Essay on "Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality"

Essay 3 pages (1005 words) Sources: 2

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Gender Differences -- Can they be Eliminated?

Halving it All / Equality Works

Francine M. Deutsch writes that "Equality Works" when it comes to women and men sharing in the duties that go along with parenting. Notwithstanding the cultural trend that has been in place for what seems eternity -- that a woman takes care of the household chores, the cooking, the raising of children and more, while the man brings home the money to support the household -- Deutsch insists that in "…in some families…some couples are equally sharing the care of their children" (Deutsch, 1999, p. 224).

In her research, Deutsch initially believed that if the mother and father did not share equally as far as child rearing and household responsibilities from the very first (when the baby comes into the family) they would be "…doomed to be forever unequal" (225). That assumption was offered because Deutsch believed it was not likely that patterns established in the early days of parenting could be undone, but that assessment turned out to be wrong (225). It was in error because following the research the author now believes that "parenting" is changing throughout the lives of the children in any given family (225).

To clarify her position, Deutsch (226) makes the point that "…equal parenting doesn't mean that men and women had identical roles with their children," nor does it mean mom and dad divide duties as precisely as possible in a 50-50 split of responsibilities. And while it is true that women in most instances feel their most precious maternal duties (putting the kids to bed, clothes buying and deciding what clothes they should w
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ear) should not be shared with the father, most men are not "…willing to do half the work" without having a vital say in "…how it is to be done" (226-27). Hence, when discussing "equality" in terms of parenting, it doesn't imply equal duties in terms of time invested; nor does it mean negotiating and discussing each decision to see who is best suited to carry out duties.

But equal sharing in parenthood -- now that the details of what "equal" really means has been made clear -- can and does benefit a marriage and make it stronger, Deutsch insists (229). That is, women feel more secure when they know the father is fully engaged in the parenting, and the relationship is more solid because "shared" work builds bonds between mother and father. And moreover, when both spouses are employed, and they also share in raising the children, that sense of equality brings the man and the woman to a point of fairness and shared family life.

Families That Work -- Reconciling Parenthood and Employment

An essay by Janet Gornick and Marcia Meyers points to a "schism" that exists because some feminists believe women won't truly achieve "full citizenship status" until they first achieve equality in the workplace (same pay for same work plus advancement opportunities in line with those offered to males). Other feminists and scholars believe… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality" Assignment:

I will be sending you 2 readings in pdf that it would be good to use and cite quotations from them and elaborate them in the paper. The question of the essay is: must we eliminate gender differences in order for men and women to be equal? and my answer is yes to the question. The paper should include both readings. In my paper I would like to address that yes we have to eliminate gender differences in some areas of life in order to reach equality. And to give examples these ares are : parenting and employment. The readings are about employment, parenting and how government can contribute. My idea can be that if we reach equality in parenting and especially in employment gender equality would be easier to reach, women would be more active in workforce and men would be more understanding of women.


How to Reference "Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality" Essay in a Bibliography

Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality.”, 2013, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality (2013). Retrieved from (2013). Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality” 2013.
”Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality”,, 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality [Internet]. 2013 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Eliminating Gender Differences in Men and Women for Equality. Published 2013. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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