Thesis on "Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental"

Thesis 4 pages (1008 words) Sources: 5 Style: APA

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Gay Marriage



The objective of this work is to take the position supporting the passing of proposition 8 or the gay marriage ban in the state of California. This work will discuss the issue and the idea of a constitutional amendment which is discriminatory against a part of the population. This work will consider the extremely active role played by individuals who while not living in the state of California greatly participated in this campaign. This work will consider the institutional role of government in marriage and in reinforcing family life. Finally, this work will discuss how marriage affects and influences other social institutions in our society.


Controversial and contentious issues such as gay marriage often inflame and incite people to extreme response because feelings and emotions, beliefs and even principles are involved. However, in issues that are governmental and institutional the concerns are in reality a matter of rationale instead of foundational personal and perhaps even spiritual beliefs. This work intends to examine gay marriage from the governmental perspective from a purely rational view and one that is devoid of emotion, religion, or personal beliefs or principles.

In reality, this is precisely what occurred in the state of California as reported November 5, 2008 in the work entitled: "California Gay Marriage Banned as Proposition 8 Passes." Stated is that the election "otherwise full of liberal triumphs..." also witnessed the defeat as California voters "approved a ban on sam
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e-sex marriages that overrides a recent court decision legalizing them." (the Huffington Post, 2009) the report goes on to state: "In California, with 95% of precincts reporting Wednesday, the ban had 5,125,752 votes, or 52%, while there were 4,725,313 votes, or 48%, opposed." (the Huffington Post, 2009)


The primary issues that come into play in this debate is firstly that relating to governmental demographical data as compared to the opposing primary issue of personal wants, desires and beliefs. Demographical data including gender and race as recorded and stored by government officials and representatives at all levels would necessarily require restructuring if the concept of marriage, as between a man and a woman were altered allowing marriage to also mean the union between a man and another man or a woman and another woman. This is because the term 'husband' or 'groom' has always inherently meant 'man' or 'male' and the term "wife" has always inherently meant 'woman' or 'female'.


One can imagine that in the case of a gay couple whether that couple be a female union or a male union that there would be some question as to whose name should be listed as the husband or groom and who would be the assigned wife or bride for the purpose of the government's concern. The result in a contentious issue which is not easily resolved even in the case that one individual of the couple presenting claims they are the husband… READ MORE

Quoted Instructions for "Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental" Assignment:

Using college format, you are to write 3-5pages an*****s from the list of this case. Each paper should address how our social artuctire contributed to or influenced the cases detailed below. Make sure to give a brief recapitulation of the development of the situation, including a summary of the differing opinions on the situation. finally apply the areas of our social structure that vest handle this problem and how they need altering to precent further negative instances of this problem. your an*****s should include five sociological academic sources and use APA format. To start you off i have a summary article on each case, which you can read but not cite as one of your sociologial sources.

case: Protesting the passage of the Gay Marriage constitutional amendment in California .

You are to take a position on the passing of proposition 8 ( gay marriage ban) in California. Your paper should not only discuss the issue but the udea of a constitutional amendment, which discriminates against a part of the population. You should consider the extremely active role people who do did not live in California but participated in this campaign. I want you to consider the institutional role of government in marriage and reinforcing family life. Finally discuss how Marriage affects and influences other social institutions in our society. *****

How to Reference "Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental" Thesis in a Bibliography

Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental.”, 2009, Accessed 6 Jul 2024.

Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental (2009). Retrieved from (2009). Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental. [online] Available at: [Accessed 6 Jul, 2024].
”Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental” 2009.
”Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental”, Last modified 2024.
[1] ”Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental”,, 2009. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: 6-Jul-2024].
1. Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental [Internet]. 2009 [cited 6 July 2024]. Available from:
1. Gay Marriage IT'S Nothing Personal Just Governmental. Published 2009. Accessed July 6, 2024.

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