2008, Accessed 5 Oct 2024.

Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior (2008). Retrieved from (2008). Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior. [online] Available at: [Accessed 5 Oct, 2024].
”Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior” 2008.
”Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior”,, 2008. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 5-Oct-2024].
1. Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior [Internet]. 2008 [cited 5 October 2024]. Available from:
1. Engaging in Gender Role Incongruent Behavior. Published 2008. Accessed October 5, 2024.

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